Newmarket Era , December 30, 1927, p. 5

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otic tJ ally or TOMftlo ill MsaBeliUttH Hours J Medicine of Toronto of mam- Royal college Surgeons clinical Bye Bar Su081 Laboratory kilo Coroner of Count of Office Hours by on j tin forum Over Drug Newmarket by Appointment Phono Art J Cent lit Imperial Newmarket in evenings by appointment for Phone of Toronto Years Practical Experience In til branches f Dentistry work Lyons Candy Evening a of Singing and Violin Dealer In New and Used Pianos Tuned M AT1VU Mock MATHEWS Successor to the Ate It deceased MaJa Newmarket 420 Evenings by appointment Private funds to loan on mortgages Prompt attention given to all of legal work reasonable rates J 0 SAMSON Licensed for County of York Attention to A or This for the Henry much respected ens residing on Ontario Street passed away last Friday morning ims been resident of the Office Specialty Works Ave Mrs Wright ic funeral service was conducted Is late residence by I Meadows on Monday afternoon The bearers were Messrs Doyle Wil- Intcri TO STAND JfARRIE Saul Holt Toronto Is out on ball on a charge of Hi date bolus fixed for ary licit In charged with iitf Mrs Susan nankin of of a In connection- with stock and jond deal There appears be a strong possibility Mrs tonkin will recompensed for all she her stock dealings last icr and early Fall with a bunch of alleged swindlers three of whom out on ball or in jail- The of restitution is strength ened by an alleged made by Job Stein now In County Jail In lie Is Bald to offer to disgorge his shore of the boodle Stein was hack from Philadelphia by Hie Provincial Police and appearing In the Midland Police Court was re manded for eight days He la being held without ball a man of and of good appearance did wAh Mrs Hankln under the ib of Williams and Adams It is blamed another arrest In this case was made In Hamilton when A of the Canadian Ator Co whose stook was sold to Mrs Rankin was taken Into custody He was arraigned in Toronto and on ball with conspiracy defraud i arc consii only full restitution That la following Is report held it the close of 41 null passed an all failed make 11 mini iid per at standing for the of Helen Richardson Jean Chantler Murray Mary Gordon Hilda TumdUy Curroy Grant Saunders Station FORM Helen Evans George HIM Silver Pollock Clare Grace lAudrcy Leslie Boyd Margaret Edna Florence Chantler Harold bit HALES Surgery and Eagle Street Newmarket Coroner for XRAY PHYSICAL THERAPY to am to I pn WANTED A HOME She who wanted a home an orphan but a young woma education ftooomplish meals charming manners In her she had been a valued targe social circle So when went to In a big oily a bundled miles away she was deter mined to enjoy her new home to best of her ability Out to her astonishment she could find no home Boarding houses there were In plenty and pleasant- looking houses with the sign Room for rent but people were not will ing lo receive a stranger at their table or in their daily life Finally the boll of the last house her list A pleasant faced wo- her and her a room but when she asked meals she shook her head We prefer not to give meals she answered The young woman hesitated and en said I want a home there any in this city where I lived all Very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year a WILLIS Mens part gladly my life I would do y If you care for music and anything about a dinner table from decorations lo coffee If you ever need help I can read aloud I can do anything Wont you take me The frank end unusual plea was tin incident is sufficient for the of finding anything that heivea llifi name of home la one confronts many girls In many of bargain You may bring light places Lloyd Kldd Goodwin John Harvey Rodger Caldwell George Kay George Frances Jessie Marshall Terry Doane Emerson Grant Cavers Marshall FORM III Delia Orma Gertrude Wllnia Winn Dolan Glenn Boyd Atkins Elsie Stella Pearson Ethel Eva Marshall Kenneth Mortofl Haines Jack Slalland Phil Cane Campbell Miriam Cook Edith Haines Bruce Gladys Cole Mary Scott and Verne Playt Glass A Shirley Patterson Alberta Simpson Gretchen Harvey Marian Brammar Lewis Elizabeth Lowndes John Elsie Walker Gordon Arthur Stephens Leslie Evans Stork George Germain Ruby Lawrence Wright Jean Blizzard Kathleen Hodglns Mae Alfred Smith Muriel Davidson Gordon Helen Scott FORM I IB Belfry Cane Norma The late Mrs Robl of Kenneth left by will to lo the Hairy Lloyd the Friendless Hamilton Hospital at Hilda Boyd en Eugene McCa Labi do and lo the Womens Society or the United Harold Cook Melrose Swing Ida Owens Arthur Marion Margaret VanZsnt Williams Ronald McDonald Jean nova Margaret Terry Pollock Shirley Joan Allen Aubrey Gunnlnghai Muriel Smith Dorothy French Anna Marshal Verna Plnder Marie Ames George Kennedy Charlie Cunningham Agnea Winifred Marie Wilson Homer Blair Bethel Helen Clara Johnston Will Jim Velma Aailnaon FORM III C Bessie Carruthers Ruth Nora Boyd Ethel Cumber Hazel Elizabeth Trusty Gladys Robinson Mildred Walker May Allen Grate If Ion Marshall Cain Bnicp FORM I Lily Nelson Margaret Coyle Joyce Trusty Bruce Alex Marlon Edward Gould Kay MUligan Emmerson Smith Helen Gould Frank Harrington Murray Huntley ad and approved truck In this within reach the surfacing- vjl and that Jos Williamson ten dollars or timber on con report of Medical and local Hoard of Health of expenditure on town- were presented showing Township owing as paid to treasurer Mark- ham Township owing Whitchurch and Whitchurch owing Tp of Several claims for of dog general and road accounts were presented Resolutions were passed the treasurer to pay the follow ing accounts Geo Preston fees a attendance officer trips inspector Barnes rip school at tendance No 11 and EG A Jenkinssolicit ors fees and disbursements and Skinner The Banner Press cir cular letters re toxoid Village rent of clerks office Clark postage stamps half phone rent local and long distance calls J877 Vernon work on in and road accounts a certified by road of the by The behaviour of this natural asphalt In Jasper Park and the hi 1 several teal pieces put down In j of Edmonton in i it Alberta sand of Parks Hie highest of Hie of the In- surfaces to that It will be the matter and the Mines Branch of the of cost which will the of Mines- lo which his paving school gravel ndant for gravelling yards gravel and repairing culvert Chas dragging and repairing culvert div red dragging H and cutting weeds 3 Hall cutting weeds Ingot Iron Co ga metal culvert McLaughlin 3 Arthur Vernon verts and dragging TLN Bishop repairing in A blasting old grading and riling John Mitchell refund dog tax Osborne do wfund Morris refund dog Stanley Playferrefund dog Brown dog lax carried that the hereby instructed regard to the ra on he dollar certain section of he township oe served case of fire by Aurora and fire trucks On motion council NEAR PAHIO IN STAGE FIRE Timmins Deo young woman is in a private hospital suffering from burns on the hands arms and back two or three others were also slightly burned and a was narrowly avoided as the an unexpected climax introduced a French play- put on by Mrs Joe let for the purchase of a piano for St Charles Separate School While entering a scene of depicUng a dark ened cottage In ranee R in the role of an angel brush loo close a lighted candle on stage and one of her wings caught Instantly her whole flimsy cos tume was In flames Alarm spread throughout the at the sight of fire and sev eral hundred spectators rose to their feet and were on the point of rushing to the exits Meanwhile by Mrs and Paul prevented further with the flames Mrs lore off most of the girls costume and dragged the victim through the rear and rolled The excited urged beak their seats by the sane monlum subsided as quickly ave Jasper Park Motor Road With Bituminous Sands Section of the re cently surfaced highway leading to Jasper Park Lac Beauvert is seen to the right and the Lodge i le discerned among the trees on the lake Inset The deposit on the banks of the Clearwater river In northern Alberta from which the paving material was secured The section of road surfaced quarter miles Traffic is fair ly heavy and is equivalent to at least I motor vehicles per day Climatic diflons are marked by wide range in temperature and are therefore which prevail in WeBtern Canada sand mixture old gravel roafy The bituminous directly on the was equivalent The earing surface I Following the completion of a considerable addition al yardage wasrId at the request officials of the Canadian Railways Thb Included the ap proaches to the Jasper Lodge and walks and roadway with the varous bungalows con with the Lodge The tola area laid was equivalent to square yards of 2inch In carrying out its part of the Hie Branch opened up a at McMurray looked after the tra of material and operate healing and mixing pbnt for in iter til wis loaded on towed up Clearwater i terminus of the Alberta Waterways railway at loaded by hand barges iver to and Great Waterway trestle to the rallw as dumped direct and operated at Jasper departure from methods lbs outstanding of mining shipping and pavements at Jasper compare favorably with those for which of imported asphalt are laid In Edmonton and other cities in Alberta Mining and shipping of the sand were carried out under great difficulties owing to the absence of adequate rail while the mixing plant as deficient In laboursaving equip ient It Is therefore reasonable to isume that with more adequate transportation and a mechanically mixing plant of larger capacity costs can be materially reduced work In Jasper Park marks an epoch in investigating of these sands which has bee- a number of years of Mines under the direction of Mr From what has been done realized that the bituminous sands one of the great natural of Canada The primary of the investigation has been to render available such data as would enable capital to undertake develop ment In the area with of preliminary expense and delay The utilization of the deposit of bituminous sands would it has been found be possible in three ways a surfacing material for city and country roads as a source of high grade refined which is adapted for paving pur- varnishes and for other allied uses as a potential source of liquid hydrocarbons including gaso lene kerosene lubricating oils and The demonstration just completed in the first of these uses Is particular ly important since in other similar deposits have been used for As much asphalt used in the Provinces is imported from other countries situated at a consider able distance it would appear that the TORONTO

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