FRIDAY 0 i flit filbert a mount albert Albert CIIUHCII SI WOMlNs INSTITUTE llir Not ember will be lietl At home Of Mr- Ceo of lespie of of Hie The of ln of the flower Fond im dol mils Mr Hubert Mokes of Icutlle of Mr I pir1 simy early morning I it Iter brief Mrs Stoke us years old It the time of Iter She Is survived by her In built Hubert Stokes two one ibiiiititer ierbll I slum mill too brothers LATE HERBERT ROLLING nil I hid been ill of the siiioioer Mill dentil oo he wo good noil Ids cheerful id by bis mid one son Till to rest III Mt motion Hull fib THE tin the eoiiiinniiity very sorry to Unit Mr had to tills dlstllet some of his sons have been well here for seveml years mill the of the whole kos out to the widow mid fatuity Mr came to- Manitoba from In HIM joining bis two sons there with Ids and He bad boiled tor liefill In the newel country but was In this down to Ontario last spring he has been seriously ill ever since and though had every rare his family could succumbed the of yearn Surviving him arc Ills widow form erly Miss Muni llosworlli of Dray Derbyshire seven sons mid three daughters I George Rapid City Manitoba t Rose a married daughter wife of gunner In the Itoynl Multa and Edwin si tic lidenl lb 11 11m si iii Monday the ml Ha- Harold rents Mr of I Mr M Mri- of Toronto Is a visitor I Mr Midi of her so I Mrs Im v Mr wit nil i i lute for Inst week Mrs S was a city a few ilay Inst week I ml Mrs of Mnrbh mid Willis Lehman of mid Mrs I I s Until of on Mr mid Mrs Hurry Spang vis Ed Sharon minion The Rev V d College loronto 1- iiinbent He forceful speaker and It I hoped there The residents of as well as unity I have to J it for the rtlstic Iron fence be has bad in front of the Cemetery noun us the Sharon until of the ill mliulrnllon and of Mr I an old I to most of us and his Is In the doipitlon lh church I Wit at ml Miss Ami Hospital Mis Maggie Williams was of si useful gjfis mid Mrs family visited in A receiving attend ilaughte Mf le lug of St Is seriously ill Anglican Cliure r n of ppciti nie nir dmir Mr Toronto led his sister Mrs lias part M the Mount Pleasant Keswick Mr Kings little ho I furnished the evening- Evelyn resident bad id the topic by Mar- have their with In smoke lot of labor Boon up by a nam ltcing near Vail Mr and Bono tip to neighborhood Mf Mnnle day from her li Mil Ion will be iOiliiiK if I he Ii til from of lliudfitlh fin atlended Sunday on Sunday In good but returning and passed away on Monday Vice Wed- blu er and of held In the lulled Qn heyday by Mr Jim Cole her f Mr and Mis Hull six I until is and l- nainoly Mrs Hoy of filnif Jim Darker of Keswick Mr Cliaille Mr Dick llivensboe Mr Use of Keswick and Mi Wesley llys Many beautiful tributes I the of be Mr Colowas a very worker In the ml her all j co In school was splendid all will be very much missed Wo extend our deepest sympathy many relatives and friends Vive broke out on Saturday itigtt a oclock In the twin of Mr Geo on the Pressor destroyed will Of i llie pasture and wen cue horses but bis Tills Is the fourth i weeks The whole com very sorry for Mr Green talent which consists of Miss ftopi Mr Ban- Mr lake It a point lo attend a church on the way home taslead of iking the whole day for pleasure and or nigh School teachers Sutton walked out recently to Miss Vera a former whom iter friends will be lo bear is somewhat improved Ihougb not able to be on her but pranks as usual it fionwwlial Inconvenient for who had lodflve past Ihc Hi at were off next morning A and then but not 16 whom the Hick Is played Sutton West Men Arretted for Robbery and go charged with Joseph Walker to spent a week of Sutton ten who bed held him he week Constalil ed to the that the vim If onlng Its Hie ice belief age on different homes breaking In or those colleges s makes people illegal net land and The Jnmes Mackenzie New Zealand was united in marring to Irving E Robertson son of the John Ross founder of tl Toronto Telegram The ceremony SUTTON WEST Is 8howlng a Very Largo ftange of Mens Overcoats AT VERY 1500 to Navy Blue Chinchilla Regular Prices from 20 to 2 We have atso a Nice Line of WOMENS AND GIRLS COATS AT VERY MODERATE PRICES A Visit from You to our store will be very highly are will mean dollars to your credit D PIVNICK 8utton Wen iii barn raining is to owned by the late which Well in w I for Oil scholars The Visible iU a quietly smoke of Stilton to and many local j The bride wore lion of the very Ravenshoe or hi I he Jlminje Darker has sorrow this Her Mrs Cole tvay a stroke on -Mon- When liro Is so It we slfoulso Mr Joe Community Hall Is pro- I the bricklayers arc at infc wedd a rl Ii on bio Mrs- Robert- for ikldl ly ring p the llie 1 Baldwin last Sunady lose who attended- the unveiling on Sunday morning at Bethel dial the student mini- who bag been called lo higher missed In which Mrs K-fcslr- and violinists cordially Invited We wonder bow the lnl when was there was smallpox In Keswick are thankful to Here nothing a bad as just very mild p again ley Oct I Ill 111 four Oct paper Is a splendid address oud of such a clean The Era gtajj to know Mr recovering but will not He greatly op i Walker Texl j brews ale comrade said Though his life had the soloist of that respect lo bis Ihe Cross whom he yet as very worthy or Iml- would certainly Ihe Lord calls His I carries on His work Mr and Bible though for given Anglican Chi friends and neighbor Hospital He i his CARD OF THANKS and family wish to their sincere thanks to all who so kind helpful during tho and of their husband and OF THANKS Mr Jamas Cole of Keswick can not find words express bis appre ciation of the assistance and sympathy exlende4 to him on the of his wife and the carrying out of funeral please accept grateful thanks OXFORDS AND SHORTHORNS Lambs shearlings of two ears Can also spare a few Ewes In we are Bull Calves len Halters and six fur a short tin new home in Indies of the Wantage of Mrs Mr their holiday Mr- Frank Culvi Lodge went to day of last week to meeting of the play entitled Inited Church Allen last Beware of the police thieving Sutton a and Mr of the Pollock Mr Lake I Sibbatd- a number of our Mr and Mrs I Mr Jim Tretoar returned while recovering itlng friends Mr and Mrs Walker Miss Lillian spent Sunday at Lovely Queens vlli This Wrd MOUNT PLEASANT for Ihe fall thinks that in wilh Mrs Villiamson spent Sunday in her aunt Mrs will their Willi 111 lit 11 llil CI arks on of Aurora be supplied by Keswick ladle are making for a bouse On Sunday liunlup Ihe services at The choir are some good music a by Mr and Mrs Thompson in the Mf Glovej I abfii Churchill our young folks the night Our Miss very busy gelling the grounds up for plots and- flower bed Spring Ihe her for all labor Miss Glover spent the Miss Win Of the their at Mros Harry School Mr Frank from Sullon was did talk on Ihe J which was eh enjoyed by all The Memo If III Id church on Sunday in largely i for a speedy Mrs Wall Sullon for a couple or weeks Mrs The of the Mount Albeit sm repair era ml- OF ONTARIO TORONTO