GOOD SCHOOLS Toronto There but one calendar W hQ West Toronto Mr and Mrp Gordon Win of Got erlcb and grandson of i v c of Newmarket Thomas Colo res lev C CI officiating Allen res The bride was gowned in a Lloyd res re blue georgette over George Nelson re Dinted silk parchment shoes and ltobt lose to match She carried a shower Herman Niagara Fulls the bride wearing a Frank Lloyd res navy blue coat and black and white David English res On their return Mr and Mrs Walter Richmond ami will reside on the grooms farm Win Arnold res on the Luke Shore road near Goder- Harry Daly res The bride Is a graduate of Alex andra Marine and General Hospital Leonard Curl and whs one of the graduating class of Donald Smith res W Micks res Clias res The theme Sunday morning at Win res Trinity Church was taken from the ROSS Dravitl res first Gods picture of a man Fred King res Byron Watts res I What kind of a man He Frank Watts res What would He have me believe What would He want me to do God should have first consideration lieCttUEC we are bought by redemption Spiritual things should be put first Ralph Cupples res Strong men in the post put their trust in God God values man mure than Jesse Harrison re u world We must have our faith Veil founded Our belief Is the pivot around which iU else revolves If Lawrence Cooper Ik p painter painter the 28th of there are three picture Hie kingdom of heaven Is like unto Ming In a far country God fall report on the Him and He at both services Mitchell Rolling i lllizzard Win Glen Micks res- Cole res Herman Wright Win Smith r Geo Cole res- Wild lAinghurst Oliver King dr Walter Mahoney Roy Fenton res Mertun Itiitltdge Thomas Sweet at Cole res lid King es gr J Albert Watson Crowder res Herman Jones re John Kellington Stanley Shanks J It Clark res Win Rolling reB Nathan Hoover Wes- Andrews Sinclair Geo re 1800 Mark res a loo Gordon- Mainprise Ernest re Perry Crittenden the modern appliances Is resulting In a new and glorious berth for His Britannic Majesty schooner Nancy now lying seemingly rds the end heroine of I this week that will once iurfoce of the possible Will Stand As Monument Battling the famous Nancy sun the bed of the river and against the forces of the hungry maw the river is rising to stand as a perpetual I he ed the Nai In that historic hull of the gallant when the hip Is only natural virgin soil ii ml arc firmly behind Hit the infractors in the effort Two Detroit from the break on Sunday by a drowned- The frequent showers that have been coming lately are fine for the fall trying for the bay which aces Is an excellent crop One farmer which we have heard loads off part of one eight or ten still to draw- Friends from been visiting at Mrs George Wilkinson They certainly see an excellent and a very tidy home sur roundings f Mrs Spicule ant daughter Eleanor of Chicago arc at brothers Mr Em erson Report goes that the school teacher of No hag been reengaged for oilier year Wis Morton of Keswick irus been In a poor state of for some lime Improving The daugh lers fioni the West Mrs Black ant Mrs who were suddenly called home on account of the Illness of their mother are returning to their homes ihls week The whose family are married Is to make her home with a daughter Mrs Robert Station of Rome ties are dear and the breaking up of on old home Is a sadder affair than the build ing of one However such Is life Mr and Mrs Roadway formerly of Ihls locality but now of called on some of their old friends- Monday having enjoyed Ihe privilege of hearing Mr an old much preach on Sunday attendance on Sunday morning the ministers heart largest congregation he id he staled that he felt as many were away attending other special services Mrs Witt Barker an old neighbor to her friends on the Is expected this from New Slate to visit her daughter Mrs Harold Wlnoli The valuable dog which got caught Mr George key had In Toronto the ear would have kept the good road so the cause of Is nut llic A neighbor picked the first of Iter raspberries a few days ago also the last picking of strawberries which an excellent yield Mr Herbert Sweet nam of after motoring mllcspaid a flying visit his sister Mrs Bernard Huntley I thou running Into a haJlstarm trip which even battered his proposed of the BetheJ Is being held at Hie lake next Further plans made on Thuiid evening Sonic from here attended the ser vices at Keswick on Sunday and en- Joyed meeting a former pastor The new potatoes are a good size though few in a hill Pleased to hear that Mr and Mr are some Mrs- Brown from Minnesota Is vis iting this week at Baldwin Everybody seems very busy If io keeps fine hay will c handled this week Congratulations Miss Dorothy Shoppard having successful resiflta Normal Visitors at Bethel last Sunday that the appointment la much vored by receiving as pastor Mr who cornea with much inter- in the work and puts his whole soul Into his effort Mr shipped there last Sunday BOND LAKE alei him had to bo done away with goes that another motor Roches Point Sunday The one between Sutton last Sunday a noisy One farmer told them that If the At the Lawn Social here on Tuesday under the auspices of Ridges Reeve Ba xter la to occupy the chair and the fol lowing are to give the program the Orchestra Miss Mary soloist Miss Ruth Hamilton Newmarket elocutionist Aurora soloist Misses dancers Newmarket Miss Davfdbon and Master Gordon of Toronto piano and violin Miss solos apHCHIVS0F