M A 1ST 182 Albert Queensyille Keswick I a Aourr wuht albeit Mount Albert horticultural society The regular meeting of Society be in Telephone Tuesday evening June Intuiting paper will given on various phases of horticulture If member a bloom li to the meeting Also bring garden problems for the drawer both interesting Invited A We have fa play ground In our town which Is used properly will be a of to all children and grownups oo but If thing put going to be lime I hat Hie younger generation Chat they Sharon luv lik ft may be for some If Ihls Is kept on And tl Is hoped that Instead destroying Hie place hoy will help to take care of It and enjoy It Tito concert the of iho buret on Friday lost when the reel The Church Arourvf the Corn er was given was poorly at tended but the was The proceeds were at oclock oclock com someone with you rgaret and Mr Ar- Sunday at row in on Friday night reek Mrs of Jin Mr Iflt Murphy the Mi- had Mr winners wire bloom Darwin 1st Mrs Theater 2nd Mrs Sleeper 3rd Mrs Breeder 1st Mrs Parrot Miss Double early single bloom 1st Mrs John Lck 2nd Mrs near 3rd Mrs Mainprise Single early 1st Mrs of Tulips 1st Mrs John Leek Mrs Rear 3rd Mrs M Mamprlze Tulips or any one kind si Malnprlze 2nd Mrs Wilson 3rd Mrs Mainprise Narcissus single f8tMtss Harmon 2nd Mr 3rd Mrs Lily of the Valley Harmon Bleeding Hearts 1st Mrs Ira 2nd Mis 3rd Mrs Steeper To Abb A good con on Sunday Is Sunday time Mr and Mrs pent The train eroding fairly well fin ished lit this dislrhl although some of the fanners claim the land has requir ed amount of cultivation this Hiring to try and keep the from getting claim It his known them of May said the ten late spring but Sutton West Congratulation little the gift of a lovely for light weight cloth pleased to receive a Prank Broadway or Old friend tried km I pit a he fry Friends of Mrs re gret that site continues In poor of health Her mother Mrs Crop- SPORTS DAY Committees in charge of the various events Tor Mount Alberts Fourth An nus Sports Day on Saturday June 2nd reporl hat all arrange men are now practically completed end that Indications are weal tier permitting lor most successful day on Numerous Invitations have been acnt to former residents to return to Rip village on that day and renew old acquaintances the class attractions which will be furnished by the oppos ing learns baseball foolfoall and eirls there wilt he a cham pionship horse shoe pitching contest running races and sports for the mid dles a midway Punch and Show towns guessing contests Band Mount Albert High School Scottish Pipers and many added attractions The Newmarket Minstrels 25 artists and 10 piece will provide the evening en- In every so they have played to packed houses PERSONALS Dr Tom of short Wail his parents last week Mrs of Toronlo visit ed her mother Mrs Stokes Sr a lew days last week Mis Stokes and daughter of visited relatives in town on Sunday ixsi Stokes Is leaving shortly to make her home Mies Drown and Miss Annie spent weekend at their Saturday June 2nd is Pioneers at the Temple We hope it will e nicer day than last year The Institute are In charge of of this Or could it be will power Or speed of Cherry trees look very their white also Mr and Mrs Frank Tate motored crab apple trees in their Niagara on Saturday Mr Charlie Story from USA nd Mr and Mrs Sherman Story pent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Story real cool The growth is remark able Those in the member J excellent wife who were Clayton Fosters and Mrs of Toronto at their home in for 1th family and friends were the holiday ind say we had a in town for Ihe and everything lovely inks to the speed cop everything I off fine through the village on for hi Wedding bells iinn when Pa marriage Mr Evert Goode of Union street to Miss Glad King Dudgeon and family lai Mr and Mr- of that Mr- Ge gave a Sunday morning 1 Ihe Walker has purchased the belonging lo the of and is gelling it ready for On Sunday last while Mrs Stokes was preparing to go to church bod misfortune to slip and idly spraining her wrist whiuh parental roof Cameron of Chapman of Toronto id with Mr and Mrs of at Sun Sabbath morning well filled with the accept Christ and usual on Wedn stationed a Vest circuit specially in the time the fh night and day will regret to Hint Mrs has recently red the loss of her mother Mrs Murphy of Toronto and friends here tend their sympathy service at Bethel on Sunday was not as well attended as usual Mann preached a very helpful Suncla length and wan people mo Mrs Walter ere the guest a week ago i King Hospital Madden of Virginia t In the here Infection Slater and family of their cottage Iho Mr from a Mrs John J of To- in a way liny will Victoria Day and the toon la evening I at Mr Jos- of India a Mrs Cooke and Torort briefly tola the the of he weekend Billings who and I in India In honor of to be Mr Gordon a lite Mrs Boss Pollock last A party of young people wen if trip to Kirk Geld hocks WEST Cement Lime Plaster Gyproc Brick Tilt Etc ORDERS TAKEN FOR LUMBER JOHN H KING SUTTON WE ST lions cm- and P and Mrs- nieces iil jfj horse look first the In coll race Fair on he Still Mr Dm conducted the A Belfry and her Mrs Marker of Hamilton spent days together at their cottage chard Beach last week Mrs John Wilson poor health for so very suddenly morning May was held at the conducted Heir A Belfry the the Mrs Chas and Master llruce spent the past week in Toron to and visiting relatives and friends Mr and Mrs returned home with her on Sun day from Ravenshoe I am all the few warm Iwvers which were needed both on end gardens Such a wonderful scenery busts be holding a now lie out In leaf Toronto evening on Friday June lot when blossom and far aa the ioung people fce green paa- hoii- United Chinvli enjoying a I We ore very glad to hear that Mrs frolic Is improving slowly Mr and Mrs Max Glover spent Sun day the of Mr Violet girl frigid Sunday home here Mabel Stephenson took tea Sunday Kathleen Knlghls another Iras joined the of car buyers and has taken himself a namely Mr Richard Bye One of our couples took a trip to wllh beautiful scenery Mrs Stuart White and family spent tinday with her parents Mr and Mrs A the Sharon Senior Club will j of cars sped along meet at the home of President here on the holiday weekend I Mr on Wednesday even- enjoyed the June are re- to make and that they had left the pave- her Mr Wm is also He Is able to sit up for two hour sorry to say Dr put alt those who fully Sharon i Sunday evening Muriel Allan Mr and Mr Wm Taylor of Mr Mrs JTayj Irene of Vallenlyne al Mr an Bert Taylor of Were vbltors at Mr George Taylors Mrs Bob I ihe parental roof Mrs Ed has home spending a few di day Mr court In last week regarding the officers of ihe Mrs Frank I Directors In place of Mrs Tate The auditors were They are Mrs Davis and Mi Selby is Mr J Dis menl trict will address this on Sun meeting Everyone day evening- Scripture reading Miss A Smith topic by Bray solo travelled the village or StoufMlIe 38 per hour He paid 10 and costs all to meet with us next Sunday even- wHl close for the CARD OP THANKS Percy and Mi deceased sympathy extended hanks for of kindness and occasion of their late i FOR SALE One new Separator on capacity One nd Star Cabinet number of records Apply to I J FRISCO MAN The property of Order your Baby Cheks and Hitch ing Eggs Fishers Wyandot Tom Ban on Leghorns Bocks from high producing flocks Have hatched at one time on Mammoth and Poultry Supplies for sale SMITH The Council held wIU Sarah of Toronto ls a visitor Last week home Alice visitor last Lloyd Mr Oscar Grimsby to on to trip Dike and Miss Mill see the blossoms Holt gave a on the of May The onto visitors they joyed Hie day Mrs PETERS CORNERS late for la Mr celebrated Young of Church held an afternoon on the baseball grounds on la Day The game of baseball chosen from the class lnresUng in favor Base Line team This was Bacr won TO THE we shall Gomorrah Shall it be God Wake up Christ HM QUEEN MARY day celebrated he George could lent for their spent the end with her parent Mr and Samuel and Mrs Waller Couch with friends at Gordon Hopkins has built a and Some men to the place Is busy hauling city with his I ruck spent Monday trwith Mr Horner and lady friend bridge call on also Mrs Shell of Ux- of called agg of Uxbridgi FOR SALE nice Furnished Cot- sale or rent at Jacksons PL Pinery close the park BROOKS Mount Albert Orchard Beach Race is Stephen Thompson Prizes pocket combs j CM Nail Driving Contest Elizabeth Noble 2nd Lulu Prizes Hop skip and jump Dike Pew I Prize pocket comb Sewing Contest Norma Lockie Prize Tr Boys Running Race johnston handkerchief Jr Gins- Running Bare Jean Winch handkerchief Running Bob comb 1st Bob prn knife 2nd Mrs Doug tape line Otitis Running Race Betty pencil On Sunday last the class had an tendance of and the teacher Ben Johnston Is to be on the Interest she has ivi among the young people Next Friday evening the members the class are to be by Young Peoples Class of Keswick died The young people re are refiiiepted to meet at I Store al oclock ihat all The picket fence ha itiT much ypua expect YOU have a right to expect just as great in a Used Car as you would in a new car You have a right to expect honest dealing and fair treatment You have a right to GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR And it is our intention to see that you get all you expect plus a bonus of extra value made possible by the high grade of cars traded in on the Bigger and Better Chevrolet Come in and see these remarkable Used Car values cimozbi COUPE CHEV TRUCK FORD TOURING 47500 25000 12500 John Percy one of the bast known and most highly respected residents of the village was laid to rest In Cemetery last Friday afternoon Mr Percy who had been ailing f6r some time would have at tained his birthday on had he livxl Born In Ireland he came lo age of five years by parents They settled in Sut ton and at the age of twenty years he married Susan Young of lhat In his wife died A staunch Presbyterian Mr Percy was signally honored by his friends gladly welcomed St Johns was a member of Lodge for he past a Mason and was Phil Hamilton CHEVROLET Agents Newmarket AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER Ottawa Ma of Toronto to of TORONTO