Newmarket Era, 8 Jun 1928, p. 8

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Add to he Joy of the open rood iliti pleasure- giving A gum list double value flavor Id the sugar From inereas world of spit of war lo iMiii The Grand Champion PureBred -sill- KM- for noon S Hotel Mount Albert for night Tuesday lot cot for noon Welly Stephens lot East for night Howie and Pine Orchard John Obees lot to 3rd con Whitchurch Kin- 2nd and flight Thursday Art Storeys lot King Snowball for noon Blacks lot con for night Friday mans East Gwllllmbury known John Salter farm for noon King George Hotel Newmarket for night Saturday John Farrs lot con 3 Sharon for noon then to his where h remain until the following Monday Seed for Sale Silver Hull Buckwheat Apply at Black Thorn Farm ring Eightroomed Brick House Choice situation Millard Ave All Conveni ences Electric Stove and Garage CHANTLER Newmarket PILES AND FISTULA DR DEAN SPECIALIST St Toronto FURNACE WORK PLUMBING EftVETROUGHING MIR SPECIALTIES Barker spent Sunday MIp Grace Rumble Miss Viola Thompson is upending a few days with her In Maplo Oram of Toronto ftpcnt Aurora mi with Miss Ivy Tueiday of Toronto j 11 Mr Ins Doth canning a learn Sleekier lllllo daughter oft Mr Almonte boy George Aubrey oho vfsUwJ at Mr Hoy ant left sowing- ohaa held under Hie of the Womens Ins Monday June 111 until June lasses are held in the church Mr A Wells Mr and Mr Brown of ore a Mr Lew Mr Charles met quite severe iiccldnt last week near iond He WU about lo an auto to the street car and Home was was jolted from the auto the ground alighting on his head He Vandorf Herbert Oliver and slater have been to Iticlr homo Mr George Powell Jr of Toronto spending Ilia week ends old it Vandorf Miss Lottie for a time and was badly braised and On the of Wells was driving Ills learn into Aurora when crossing the Forsyth bridge west of Aurora the horses became frightened and soon a line broke After this there was a mil- up Mr Wells with slight In juries and Mr William Marshall who hid I t finger amputated by the wagon The horses were caught soon and were not Injured Bradford been in Newmarket A Chrysler ravelling south on Sunday night In some mixup crossed the road to Ihe left at Wilfred Woods and when It came- to a stop was hung a wire fence cor fender of the car showed that it had been on the ground on Its left side on the fence it was on Its right cutting through running board The buggy featured In the Mrs Michael OBrien met with painful accident last Tuesday evening while ho use cleaning She fell from a chair on which she was causing a bad dislocation of one knee She is suffering greatly from ac cident and will be confined to bed for Last Thursday nighl burglars enter ed the general store of and Wilcox carrying off some hundreds of mens suits and overcoats ladies- dresses sweaters fancy scarves and quantities of silk and other dress large stock of 1 i ir r l have not been arrest- LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SON to Office Schomberg Maichant spent the week is Jean Ferguson spent the week end at of Toronto wa home over the weekend Mr and Mrs Matthews of Toronto spent Sunday at Mr Garry Brown Miss of Toronto was guest of Miss Jean Love over I Double and Triple Thickness along the WM 2260 Murray of t Bo hoe inc irglng 20 85 W How JO A Harry Bolting to i I All Lloyd culling grading Lome Mitchell grading Davis craning pit dragging and 00 govcrniDcnll is January down Import lltdlfax Vancouver The own- em of these warehouses the only own remaining In the Dominion were given June lo of and the bulk of it has been has beer to export at points as Windsor and Port it Is fd over tills Beauty firereslsttnca jot get all in Slates besides Doubt over tie roof SpedalUjckButtprevenu bulging and curling Brantford art icn color and bid the as Roof Co the Is pat this After II utj 50J- dragging and repal I Welti repairs Geo Green drag ging lo Vaughan Wslej Iragging Sid el Norman IracUne jtrairt Ingot iron casing iSSSSSSSSi notified of the Hoofing culverts Ontario com end white llijuor may lie from the province to Stitw export must he by direcL and that liquor may not ho held In within he province for longer than a tsw days st Stock Carrftd Service on Roofing renctirrd by Smiths Hardware Newmarket Harmon Dike Mount Albert on Sunday Hopper of other members or family in this on forget the Public School i Percy Hoy on Mit It llirliuil- I to on Wednesday of las week The League are beginning their hour of sports the weekly meeting at the church Baseball prac- farm I Mr- Giant Mayor and Mr spent over Sunday at Allendale and Big Bay Point of by her friend Mr pent a part of Sunday under lli- shower Friday evening was ss The the Impromptu progra dhigs and speeches Ihe propriate Morley and Mis ilson In regulnr bridal much to the g gifts were will Retolutloni That Mr be paid the of 5000 extra expenses of collecting laxes on Ih- Holland March Scheme That a committee meet Mr re Halls hill on rfderoad and Ij wllh antfsmuggling between the two nations norm places on border it is tin United Slates authorities asked that notification be sent once a week and this Is being none If the tries slip out making export miry is ar rested by the Canadian and the goods are Confiscate tills has been done in Tiio new act of prohibiting will not receive royal as- the end of the present tui tion When It does prosecution people outside the province may the consent of the line and to he made in J A tr re la town or place to or into any Intoxicating- liquor 1 unlawfully Imported sent taken or transported i In no Court of leaia were dealt Council Jock the Council formed sides but be or In the place where son not within i approval of IA similar act to the pre passed by the Commons In but thrown out by the Senile This year the Senate has passed though there j was an attempt to exempt quantities- of half a gallon of or less Nobleton The an will lnk Hall on Friday June auspices United Church Sunday School The play Are You A Mason by the young people auspices of SI Church here last Wednesday evening as well received The congregation of the had a special treat on Sunday June 3rd A of boys from Cnad Church Toronto rendered the music at both services Miss Chase a returned missionary from China was the special at the from arm Ciolhd shot In Ihe with J Botany Central Ex a mar- of plots family Seed potatoes house cation Application for no find ihe I he WMS Our Puzzle Comer Do You Km About It What is a plebiscite 2 What side do people or vehicles pass other on in England 3 What are Etna Vesuvius and Slromboli A- Who Is Aaron Where is the story of Longfellow Evangeline laid Approximately how much money has the Canadian government yearly for all purposes in spent a few days with Mr J But- left on Monday position with the Canadian Steamships Limited Mitchell of e the guests of Mr and Mrs on Sunday Brown and Miss Evelyn of Toronto spent the I Mrs Godfrey Vox and led he annual fox reunion in Keltiey Miss M McDonald and Miss Mc Donald were the of their Ferguson over the weekend Mrs K DiUane attended the meeting of the Womans Auxil- of the Anglican Church in To- and Eric arrived home riday after complying their second In mddlcine at the Western Unl- Soaks Right In and Umbers Up Stiff Joints Phrmaclsta Call it JolntExse Because Its for Swollen Sore Painful creaking Joints Only together a declared almost in skin and flesh and starts right make swollen inflamed pain racked Joints as good as new They call this new and wonderful preparation Joint because the modical man who turned the trick to perfect people who 15 in order Applications t understood this MORTGAGE SALE VALUABLE t Issue Is really aliments of any Under power of sale contained in a mortgage which will be produced at the sale there will be offered for sale by public auction at auction rooms of King George Hotel Newmarket On Monday the day of June at oclock p by Smith Auctioneer The land and premises known as the residence of ibe late Mr Henry Cane being in the said Town of good many years to gel j Newmarket and composed Lot of pain sub- Number One on the south side of reducing agents on Street according to plan Number he one remedy that prepared by Peter Gibson for tantly penetrates through William Cane and registered at the Office in the North Bid- of York also a Lot at the rear Commencing at southeast r of sate Lot Number One running southerly parallel with the east seven rods thence- westerly parallel Huron Street one hun dred and twelve feet thence northerly n rods to the southwest boundary Lot Number One thence easterly alone the southerly limit of said Lot Number One to the place of beginning the same now being fenced and being composed of part of lot number Thirtyfive In the second concession of Township of Whitchurch On the said land Is said to he erec ted a solid brick floors and trim of the purchase money to be paid at the time of sale and balance twenty days The property to be offered subject the millions prepared only helpful attention JointEase Is for people who have a creaky distorted or stiff ankle neck or finger and ed by rheumatism something else it cant help hut quickly to such superficial lumbago neuralgia lung muscles stitch in the in the neck or sore feel penetrating it when it gets the inspector in connection with his Application forms may obtained from Mr District In spector Horticultural Department Ontario Agricultural College and will be accepted at the same address for listing for inspection Department of Agriculture to encour age growers to plant certified seed wilh a view having llieir crops in for certification purposes be cause every- potatogrower has not the necessary patience and rime or suit able location and equipment for grow ing certified seed The object rather to have growers plant the best seed obtainable for their commercial crop and to help keep down to a Imum destructive diseases with their resullant serious effect on yields It Is desirable to obtain greater acre- yields and so to reduce the cost of production The use of seed farms would double the yields now being obtained should you always be having trouble OTHER same distance have no trouble all the roads and Test your tire pressure every week Dont guess it gauge it Run round to Dominion Tire Depot and have the pressure checked and your tires inspected Let an expert search for cuts and bruises A slight repair in time may prevent a blowout and add a few thousand miles to the life of your You are never far away from a BERT LLOYD MAIN ST SOUTH NEWMARKET I What Would You Do If you met with a serious accident while driving your car injuring some person op damaging another car What steps would you lake to protect yourself the claim would surely follow Could you afford to pay It Could you afford not to pa it and risk a lawsuit WHEN AN ACCIDENT OCCURS Will the worry and expense be yours or will you shift the burden to a strong Insurance Company Insure today against the unknown events of tomorrow Fred Ac Lundy AGE NT Address Newmarket Telephone Norwich Union Insurance Society Limited Established Assets Exceed rrlher known at the sale residence brilliant gathering held a party celebration of his Majestys birthday Nearly guests attended thl3 event among them being many prom inent Canadians and a number of dis tinguished representatives of nations FELL FROM ROOF Hangs Head Down In Ichael a local Finn fro the ds home on St today slid foremost A HandsdTSSipfrklet on Home Construction Containing valuable suggestions on home planning with end Inaulex Write ft AND LIMITED For Sale By WHEves F Burrows Point H Dike Son Mount Albert Ont Lake Simcoe Lumber Fuel Co Ltd Sutton West On TORONTO

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