Ml health That cat li nothing your of nun ig which won well and favored Voting Young men meeting Friday In the Room I WliOlft up Be jlruaenl youll regret It I on follows I Hound up some and miss this nights program 1 Meeting called at will 10 held next Alios Curtis will have of ho meeting and Helen give topic on Working Others for Christ Our contest In on But side wo your help Com of making certain One method of making absolute- certain that you will jet satis faction is by asking us to fill jour order J 0 LITTLE North End Tin Shop furnaces STOVES PLUMBING Etc EDGAR Furniture Comer of Min NEWMARKET Phone Crown tier faithful J Cone r Willie McGci bride to be with Ducal Bowl vice to the choir id the address and mude tin Township of East at Sharon Municipal April 14 at Carried smith was appointed Clerk was appointed Road Trinity United Sunday April m Christ and the Church- The Waiting Christ At the service old familiar hymns will bo sung Monday evening the usual Which all our young folk are to ho Prayer meeting Wednesday even- Opens Soon Many applications for Business Courses have already been received arid the success of this institu tion Is assured Three standard courses Stenography Accountancy end Secretarial Fees payable month ly For address Newmar ket Business College Box New- Say It With Flowers HYDRANGEA POT ROSES PRIMULA BEGONIAS Flowers tor Every Occasion St Newmarket Phone loomed Brick Millard Ave All end Garage P Gas in he Stomach Is Truly Dangerous met ion li 1 text lor tin li iwd whatsoever m that shall lie world is greatly Motorcycle and To and Treasurer Carried That the report Auditors be accepted Carried That the following accounts for paid and the Reeve grant ler on the Treasurer for the sat the seal of the Corporation John Kelllngton sheep valuator Walter sheep claim Harrison sheep Valuator HarrisonLewis That the Douglas Thompsi Cordon Coatcs Robert Knights Walter Hose sn Ed King drag Ed King snow Albert Watson Albert Watflpn Win Rolling snow Oliver Kingsnow King drag Roy snow W Micks culvert repairs Micks drag Micks enow Frank Lloyd culvert repairs Win Crouch drag Wm Crouch snow Herb Croutch snow George King Hopkins snow Stanley Banks snow Ed Sutherland James Newell snow Walter Warren snow Joel snow Chas White snow Frank Graham snow Max Glover snow James drag Charles Rye snow Fred King snow Mr Llggolt snow Stanley Boyd snow Ross Boyd snow Douglas snow Seymour Andrews snow Seymour Andrews cinders Silvester King J Smith salary Smith snow Wellington Cole snow Charles snow Frank Smith snow Carl snow Thomas Tibbie snow through their pockets departed with something of a bo corner of the car completely wrecked the Interior and more or less Injured several of those hav ing breakfast Sir Henry Drayton for West York and former chairman of the Board of Railway Commissioners for will succeed Mr D a as of the Liquor Control Board of Ontario Daylight Saving goes into effect on Sunday April Declaring they could not definitely decide from the evidence in a verdict of suicide the jury the death of a Finnish at the morgue recommended hat further investigation be made events Immediately preceding her Trie girl aged employed vas found dead in a ravine on April i The body was found suspended liandkei chief wire He id The I under way Calgary Vermis Grain Company suitable site 1 opposite Five special trains carrying ound pilgrims Montreal recently Lords Da at the ul StaplesLewie A pretty wedding was iKcd on Saturday April at hi Wesley United Church by Rev- J D an Int mmiage with Mr Roy Whitfield Stapled of Oshawa- The bride who was given away by her brother-in- law Mr Swart Cooper wore a gown georgette with veil of orange blossoms and carried a bouquet of roses and Miss Irene Milne dressed In peach taffelta and carried a bouquet of pink roses The groom was attended by his brother Mr Clifford Staples of Mr Bowleg the wedding march and during the signing of the register Mr Clarence Brush sang AH Joy Be Mr Addison Myers and Mr Osmond f Of t After the ceremony the brides si Sherwood berry tea and Misses Myers Marian Roger buffet the home of W George Helen Wlilte Herbert Cole sno Horace Mortson Bert Scott snow George Cole rank ilic Council then adjourned jeet on May at 1 pm J SMITH Clerk and OSBORNE Reeve Board of Health At the meeting of the Board of on Saturday April Osborne Dr Johnson That send blank forms for the of contagious diseases to th Osborne Dr Johnson That Hi bill for posting be paid Huntley JohnsonOsborne That the Cler ordered to send notices to Sclio In the Township tliai they grounds condition 928 also thi Mt Albert Villai Treasurer for to Quebec City and the from the church of St Aldan Jersey City and under the care of Father Thoma M Curry parish were on their annual to these Port being April There will be coming season Through service will be returned this season from Owen Sound May and from Port May 19 InstaJlatlon of Mack Lapeer Trailers for ment freight froi Pacific depots to and Kj THE UNITED CHURCH AT STETTLER ALBERTA By courtesy of The New Outlook form of the building was and it dedicated practically in Sunday morning January the w United Church was opened and dedicated to the worship and service f Almighty God handsome splendid achieve- the of the immediately attachable to more of these tractors can bold up to lbs of agencies officers said had been Likelihood of an earlier commen cement of seeding operations la generally conceded in the West they added and unless immigration present high peak and stands as a witness to what can be accomplished by united effort The building is of Eedcliff var iegated tapestry brick and gables of stucco with pebble dash The interior wails are of a warm buff with beamed ceiling to harmonize with the chancel fittings and pews The me morial windows add greatly to the beauty of the building These win dows are of leaded amber colored glas enriched by two borders of dif ferent colored cathedral glass and further enriched with medallions and emblems The church has a seating capacity of the main auditorium ind the ladies parlor Besides the lor i ladies pai the of the that time the Landing wa the of fishermen as the fish further on account of the the night of which write haul taken in the nets and Very large congregations assembled at ell the services The pastors for the Rev Grant Presi dent of the Conference and Rev Powell Superintendent of Mis sions The church was presented for dedication to the President of Con ference by Mr Harvey Page Rev Grant then led the people in the dedicatory act Rev Thomas quired If we were many said Yes the hoys have as many fish there are stories on the Bradford Road and I live down that way ought to know discussing the heavy catch contended was the extreme wetness of the water that spring and assured us suckers liked that kind best Around our camp fire one of the West I think it was said that if we left a lot of our surplus catch on Harry Chapmans pasture field his cows would give fishy milk recall selling two bags of suckers Powell preached the dedication ser mon At the evening service the Pre sident of Conference preached The Challenge of The Church The choir under ship of Mr Charle3 Willis for fifty came to back to the Landing when the used the money a bag of peanuts and a piece of 1 walked I but the boys went Max Keys the mall carrier to ation to meet the While United waiting here another fisherman leader- Tommy Gray sat on he edge of the a I platform using the gate post for j pillow and went fast asleep In fact he slept so soundly that the train went of the a fine hissing past him but he didnt When we came to the gate and wak ened him Tom refused to come along Probate has been granted of the will of the late Arthur Edwin Pugs- ley cattle dealer of Sutton York County who died at Indian Head Indian Head died fate Realty has a total value of comprising lands in Saskatchewan worth and farm in North York worth The per sonalty Includes mortgages securing promlsory notes totalling Insurance of a savings account of 3272 Personal add household effects and imple ments and stock are assessed at the income from the estate tit her death when the residue will divided equally between William a and Mrs Isabella a daughter Carelessness in the woods has caused untold millions through forest fires which have destroyed GO per cent of the original forest BANISHES EVIL Dear sir I send two dollars Send the Era another year I too must have your paper A way with false Words of praise Glorifying God haw sed sin night yet in all that friendship for the boys I has never changed and it me a great deal of re them all together rights to thee bring as a light iur King Hits evil Your stinging words against beer FIR true Christian souls with pride has doubted in four years April Four persons are dead and a fifth may die as a result of a fire which early to day razed a building on the farm of James six miles from COUNTY POLICE COURT Sixly days Imprisonment was the meted when he pleaded guilty In county police before Magistrate Browne to a charge of stealing a bicycle in the township of North the property of Robert Malt Counsel on behalf or accused in timated that his client who worked on a farm had taken the bicycle thinking it was a better mode travel to his mothers house Several previous convictions for theft and vagrancy were recorded Twentyseven owners who persist in sending their trucks out on the highway carrying excessive toads costs each Graham drove his truck t a chauffeurs license Fined Acting In a disorderly manner in a the CONFIDENCE in the dealer is even more important in the purchase of a used car than in that of a new car For that reason it will be to your advantage to buy from a dealer whose reputation for honesty and integrity assures your satisfaction The good name we have won in our represen tation of the Chevrolet cer protects you in the purchase of a Used Car here We can not afford to sell anything but a good car at a fair price Come in and investigate before you spend your money Representative Values 1926 Chevrolet Sedan do Ton Truck 1924 do Touring Phil Hamilton Agent Newmarket