The loading County Paper as well the Oldest No paper out North paid in fir ISM In Editor and Proprietor ON FRIDAY JUNE 8 II 1028 Dominion Day Celebration Gets Off to Good Start Determination to Make It the Best Ever SPLENDID WORKING COMMITTEES will again be by celebration at Ji was lhe derision of a large meeling held I moved by wended by Day llial Hie annual celebration be held on July 1st and carried unanimously Soil Ball Bert Day Basil Hard nail Armstrong Arnold The Glory of North York PRIZE ADDRESS AT RICHMOND HILL CONTEST UNDER OF YORK PIONEERS REPEATED AT GATHERING LAST and In Joy combine And their is truly I keep my heart in tune With the la June corrupt the all The following day mil in blanket and Nature aged one ami- to lo KlB These another spring I Man can only humbly stand I arts the Willi glory of liberty slowly from the war of Ontario re- down from rcednt to nulned free from Invaders An era Is like the building Of a before- enjoyed ensued reef Is the countless genera- the luncheon of dead King Tp Farmer Accused of Tampering with Jurymen REMANDED TILL JUNE ON IS Kit re a dramatic halt to the a stone mason In trial of Dr lien Cohen In the at various Jobs ai Toronto on Wednesday of bought farm when detectives Concession East King live they In the police lowing charge of May James 1 got badly ged farmer of burned Mrs said My as accused and his brother had been of lhe fotbarhlcg It and one night had In the month lir on the It boiled over aid In did wilfully I feat course of Justice I pall and for us who boost in Mm r that these to appreciate wa7 wm- of the Muff ih- ahi muly it v w builds ally look upon hut the Is another he offspring of way IB Placed evidence having been completed be- her arm and neck the wo a The blow patient my bobbed and present work of lhe reformer was not a member of the sight ig tbe case but I The only thing I know about from which case Is that a man has been up he a lot He offered to drive my hand home from the city on May Tom picked the tar out In the hospital for area the tho building of evolution It upon iheun Of Mount Albert Who delivered attempt had be members of the Jury When court resumed the Judge an- unced thai in of the Inform- and tbe jury pointed first was a of the bail for lived but which have sentd their purpose and en- heen submerged by the rising lido years a of new life Back In the Con lhe pop- jrning point had or ai me same lime The Judge ordered turns of a worthy soldier September Ir Cohen being refused Indirect Means Used New developments Inclu opinion expressed hy two of lhe Jurors an Indirect attempt to Infii settlers was broken lca of thins ado and often a A more direct way alleged by s tied at one end dirhulii crown of offering bribes dreams These sturdy middle class was someone hi folk imbued democratic sent- frjg lhe lklking ment and Its supporters he Family Compact which stood in the way of abuses a succession said Harry On- -ilk- of leaders some of whose character of con- w men temporary agitators In England walked from diiinces A foil Thorpe car their of grain flmily Mackenzie sue- How different now Mills operated in the machinery of who always seemed bout Cohen getting off out to lunch with noticed a mi forward in front and to an along If wan I could easily 11b Bond Head as Gov and pol- of grain In wagons and icy brougil abojil fie InhnbiCant under Mackenzie our wis a lime lhit our county w lie limelight for and Tavern on of land being for seed- his hand of abo But he had vhere said John Jennings d on the I knew there funny going on on our honor not talk about Leader was forced clothing to US theless the had come for reorganization and Mackenzie and his followers were for urf looked upon as disgraceful traitors we would fact that they great need for but since I was on about the advent report a to anyone one summation of Fed- j hopes and j other who w few men of prophetic In- great Ideal of a Canadian clothed In visible shape achievement of Confederation to have fated lo d dissimilar had received no mo thing be had done but he hall here like him my let the follow- he he was and although I good talker and him drive htm home fog Friday night a coming this way May he came up again until Saturday His solicitor Saturday morning and he went back to Toronto but on Saturday night and stay- Monday morning when he drove my husband Into the city didnt like him because of his and he brought some wine out seemed to have far too much to say and I told Jim I didnt like him but he let him slay Mrs seemed distressed by the fact that the had asked if tier huband had much money at any time He had an account to pay and took practically all we had about Into town wih him on morning I dont think he liked being on the Jury but he iy much about it as he didnt thin It would last long The worries me Is the detecttv my husband had not where he was supposed friends of mine on Beb Years Ago From the Era June Mrs Geo anJ left yesterday for Manitoba on a visit Migs Butler of Toronto is spending with Mrs Geo Hewitt and daughters left Tuesday for Grand Rapids Mich to G end daughter Mrs Mai tin turned from tiip to the Old Country Hoover left yesterday for A Sudden Ending Sudden and sensational wa ending of Dr Cohens 1 sessions court yesterday E clerk of the onto and wife have gone a trip the Pacific Coast He to friends here Friday Tim Wesley student of ege has been to Sound for the summer Will Trivet left for Falls on Monday He spent A J is in week John A Bell and a monh at Lake The Hol land Landing June 3id face of the usual of E Rev of ficiating The Tomb In Newmarket June 3rd John Blizzard photographer In Years Ago e have a full line and Varnlsnei in on the Radio every Wednesday at to Radio and Car Batteries Called for and Delivered ELECTRICAL REPAIRS A SPECIALTY THE PAINT STORE in schoolhouse or even an land on which Toronto sold by the for eightyfive dollars Today this beautiful capital of the has one hundred and thirtyseven the board of in the Empire soon have the finest great lakes It is a city of beautiful homes and well- equipped bar said his noon adjournment which you see very honorably under placed the hope of which all the new watchword of Proud should we be that ween our county shard In producing strong Tanned from constant work In the men of action and of vision and linked a despite the fact that he is finally East and West In great to Of the birth of a nation crutch and cane smoked Conclusion cigarettes incessantly while awaiting mation that more than it has been made con An attempt has been the bench in Ontario Is the first time cross a case of this The of I in the- and social ably represent pro- only of our county but our province and dominion county has a very complete school system The former High School which was by fire and Aurora High School two examples of our countrys fine educational buildings with modern and scientific ventilation i also boast largest an of Toronto because to live a where education an Important a Answer the Burning Question Pari of the fascination of the story the which York County lies In the fact lhalformal arrest He refused to speak Jde on one hand It Is an about his trouble beyond declaring he brief many of the prob- had received no money faeen which have shaped the fate y of Ontario but of Canada the other hand the history has splendid forward aspect Miltons splendid Image of its Court eagle hewing Its mighty youth tha first but gathering strength for flight The police allege lhat Juror were they each receive which was to been paid tor furnaces gentlemen of the Under- the circumstances not be fair to the accused nor to the crown to proceed with the trial It la to decide what to do I will discharge the jury and traverse di i ti ed in a lie J Pollock formerly of New market High School has taken thj degree of at Toronto University with honors in six subjects good patronage the i the the in it for fhe sessions panel and behind But whatever was one of jurymen called when Ills needless I iss and prosperity nay the jury was being selected try Dr will depend Cohen Crown Prosecutor Murphy the attempt challenged along with others Although and were ordered to stand aside he stature Before the Jury was finally chosen founds- 12 others were also challenged by the COUNTY POLICE COURT plot the of his present in the Wife Tells Story fought the first battles with nod But there is still work for the w In making new for lhe spirit man trails may require even greater than Ilia or an Isaac Brock These men of the past turn flung the torch from failing hands It ours to hold high for lh glory v our great York all love lhe municipality in Monday morning GIRLS PICKED UP BY MOTORIST After hearing the case of assault brought against Basil Wolfe by Margaret Norman Magistrate in the County Police Court ship vi v to- In a lumber camp and it was at of this time that he lost his leg in an accident Mrs thought tli found Wolfe her clothes were picked May at of common fine of and girl for damage The evidence sho father King township June by Rev Halner Miss Hughes to Hiram of Whitchurch At June by Rev Wood Miss Kale M Jackson to Oscar printer both formerly of Newmarket At Manse Newmarket June by Rev John Brown Annie Watson to both of East J At June 11 by Rev Foster A New- love of to Thos Pegg of conductor on the Northern formerly of King township ROD AND Fox News which Is just out Is of spe cial not only to all residents of that province but also the rest of the Dominion and those of the United States with whom Canada Is becoming a popular vacation ground A person al message of welcome from the Premier of Ontario- to as he hading article offers every encourage ment to visit Canada and enjoy de lights the country offers hid hare and iviing place lumed and smashed dim aire was cause and fouBht him Her Era to Absent Friends ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO