NEWMARKET ONT end Out Our Local News LbldCQ- fall DR J I J former clinical ESC lloillal London England wppim Telephone Is utxrllcr Tor Girls mack tc Albert on Our the Young Peoples Society met the church Monday evening and took Into llic country After par- of a they wended their way tome having enjoyed tin meeting for week will he in charge of the Missionary commit- Dont fall to ho present Com Town Council iLvins Councillors tM I Ho worth DR J WESLEY Coroner of County of Hours 12 a p or by appointment NEWMARKET DR J- BARTHOLOMEW of the Forum Building Toronto Dentist Over Drug Store Newmarket Evenings appointment Phono DR T J HACKETT Dentist Imperial Bank Newmarket pen evenings by appointment Gas for Extraction Phono DR VANDER VOORT Graduate University of Toronto Fifteen Years practical Experience all branches of Dentistry Gas for Painless Extraction SpecU attention given to Childrens Work Office over Lyons Candy Store phone Evening appointments- A Newmarket of Piano Singing and Violin DeJer in New and Used Pianos Phnos Rented- Pianos Tuned T WIDDRINQTON A of Piano Pickering College pen lo receive pupils for the Terms on application iaif Ihry defeated the local Yog Like Flo display In Mrs Kldde garden Many people have by to admire the group- I display of colors Decoration Day dors of Newmarket Sunday June IT 111 Decoration Day Service The procession form at the Square at pm Daylight Saving Time League tint veil attended Hireling on Friday Hip King e for iwti up ore plod to see Wwt mi imtr with Hint tlin town Is I mi the league dp an added sen to the panics and will new grounds be ing provided baseball should go in Newmarket Ink year a seems to be getting ban Its shore of building Mr of Woodstock as bought a lot opposite the residence f Mr his soninlaw and baa eminence he erection of a now brick residence which he and his wife lo occupy as as completed Miller on the south end of the which will bo quite Death at the Hospital The death occurred at York County Hospital Newmarket Sunday May of Thomas McGhec of Aurora fa year Deceased was born in Scotland and came lo this country in He Is survived by five children Iwo In the Old Country one in South Africa Mrs A Thomas of Highland James who The funeral took afternoon from Grove and lives in kit up lo lite of his r town n on hand with their purl bo those who are favoring- pivo an snappy bait Kuj for League June Rat 16VTavb at Aurora IP Specialty at Davis Aurora at Davis 12 Specially Town Town- Aurora at Socially games excent atari at pm Da light Time gharp Recital The Danco given of Toronto a pupils under he auspices he York County was Lundy In the Accounts I YARNS OF ICY NORTH emitct Duty Only MHca ho North Tear a policeman on duty only mils from the North Pole Ho works at Cache In which la the of Royal part of thq k of of work ere contained report of Hi Mounted KENNETH STIVER BARRISTER NOTARY PUBLIC ETC Block Newmarket Bowling The first League game of the season In- the York County series was played at Newmarket last Friday when Stouffrilie won from the locals by Newmarket skips wefeTchas and Gordon Keen Consider- the season the green was lo fine and friendly appreciated The League splendid opportunity to with citizens of of the county Office Hours a p Evenings by appointments private Funds to loan on first GEORGE COLTHAM Ontario Land Surveyor S lifcr West Of Post DR W DALES Surgery and Confinement Main Street Newmarket Coroner for York County XRAY PHYSICAL THERAPY Christian Church ladies having a sale of Homemade Bak the Sunday School room on The sale a very large audience The proceeds were i of the York County Hospital The evening was divided into three parts Many will recall the splendid programme gi ven by Miss Morrow last vear I consisted of the Doll Frolic Wip night be fore Christmas The reeling of de pression thai lay over all the dolls Santa Clous would soon off was dispelled at mid night by the Dolls They danced till Mi Kirby Chard Jane Jeanne Jean Davis Helen Be Kirnv Mae bill Part was mainTy composed of songs and recitations Miss Jean Hunter and Mr James Butler red several delightful solos well enjoyed by the audi IV liT ability to recite In ere were a few dances which are fine Miss Marrow danced Old Fasliioned Maiden Part IT of id Prom Police Magibtnte T Ion in reference to a of the plant A ago a prisoner escape from lockup prohabiy with some outside Ho was later In the of Ihe auihonU He rcjutcd Council consider the matter of ample and mcnls for prisoners Tlje Mayor mad to the financial of the town and requested His Worship to consider the Reeve that If a to erected It would be neces sary to have proper mri over aiAB and It would he a great expense lo the town After discussing the question was left in Die hands of the Property Com mittee and Clerk lo report Judge Enquiries Mr asked In reference the approaches property on Pros pect St South If the town could pur chase culverts for the people when needed the I own paying half and each properly owner the culverts not available lhc Inspector Smith made question dogs about the that have been taxed said that many owners held It In ridicule and contempt other complaints were men tioned concerning dumping of rubbish and It was thought In one ease the Public- Health Officers should in the United Church Aurora or Thursday June at am pm daylight saving time An nual Reports and election of officers Mrs A Starr of Newmarket rep- United School The Annual Picnic this year at Island Grove afternoon June In Comi undertaken In midwinter lead for many hundreds of the Arctic of Canadas Islands Far ahead of army Is lowly punning northward tho of civilis ation the of the Royal Cana dian Mounted Police presa years by of the Canadian Foreign Exchange- is ft specialty of Imperial Bank rates wo quote arc up to the minute when you buy or sell in small or large amounts you are always assured of the very latest quotations IMPERIAL BANK Or CANADA Mounted Police but there is not much romance In the toll and moll of life In the rough region the Liard Post Is the centre flies winter tht of north must be faced Constant patrols to outlying parts aid to white t fish or the dogs heir li- I that at the Spring Suitings A New Shipment of British Suitings In the latest and colorings Just arrived Your early Inspection Invited G F WILLIS Mens Tailor Newmarket Newmarket station the afternoon exact lime later Reduced all members of the school Tickets on sate at School- day evening June A High Class Recital S3 Marguerite Boyle Owen Studio has had very great success with her pup ils Iwo of whom Miss Mary Palerson and Miss Mildred Wright appeared In Masse Hall on May when they met with great applause Miss is giving her Annual Recital in Tor onto in Foresters Hall on Friday even ing June when several New market pupils will take part See the names In advertisement In tills Issue of the Era The assisting artists are Mr Clare Henley tenor and entertainer ai piano and Mr Will basso They will solos and sketches and Mr rendered another fine solo The were and Mis serves great for the standard of efficiency attained them The programme closed with the Tin Pan Parade with Jean as and Helen Jeanne Jean Davis Mrs wa flowers basket given ihe mothers of the Newmarket child ren who look nirt in Hip concert Ihe other from friends in Toronto The flowers were Davis Jeanne mil Helen Seven in Ten Men Past Need This Special Treatment Writer Explains Wondrous Value of Doctor Southworthe Urataba And All to To Try Them Without Cost Unless Pleased Willi middle age ailments attacking twothirds if a resident his section or for dealing with minor such as breaches of the Vehicle and breaches or by- etc a salary could not printed It was a two- fold first to provide convenience to this section to the Town and lo expense Mayor Davis declared that the Slop signs about Town were being observed by many motorist of the offence could be summoned Dr Dales enquired as to pedlar and to the outcome of The Plant Addition at Hamilton Onfall Built to Meet Increasing Demand Another addition to the Firestone plant had to be built lo meet the demand for Firestone Gam- Dipped with the Scientifically Designed Tread The new addition increases production by and is equipped with special machinery designed and built by Firestone to produce tires with the most efficient end economical methods Firestone builds a tire to meet every road load and of service Your nearest Firestone dealer is equipped to serve you better and save you money with these better tires FIRESTONE i RUBBER COMPANY OF opportunity to prove that the P are still worthy highest traditions the force registered Most Miles Per Dollar Irate Pedestrian Yes end son t you motorists drive around Just you owned the car ie New High School One day last week the Govern Inspector made a thorough inspection foundation the latter part of i week Every effort will be made the architect and contractors to I the Chemistry Department ready v the school opens In September he Pickering College and for paved roads lt notices such distressing as Lameness Pains in through groins scanty but w id binning Get- Nervous Irritability d Lack of Force should at once the value of Dr South- While new to many Ihe truly re- v value of has been t proven by dog and of ports from Doctors and Users alike offer convincing proofs I have never found anything lo help my case until I tiled URATABS are the best thing for Bladder Weakness and Irritation I have ever used No more backaches no more pain no more da embarrassment or Gelting- I now sleep soundly and get up In the morning full of pep This Is twentyeight fer his lost twenty- eight assorted hes glad didnt or how be offers comfort and relief and good druggist will supply of money back If Try today DODDS KIDNEY PILLS J Dans worldly o help them and taction of British Justice If hed only stopped t and listen Hed be now Ins Builds the Only GumDipped Tires Agents in Newmarket G 0 Nash J E J G Moss Smiths Hardware Newmarket Dairy Co We Specialize in Pasteurized Milk and Cream Our Milk is Guaranteed to Test 325 or More Creamery and Dairy Work Is Supervised by a Manager holder of O A Guelph Diploma and 1st Glass Certificate from Government Pasturized Milk lie Raw Milk quart Cream Tested and Paid for When Delivered Bring Your Cream and See It Tested Give Your Home Creamery a Trial and We will Give Satisfaction Highest Price Paid VAUGHAN P WILLIAMSON Manager Phone 252 Proprietor Smiths Hardware NEWMARKET EVERYTHING IN BUILDERS NEEDS FARM TOOL8 OF ALL KINDS OIL AND ELECTRIC STOVES DOORS AND WINDOW PAINTS OILS AND VARNI8HE8 LET US SHOW YOU WHAT WE HAVE Phone SMITHS HARBWAffcE GREENS QUALITY WALL PAPERS AM MLECTIONI roH MX FROM TO PER ROLL VirMf Jn Ttot WINDOW SHADE PAPER FOR BLINDS add m Hu Mi Any WW HUKtaf BUT Pap