1 8000 People Witness l of Newmarket Juniors Put St Michaels out of rile TOWNSPEOPLE TO f I TO CUB TO issued by Hie public The second match with Si to risk penalties To 1031 College tricky hi tie centre ma City Arena on Monday market again turned the Newmarket Juniors performance lie did Election Promisee The undertakes to make j in six months at reduce the fctorby Mr lug deal of on ediesfook I ley it gave relief I often thought wop untrue I win assure anyone writing Fruit- goes right back to future- Appljs oranges and figs all are claimed juices stomach Building Stent Out to Order JOHN Huron St Near Box Newmarket GREENHOUSES Newmarket FLOWERS Fop Every Roses Carnations and Lilies of the Valley Always on Hand W 8 Phone FURNACE WORK PLUMBING SPECIALTIES THE LEADING TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SON Next- to ExpressHerald OfficeJ and abolish the bootlegger It will he a winiter- Pack The Brltlfh Chronicle is no feature of the Canadian fiscal policy which has been more gen erally commended than the Inch as the lei aid nt fhri oxer from start to finish fust game hut shattered many available seat was occupied St rushes by his clever Newmarket had plenty of sup- cheeking and v he gel porters When the visitors the puck lie Student seemed to scored the cheering was as loud have much ryingil into the tin and prolonged goods those of other countries markets It is for two reasons It stimulates trade with the Mother which tariff rates thereby reducing the of and the cost of living Campaign Farmer outrageous laid hare in the course of evidence submitted to the Customs Commission in- fsiiioii of the customs service made it plain that a thorough investigation of and designation campaign funds is long The Canadian statute nooks provide for the imposition penalties for breaches of the provision of he Dominion Elections Act which prohibits the contribution of campaign funds any company incorporated for other political purposes It painfully apparent hat this enactment has remained net much a dead letter and that he law has been broken with im punity It is an intolerable situ ation which cannot allowed to ntinue unchecked The time is arrived for a full exposure of he whole campaign fund busi ness It has been shown that the liquor interests have been heavy contributors to party funds In contributing impartially to coffers of both parties IJ Id be a calamity were the mat- allowed to be dropped at this Public accounts of the Ontario v Sinclair Literal lender should statements ton with the arid the board the On- license esolulion placed on the order Sett Liberal South Oxford of Northern should first lie considered by the House fl the light of the work pro posed In each the and the reiki toil of the proposed undertaking to giiiia of development E leader ts ilcd to the credit of the It Elec tric Power fund each year since he enactment of the Mural Act of 1021 anil how much has been paid by the government in bonuaca to rural Hydro lines member for East Inquires as to the total if civil servants Id tflie employ at the end of the ar when the took office at Hie Hit fiscal the nbcal year and at the I of the year and the total coat of the civil service in each a years cited Mr also in- i there has been any in the salaries of public l Inspectors during Hie last yeaf REPORT X which has Jutit inl resting flrtlc A complete Jiritdng a long by lorcy Is an outstanding and Outdo- DOS KIDNEY Pearl Donor Charlie Cook Frank Newton Harry Shaw Sr III George Flecked Beckett Doris tJratiai Kenneth Pottage Shaw when the tarfhe first re Newmarket the St speedy students desi Murray and Marshall rendered able assistance on the wings They were always in posi tion to takes passes and they stuck to positions and back- checked fiercely all evening Fer tile and Thorns not The played an effective defense Hancock has game hut of the cleverest that usually resulted in a hard period that e belter team earned- all the and the Georgian fans it of the dan will be with them fins display against hi team that was picked by local its ray to IheOHjA fmat round team worked placer playing his to from Sunny vel to ivnsley broke up most of the attacks hdfore reached the table Towns ley had a style with a change of ipace that puzzles and baffles Townsley he of strength going both has two wonder wing men that know howto play with him being offside when he and turns always accept and return a pass The ant line is the smallest seen in Junior finale in years but hey know how to protect Ihem- in heavy going have speed tool is in fact Bill Hancock staff is almost Collegians Set Pace St Michaels battled from first to last in an effort lo stave ofr de feat but Newmarket went about the business of proving to all and sundry that they were the tier team They let the Coi- set the pace depending the efforts of the strong defense lo protect the gained on Friday night nd then when lie occasion pre- itself they made a com bined attack on the St Michaels goal Both goals they scored Monday night were he direct re sult of quick breaks and nation play St Michaels on other hand forgot about team play The team that over- Oshawa Juniors by as pretty exhibition of combination play has been seen this sea sort in any hockey game played an individual and showed little inclina- pass the puck except when there was no other St Michaels should have no libis offer for heir defeat just were not clever enough gainst a foam- that the Kept The locals defense was tshouldhavebeen Several Newmarket aight through it and forced shoulder the whole burden of preventing a goal That the visitors score was not larger is due to the work of ho St Michaels goalkeeper At excellent- performance at puckblooking three occasions St Michaels players carried the puck through the defense only to have block the shot when it seemed that nothing could pre vent a Onlong shots Iho visiting custodian of Hie goal unbailable His work the two games stamps him as I best Of all lie seen Toronto his season in the jun Newmarket First to Newmarket was tho first score St Michaels started off with a rush and hud much the better of the play stages to do on shots hat laeket steam and direction St Michael failing lo penetrate the stiff do the visitors provided for Gorbclls protection lowing particularly Michaels attack that Newmarket broke away with the puck and Clone Recently five million Christian young men and women belonging to nighty church denomination a or ganized Into eighty half i Gun of play in the Cher lowed behind the nets Marshall scored the sect goal for Newmarket in the mid frame when Thorns rushed lanky wing both loams went final period Few Penalties Imposed few penalties the of that hoys who were loo intent on keep Endeavor Society ling learns at full hot 1 the outstanding Michaels in he first game but were tfangeroua only until they reached he Newmarket de fense St Miohaels subs were good but like the rest of their teammates they held lacked front of the Fast Pace Throughout The game was fast and inter- ting from bell to gong Both teams had condition but it was that Newmarket did ess skating and rushing than heir opponents yet proved more attack Newmarket now meets Owen Sound in the OHA junior finals and it is not unlikely that one of ho games may be played in THE During the last fiscal year the Government spent 91493209 the new east block and according some of the Items no expense has been spared In Hie equipment of the The building to boast Icemaking plant as spent tor iron and total These and the following Items are gleaned the ac counts of the province and tlirow a sidelight on some phasi of provincial activity Splitting Melon Salaries of Provincial constables are as having totalled and salaries of OTV Inspectors are addition tj paid additional sum special officers but In costs tc Nona of the spotters participating In the melon aro named the Rem being shown Automobile supplies for Hie provin cial police cost for the year To the Provincial Hoard Health for analysts of samples for liquor the sum of was paid by the police department 1 Tourist Publicity Is noted In an Item the Printing of booklets alone cost during the year which partial payment of an unnamed d Postage under this hood cost addition to the above sums the Highways Department made a 85000 grant to Hie Ontario Tourist Asaocla- resulting In a report to that too high prices are lag charged In Ontario T son was paid A grant by special warn was made during the Red Cross Society Men Past Should Read This It Is claimed that 1 out of men near or past middle life lo Bladder Weakness whlolr If neglected may mean years of suffer ing and dally annoyance First signs of may conic in early life but they usual- ly more noticeable after pains in back headaches nervousness a feel ing of weight In groins Itching burn ing painful loo frequent calls and getting- While serious- if neglected ft Is ordinarily matter to relieve by 1 value of Ill- long standing your you can quickly pi without any good druggist will supply yon on an absolute guarantee or money back If bring you quick and certain you will ho greatly pleased If they do thing which the eye will to Those beautiful vistas of broad I sweeping up ia an informal bed topped seed catalogue a and a bite of vision anything garden line Is possible Planning Garden plan but appointing It la advisable to take an evening off week and lay out vegetable plot on paper Even If the backyard Is only a matter of a few feet each way It Is surprising the amount of crisp vegetables widen may bo grown particularly uses a little care In laying out course where space- Is less limited a full years supply may be grown easily Where the garden Is large enough to permit horse cultivation the Job Is a simple one Make all rows thirty the taller spreading sorts beets and such can be out Inches and beans and or eighteen This of is rather narrow It is a good plan to have alternate rows of quick luring stuff like lettuce spinach radishes which will be used before the rows of later maturing vegetables spread out In order to get the most of the sunlight run the rows- and south To conserve space tomatoes and have all climbing tables next to he fence It it in with the vegetables as these plants are seldom allowed lo reach the on mental stage Many of hem such sweet peas are not attractive and best under regular vegetable garden conditions A few showy annual such as popples zinnias and perhaps a few cosmos the corners oral tin end of the rows will not be wasted here as they add a touch of color the otherwise solid green Laying Out the Flowers hi the be avoided attractive lay This how 1 Jumbled mass led by grouping one type and Here straight rows vegetable patch all The ever does not meai Beat results are several specimens color in clumps stuff such as and at fihe front zinnias asters and a score of other medium sized sorts- farther back and rear the and similar plants Another point in planning annual em ember r garden Is most essential A good should make a show from early June until frost California poppies and these along with the annual cosmos may be planted early will star blooming In early summer slurtlums and marigolds If flowers are kept picked off will covered with bloom throughlout mo of the season Zinnias sis verbena scabious cosmos petunias will simply plenty of This Is the hardest season year on perennial plants Jus when the sun Is mounting becoming warmer climbers and on tho south side of particularly are liable to start I in abrupt drop In temperature and this sap may freeze and burst the tiny cells inside the stems This damage Is not noticed until later on when hut weakly Bent out or perhaps none at all On the shady side of the house there Is less danger but It Is well In every case to make sure Dial roses Ivy and shrubbery well covered around the roots The border too may need some flower stocks leave best cover seeds early getting the best It la- 1 and beds all lite Is In good shape Rick tail a few novelties in and vegetable but let I proved varieties lo ho Vie main labels stakes and may bo prepared now Look up last years garden plan a study It for Improvements i simultaneously with Hie 1 Canadian embassy In chosen llllps a Inferred the represent at Ottawa picsent ambassador to diplomat of first ambassadorial rank He la fifty years of age and has been In the service since 1903 when ho served as private secretary to the am- the Court of St James Ms have brought him Inlo diplomatic relations with differ ent courts of Europe and of the Far East In all winch ho won the VentilationOil Air Cleaning TwoWay Cooling Har monic Balancer item after item and now larger Balloon Tires and Four Wheel Brakes Thus Oldsmobile adds to its imposing array of new features of known value and improve ments of demonstrated worth Thus keeps faith with its policy pledged to progress Today more than ever before no matter what car you favor or what you are willing to pay and your sense of satisfaction to see and drive this WM DUNN Newmarket Ont GREENS B0 FINE QUALITY WALL PAPERS LARGEST BEST SELECTIONS FOR ALL PURPOSE FROM TO PER ROLL Vtrttty of Papers 30 In Harmaplllt WINDOW SHADE PAPER FOR BLINDS DUPLEX AND COMBINATION We fltil Any er of both the great parties of his own country Nearly forty years ago Secretary of Slate com plained to Sir Charles of the of roundabout negotiations between the United Slates and Can ada about matters which concerned only the two countries This incon venience has now been happily over come by the Interchange of repre sentatives between Ottawa and Wash ington and the settlement of Canadas national status Commenting on Mr appointment Hie New York World says If that nation is happy that lias no history those that disputes Our boundary Canada miles with fort is unique In al wllllam Phillips our first New York poll- cause they have mately 88000000 cannot be spent or given away officer doing the most worry- Is Thomas A properly Cash Jewellery liquor se ttles and miscellaneous articles an estimated value of In his care for safe keeping The collection has grown so large that providing storage space and account ing for It lakes up all time Is a collection liquors valued at seized raids valued at Is the next largest Item wero found or taken from Automobiles with an esti mated worth of cause llttlo worry He also has I isli I be paraphernalia valued at other large items A necklace variously estimated to to reposes egress It 85 Sho said she found it and no in cash In in small change the room on a Micro also Is found In a police captains desk drawer he thought It was a bribe There sum of dropped by fleeing robbers and novcr claimed POOR TEAS NOW SOLD A lot of very cheap lea has re cently boon place on the market This tea is mbslly very interior in quality I A YEAR AHEAD time of there 1 be of fered for sale by Auc Smith Esq Auctloneei Kino George Hotel in the town on Saturday da of March 1927 at the hour of oclock In the forenoon the follow ing freehold property namely The west half of Lot No 35 in 3rd Concession of in the County of containing acres more or is a fine new Brick this farm also a good large Hog The boundary fences are post wire n good order The soil is a good clay loam most all workable This farm just one mile and a quart the the New Whitchurch and East limbury For further particulars apply Esq Newmarket s Notice of Application for Dlvorcs is hereby given that Viva of the City of Toron to In tho County of York in the Province of Ontario Servant will apply to the Parliament of Can ada at the present Session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from her hus band Roy Vincent of the Township of East in the County of York Farm Labourer on of adultery 3d Toronto In the Province of Ontario the first day of February AD JOHN DUFF 725 Federal Building Toronto for the Petitioner of Is hereby a the ground of adultery and the of In the Province of Ontario this day of February SHAVER Street West Toronto Ont Canada Solicitors for tho Applicant