El A lit filbert ALBERT and Mount Albert Keswick Monthly of Young- 111 for lift OK oube on tin- Hill it Albert Brooks Mount HOI id first of Albert Iloiti Hull will he held in Fanners Hull ll j to will Dg on Pleasant Home Bur- liitt ftlly illustrated with slides of lie tarda in Southern Ontario It lecture will tunfull the planting Mid of the ordinary Iwne flower baiifh rock gardens Vic rot rr member of the or iuutel he present ggtUd tUt the luture would boy and girls of school tu a Invitation i ex- Mr died id List Wednesday after many of sickness The funeral on wan In of Rev who also conducted a In Toronto before burial In Ml Cemetery On quite a number of family of Mr Ira Mor- paid a special visit lo parental being occasion of Mr Ions Mid birthday Ho also by bis IkIiIioi- and Mr Morton In good health Ho has sawed split and piled In bis example to ion Miss Morton of Toronto a Is Blending a few days her aged parents Mr and Frank Morton Miss Ella is one of tire few who have a once years The neighbors are always phased to when she makes her periodical visits lo Kes ri ok Keswick Is lo have a grout treat next Sunday evening The ion fortunate In securing as the for I licit temperance meeting lev Dr Mclaughlin of of Social Service and hi tho United Church of a Mclaughlln lias tho Atlantic lo lite Pacific and well Informed In regard to the Temperance sanation In the different provinces The meeting will bo hold of Calgary of our village h visilh Mr Ed dross rjJ usual will fellow Next Thursday afternoon the Aid Society will meet In basement for work Ihclr mooting In Iho torn to oclock another splendid upper for which this society Is will ho nerved Gom and enjoy Sunday morning Mr plana lo complete In lite ludy of the book of Job which ho two weeks ago Tids us been very Interesting Hi world day of prayer for Ions appropriately observed last week the christian Invlled the of Lulled Church lo meet wild llitrn for that A very helpful pro- was enjoyed by largo group Sharon sorvlce of late Mrs was hold last Wednesday at of her Mr Fergus and attended by a num ber of friends and relatives those iloscly connected being from Zephyr spent life Service was by the minister from The remains were deposited in vault Briar Hill Cemetery until when burial win lake place at Albert Is holding Its name by blustery weather and an the which were formed earlier Buzz sawing seems to be the order of Hie day at many farm yards and Ihe I oft Sheppards mother Mrs Irwin under the care at present having contracted a heavy friends of Mrs Winch sympathize with her and family hav ing received word of the of her brother David Morton of Wlllowdalo Sunday Is reported the price or cows Mr gale on Monday near Pleasant were above Hie Many farmers ore busy putting J hurt of Mann on Sun tho subject of Cod was wiio braved Hie stormy night vice next Sunday on account of Hie gospel temperance Hug In tho Christian Church oh is a union service member and adhennl are especially Inviled he preaenl at the morning the banks south of Keswlok on evening and to be pulled team of horses Mr Mil- kind enough to his team w them out and despite Dig i Mr Miller two chains Jobs we understand that you the pay he received and not even that from one man Miller makes his living with Wb lip and has a large family of little We think thai those who a able to afford should have Hie service rendered In a ire tangible manner A week ago last Sunday a got stuck Sunday It Is rather- that Journejs are east In stead of south during the winter incehanle both In England and Ills name Mr Itoberts his dudes on Miss Joy Much 1st Mr Isaac and MjjHtt of Toronto paid a their parents last Sunday Mr James Green of Toronto has been an Invalid at the home of his Mrs Wm Terry of this village for years passed away last week- He was not Granger for during past years vjsltor here and favorably mown by many of the er of the village t those from a distance who attended the funeral was his ni Mr John Millar of The People Bible Class of Iho Christian Church will An Old Mother day evening March KeSttJCk he will hold heir monthly the Mission Circle on Friday fit which Mrs address letting March flUv Mann be follower by By itttM Tend for House and Lot w1t frame good pi ba dosed March WIOSQK Mt Albert Friday at ConsceraUon Meeting and Gall Mrs Tate will have charge Pleased to Bee Mr Drown homo and Improving so quickly Wood cutting Is order of Sorry to report that A- Great last night Mr barn burst out In flames It wasn long Iho neighbors were running to tocno Mi Is homo for a Eugene Kllejey and visited In Newmarket on Sunday Miss Olive Black on the slok list Hope for a recovery of for the heavy work and which Mumps are still quite in mo homes Mis Barker Sr who Is at her daughters Mrs Winch on the sick Hat last week but la improved Mr and Mrs Joel Thompson of who are at molhers in the are much Improved In health new arrival at Albert a son Mrs Crittenden of Baldwin is nursing there Mother Miss Marion and baby doing from Port Sydney of the arrival of or clothing which was grate fully received and thanks Is in this tendered to the ladles who gave helped roake over clothing for those who are now enjoying using them More la being prepared and will shortly be forwarded George Arksey of the Base Line who has been suffering from an of at present Is some hotter It Is reported that Inquiries for collages are already coming and a good summer is expected Mr who has been preach- at Bethel for month of Feb well with the people and but appreciates the good sized congre gations who have nut forth an effort through bad roads weather etc to help make the service an inspiration The home grown carnations by Mrs Richardson which were church last Sunday ml Lie we that line flower f Job They were some of the Mrs Geo- long children out again after spell of sickness Good attendance at S Next Mr Morrison Sellar student minister will present to help along with he work for ihe month of March The beautiful morning at time of writing together with the l makes everything look so should help young and old to think Am I filling the place in the home and among others for which I was created Vachell We had very few fine days in The usual dance was held at last Saturday The orchestra supplied good and ail enjoyed themselves until ee hours in Hie morning What that fuss about over ring last Saturday afternoon Miss Winnie and Hiss Cora St a guests of Mrs- Jos Foster Miss May returned to It after a months holiday Mr Mrs Egypt soon we taking the young Miss Er Madden is home with the mumps dell and Hill Poster pen so ho Despite the stormy weather last Friday night there a good crowd out at the progressive euchre party and all report a good time Mrs P Cowleson of Toronto spent a few days this week with her slater Mrs A Putnam Avery large crowd attended the pale at Mr Hill on Tuesday The carnival last week not very well patronized but there were a good number of nice costumes Keep your eyes open for the next one Saskatoon of Qui of enjoyable social time was Monday evening In the base- the church it being as a fare and Mrs I lamer who moved this week to Partridge was general chairman and convenor In his a number of games were played In which both old and young enjoyed the gathering was called to order and on behalf of the Union Ladles Aid Mrs Geo White addressed Mrs Hill In a few wellchosen words of her faithful church work for many years presented beautiful piece of la hit linen for Mr I lad the Mr a id Ha and fa ml have been attendants and gift box of stainless steel knives which both Mr and Mrs ex pressed their thanks to the Queens people A lunch then served and all left for home hoping for another good time soon is giving vhirii tal and helpful number of our people attended the hockey match In Toronto on Tues day night Mrs Tom Allison of Richmond Hill visited her father Mr John Smith of Maple Ave- who is still very poorly Peters Corners The Jersey School is closed at the present time owing to tlw epidemic of measles and mumps In the neighbor- Mr Wellington Wilson of Sutton has moved onto the farm lately va cated by Mr Alvin Mr Charlie Draper has purchased the Mahontiy farm and Is moving this Mr and Mrs Elmer Peters and family visited Mr Fred of on Sunday Dr Bliss is under quarantine at Mr and Mrs Geo Draper and son of Wolfe also Mr and Mrs Stuart Draper are spending the win ter in Victoria and report a Ravenshoe A mistake In the date of which McLaughlin will speak here I on Sunday March on temper Scripture reading Gordon Topic by Miss Ethel Gordon Mr Jim Walker a fine solo in his usual way Come and bring your friends with you e ore sorry to lose Mr and Mrs Harris Wight and family from will be mJdst What 1 tons gain large number from here attended Hills sale at on Tuesday The airplane which mades its usual caused much comment among Ihe school children here when pilot waved at them last Thursday and Mary Pollock spent the weekend v cousin Miss Doris Mr A of is a few days with his aunt Mrs Hamilton Mrs Blizzard and Miss Ada pent Sunday at Mr Wights The stork flew over the home of Mr and Mrs Will Pollock and drop ped a parcel a gilt of a little daugh ter Muriel Bessie Fred Hamilton is busy these days Dame rumour reports sale of several cam already Editor Era would Just like to say a few words article that appeared last week re garding clipping that was read it meeting clippings are brought to V meetings for the purpose of discussion and questions if tbe ladies any questions to ask please do so at meetings Instead of waiting to ask through a local paper If then so anxious to know what view the Union or lady took why didnt they eat privately and causing so much trouble members explaining what It Sutton- West Miss Bella Sellers was able to re sume her studies In music In Newmar ket on Wednesday of last week the first her accident The many friends of Miss Blanche will be pleased to know she is to use her foot again Miss Mary Ann Swltzer of New market has been visiting her brother Mr Luke to hear Mr Luke is confined to his bed through Rev wife and of Mount Albert also Mr Mrs- of were welcome callers Thursday of last week The Young Peoples Class of United Church Sunday School entertained Young Peoples Class of United Church to a skating on Thursday evening of last week After the skating the young people repaired to the S Hall where refreshments were served The young people are very grateful to Mr for his generosity in giving them the rink for the evening and manifesting such an interest in help ing them entertain their visitors Mr and Mrs Fred Cook are enjoy a holiday at and To to this week Glad to see Mr Will horn again after an absence of months Mr Williams of Hastings is visiting with Mr Will Giiroy Mr Carman Hose and his sister Miss Irene Rose of Mount Albert spent the weekend at Mr P GUroys Miss Pearl spent several days last week with Miss Etta Gilroy Mrs is visiting her sister Mrs Charlotte Kay Miss L Treioar has returned home from visiting friends near Keswick Miss Iona Thompson has secured a school at Sunshine and left on Mon day to begin her duties immediately Rev M Sellar A of Union Theological College Toronto have charge of the evening servi the United Church during the month of March Miss is visiting friends in Toronto for a Mrs E Moore Worthy Matron of OES of Windsor was the of Miss M on Thursday lost week Mr Frank Ward is home from To for a couple of weeks holidays Mr Hall and Miss Irwin of Tprontc spent the weekend at Mr Wards Mr and Mrs Bell and family attended the funeral of mother the Mrs St and remained a few days with brother Mr Fergus Lockie The Friday of Leig Briars Golf Club Mr was known to in Sutton who will regret his demise Mr and Mrs E Taylor Mrs A and Mrs mo tored to Toronto last Friday to at tend the Silver Wedding Anniversary arid reception of Mr and Mrs J the latter being a niece of Mrs Arthur Pugsley Miss Ethel Treioar spent Sunday the City Mr John Moore of was ai Mr Luke Switzers on Tuesday On Monday evening In St James Church the induct the St and St George Georglna by Sweeney of assisted by Archdeacon Wan of Toronto Following the induct service was held when a number of young people were firmed by Bishop Sweeney Mr and Mrs Leonard attended the funeral of the great aunt in Toronto last Friday The P S of the United Church held the second session of the Mock Parliament on Tuesday evening Two Bills came before the House for their first reading and a spirited discussion followed The first Bill was brought in by the Opposition Leader on Immigra tion and quite arousing By this Bill immigrants would only be allowed from certain age and with a certain amount of capital specified in the Bill The sec ond Bill on the Deepening and Widen ing of the St Lawrence river accord ing to the findings Of the Opposition adjourned for two weeks At the close of the program Mr Frank Cul called attention to the fact that we were about to lose one of our highly esteemed families In the per sons of and Mrs Harry Thompson On behalf of the congregation he read an address to them while Mr John King and Mr Leslie Burrows present ed them with a Cedar Chest Mr and Mrs Thompson were completely taken by surprise but both thanked the peo ple and gave an Invitation to come to see them In their new home After a social time together refreshments were Mr and Mrs Thompson left on Wednesday for their new home near where Mr Thompson em ployed with the Wanepatae Power The annual meeting of the Sutton Horse Show was held In the Library on tended Everybody seemed very much pleased every way The financial statement was presented by the sec- STOCK REDUCING SALE Store Sutton EVERVTHINO TO BE SOLD AT Extraordinary Low Values During the Month of February COATG Rag to for Reg lo 2600 fop 1260 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Double Bed for and MI88E8 COAT8 Reg for In FLANNEL Small Checks also Large Plaids In Various Colors Reg up to fop ARTICLES TOO NUMEROU8 TO MENTION Will bo sold at reduced prices As Prices axe greatly reduced all sales will be D PIVNICK Sutton West FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF Sutton Horse Show 1927 RECEIPTS EXPENDITURES Balance on Hand Cash Prizes from Grants Services of Judges d from Membership Interest and Insurance Donations Freight and Cartage Admissions Feed 29800 Badges From Concert JO Special Attractions From Grand Stand Sales and Adds in Material Miscellaneous Work Mortgage Balance on Hand Total Expenditure TOTAL ASSETS Balance on Hand Value of Land Main Building Horse Stable Cattle Sheds Sheep and Swine Band Stand TOTAL LIABILVTIES Buildings Unclaimed Prizes Membership Retained for spent on capital will be held in larger scale those refrigerating macbiaes and she said she never get along without bavins the Ice man to chat with her in mornings- One day when unexpected com pany came to dinner Betty was fold privately that she and mother would have to have oyster soup wiUi- lered at her share in this sacrifice hospitality and apparently when she found one small oyster in her portion Holding it up on loon she Inquired in a stage shouldnt Mrs Smith have OF THANKS FARMS FOR SALE loam Barn House 2 good wells cistern acre orchard Close to school on Highway Fences goed repair is one the finest homes on Highway For particulars apply to MRS VESTA K1TELEY NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against e Estate of Herbert Rolling of Mt Gentleman who died October lib are required to file their lima on or before the day of March 1828 with Mary Elizabeth Rolling Mount Albert or W Davidson her agent after which date the a will proceed to dis tribute the estate having regard only ROLLING DAVLDSON Administratrix Agent Furnace and Cistern City conveni ences Hjdro Water on tap from artesian well on property Au tomatic electric pump flush sceptic tank system Lot ft with garage and henhouse Ex cellent garden soil Situated near lake Suitable for either fam ily or summer home Apply to WM Keswick Ont Order your Baby Chicks and Hatch ing Eggs Fishers Wyandottes Barron Leghorns Rocks from high producing flocks Have your eggs all hatched at one lime on a James way Mammoth Brooders and Poultry Supplies for sale FRED SMITH 3m4 MORTGAGE SALE HOUSE AND LOT IN SHARON be offered for sale by Public Auction Smith Esq Auctioneer on Saturday the Third Day of Much at the King George Hole New el at the hour of 11 oclock forenoon the following freehold pro perty namely at port of Lot Number In the Second Concession of the Township of East owned by Kileley and being properly dc- In a Mortgage registered as No In the Registry Office for the North of the of York the Township of East There Is a frame house and on the property is on Main Street fn the Village of Sharon contains approximately one and acres of land The properly u In For further apply to Kenneth Sliver Esq Vendors Solicitor Newmarket Ont or to SMITH Newmarket bid Terms of Sale to the d ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO