OUT RID A OTllrto trtuat ItolMMlMf Toronto jliyrfelu Union iliui wiy Office Hour j M of n of of lMlilinM If UK clinical By nd London Tdefliono Mt J H XJIy UbmUfy of County of York Hour 11508 p or by OIL fTruiBHIumlnUioD J TOWnU Drug Store Appointment Phone on tj by appointment for Extraction Phone Ml University of Toronto Years Experience fci branches Dentistry Childrens Lyons Candy Store 1 Evening of Sinking Violin in New Used Planes Tuned KCtfNBTH M fcOLtOtyOB PUBUO block Successor to the If decMud mt4 block Main Street WWDHTkel Hours a en p ra Evenings hy appointment funds to loan en Ire Prompt attention given to J1 rtgal work at c McXEWON XRAY PHYSICAL THERAPY us to if em to LATE to ft he path to IK Hens Suits or Overcoats WILLIS Mens Newmarket Hit AND FISTULA dotwA linger too long It is Bald that the hack of the is broken lut whether that bo or not people found that the hack of the coal bin Is hnty ilic city printing house are seeking orders All we ask of the- business people is to try first for their printing I highways beckoning to weary and spring unlfgnt Ywh Mens Club Mr Joe Principal of the College will be the for a special of the young men of the Town next Sunday after noon at oclock in the Christlar Church It Is a great honor to have an outstanding person an Mr who has been a beloved worker with hoys to to us His address Is entitled If I were Twenty- One Again Everyone will be made perfectly welcome Dont foil tt miss this exceptional treat next Sun day In the school room Horticultural Society The following nine options are given to members of Newmarket Horticultural Society and it is advis able that the secretary be notified of the choice desired within the next days so the order can be placed In good time prevent Choice Named Gladioli tiny t flliruita Daisy Larkspur Option amy colour named Iris any lour Option Named Daiwin Option Any Ah Anthony Mo- has been made by The Income the Department of National respecting the working out of the at per cent income tax announced last week in til speech The reduetio Ib to that of tost year A individual fn his incom tax return figures the regular ta payable by him on his income after Ho wing for deductions and lis tin- inli deducts the two ten per cent reductions fine of I Death of Young Orangeman Mi Leonard Moody son of and Mrs Frank Moody died at Urn County Hospital Newmarket on Tuesday Teh Deceased was bow in Newmarket in and has lived in lovn and in its all his life He attended and Inter went work at Leather He fiom ill ally all Ins life and has been for about the last Mr Mocly was an of the Lodge and at one time hold office He wa a miMiibcr of the Trinity United and was a staunch Lib a flit- W to His Ho- of for peons the gift of by the Hank to Sir Comptroller of Womens Auxsliaiy Of Schomlerg Anglican Church HISTORICAL SKETCH MRS MARCHANT or Ingenuity rind bottle mil- are marvels of Ingenuity and efficiency They are really automa tic although driven by electricity and strange to a writer TitBile they are the of the vhlch both here abroad y ii few formed Into what Is known the Auxiliary auxiliary mean ing aid to the missionary society of the Church of J chose an the and This by pledging themselves to aid overseas missionaries by grants of money and by training workers for the field both at home and abroad At the completion of a very suc cessful year these few branches met together at their first annual meeting to their years work and to lay their plans for the future To this meeting went Mrs Henry Perry of who had read with inter est of the work of these faithful wo men She was a devoted church worker and bo Interested was she In this new organisation whereby the wo- take worthy and The result of Mrs Perrys untiring efforts was the same year was rewarded by seeing her desire materialize and a branch of the Womans Auxiliary formed fn tin Lloydtown Parish and seeing the branch organized was not alt ficicnt for Mrs Perry for she her best as long as she was spared and shouldered the responsibility of the presidency for twentytwo yeara The branch grew and the accomplish expanded under Mrs untiring efforts and has indeed be come a worthy memorial to her faith fulness It was years during the in cumbency of Rev and Mrs that this branch was organized and the few women who pledged missions Mrs Mr Armstrong sec Miss Bella Perry trens Miss Dehlia Thomp son Miss Perry Mrs Mrs Rolling Mrs and the three Misses Reynolds Then they but four officers to conduct the business of the different depart v the expansion of first their obligation was he sum of to the up- Strickland in India and Indian Home be iill addition to sending a bole of clothing quilts etc to needy centres Their membership fee was per year and by each paying the additional sum of ten cents time enthusiasm obligations grew with and Increased membership until now instead of a ten dollar pledge we raise sum of annually this branch for the support of mission aries and In addition for many years iponslble for clothing India school bale of ding and all other essentials I sides this contribute to worthy causes In our own land a have long been doing guild work part in the glorious And in all these different members Chill filled have 1 Mrs lough Mrs Dulse Mrs and Mrs ltd ward Mardiant and others have held offices if years Of the original membership we us yet two chartered lumdy Mrs Marchnnt and who after all ears of service still display the first president shouldering the burden The Womans wonderful things and the expanding both i give ev by Francis machines fifteen complete units revolving aboutta central circle rotates alongside of molten glass and as each unit it takes up sufficient ma il to make one bottle every revo- when single are t six rounds per minute each ma ths time triple i bottles can be higher rates The battles may range from to Inches In height and diameter of to Inches they may be of fifteen shapes and ten different capacities and still be manufactured by e33h machine fli- revolutions through Interchangeable director With the assistance of an designer he created a plant The fl rat model of ten units working successfully ever a recent week ft turned out moulds On the basis of this is estimated that the new mac working with dual moulds an output of 120 pint J or over a million a week It wilt be readily seen Our News Butter is a beautifully snappy cold prevent the farm- Market In good lb Hospital Donation Box Social at Amsterdam Qucensvilic Womens Institute jars fruit Mis George Evans veg etables Mr Glover land vegetables Mrs King Lorn Ave preserved fruit Mrs Burrows jar3 of fruit Mi Frank Moody apples Ladies Aid Wesley Church shower tea and wash cloths Mrs V Robertson ojianlifv of preserved A Valuable Soldiers Medal in Home the tree for Good Meeting each meets at should he on ban on Monday night or the Ontario Boys Work Board make WHAT HE WOULD HAVE DONE lien Foster was noted for his If it had not been for his wife he would not have done stroke little arm and garden One evening after he had bee history will deep I dosed the book and said I Do mm know Maria win done f THE WAY HE USED TO DO Sometimes when I come In at nig And take my shoes off at the I hear my pop turn on the light Sometimes when I come home at si Oclock and hurry up my chores And gel a life armful of slicks do Sometime before a circus comes When Im as willing as can be To do my chores and all my chums They all take turns at My pop he pat on the head when I asked how he knew he said Dials the way used to materials carry their own forty tons with absolute rigidity and conditions arising from heat carbonized oil and particles of glass night and day The two latest machines have been VFIt QUITE STILL Vibrations tho Earths Every portion of of earthquakes Nature Magazim fomierly he mad me and He never saw lad Mc from and he lays down I cant whin For that although I should he Cause thats the way I used to do James Foley destroyed fertiliser confine Relieved After Using Two Boxes MRS LYNCH IS VERY SATIS FIED WITH KIDNEY New Willi Place relates her experience with odds Kidney Pills in the following f letter she states I with a severe pain in I lsInB two boxes of Worlds Kidney was relieved That was f ago have felt no return of this S tie acid out of the blood Tan health strength and vitality upon the condition of your for it Is through the blood that part of your body is nourished up enjoy good health the blood must he kept pure rdE One result Is of the glaciers that invaded that tfnent during the age that they 1 To the Geological Society Fitcblng Mass reported that vat ions to have been inhabited the glacial epochs had their- n open fronts closed by ice walls tl covered the cliff faces Seeing this explanation to Pr connecting tie States of Pennsylvania to attendant Go Is Mr Smith at home ft Which sir asked the There are two brothers living here For n moment the caller Evened i a less for on adequate then he had an idea The one wlo has a living Folkestone he explained PROTECTION GUARD your important papers and other valu- ables against theft and fire Nearly all of our Branches have Safety Deposit Boxes of different sizes at very mod erate annual rental Your Certificates Bonds Jewelry Insurance Policies Etc IMPERIAL BAftC- OF CANADA F II Manager SubAgency at of One Millions ARCHIVES OF TORONTO Houses ROOMED 3PI6C8 Bath Light and Water Large Garden Price Terms Cash Bal monthly payments ROOMED HOU8E Including Acre Garden on Paved Highway Price ROOMED BUNGALOW Lights and Water Cement Basement Garden Price 7 ROOMED RE8IDENCELlghU Water and Furnace In splendid condition Large Garden Very convenient to High and College Price Now at this new low price The Famous Rogers TwoTwenty with Junior Symphony Speaker SAVE The famous Rogers TwoTwenty Model now in its second successful year is the standard in performance and quality that every manufacturer of the new electric sets is striving to attain The former price of this model alone was now you can buy it in combination with the Junior Symphony Speaker built into a handsome Walnutfinished Table for ho more than you would pay for any firstclass battery- operated set If youre sold on the Rogers principle if you want to replace your old battery set with the first and only limetested receiver here is the radio buy of the season for you There will be no further price change on Rogers Sets Take advantage of this new low price to get this complete Rogers Outfit now the radio for the least money the market today Terms to suit your convenience Smiths Hardware Agents