all Soda oyer night- No no to injure the garment Quickly easily adjusted Utile choking or mind child- Would lake small wage and sleep home at nights Applya Huntley Sutton- We Firstclass Camping Site or Slmcoe Shade and sandy beach Apply to Huntley Sut- John North Tor Quebec Heater Range oven and water front Apply to E banning Timothy St West or ftooflisr Anyone desir a comfortable house venienced located- Fur- particular the Canadian Laundry All of teed Family washing a specialty for prices Jo In perfect Terr to WantwMGlrl lo take care or Baby from am to Apply to Mrs Brock Farm Work Wanted- during vacation Can J A Eagle St Fnih Strawberries B Terry Ml Sals Every Day Ave Coups Excellent Lots of extras Snap Newmarket for Cans Be a loyal Toward Island Control lit Only six ere returned licr Stewart only had majority votes retention of the Prohibition Act Hub Isabel Clarfe Collins Jack 11s Evans Harold Huuler Lels Lowndes Gordon Mae Clarence Helen Scott Alberta Simpson Alfred ml Esther Smith Stark Arthur Stephens Cook Eugene The isille Rid which greatly appreciated From the office of I a pamphlet prepared by the retted with Regulations o the tourlstand can from Canada has commenced dignity While large no longer small in r prises latest ii the construction of largest single in lfa of the product Car world to lak the Grain The building will be all two million dollars and Is to be pleted February This the necessity of the St Canada is a 1 so big that It has personal exporter NEW ADVERTISEMENTS OF- THANK has been most touching and We desire to express our profound appre ciation and to all concerned J and Family been weeks development the public not realise their own greatness and allowed our neighbors to the south tf do nearly the shouting people are waking up to the heritages The provinces are more united and are being worked for the good of the whole Con- has stood OF NEWMARKET Householders In Newmarket discontinue the Garbage Collection the Summer Months will be charged I roomed Brick House Choice situation Millard Ave All Cor Electric Stove and P Sunday which they hats canvas at Ihe Lops Branch Camp Harry Duncan aged of Ottawa was arrested early Saturday by Miller la the ravine at the rear of home of Lets lament a Millar was to baton on Duncan searched at the police station yielded a lBbbs pi steKon keys and a knife- Duncan subse quently appeared In the Police Court aided for further Investi gation fit stock always hand OIL AND DVEB iPracticai Painter and Glair Flanagan Botany OcndiUonaJly Algebra History Algebra Hugh IB i Eileen Doyle Patrick Doyle Earl Lloyd Hamilton Ruth Ham ilton Blanche William Smllh- report I n Juels Vernes a trip around th5 world he of her 10 ill bYjiUy land in the world by motoi Eng a the yesterday op Windsor lo train of if the future id the people We and selfreliui ie Committee of The Celebration Executive en exceptionally busy and Mr K Cody efforts to have this Cele and the mem In the Towns history If tin to If Conditionally Harry Lloyd French Neb son History Robert French Arthur Watson Audrey Algebra leen Walsh Latin II A to Middh School Glen Boyd Donald Cody Dolan Grace Evans Ethel Huaell Long Pearson Jack Stailard to Mfddl School Conditionally Leonard Arobibao Physiography Irene Atkinson Literature Miriam Cook George Geom Arllh Edith Haines Milton Morton Phyelog Mary Scott Latin- Doris Arlth Wllma Winn to nitidis School Alberta Atkins Phil Cane Eldred Albert Glover Sidney Foster Edward Gould rude Grose Ha Haines Lome Hod- gins Stella Delia Jyn WlddiWeld tfB Middle School Conditionally Gladys Arllh Margaret Gcont AritM Phynlog Mildi iBva Marshall fieotn to Senior Com Elsie Allan Bruce Bali Cain Cumber Ernest Elizabeth Hoover May Lavelle Esther Leech Mary May Peal Phyllis Gladys Robinson Dorothy Smith Marian Slark Edna Websler Conditionally Graves- Typing Helen Mar shall Shorthand Diploma- Ethel Atkinson Dora Bacon Stcllt Alma Foote Lunney Fay Wag ner Florence Edith Wink- worth Honors BIETON GIRL HURT Children Playing In Shod A children illicovered shed was hailed as an toy but a few minutes late was a dull explosion and a dense pall of smoke painful Injured AH and p hi Phono I Mrs Scarboro Bluffs I receive the Era promptly week and read with pleas- news of the old Town presided at the lei table which was decorated in and white Her were Misses Smith Audrey Evelyn Bovair Those her trousseau were Mrs B Misses Edna Knowles ant Smith were Misses Gertrude Met and Blanche Sleds Miss J answered the door i Boyd nil Mrs Matt Hope Hold Out Two of- the children William Neville and his sister Martha are ly ing at deaths door la Gen eral Hospital The boy had his hand completely blown off he may lose the sight Two hundred acres of welt Timber ed Land Price reasonable Further particulars apply to WM A WELCH Midden Ont MANY I paid part time While learn ing garage work electricity welding and house wiring beauty cul ture work Write for free Illus trated catalogue Branches and em ployment service from coast to coast Hemphill Chartered Schools King St West Toronto has a multiple suffered a frac terrible wound compound fracture of the left knee light K Travlss Muskoka for the Miss Bertha a Comments of Exchanges Clean Up OF Ued Cars TO BE SOLD AT ONCE 3 Open 2 Closed Cars Your Own Price Robertson NEWMARKET lightning over of the Can Sale Register Threshing Engine and will be sold hy public on Ihe Weal half of Lot Con Sale at Standard Time Terms cash Smith Auctioneer July Sale of Rous Furniture Horse Ha a etc belonging to the the late Wot Morrison on lot i North west of Sutton Terms at one oclock Standard Tire J Hester Auctioneer COUNTY POLICE COUNT so Thlni unds about his legs Martha the wrist and I her head and I- from the hsnd I her body Is but the they In the the done all they could their tones y doubtful The small bodies had received full force of the terrible father I In I occupied arm at Is cap had been loft In by a previous tenant very shed for long the dynamlle driving i the and known Hie cap to A neighbor attracted by the thud of the explosion went to lo see a dense cloud smoke rising from the nearby fa found Mi lying and cowgirls were tendered formal by Mayor of Toronto In front of the visitors boiled and iade flapJacks Ihe declined the Prime Mini arid OAR TOWLINE CruHhcd Beneath his own car the highway at Summery of Toronto Is li Hospital suffering from serl Internal Injuries turning home when the rear ached rope the car to tow the nearest garage During the towing one of the but could not make him hear two machines- were travelling slowly that he then decided to Jump out- and run ahead to stop the had run up beside the towing his car whipped suddenly knocked I it heavy the The impetui car carried It forward and sideways Into ditch on top or Its Owner fore the car could lifted Dr Richardson was called and Ihe debris era was summoned first aid Hospital Immediately In the farmhouse A fourth child Ihe youngest girt tla family escaped by gin of She had been wll ler brother and out Just fore the cap exploded she ran into the Fargo June dusting wheat fields with cola with which lb bo made In the hope that II will prevent w black stem in made made on an ex tensive in i smaller Way In Cass County North it was learned T Shields of Ihe Royal Canadian Flying Corps spent Sunday Philadelphia to of also Mrs N a Mr Bert Gardner of Brad ye theEra a call while In Town Friday The smell of printers Mrs Edgar Jackson an family are motoring expect to reach her to spend tie Jubilee vi i his father at id Mrs A an rom Ottawa were his sister Annie late Rev J Bell formerly of Mr and Mrs Mars all Black with their son and daughter from and also another daughter- Mrs sen and baby of Bay City Mich spent over Sunday with their aunt the Misses Timothy St It is Th Tomb At Newmarket wife I In her year Funeral service at her late reel- Queen St on Monday j f Internient at Aurora At Yorige Street near market on Wednesday June Sarah Goodwin widow that late William In her Funeral at her late on Saturday July 2nd i pm Standard Time Interment Burying In Newmarket June Chancellor Eves In his 85th Interment at on Wednesday afternoon on Sunday at Rowling Ave To Dr James Forrest late of Mount Albert Ontario Funeral on Thursday June from his late residence- lo Mount I oleum St He pair of pinchers In the grass When he put his right id down to recover Ihe pinchers a turtle seised Mb index fjnger I nearly severed It before he could It released from Ihe viselike grip of the turtle jaws The turtle which Is the first of Us kind to ha seen In this part of the pro- tor many years Is now In cap tivity At York County Hospital Newmarket on June to Mr and Mrs- Theodore- Crittenden East a son Chapman At Sutton Private Hospital on June to Mr and Chapman of Baldwin a son At To to Mr and Mrs i a son Douglas Smith At on June to aad Mrs- Donald Smith a son Taylor At Private Hospllal on June 22nd to Mr and Mrs Mi Taylor a Bon The Altar In irldes uncle J In home of Miss Nelson Shanks Mallei Canon Winnipeg will be Jus i dusting fields planned In tho Canadian the 12yearold daughtei of Toronto was drc Wye River shortly before The bobbed heads have given the back the business that the took away from them itli pleasure thaf Isb Margaret Patterson if Druggist has third In Faculty and at University Miss Mabel Menar a bride of this week were Mrs a miscellaneous shower Mrs J Hoi- lingsheud a tea and china shower Mrs Rutledge entertained the the engagement Of llieir el daughter Monica to Amos 1lster of eldest son of Mr A M Lister Mrs Lister of Newmarket The will take place at St bans Cathedral on July flOth Mr Leon Garrett son of Mi Garrett formerly of the Bradford News has been engaged by The Citl- ten Publishing Co at to take Hit editing and manage of the plant Mr Garrett ha been editor of the Moose Jaw Timet for some years and la to be mented on his new appointment guest hi I a Mrs Dales i Miss Louisa Bishop Leader of the first Band which had a II Sharon Band that attracted a circus parade On June Church Toronto by Rev J Sawers Elizabeth Mary only daughter of Mrs Coles Broadview Toronto lo Ernest Slaley of Aurora Mr Maries both of IVotaonf at the homo of her aunt Mrs Bolton Mary Steele daughter of Mr and Mrs Tlios Steele to Watson formerly of and brother- inlaw of Mr Dennis and Mrs Wllllsf Aurora At St Johns to June Emily Slsler wife of Jeremiah g hep year Funeral Service at her late red- Sixth Whitchurch Saturday June the interment in Newmarket Cemetery Toronto on June 26 Edward James beloved Sdri of Stanley and Ilamsden Somervllle Funeral Tuesday June lav at Newmarket Tool At North Newmarket on Sua- day June Sarah widow of ihe late Amos Toole la her year Funeral service at Ihe residence her daughter Mrs Vincent Tuesday June at pm In- at Pine Orchard Ground At Los Angeles till Sunday June Jennie beloved wife of George tonin- of Funeral from her late Detroit hoot Tuesday July In Oldham in loving memory of our dear mother Sarah Oldham passed away July 1326 Mother weve missed thee the year hats past Still worship Ihe comfort of Nor will time dim memory toy Thy cheerful suffering for I gain Not for thyself alone but Ihosc friends may meet you when Journey ends Sadly The Family fi Funsral Birectort MID t A Railway Safety Device 9h J i J J J a safety device which can be Installed on hand ears and to derailment The device of four metal brackets placed In lion rear of the wheels shown In the Illustration These are bolted to the of the car both and Exhaustive testa were made with a ear to which W attached at speeds varying from tento thirty a deaMtiatrtlid that these brackets held the ear In a hour sad it