Newmarket Era, 1 Jun 1928, p. 7

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0 till folk ONE our crew l lwji Uniterm II rr Irani tried nd today wid to morrow Local News The Saturday and Field Day Mount Albert Conference United Church convened in next Wednesday The Church having talc Homemade la Sunday School room on Our Local News Everybody ins I Wc ore welcome to our Mr and Mr who were residents here Wo two good here and why not patronize our own home town of Council A special meeting of Township Council was held last week when report of tho tax collector was sub mitted There la un paid to a penalty it shall amounting to be lint spar- wsBloAruclIrwlltc Clerk to petition the for tho statutory The Inst regular monthly meeting of York County Hospital Aid will be held on Tuesday Jiiim three oclock in the Council Chamber- Will all bavins Hags kindly ll bring the the to the meeting YET LEST FORGET THIS 15 THE PLACE GOOD COAL TO ET keep right on his coil yard you will re wry best of fuel and tin of treatment It Is jus us to conduct along polite lines a it J 0 LITTLE Huron otu convention The Convention will be held Tuesday and Wednes day of week June and Gib session will be Tuesday morn ing at Tuesday afternoon oclock ami again Jn the evening at oclock At the evening session there will bo a lecture interspersed good music Again Wednesday morning tie session will at cock and again Wednesday at There will be no session evening of these mes ons will be free to everyone and led many as- possible avail themselves this opportunity of learning more of ds very important work Daylight Saving Time Press Cor North End Tin Shop FURNACES STOVES PLUMBING Etc ORDERS PROMPTLY F EDGAR of Mttin and Queen St NEWMARKET Phone Say It With Flowers HYDRANGEA POT ROSES PRIMULA BEGONIAS Flowers for Every Occasion GREENHOUSES 8t Newmarket Phone 13S Mi I MS si tit of oclock upon from the Chief and adjoining lots on Colter eel belonging to Mrs of York Mr Levi of Sharon has dis posed of the property north of prising a red brick residence rooms and adjoining land to Mr rson of Toronto sales registered by Hod- gins Branch Office Chun The Utile Johnston and Mahler William much appreciated numbers The committee for May thankful to all who in any way tribute to success of the Tho Smith long illness Mr James died at his home on lEgllnb n Tuesday Friend Churth The morning test on May w in Psalm Us The secret c is with them that fear id He will show them his The topic was The Secret of a Chi Mr was born lie farmed years ago when ho entered estate in Toronto United Churchman and is survived bit brother Jacob of passed through New market on Thursday en for Inlermnnt in 1- Ailiws church choir Newmarket the Master did i sTdoscs lifted the wilder the Son of Man be lifted up that whoso- ver in Hhn should not per il but have eternal life It is for man to for man must faith in God ho made us Public Library The following new been added to the Pi Fiet Nuptials Of Corbal Stories Cooke Anthony Windsor Line Likely May 27 The early of an air mail service to Buffalo a possible of southwestern with a view lie of another such fciiv Toronto to Win Hie this the West in of an eventful coast tocoost air mail service were among the pro which Hon Peter Post General disclosed to tin House of Commons last night during Tin- of expansion air mail service which Hon Mr gave vied for chief interest in if Jays sluing with his of important salary Incroses r tin- rural postmaster Lron the question of the air mail Service plans Hon Mr tlie service as being in the experimental stage but Possible the pervitoe would be pujf upon a iguar basis and the urged accordingly the Light Hands Up Quarry Wood O Henry Award Dealer R J Gregoi was In Trimly lied Church Tuesday tail Tlie enjoyment social was greatly Inert by musical from several in the Wtsl Mrs J tiscr and fain of Toronto Sunday with Mrs Thos of Is We hope she will recover Several of l ladlea f the Jnlf- te attended District Convention Our Institute Is Invited to hope quilc a nunher find con venient to aval Ihemstlve of a pleas- hi Hie close and Friday a Mr and Mrs Hart of Toronto Sunday at Mr El Service in the PresJjy church oclock lime subject of his Hie Gospel these ever increasing numbers Last Sab bath attendance numbered thirtij eluding one family from Toronto ami effective feature of sen Ice was the rendering of a and Mrs of large number of friends of late Milton Fred Jako Phil as pall be Newmarket War Veterai am Thomas late of the Toronto Battalion died Christie Stroet Hospital on Jrouble AShough be was in Toronto he lived and was educated market He enlisted here in going overseas in On September he wounded in the leg and did not each home until some after the died last August since then he has kept Ids maUier ing employed al the Russell Hardware Co He was a member of St Monica Church He Is survived by a bro ther Louis Toronto Hi has been in Hospital Belhaven next Womens Institute meeting held Ihe 2nd Tuesday of June which will be expect medical doctor to address the meeting See further notice country is beautiful now with orioles here and an abundance of and cherry blossoms Those who favor dancing and enjoy attending the dances In our beau tiful do enjoy allowed in spite of the cards which the Board of Management bad printed for the prohibiting smoking and do In ego people showing the effects of liquor we would advise this remedy Whenever there Is to be a dance in peoples new an from the Govt Department Toronto should be pres ent Ther It I K Oppenlicim an Shepherd Sylvl The of The Jade Rabbit The Hounds of The Legion of the Da The Three The Fighting At Agincour Trail of the Little p in the World jiri of the Plains Cm Trail of the Iroqu id Marriott Up Grip containing 22eoo Police Constable Harry Holmes Station Toront meets old is his elder Vill Holmes he m Tuesday las the A Toronto ha Tip int negotialing General to J from Montreal to Sheneciady will be some time before these St iiye Hi 3k son Choice Irdr NonFiction S With Scissor at The s Lindbergh Eagle Be Eagle with Murk Twain F eld The Moccasin Maker ne Jo Christ at Round St When He me to Himse J Tucker on duty at the Union fro he able as wiell Sergeant Telegram rf Holmes nti in 2 bonds and other val- him this A it y Itll Closed hour and order maintain- too good a hall to- have it soon from member of the Board of Management of j said hall who lias no part nor lot In the program and who has no sympathy with it whatever The prospects are a new road from Keswick on through our village There are a number of men employed in the work Several plies of tile are placed at internal along the road in prepar ation for the new road which is much OLD FIDDLERS CONTEST York Pioneers to have Contest MORTGAGE SALE -OP- VALUABLE FREEHOLD LAND Under power of sale contained in a mortgage which will he produced at the there will be offered for sale by public auction at the auction rooms of King George Hotel Newmarket On Monday the day of June 1 at 2 oclock p by Smith Auctioneer Hie land and premises known as the resilience of the late Mr Henry S said Auto Suggestion for Mothers V Christopher and tlie Twelve OneAct Living with Our Children Gi Peeps at the League of Nation New Book of Etiquette lo the Templi Saturday 2nd when a public meeting will be held at pm The main event on the Program will be a contest for bid to all Aged or over Three prizes will be given Ihere are sufficient entries and an experienced judge has commen ted to net Entries may be made at any secretary N Cas well King St West Toronto Special music be provided by Choir winners In the conU Richmond Hill on May Robinson Winners One on Ihe south side of Hur on Street according to plan Number 68 prepared by Gibson William Cane and registered at the Office in the North Hid ing of York also a Lot at the rear hounded as follows i Commencing at the cor ner of Lot Number One runmns southerly parallel with the east said lot seven rods thence parallel wtih Huron and twelve feet th seven rods to J of Lot Number One tl the southerly ice northerly boundary easterly of said Lot umber One to the place of beginning same now being fenced and being composed of part of lot number Thirtyfive In the concession of the Township of Whitchurch On the land Is said lo he erec ted a solid brick detached thirten- room hot water heating floors and trim of money to be paid at of sale and balance within twenty days The properly to be offered subject Further particulars and conditions Solicitors for the Mortgagees Dated at Toronto this day A few simple words to the men of Newmarket Wo believe is a time in life of married man silence is golden and again are limes when silence isnt worth a plugged nickel II is good business to let friend have her own way in the tilings but to he rather emphatic in the larger things thai strike at the very basis of happy contented homolife And we would point out thai he Family Wash problem in your home is probably one of tho biggest you have to deal wilh In the past few weeks we come to wilh a laundry service unlike anything ever offered before is so inexpensive that it enables your wife to send the whole family bundle lo us and keep within allowanco you make each week for housekeeping In addition lo this material advantage she is spared the terrible drudgery of steamy which she will tell will in time rob her of that charm which Makes her so dear to you Supposing ntw that you read he firsl pari of this advertisement you tell your wife lhal she may choose a very very reasonable charge from five different kinds of Family Wash service wash damp wash with flatwork ironed dry dry wash with flatwork ironed and our famous semifinished service Being a man you will realize Ihe importance of our laboratory research which has resulted in our using nothing but soft water and pure soap and other precautions lhat prevent injury lo the most delicate fabrics Our driver will call and pick up your bundle and return it lo your home Just phone the Wet Wash Laundry Company Limited at Newmarket Phone Sale Register June 2nd Auction sale of the School Site at Keswick acres on the premises at Wednesday June Mr Win- lot con i East Gwilbm- miles east of Queensvllle will hold an extensive farm sale at one oclock Six months credit- H- auctioneer- Saturday June Mr 1 J Mount Albert hold an sale of furniture and valuable property at one oclock Furniture cash J Kester Auctioneer Tuesday June Mrs Jos Mount Albert will dispose of a quantify of household goods at am Terms Cash W J Council Met at on Monday Ms at pm as Court of and general business all present Minutes of last gen- of the Council sub- Court of Revision and lo deal with the Roll no appeals as to several applies off the lis the a It by Councillor by Councillor Mott j be made Lot Con f each of the follow Walter Gra- S Chap- Court of Revision do for the dischai East half Lot 1 Vest half Lot Con list of for Georgina be hereby instructed to of this resolution to Carried That Voucher No Also the folloi Some Good Reasons for Speculating IN A FEW SHARESiOF THE JURY GOLD MINE DEVEL C LTD TeckHuh 2 A ii our Development Co Ltd seen decided that the thai ill not be lited lor trad or gamble with the bodies the of finding end old ache the product FIFTY PER CENT OF INCOME FROM THIS SOURCE IS EXEMPT FROM TAXATION NINETY CENTS IN THE DOLLAR The Jury Gold Mine Development Co Ltd ARCHIVES OF TORONTO mom

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