MAR Our Local News Win First Game In Junior Final O A mI nil I Mini tin Friday evening oclock In People pulling St Johns Church amusing Comedy My Irish Hose f enjoyment Is promised Meeting the Klnj and Stuart Home Association will be licit Tuesday March Mill I on Health Home The Womens Auxiliary of Trinity United Church will meet at Trinity Church Themes for March 1 1 Hi i A M Witnessing for Jesus Missionary Address by Mr Storey Service mi Wednesday letting will he held a M Hooker Ar- March The foil owing program will be by Mrs Opening the Wonders and Setting Table for St Party by Drown LARGEST CROWD THAT EVER WITNESSED AN AMATEUR GAME ingest crowd to ever witness amateur gamo at Toronto a Gardens on Monday night was deprived of usual pro vided In Junior championship t earns played close careful hookey 14io methodical play reaching of was roach lo professional stylo over ranks hut with the systems solved second game of riw on night might rovorae for bolh Playing sixman defensive hockey teams laid back and waited for breaks whioh were and far between most of action being supplied between Iwo blue Hues where forwards waged a desperate bee A barricade of bodies and sticks front of tried penetrate- the obstacle most of stmts on the goal being from far out Even with Hie ilago of increase offensive pressure bad It not been for Itcfcrco Infllctbig of for tlio offences would have been few TJio first made Mercer In front of the Newmarket goal first goal of of second period Murray and Charlie vlicri tills goal was scored got light in and faked a to Ames then crossed up Kim In to who the rubber Half way in the third period Bed Ills defensive a drive from be trickled Into the New market for Marlboros second Newmarket at once took the working In from both skies shots that had Claud Harris dancing in Dukes net Willi five minutes to go who for Newmarket went In alone king his way o pull Harris out mil more This goal caused lite one Ml cheer of llie game about hvo- of crowd rising and making llicmanlvcfj heard Ames goal for Newmarket lurn- In great game slopping always managed He showed more than bis team mates and Ids rushes were always dangerous and he gave Ibo ft couple of scares a bit of team work but for moat part had lo work done whenever lie made a break from be hind his Murray and did not show no well as limy have here on previous They wero subbed often in the latter stages of match being nursing for the final goal evidently and It is ful whether cither one of work up a good sweat Thome at centre was really fourth defense player stuck centre ice as though bo was glued there and hoisted puck the Marlboro did of rink rather than lead an attack replaced Thorns at tlicre was morn spirit In Hie Newmarket thrusts but ho too beyond tho Marl- lino unless a golden oppor tunity was afforded him Marshall was fair on right wing when relieving and lib shooting Is not near as powerful as the man for whom he Tito third period Of Newmarkets with only leaving an advantage of goal for the final game Two players on each team presented with complimentary tickets to the boxing card at the Tuesday night Irvine and will represent white and Ames are the Newmarket They were as the pick of team In Monday nights The Toronto Convention Of Prohibition Union for the of the Ontario Prohibition Union to March let and 2nd The devotional were led by Dr Vining He prayed God to give us grace and common sense that we may forget party politics Tba The President In his address said in part This meet- itrong support in this drew to the EtatUUca the Control Act effect by Mn Maltlwd RccommtndaUon Inasmuch as Premier Ferguson urge education on Temperance this ConvenUon urge Hint subject be pieced on basis as other sub jects That the book Temperance and Life by Isabel be adopted for used In schools Churches are urged to produce ma- on Temper stand affirmed no of Prohibition Union In Local Option areas liquor mall and motor cars greatly hamper night ward by the Attorney Price and evidence hat this the Atlantic to the Pacific is becoming We hove difficulty realising the vast amount of lnuor reported The speaker quoted the reports of Provinces with Liquor Control Hoards Columbia although a email reported spent The that the most i liquor traffic Com as a beverage Is Prohibition Noted That the motion In Legislature re beer by the defeated also great pressed that the Dominion Govern ment Is taking steps re Export Mouses It Is hoped the Dom Go restrict the privileges of who break the law by exporting Prices Reduced Mens Womens and Childrens OVERSHOES M W PHONE HeavyRubbers A CO