July 3rd a Service follpycd by the Sacrament el the Lords of National Committee HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The regular ninthly meeting the Board Fail to Bloom Bos Pests aid Garden Pests annual trip of the Society will be decided DR JAMES FORREST ffce community was shacked on Sunday last by the news of the sudden death of Dr James Forrest an old resident of Mount Albert He was end raised here and practiced a doctor until fifteen years ago when his health failed and he went to To ronto he has Bred ever He is survived by his widow who was Miss Ross of Scott and two brothers Dr Frank Forrest of and a sister Mrs Walter Helm of Port Hope Last Friday he suffered an attack of husband had HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Pyrethrum 1st Mrs Mrs Tate Iris 1st Mrs Winch 2nd M 3rd Mrs Theaker an Hall J Leek Mrs 1st Mrs M Mainprise 2nd Mrs H Hal 3rd Mrs Davis- Single Columbine 1st Mrs Columbine J Mrs Lily 1st ML W Tote 3rd Mrs der 1st Mrs Peonies 1st Mrs Shrubs lit V Poppy 1st His I Mrs Leek 2nd Mr with friends II lo and Mrs A of Mini apolis accompanied by their son spent the past week at the ho of Mr Hall Mr and Mrs Arthur Hall and Miss Violet of Sharon also Mr Wilton Newmarket spent Sunday at the of Mr H Hall Lapp and Mrs f the home of Mr H Hall Dike spent a few da onto last week On her was accompanied by her s there Nellie Dike of Sutton W school teachers Miss Keswick Hamilton tl ident One by the Your another- top en by Dr Dales very fine addre Rev his perl- and Pa along it of C lege Ohio tea Still Peoples Summer School and Ministers School He home to take the services Mrs and Margaret far as Markham to visit or a few days recent Childrens Day si United i black ha finish and A dainty buffet luncheon Later the bride and groom left trip to Vancouver a returning in September I Elbow Part- Sorry they I on Sunday The McMillan family Sunday at the home to hear of Mrs Stiles being very sick again- Hops she will soon Mr Barker and Eddie spent Mrs Orchard Mr and Mrs ilv also Mr and Mrs Taylor Sunday with the sister Grace J to hear Mr John not improving very much and Mrs Ceo Wilson spent with Mr Mrs- Miss her grandmotn Henry Glovei Mr Harold Egypt bathing on Saturday The It occasion Bishop and this is a rare privilege to hear this dis tinguished gentleman Miss Clara of Newmarket a fine Soloist has also consented to sing at both ser vices With such talent the church shout I be crowded tcvthp door Mr Ralph Belfry of Toronto spent the weekend with his parents The the ha Oh Sunday July 3rd the Golden Jubile United- Church I invited uly Garden Pa on the beautiful family in Use offices of the not be advisable but should perhapJ expedite business all the same The plying out of email amounts by cheek was discussed as cosily and other ar rangements were made and assented by Ihe Council Our councillor re ported shooting from his ver andah and a worrying his sheep He stepped up one degree for that act A long list of names to be added to tha voters lists were laid over for some other evening this J Big Orange gathering expected on Monday night at Island Grove Lodge Sutton West Messrs- Weeks Hi Percentages for Year know he can aver to Ihe anenlly and the vlll I Sorry lo hear Jean able to examination Hope la ye Falls F who last Thursday Mr Ml spent Ihe weekend a n a A large number hear bate and he pie social day evening They all had derful time Those who did the debase missed Thfi won shouldnt when IhW Mrs St James Church Standard Tim a Holy Communion a Sunday School 11 a in- Holy Coi FORM Cook j in John Johnson Rao Mason Stilus Henry Thompson Kathleen Velma Stiles I Came service at the hoi dore by Mr Standard Time Mrs lei En Ottawa and Mrs Davidson at Duclos La I Sharon The marriage of MUdred Salter daughter of Mr It Salter to John Tate Mr J Tate of Sharon was solemnized at four oclock on Wednesday afternoon June rind the A Partridge officiating The bride who was at tended Mies Eleanor Peregrine leghorn hat tri I with large vel- of nday July Rev W ronto will preach at both Morton of- Thornbnry will the pulpit on July ThankOffering is asked Christian Church of Keswick illy decorated with ferns peoniea was on Wednesday at oclock June a very pretty wedding when Hamilton second daughter Mr Tate left for a motor trip to Niagara Palls and other American cities the bride wearing a very pretty black satin coat with platinum fur and of Confederation will Temple Grounds Shs Mr and Mrs Coopei Startup and children ith Mr- and MrsV D at the home of Mrs A- rights Wfllctonholule Miss Eileen Graham and MV JiMi of visitors Mr- Mrs Ross babe 1awHo spent I I the water- Is ldI tower is Still resting family spent Sunday Mrs Moulds spent last week in the oily Mr and Mrs spent Sun day with her parents Choir practice every Tuesday night at church Blackbird to Campbell out Sunday- The pie social and debate giyen by the Mission Circle homo of Frank Ross was a Dont forget tnjTadles Aid supper to home tot Mr Donald psjxt July 8th- Sedorcs Crossing m a cottages of Mr Jones p a cottage at the home of Mrs by Mr Walker ial services were held In St Church on Wednesday and this week the for Day ad the lath I Boles Muriel Stanley Gee Grant Edith Kay Blanche Lake Arthur MoKenzie Alice Mann j Koma Flossie ODell Daylight Sav- Lillian Park Ariel Prosper Winnie Station Mary r being St Heel last Sunday rite to Clifford John I Lane Ruttteu Lance Kathleen Susan Si Supper kiddies appear berry How happy Exams are over school closed summer vacation The sin will be held on the July Our good cooking Supper from standard time Talent from roro Newmarket and will i vide the program The Willing Workers class have a on the ground at festival of useful articles some United of Mis- id misfortune to get a i cement In Sharon falling Miss in the ice child of Fred and Edna Mai Virginia and to laid child of and and Kathleen Lester Hett of Summer til Llewellyn Dorothy Tupper Victor Tupper 75 GO 73 76 69 50 43 75 77 51 66 55 60 52 77 75 82 79 no ft to u North GwiUimbury Council June i27 The regular meeting of the Coun cil of Township of met as usual In Smiths Hall on above dale All members present on time Minutes of May meeting of Court were read and approved Communications were read and dealt as thought expedient Resolution moved by Davidson seconded by Glover that Reeve end be authorized to sign con tract for completion of bridge by new plan and a copy of same be returned Council i seconded I now I of chair Carried M Clerk Co council to ha pr we notice a from our en successful offered by Mr P Newmarket lltgti week At Belleville last Smiles was elected District Mntron and is receiv- of her friends W Pearson School It has been passing up and down the car from Keswlkto Newmarket the scholar whose- mind Is on her books could be noticed- which tell In the end from those who seem in for a good time nb natter how much giddi ness annoys some of Die other pas sengers Congratulations Delta Pleased to Miss Myrth pleased to are dlsappotntV Normal again Hope i win the the MISS ALICE HAMILTON he bride who was given away father 3rd at Stands time The of the churches of the Township of- East orange ore expected lined with tulle was be hope It take advantage of turn out In goodly Osborne the a bouquet of liiyoftl Association will he he Temple on Tuesdi in for the purpose of for f basket of flow Mr Irvine Itose and Miss Kathleen Knights motored Niagara and Bui Thursday accompanied by Mr Pollard and Miss Mildred Rye They report the country looking very beautiful Mrs at the Smilh8 spent Tuesday Jacksons Point Miss I Saunders landed a salmon trout Inches long The old Jacksons Point park has all been divided up and lots are being sold for cottages Just very large cottages are being Zephyr A of fiulton The Church looks neat frock of with frills insisted of rose and lilyofthe by finite I for t signing of the reglste Mrs- sister of t Thc Mar and In the held at th brides ine which decorated with nd is very flowers pavilion near station opened Saturd fairly good Attendant between a pa Injured according official report which a was only a bump school came on a day it was very threatening with rain d cool weather Too bad for any boys and girls to miss he day the lake there may be other better day We have been asked to report that next Sunday morning at Bethel 111 be taken as formerly by Mr whojs giving excellent service are some who have yet this brother who comes ork The last Sabbath was changed from regular review to some by scholars and short addresses by teachers finished by two of leaohera public Recently Hall tint for holding Gw was held at tl School were notified to It was decided to hold the Fair at Sharon The date Fair will be Sept Slat Council grant towards Added classes will be Fair Bacon Hog over four months age and weighing up to Two and Twentyfive Pounds One Bacon Type Sow under nine of age Pure Bred of Grade Cash Prises under Live Stock Onehalf bushel Dooley Potatoes grown from seed supplied by the Department Prises 7oc Mention was not made oh the 1st of the Live Stock Special the boy or girl exhibiting the lw Carried President of Sutton ailed thls ease grant Although of show are thankful for ml already donated but on it of enlarging buildings i s are necessary This appeal considered and an extra 5 added to previous donation by Moved by It Glover seconde W Thompson that appointed to make necessary as to new Hall lot have title deeds etc proper loved by end by that the Reeve be to further to East corner at to cleaning up of same and making this corner safe Carried by Davidson by that Reeve be Instructed to arrange about change of road at Roches Carried Moved by R Glover seconded by It Davidson that this Council as a Holland Landing am Man on a visit with her Mrs E The dance held in the barn of Morning Bros was greatly enjoyed by STOW Lindsay June threehour downpour Saturday rtiornlng accom panied by an electric storm did much damage In County accord ing word received here today Many iot Nelson Stevens of West Guilford slightly damaged Considerable damage was done to the roads by the heavy overflow from the drains The creek at Dover Hills washed out an eightfoot hole In the adjacent road The Burnt Bridge on the Road was swept away At Rattling Creek the Road the road Is Im passable for ears The water In Head Lake Is higher than ever before has forced the sawmills of Austin A Roberts and Lumber Company to suspend operations On account of the rapid rise Of the waters of Drag Lake Dam William Roberts was forced to remove stop logs In the dam during the storm Moved and Council go Into Court of Revision tc finish immediate business Carried Harold and Mary Winch added or Morrison property Mr and Mrs Anthony add ed on instead property Mrs II J Daly sold to Harry labbs Lot Mrs J- Daly s i JULY ROD AND Full all best who It stand for Christ took part whloh very encouraging We noticed something at that vice Those ranging in age from The call aim holds firm Sutter the children to Ladles Aid meet week at I home of Mrs Lambert Richardson Is reported lhat a sale has gone through of the farm owned by Mra Morrison Purchaser Mr Harold While we regret losing Morrison and family Incoming ones will be welcome Who were people who tried to get a service on Sunday and when oar failed returned to the pas ture and up More of that temperament have a world especially on the UNION STREET Hurrah to the big picnic of S No E Old at Bond Lake on July Everybody bring your baskets come early and stay late An excellent of games races is being provided with suitable feature being place In I the radial had happened damaged mm ud finally to Friend ftken The Council The adjourned Court of final sitting on Monday at the request of the Assessor the ppeat of being In Revision House rooms with about garden small fruits and trees Hard and soft water For further particulars apply FRANK HARRISON 320 Mount Albert Lot Plans and Specifications may be seen at Henry residence Lot Con Whitchurch or Clark Clerk of the Township Lowest tender not necessarily to J H Walter Renfrew sold to Osborne Lot acre con Bernard and Thos Huntley as sessment was towered J Thompsons assessment was lowered By motion the following dogs were struck Off Roll Duke dog Herbert Nelson dog Fred VanNormon dog Moved and seconded Court of Re vision be adjourned until call of choir Carried Regular business of Council a lengthy discussion as to best plan for new hall and some changes thought of the plans are to be submitted to government for ap proval soon as possible Moved by seo by Davidson that Reeve be authorized to Issue orders on the Treasurer for the following bills and the seal of the Corporation be thereto J Montgomery for lite 326 Municipal World Fence law Lake Lumber Co ce ment Burlington Steel Co Iron for bridge Dr Bcatlle re Root Charles re Win Cole General Hospital re J MeTam Silver Fox News for July has just been Issued Among the many stories of outdoor life Is a very floe salmon fishing story by A Bryan Hams a well known British Columbia to Harry authority Another Interesting fea ture is the first of a short series of unusual of Canadian wander ings Robert James appearing un der the general title of Tales from the Wardroom Mess Samuel Alexander While con tributes of his fine stories of the old Northwest fur trade rivalry Dale well known outdoor author writes of trout In the Hirst change In 1 37 BO for fence etc around Bald- win Cemetery and bag of flour for J Curry Pay Sheet Road NOTIOB On and after July 1st Frank Eastman will be running busi ness In his new shop at his own premises Keswick NOTIOI The Annual of Mount Albert Cemetery will be held on day July loth 127 at p Standard Time Program Address by President singing of familiar hymns and address by Rev Dyer STrVBR President STEEPER Seoy TowffiMp of PUBLIO Owing to the unsightly scenes on the roadsides town ship notice la hereby given that per- sons found dumping refuse of any description the Highway la Township of East persons cutting trees thereon wW out the consent of the Council wu be prosecuted according to By Order of TORONTO 1