Around the Hub MRS MONACH sndi thousands of died ft of a century Many Opal took of a century Many of these like Mrs took I after having failed to get re lief from any other Remedy And been invariably p tivti saved them from biliousness indigestion backache and kindred troubles when they had given up hope ever well again from Sask you to get well and everywhere If a SPEARMINT a Una to brighten your whole It keep teeth white The Opening of Shows Toronto Business School No and blocks north of Ave You may begin Day Sesslo and gilt from Sept We Invite you to call or Strafford Principal Shaw Pres WANTED NOW Reliable Salesman FOR YORK COUNTY Good pay Exclusive selling and reserved territory is and best Canadian stock Nurseries COO acres Estab forty years A good op for capable salesman Write PELHAM NURSERY GO Toronto Our Puzzle Corner What Do You Know About It to Ln ioi Tut iii Tot the oTtl the falling are i bright by the friction of pa course of untold oars tin earth I tall the tear other falling bodies Light travels the hUh is ami through our heavier things like An oil o gas l j Mra Norman is visiting In Mr Mitchell of Toronto spen days at Mrs Miss Helen Lloyd of lent the weekend with her gnu Mr and Mrs John Mo The work on the church basement the corn roast and si people the corn roast and shower for Mrs Mrs Ross nee Lottie Mr I- a bale of clothing Hold on Iuesdii I it- Aid mid nearer Hie cur- oilier and spent and Mrs rcr cor- Vandorf Mr and Mis Monday Mr and Mrs Win Morley enter tilled Mr and Mrs Dm id Snider Mia has been in the hospital the past week treated for an caused In decayed tooth Mr and Mrs Russell Snider of obleton Miss Nettie and Norman spent Sunday Mr and Mrs Grant Richardson ml Mrs Roy rind Mrs Tinline of To- the large number the Snider family a call in the Mrs T I and Mr I is building his second Im Lottie Atkinson officiated the wedding of Miss Ir and Church in the month of November Horn held- at Church wen Caefully of Hie Town ITMJllts fl t Lei Immih on Co rules of iv She married nearly years l as KlwardColiham who in pair hi her by about and son Charlie I Mrs Johnson spent Sunday at Gordon Aurora idway will be open or through traffic few days Mr Ilolph llrucls of Toronto called Mr and Mrs Isaac Grove of To- onto were Sunday visitors A M chased Joseph lias fnnij north of Holt and expects to Ices In the inday evening in the prettily decorated and Mm Fred Anicy of JJond fieri built howlers journeyed lo ottcnhau bask the aiil on Monday Mrs Martha It ranted of til William Henry Brandon who died fa King July home i es was tin shower the unfavorable hut the high esteem in which tin Grand Master Dun- was accompanied to Monday night by a Stouffville a 1u in I which the the newly Oinlerl the ill Men onite is expected to move own from within the wo weeks when he will luties he 111 While engaged in cutting corn Mr siiieo in getting his finger caught r ha such lose then rch ling it and it was found An- Hoover withstood the shock well In The marriage of of Mr and Mrs J arid I Mr Mrs in the King Street will the i The bride 1 1 She was a of ihc Van- Wesley Church The homo oil Sunday lo a amntory was by a wide 11elaof and MifSi was widely known in and was universally She is survived by i lw0 Mrs Sheridan of Newmarket J of Parry Sound Willis and Margaret home Ilay golf a wedding I WCTli Column In tin the policy mi handling Province of it pure and simple When llqi secured from government cnt a private vendor or a bootleg- Is used by of soineliow there fa out- and atfthorlicd supervision of he traffic The fact is- that there ire four different kinds of places in Quebec where liquor may there llc store here spirits and wine may the tavern here only beer Is dispensed but one con secure as much as he contain or pay for Third the grocery where beer is sold by the use and fourth Jhotel and all kinds of- ay be dispensed by the glass and on the premises The store claims to be open only In the morning until In the verting to M one bottle option one may buy to the door and lay it and return ami pur cess us often as he desires an the case have a helping him do th or Ihlrd or fourth they had and ha kinds and STRONG EXPERT TESTIMONY Alcohol like chloroform For every real drunkard there fifty others suffering from the of alcohoLGeorge Harlev M Lngland frying to cure consumption whiskey is like trying to put out fire with kerosene John E Whit Medical Director Colorado Pure Arrowroot Christies Arrowroot Biscuits because of their Proven Purity More Christie sold in Canada than all other arrowroot combined Christies Biscuits Jh the his has Blighting slaying young and old f er the land his poisons scattered Causing misery untold in a land called Christian England Let this monster still go free Asking for it toleration In the name of liberty FOR TOY QIRL KILLS HER BROTHER HOUSES FOR Detroit Waller Bofchol Wa have al present some I i aged died tonight In Evangelical Bargains Apply w Hospital as result of hen he was National Farm Injuries received Oct shot by his sister aged Waller slept and like his father placed a cap under his pillow where the elder had placed a revolver When Ruth flailed her brother she or the sake of little children In the Name of God Most ml the rising generation Barleycorn must surely die I lMow will be lh Church and Christ throughout the no- look ndertgned until Inst earl She pulled Rise a At this miLhtv lb It J Ibe Irlgcr and the bullet her into the front door Garden Mission on in Chicago where j and night other day tongned i down the land stood on the plat others when the saloon And now I evangelist it was m should he the North Gwillirnbury Council Mr presented wnship and for the building of a satin town orchid assisted by the who dressed faced crepe lo the Hie to J Era to alcohol should be te anesthetics am the human by its entire field of remedia do not think you will very many medical men in America who favor alcohol and its use A Van Veer Professor of Sur Albany g clergymen It is more rapid distressing among those who alcohol Sir A Gould JOHN BARLEYCORN wick A Poll Clerk No Smiths Hall Cecil A dered to tic paid by Council After a general discussion the Council was for a considerable place on Oct ft Conneli Clerk GOVERNMENT MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION SECURITIES A DALY CO TORONTO District Representative A MACKINNON Saturday i f purchase of t of land owned by j being part of lot Hi ir of the Of and quitter of in the On Itiis Meet roof There is a large gravel pit mi en -t-iv- tiuIi with kinds of MATHEWS Newmarket Solicitor for Notice of Application for Notice Is hereby given lint City of Married will lo Mi t at next hereof Joseph La on Hi- adultery and Dated In or Ontario Ibis day of Asthma Mens from lice More Eggs Wile fir Poultry Book Send for Booklllu PRATT FOOD CO- of CANADA Jasper Golf Trophy Presented Golf Course Jasper National Park during the annual golf week trains presented with the trophy by Walter Pratt General Manager of HotelB with of the t irnjudsweaand otter became in court high J JKi who played the Golf Week some keen Kmail were UgedCaMnlM ARCHIVES OF TORONTO