Newmarket Era , March 18, 1927, p. 6

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lBl Mis- AOKWT ALBERT and Sutton Mount Albert Winning of joy Tins will be given by young people of Sharon under of the P in Sunday School Church mis particular Monday March P Orchestra it See bills The meeting on Monday was held in the St Patricks Social The hers were divided into four groups Murphys Ma loneys and the Ma inning the performed in real Irish style eluding songs solos and re Everyone reported a good PARTY The Girls Baseball Team of Albert held a skating party at the rink on Thursday March Id which some one hundred and fifty of llie young people of the Village and vicinity were inviled A very interesting event was a baseball match in which the reg ular learn and players of the fu ture partook The band pro vided excellent music until eleven oclock After lunch was held in the wailing room of The party was a huge success and we not only thank the base ball girls for the enter la provided in also wish them the coming base ball INSTITUTE The March meeting was held at the home of Mrs Annie Pearson and was one of the largest meet ings held during the year was Grandmothers meeting and the program was mostly Irish was decided not to continue with the hope chest as after mak ing enquiries it was found to he an illegal way raising money Mrs Geo Mainprize sang a song mest acceptably accompanied by Miss Tinsdale also Mrs sang The Irishmans Dream Mrs B Stiver have a reading and Miss Marie Draper Five grandmothers gave a song ac companied by Mrs Watts which certainly brought down the house Mrs gave a good report of the sick Lunch was Ihen served whiph everyone Mr and Mrs J Burr of Hill were in town on Sun day h Misses Brooks and Jean Hamilton Of Toronto School were home over the week end Mr and family in Toronto over Sunday last friends Miss Hayes is her brother Mr Ernest Hayes Mrs Brooks is undergoing treatment in Hospital Toronto Mr John of Kitchenei wa3 home ever the weekend Mrs was moved over l Franks near New market last week and Mrs has returned to her home ir Toronto Mary passed This is the second deatti in family as a brother John died few weeks ago Mr and Mrs were visitors last week at the home of their son Rev Mr Fred Fletcher of Toronto is assisting Mr Harry Spang in his harness shop with his spring Mr principal of the school at the weekend with his sister The first of another series of sermons was begun las Sabbath on The Unfolding Life of Urn Lost Boy During the sermon Mis Watson sang sweetly The Holy Cily and near the close Mr Harry Knights gang My Task which brought out the- deeper thoughts of the sermon and made Mrs B spent day at Mr Eves The given by the young people of Sharon last Wednesday night The Winning of Joy shows to us that love can do mure than money towards making a happy life The young people of praise as each one did their part well young people of Hope Church are giving a play in the Hall Sharon on night entitled The Old- Fashioned Mother Look cut a debate at the League in the near future Children dont forget the meeting of Mission Band next afternoon at 230 The recent rains have brought he out and made the cross roads impassable in places but good roads are a comfort to travel on now The songs of crows and bins make it sound like spring Mrs A has just re turned from a weeks visit to and Markham Miss Cunningham gave a birthday party to her little friends Saturday March it being ninth birthday Mr and Mrs Arnold vis ited at Mr Fred Glovers at Shar- i on Tuesday The Womens Institute wall hold their next meeting at the of Mrs Isaac Walton on Wednesday March at m Our program of Call Si a Garden a paper on Ways helping children to form habits of Courtesy by Geo White by M Mr spent his birthday at the home of his daughter Mrs J on the of March when they en joyed another annual family re union Mr Fairbarn is our oldest resident and we sincerely hops he will enjoy many more happy years with his family Hearty congratulations to Mi and Mrs Ross Stiles a dear lit lie baby boy Mrs Stiles is daughter of Mr and Mrs so no wander Walt i rrg- these days being his lira ild Misses Ruby orteene Crace iPeler Smith pupils of Mat Dor Toronto last will con- Cole of this place wbo is years old is serving on jury at the Sessions in Toronto for Ihe ninth time He was on the last jury panel in the old court house on Adelaide in May 1900 when Judge was on the bench Mrs A Crouch of Island spent last weekend at Mr Walter a fine Mrs Melvin Eves is home spending a few days with her parents Mr Hall in Sharon The play The Winning of Joy given by the Sharon young people here in the basement or the Mrs is home after spending a few days last week with her parents Mr and Mrs Draper at Brae a of sickness amongst children days Seems a mild form of the flu At last we are enjoying beauti ful spring weather We hope it here lo stay meeting every Tuesday ejving United and Church alternately P will be held on Friday in the The Mission Band is asked to on Saturday afternoon at to praotice for the nt to be held on March when a lecture and lantern views will be given on India of the 0 T U was held Tuesday at p m An import ant step was taken toward the Y when the President anil Vice- President were elected Glad to hear that Dr somewhat tetter The Towel Shower for the will be held at Mrs Wednesday March Ev- rybody come and bring a towel Mr Joe Rotter was in or Saturday last Glad to see Mr Eastman out gain after his recent illness Glad to report that Mr one Wm are feeling better Mr Charlie Maynard spent the weekend with Mr Ernie Morton Mr Switzer is busy special Easter music Draper gave a party some of the young peoph esday evening Sharon Spring must be here the birds are singing and the water is tak- gits annual Mr Freeman and Miss Sloan inspiring solos Come next Sunday and hear another Next Sunday morning at 1030 Con and harLhl9 talk Mr and Mrs Richard of Toronto spent Sunday at J M Klteleys Mr Lindsay Ramsay Is home on a short vacation Owing to the muddy roads the Sharon League did not give the play 1 1 night Saturday evening Here we are again Wedding hells are ringing Mrs George Thompson I spending a few days at her daugh Mrs H Toronto pancake supper will be held on April in the Presbyterian hall under the auspiceB of L L Reserve dale and everyone is welcome Glad lo hear that Mr Gordon little boy is improving nicely Mount Pleasant meet- i held home of Mrs Everett York Friday An excellent supper and a pleasant evening spi amounted to he next meeting will be held April at ihe home of Mrs Thomas Keswick Everybody Spring la surely here and blackbirds have both been Mb vicinity The rain Sunday night our snow and make longer They say longest way around Is Ross Is all smiles these days- lr and Hamilton t weekend In Ihe Miss spent a day last we with her to know she Quite a number took In the par at Jersey while others attended the Agricultural party at Mis Mary last Monday spent ItH weekend League will be Friday night Miss Sloan will take the topic All missionary money must be paid In by the last of iPLrince of Wales will only be In Canada for six weeks this sum mer It was first Intended that he would slay that long on his Dont forget the Mission The Parrot and Owl Junior Ingly have different Ideas although Baldwin Is a pleasant place to The birds dont seem to agree Mr Clifford Is a lew days In the city Zephyr Mr Tilman Meyers has in stalled the telephone in his house Mr and Mrs John Reams and family of Toronto spent Sunday with her parents Mr and MVs Meyers Born To Mr and Mrs James Marshall on Thursday March a daughter Miss Mary and friend spent Sunday at her home Mrs Allen Armstrong the Missionary Society to a St Patricks Tea on Thursday March The two tables were nicely decorated with suitable En to Friends to the mile box and Easter offer ing was given which cleared of our obligations for which are very thankful Miss Edith of Toronto spent Sunday at her home On Friday evening of last week an Old Time Barn Dance wai held in Ihe Community Hall was furnished by Mr An and of Mt Albert and Mr and Miss O of The large audi ence consisting of both old and young enjoyed the music and the old time dances All Ravenshoe The spring sunshine has taken tin away very quickly leaving lb roads In bod condition Some Ihe water the road llko small Miss Pollock and Ada Bliz zard spent the weekend at Keswick and attended the Roast on Friday evening at Mr J Smith Mr Thomas of Churchill was guest of his friend over the Ihe time writing Mr Charles Pollard Is very 111 Hope for as are glad to hear of Ihe progress convalescing Improvement in Ruth condition after serious operation Several have tapped their maph trees and the frosty nights and sun shiny days made the sap flow freely Mr and Mrs Charles Pollard and family are moving from our midst ler a seventeen year abode I an sure they will bo greatly li church and community to the Mothers Myelins Wednesday March In the Unit Church here at oclock dev are expected Is cordially Invited Baldwin Breezes We hear missionaries and tourists ilk of he great Nile River in Africa how It floods lis valley every sum- but I would like It known Mai Hie la second lo lhat of Black Owing lo the warm weather high water began present itself late night and by Sunday our river was a rolling ater receded Several bridges Under repjlr It even had Tie of writing the flood Is re treating back to Ihe banks Reeve Chas Was in toe on Monday Inspecting the of the flood It has been several rfrs nco like damage was done Mr Frank unloaded a of corn at Brown Hill on Fri day and Saturday He reports road on the Town Line very poor Come making is the order of Those skilled The Womens Missionary Au xiliary of Sutton United Church are observing their Easter Thank- Offering service next Sabbath ev ening March at o clock Miss Susie Smyth serves in All Peoples Mission Work will be present and deliver an address Miss Smyth comes to us very highly recommended as being a very attractive hope for a good attend ee on the occasion The Tb a faring sendees arc brought on earlier Ihig year Council The veteran though ninetythree years of It younger ready for a good title give place lo more modern methods Jack having built a com bination saw and engine is doing a buzzing business in the burg No matt en size of the pile It vanishes as Ihe mist under Next year something wonderful expected as Carl and Angus are patenting on out fit to saw and split and not even leav ing sawdust one thai can be used single handed We are glad lo report lhat Billy has braved whiter and Is feeling Ihe better of It His old friends will be glad to see him around Two of our local swains returning from a tryst on Sunday night found the flood barring Ihelr path a of miles they 1 aeedlng the looks of out last week said Wedding Bell towards Egypt Look alive as the fair Very glad to Buggies mad for he first tin storm Monday patched up the hare spots so we can still hi the odd cutler ride leifls Will ell you belter Hie CORNERS The weather Is very springlike Hope it continues Mr and- Mrs Peters a eouplc weeks In the city These corners were quite livened up last Friday night A dance was held In the Jersey House orchestra the music- A pleasant evening Sunday Peters ra Tuesday with her daughli irket row euB or oarage situated between town of Now- market and Street known as the Millard farm J of Chi month Mr Angus Ego went to the City on business Rev A Belfry a oj days last week in Ihe The hockey team played Aui on Wednesday night of last week in the final game and came Miss Fern Taylor bon from the City for the weekend Miss Ida returned home on Saturday from where she has spent months of Ihe United have arranged for a 1 Sunday evening son ice Mar Miss Smyth win been engaged in Ihe All pies Mis foreigners in Canada The la dies are asking for a special iTree- will offering for their work Miss Grace Taylor spent th eekend with hei City Work will give Holland Landing Holland Landing THE DAPS I think a few lines about the breaking of the dam at the Lantt- ing would Interest number of your readers especially those remember the big pond as It plying Us smooth skated the lowly pine now hold sway But to got to the main I think it was in 1877 or tibat time when the deluge oc curred The weather had donjly turned warm accompanied among your readers by heavy Ring with the the her the tin to overflow their banks and bring flood The pond rose rapidly and to such a height as to cause alurm to those living by along the creek below It wasnt long before tin flumps ties fence and even parts of buildings down only lo get caught at the saw mill and prevent the from going over the dame water kepi rising unLll it embankment from end to the break Sir and Mrs Fred Cook spent Thome stuck some in the Lily luw branches or should I say itches into the ground the Wells of Toronto calling on friends in town Tuesday on waters Let The mild weather along with here twigs grew into the rain on Sunday the big trees and I think many River rising the water be- s1 the higher than for many years ment wa8 j and people in springtime Many snapshots s tlie village that ex have been taken of Ihe miniature pectins every minute the wate falls Oi the water rushing over would break through and do line dam by the mill damage to property if Mr and Mrs Milton Hamilton ft0n happened spent a couple of days in the City Suddenly the crash came an ibis week the long pentup waters poured Mr Smith of Toronto who has through the everwidening gap been staying with Mr Boad- Mr who lived just way liii lakuu i the dam was one of the sufferers His hog and ems were the first to be ay and his fine grape completely destroyed Iiousc too was badly damaged It Virginia was usual sight to see chicken perched on lop of their pens go A few from here attended swaying and bobbin concert and basket social on creek That was the only time Island last Thursday I ever saw pigs swimming Hit pi obtain ioiiUmI told Ihey would soon cut sic by Hie Indian and i tations by Miss Mfibcl A number attended the enter tainment ami dance in Sutton or day night while attend ed the dai port Ihey spent an enjoyable they did 1 Large flocks of geese also along and he chickens and pigs wore at homo to reach shore but failed and carried on down Ihe creek had- bi Edward Arnold The bridge on Street few days last week with her washed away so that two friends spenl he weekend with hi- parents George and Howard Malt also John Harding visited friends at the beach on Saturday evening Mr and Mrs Frank spent Ihe weekend with friends in We regret to report that Mrs O Hancocks two youngest child ren are very sick Her friends hope for a speedy guest of Mrs noon of lastv Willis J Greenwood Frank Greenwood one da A number at our busy buzzsawing wood some of them are busy Miss Gardiner spent Ihe end In the city We sun her when she Is not In tin bath School Baby on Detroit for appendicitis one hour after birth died after seeming on Sullivan I am not which slarled the only ferry the Landing ever had Or day I wanted to cross hut had oney and the ferry some tobacco no pipe to lake hack if I would go up lo Lloyds store and gel h worth of clay pipes This I did and when he had laid down and I experienced my boat Some lime I want to the places spoken of in tor just to see how muoh eyery- Ihing has changed with the yearsin short to lake a look into the past as were In conclusion I will say that my opinion Landing died or lis end receive f he- Era WftlNMAN Jeweler and Optician NEWMARKET A Word to the Wise Saves FOUNTAIN PENS AND PENCILS Our of PfiH8 end con sists of known make on the market Let ue help you the point you wo can you with any nib made and evbrsharp eclipse and stewart Expert Watch Repairing In Repairing All work Is promptly turned but and Thoroughly Guaranteed Let us repair that jou have been having trouble with to this friend been i city I look for it ev and read every line much this letter will aleb If far wrong about the able lo come where I shall flk you a call lo be able Harold Tate Edwards spent the weekend Toronto Mrs Art la renewing old a village goodly number attended lion on Sunday Mr and Mrs spent days last week with Mrs Bell Mrs and Inter with her daughter the weekend at East Council Sharon The regular March meeting or i Municipal Council the IWnshlp of East held In the Municipal Hall Sharon on the All members were present Indigents Communications Dr A Ames re oar No action Cole Mount Albert lelt Deputy Reeve Harrison to deal with The Deputy Provincial re Indigent patients in the Hospitals asking Council lor investi gation of financial ability of friends lo pay for their A deputation from Newmarket Cemetery Company was heard before Council re road leading to cemeteries at North Newmarket Tog Council was willing to put this In good repair as other the township but should greater i be needed was Willing to go further if other Ma- using these cemeteries were willing to contribute to the Thai the Clerk Instructed Write the Canadian Railways asking them to repair the to railway crossing be tween Lois 15 and con of Gwilllmbury Carried Harrison Doane That Morn ing be paid being sheep of Nov It That the pay the Treasurer the sum of three dollars and eighty etuis being the arrears of taxe3 of lurry Caified HarrisonGlover That the Clerk write the County asking thil proper drainage be provided to reroute the water from the south side road east of con between Lot and 11 East Carried JS Osborne- Harrison That Chris lo Toronto the unpaid fines His That the issue his order on he Treasui the following payments and Seal be hereto attache Miscellaneous Pay noil No Morning sheep claim timiiiiTaOii Sup Pay Roll No Office Specialty Co Municipal World In Ihe Municipal Hall RAILWAY WASHED 0U Port Hope Flooding the river at bridgfl one north of here washed out foot or track on the Midland division of the Canadian National Railway and cancellation of train schedules a- good MORROW Wj FOR SALE NO Barley bustle Seed Oats per foul seels ROE Ml General Insurance Real Estate Special Attention Farm Insurance ARCHIVES OP ONTARIO

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