Newmarket Era , July 1, 1927, p. 3

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XfcirTo New TrliUy United Church on the Mr J Patterson Main sod Everybody hare iharie of the other poll regulation In ensure safety Cfck Garden St John on Re ces of old friend man new ones Dinner at and all kinds of for old Mid young Band Johns Church- of Confederation the oclock Ma Ground Office Specialty Mfg Co secured possession of the property the comer of Prospect Avenue and Wt streets the residence- built and occupied by the late John Mitchell has been torn down The material will red from the place and for garden will be of by the new owners It Sunday July Bible School at a Morning Worship at J Colors and service will be conclusion of the service will kneel and anks for the blessings we enjoy h the advantages of for the priceless inheritance freedom and great future Parish Andrew of Mr Nicoll lose him but wist dUlly Invited to at tend the Community Picnic to be belt fit Bond Lake on Wednesday July under the of the Community Club Games and novelty acre and for all present will be Come end bring basket your friends Theyll be cred Jubile Tic Special dec Evening Serin from the Ha The Caleb an ratio a The oft Diamond idol Of J Hall i I and i then 1 be fully will be a real India connection with the day will wind bonfire and sparkling midnight The Coin- to make it a day Ion Flour Mills Mr Weeks from Egar who is an expert miller and has bought a half interest Coal and Wood business H Robinson They are Mill and also an uptodate Plant and Intend to make Feed and Mashes all other Feeds and Stock fowl The last inert ing of the Club held Friday night for this term ana si enjoyed the program given the refreshments In charge surprised the mem hers by treating them with Ice lundance The Club will reope there were larger it by the historical and educational set strikingly time all suitably with systematical i background of flags beautiful The Phil Hamilton She by two prettily dressed pages The Snow Queen- Miss Marjorle Binns and Canada Miss Ruby Moss were also accompanied by pages Mayor Cgrrey as Sir John A Mac- and Mr J Patterson as Sii Charles Tupper distinguished them selves among the Fathers of Confeder The were represented by Other Stephens nd Williams extra good Sailor Lass Miss Mae with dance Chief and Squaw Howard Hugo and Miss M The latter as Pauline Johnson and the recitation of The Cattle Thief was fine Moccasin Girl Ruth Hamilton ounded Soldier and Nursing Sister W Brooks and Miss Olive Mies Old Grandmother Mrs W RUUedge in charge of Miss Lloyd by Miss Lillian Toole was the fe throughout the program led who accompanied i beginning to end ex by Mrs J E the folio Quebec Mrs Crlpps Ontario Mrs Ed Prince Ed Is Mrs New Brunswick Mi Nova Scotia Mrs Booth Manitoba Mrs A Marshall Saskatchewan Mrs S Janes Alberta Mrs Robinson British Columbia Mrs W Brooks Yukon Territory Mrs Higson i that really should f the Pageant is largely and made under the on of Mrs Howard Cant Walter Stephens while the under the direction of Mrs A ton of of trtid bo Souv 1 has on to id Jubilee dealing hinged borderline of wl will be found fascinating brochure is an hi record of the lerritorto both before and after Con ion Mucli of this history f Montreal is directly and the Gilfillan fo also an against using right of way an Riddel also judgment against for damage with all costs th to be determined by Tic Me Wednesday morning and adjudged damages at with costs Math for plaintiff and Currey for de Mr and Mrs A Hollingshead Mr L H called In Colllngwood on Sunday the Blue Mountains Mrs Frank is visiting around Mr Carl Black and Mr Harold spent Monday In Toronto boys for Mr and Mrs Pine Orchard On July th a Garden Party will be held at Pine Orchard Union under the auspices of the Willing Workers A good program la being provided Some of Ihe tea- Jas Fax humorist or Orchard Harmonic Band violin and vooal solos readings Supper served from to stock Standard Time A good attendance at the Union Church on Sunday last Messrs Bike and Stiver of taking charge the services Please note Ihe change in service t the Union Pine Orchard Sunday July 3rd Sun day Sohool will start at am sharp the church service at am continue throughout the summer further notice are pleased to welcome our and foot Canvas Footwear rami nan For the Holiday CO on W Tha Ladies Store Newmarket stocked BATTLE STARTS No that the garden is up and growing one must mobilize and spraying material to fight the millions of and other l prey on a and peat are vled Into two that tat holes in folaij suck out ihfl Juices In the first case poison Is applied whin the suckers the damage from which is apparent by the plants wilting and dying are destroyed With a which will burn them For Eating InuoU eating insects spray with parts arsenate of lead hellebore or patent poisonous preparation A Pretty June Beneath an arch of and ferns a pretty wedding was Hole mzed at the of Mrs Prospect Avenue when her daughter Mabel was marriage to Mr H Dr of Aur ora The bride who wii rtcittil by her mother was gowned in while embroidered veil caught ilh and carried a ijuijuel of butterfly roacs lily of the Miss Jean -i- lower girl was their only and looked cunning in pink crepe de dress wilh to match and carried a rut and peonies played the march and during the of the regisler Miss Irei Jenrow of Toronto sang Until Mr and MrB me with he bride and groom If wearing black and xtripite with picture hat to and corsage bouquet of jinl sweet peas Mrs of the groom wore black A dainty buffet luncheon was irifn -fi-i- i li ing room was very prettily decorated in pink and rather unique display of handsome pair leatb of the Dominions first In and the other old pieces i the collection of Mr A I of this town who we believe v of Canadlenca Town Bi Thi lie on y night Davis Ieathei Co- an the best this A features were a base hit lilt There crow nore should rate of usually dissolved in ten Is well to add of freshly slaked ilxture slick and to pi Arsenate of lead In is applied at the rati scant to a full gallon of hellebore rapidly weakens when posed to the air this poison must I year and applied a be dusted on dry when the foliage Is damp Cut worm which eat through Ihe stems of plants close to the surface of the soil require special treatment These grubs are threequarters of an Inch long in color and about one lid Inch diameter If the tomato or other plant withers and topples over out worms are generally responsible Cultivate thoroughly and spread t little poisoned bran around the plants quart of bran with one tea- spoonful of green add oik lableBpoonful of with water to moisten the bran For Sucking For sucking pests chief of widen ire the or plant spray with whale oil soap one pound of to six gallons of water nicotine sulphate or Leaf or any other repellent advised by seedsmen Cold water from a fine nozzle under high pressure will sonietimes wash off the pests When a fungua attacks the plants brown or white spots like mildew the foliage usually yellow or cover the leaves Careful examina tion will usually reveal presence of tiny spore on the under side of leases Attacks of ths kind may be expected during warm murky weath er Spraying with Bordeaux mix ture or dusting with flowers of sul phur when the plants are moist will usually be found Sulphur dust will also protect Hollyhocks and other plants from rust Apply with large shaker made of a tin can plero with holes Adding a dry poison such as arsonate of lead or to dust will make the mixture effecllve against fungus pcslt as well mil Mrs J Harper spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Brown Quite a large crowd witnessed half between and Ohio Anna Wfllto Moylan and Mary Island Conn spent over Sun- ay with Elmer Starrs Mrs Hicks and Miss Hicks f Toronto are spending a couple of weeks with Mrs A M Colvllte Mrs King and son Mr Roy King and Miss Byokman of Viotorla Road pent over Sunday at the home of tr and Mrs Bert Dike Sale of Silk Knitted Underwear and Hosiery BLOOMERS all shades RegfW Sal 811k VU all shades 75 for Utiles Silk Slip all shades sizes ftefl Sale Price Fashioned Silk Hose all shades ranging in price from 100 to Bate Prloe Fanoy Silk and Lisle Sport Hose all the Newest Shades Reg 190 Sale Price THI It is surprising that here should be an undercurrent of grumbling and Jeering over the celebration of Jubilee anniversary of Confederation It scarcely Itself heard amid the chorus of acclamation be detected Whats the may be regarded as the text of the grumblers Well what la the any celebration of any anniversary The sixtieth anniversary of Ihe reign of Queen was marked by a series of ceremonies extending over several weeks Visitors to Witnessed a great procession In Queen 0 then left for While The happy men lor trip the bride travelling In costume of sand and brown brown corded satin hat and shoes to match fox fur which was the gilt of the groom On their return Mr and Mra win reside on Pearson St have both been popular work i In Church and other organisation the very best wishes for their future McHale PLAOa NS Lodge near Nova Scotia will solve the problem of your eastern holiday this year Imagine spending a few weeks by the ocean bungalow oolong as a This delightful Lodge cater lo those who a really different va cation Betting nestles amongst tho pines and round about are smooth courts- for tennis broad driveways for motoring swift streams for fishing Pull Information about this summer resort will be gladly by any Agent of Can adian National Railway Aurora Mr James shipped car of last week The paid was for and for thick smooth This equals His Worship Mayor Walton presented the pupils a birthday cake weighing 100 pounds the anniversary of Confederation The cake beautifully Iced and dec orated was the work of Peter The school Was assembled the lawn before an elevated table which was the surrounded by flowers choruses were Bung by the school Addresses wcro given by Dr chairman of the Board and Mayor Walton Dr pronounced the Invocation Mrs Walton and Mrs Devlns placed the knives In the cake which was afterwards out by numbers of the staff and distributed to the pupils and parents present Principal McDonald occupied the was Ihe largest cake ever seen in Aurora Sunday afternoon a very largo at tendance turned out at the annual decoration of Aurora Cemetery Min ister of all the various ad dressed the gathering The lal Orange Lodge ami tho Orange Young paraded to the cemetery and Rational Thanksgiving Prayer and Praise IN RECOGNITION OF Diamond Jubilee of Confederation TOWN HALL NEWMARKET A M JULY 1st 1927 ORDER OF SERVICE of Thanksgiving Rev A Marshall Choir O Scripture Rev H Parry Mr P M P P Prayer Cspt Choir Lsaf suit Chopu Nation Anthem Snlvntion Army Bud fat GM D Wit Ciiidriiau figure plays the statesmen of lb Empire were called together In an Imperial Kipling was Inspired to compose his famous Leal We Forget If anyone had asked Whats the he would have been told that the celebration was in response to a universal crav ing We still celebrate the Queen birthday as well aa the Kings dau We celebrate Empire Day Englishmen Irishmen Scots Welsh men celebrate theday of their patron On the of July com memorating the Battle of there are tremendous processions hi Toronto and other cities But national day has hitherto passed most unnoticed except as a period of recreation Now there to be a few grumblers mainly In Toronto who grudge us a onoe In PARK WORDS TO AND Even thinking a holiday la Algonquin Park Will make your brighter and your steps lighter in these thousands and thousand of A you of that feeling ays seem to come Iwlh the passing winter and spring Algonquin Park one of the flu- est fishing districts in Canada The fighting Varieties are alt there small iDUthed bay big lunge and speckled trout Hundreds of miles of water ways places uiifMout good agreeable com panionship here are all the In gredients of ihe finest holiday you have ever had Highland Inn and camp- owned and operated by Cana dian National Railways opens for Its season on July 1st and reservations are already pouring In If you want to know more about Algonquin Park and ltri hotels and holiday facilities there Is an Illustrated folder waiting FARMHAND FATALLY trampled to death this morning by a dehorned Jersey bull In a bush pasture He was getting cow out of the pasture when the animal at tacked savagely When Mr arrived the bull was shot Detroit Mich June A baby girl saved from death In a today by a 13yearold boy after police and firemen had been balked In rescue attempts The child Dorothy Marie Backs aged two was taken from the under ground uninjured by Harvey Dissert who was lowered on a rope held by police Two attempts necessarily before the rescue the opening Into AIR I Miss Elisabeth Miss Miss Barbara Sohletfelln of New York having the honor of being al two weddings only throe hours but separated by a distance of several hundred miles nonchalantly stepped with alt their finery Into an aeroplane to the other They arrived at second wedding 30 minu late IT PAYS TO BEAUTIFY viewing the Royal 1 from each county ant Is that they shall on the ability In Judging live test will be the guests of the department The fair itself will be open from the to the of November Final de- talk of the plan have not yet been de cided upon but Hon John ft Martin Minister of Agriculture is at th present time conferring with Win Being continual weekly visitor along easterly side of Lake I take this opportunity through your valuable paper of giving credit where It looks to me some Is rightly deserved Myself as well as It being the mouth- word of many another motorist or Ififf Walter A Hirst of Beach comes second to from south end of fake to Therefore I re peat It to as we are all looking in when passing Kingston June Charles Livingston Athens an employee of the Brundagi Makers was handed a cigarette which contained a proportion of powder which exploded while being smoked He was badly In the face and the of the eye is feared Montreal Bergeron aged was teBUntly killed when beneath the from his bicycle at the Canadian Sot Sundi from spontaneous com bustion PALACE THEATRE Friday and Saturday July 1st and end THE LAST featuring Ralph I July and Wednesday and Thursday July ONI OP featuring Imory Johnson Newmarket Live Stock Markets TMnt Priest Choice Milkers TORONTO

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