AUG Albert Keswick and Sutti ABUT MOUNT Mount Albert HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY A meeting of the Horticultural will be held in the Telephone Board on Tuesday evening next A fill attendance Is requested WOMENS INSTITUTE On Wednesday next the me Of the Institute arc expected t Vic Churchill and prog at Mr Fred Vaugba PICNIC nil go to our Sunday School picnic at Park on Wed- August loth From to Brotherhood all are invited Let make It a community day nil i PICNIC i Wednesday In t the I annual picnic Kfllarnc Peach Simcoe Some seemed to have a Serious time finding It A few d others the altogether not knowing it until they they realized where the home were ass next MUSIC EXAMINA ITONS the recent ex In sic eld by the Tor all o Miss Vera successful en ndidntes Mlsa Jr Marie honors no Miss Nellie hill Prim 3rd Mi S3 Ruth Primary 3rd Jr Miss vS 2nd Jr honors PRESENTATION lathered ic home of Mi Vera Hogg on Friday last after practice to bid fare- Foote for a number of years a faithful me mber of Mr Fred Watts Mrs was pre sented with a handpainted celery and the choir presented Mr and his bride with a Smyrna rug Cake and Ice cream were then of Red Rambler Rose of White Rambler Rose V of Hybrid Tea Rose of Hybrid Perpetual Rose of one kind Perennial Phi of one kind Annual Phlox Warn is of French Marigold 5 of African of assorted Zinnias of one kind Stocks of assorted of assorted Sweet of one color Sweet of Hollyhock of one kind Cosmos f Flower Show Miss I of mixed Sweet Peas ttv Stokes Mrs Jake Cn ok of With her sister Mrs Dan Cook to illness of their uncle Mr Cha Lepard who at time of writing very low Mrs H Barrett find children of are at the home of her fathe J McLean Mrs Hamilton of Roches Was a visitor at the home of Mi Crowie this week Mrs Jones had the misfortune badly Miss Dunn who has be quite ill was taken over to York C Hospital where she is doing nicely Mr Will French of Strathroy been spending his holidays with brother Mr Miss holidaying with McFarlond in towr Who popular hlng of Woaro glad increasing golf links at tide tendance at In the llnllod the men arc almost every Sunday at playing as there arc A J and Mrs Mann Orchard Beach beautiful Mrs Miss Thelii enjoyed putting Invite a I A nu their MUSIC EXAMINATIONS Dr Crawford Toronto of Music conducted t of hey Mlns Piano Mrs Violet rimary Piano Miss Kathleen Roger son Miss Mi lion Miss Ham Miss Hazel Marion Sutherland lion Miss Olive Meyers Master Al len Hughes Introductory Piano Miss Jones at Wo all hope will a nice holiday Tide Dr Tail of Toronto will occupy United Church next I ls gentlemen friends Sabballi and Itio following Aug Mr Matthews In dian atudent who was enjoyed well In llto spring when bo was A very cordial Invitation is extended to all to attend worship with every Sunday at am and pm Sunday School at Standard Time Remember tho annual bazaar of Hit United Church will bo held on Aug- at Orchard Beach Hotel A big variety of Rowing of ia Likens of To Mrs Thomson for vie holiday bad three of the city Peters Corners weather been quite fav and crops are good in general Mrs and Miss Ranney have returned home two weeks with Mrs pending the weekend with him at cottage Pleased to report Mr Cum- Is greatly Improved In health hough his eyesight Is considerably attendance it the Union Church Sunday morning was the largest his season The sermons by Rev of Toronto were appreciated Miss Marion Han- is pianist at the evening service Col Williams of la prepared for audi there will be a splendid supply of will preach batting Ice cream andjng The Colonel always gives tea will be served on Hie j something good Miss Greta and have a good time of soprano soloist many of Mrs Prank he morning service and will will be Miss Elsie Risebrc i Corner Sharon A pleasant time homo of Mr and John A Marrilt on Monday evening last when Hie young people of the community met together to give Mr and Cordon the bride and last Allan Shaw and fai ay In Toronto Gene and fai with Mrf Church Gardei prelty presents went to show esteem In which the happy couple are hold We Join in wbhlng them much Joy and happiness in heir married lire Those who didnt attend the Sunday School picnic last week certainly mlss- was Ideal tula live spent the net Miss Helen Dunlop of Coppe visiting Audrey Pearson Miss Lily Abbot of lie weekend at the Parsonage and fau Cliff in Toronto Friday evening at fall wheat seems to of the farmers lost of them report a Miss and guests of couple of weeks shall of Toronto wu Mrs Elliott at tht good crop Keswick Chopping Mill has re a cur of threshing coal ad visiting Mrs Keswick Beach home in Cleve- who have Arthur have returned to Mrs Baker of Toronto has been vIb- her daughters Mis A P and Mrs at Keswick Beach Mr Holmes of New York City has been visiting at Mr3 J A New- somes at Keswlok Mrs Is visiting at Pox Island for a week also Mrs Gra ham of Chatham Some person went Into Mr cellar and deliberately took four pounds of choice dairy butler Quite oily number gathered at tho fiss Morton last week to evening at outdoor sports I Mrs Rev s of end at his here I li holidays at their collage at Keswicfc visitor for cottages on the Beach of the am Jackson and family have possession f cottage Saturday afternoon the spurts for the on the HI at Orchard delight Instead of the concert at Idlewyld on the evening of Civic program of interest given on the playground at Ore on Saturday ever Company a series- of beautiful Mov ing Pictures followed by a grand display of fireworks by Prof C Ross of Toronto Those who attended pie in farming district should with their families and enjoy the with the Bench people Peter Mr pent the and Mr at Mr Peters Maud Torrcns is spending a of weeks visiting friends In SuttonWest Mrj Gilroy Wedreidsy of last week ft Mount Pleasant farmers are busy cutting their Cedar fall wheat The Friday night and Thompson here on Wednesday of last week from Me- for a Vlttles to visit among relatives and Mr and Stephens and fa friends penl wilh her sister Helen Berry picking Is all the rage now spent a day last week era have motored north Mr weeks vacation at Peters Is an attack of Baldwin The raising of Mr Chesley barn on Tuesday came off very well and was spoken of as the most orderly gathering of the kind that had been for some time Plenty of help both at the barn and at the sup per If something is not done on of the country roads there will be some more springs broken Such places In the roads must be hard on a good Rogers of New at Mr Miss Grey of weekend with Miss Mr Wesley SwlUer In Crowders son wh- the hospital In Tore death of after a plenty of potato tops but the bottoms Everybody is very busy as help is Those who attended the sary services at Egypt last bring back good reports also that tl program In connection with the Ai on Monday night was good stable Rev Partridge when he compared the tween Jonathan and Da- that should Mr ant MAS Mr and Mrs Geo Sunday at Port Bolster Hope Items the time of writing is somewhat better Fred Bird and son of e of New spent Sun Items intended for luiy Mr Gordon spent Hie week- Mis Graham of Chaiham Is at Jack Gables Mrs A B Currey of Bay spending a months vacation Willi here Mr and Mrs Pollock also John Jr Mr and Mrs House and friends l Toronto visited at the Harper home Sunday Mr and Mrs spent a fen days in Toronto this week Mr and Mrs A P returned to Toronto- after spending Mr and Townley have returned to Toronto also after spend ing a month at Keswick Beach expects to be back French of Montreal Miss Kat Greensville MrsDunn Sr a number of friends to their home on Monday eve the home of Mr Jos Mr and Mrs also Miss again Evelyn Henry and friend spent Sunday Mr Collins of Deli with Mr Tho3 Smitb Gladys Gannon Brougham the guest of her friend Miss Ruth Holboi Master Ivan Pollock has returned am grandmothers and is enjoy- a short vacation at his home here Miss J is visiting her MIhs Norma Albert Sedore raised bis barn on Saturday afternoon Sheppard and friends from To- Mr and their living Mr weeks vacation at and vicinity rented their home- at the Beach also Miss Fitzgerald is home for a few weeks vacation Mr Byron Morton spent a day with cousin his parent Fred Johnston Mr Jos Mr and Mrs Thomas Sanderson of in Toronto spent a few days with their Mrs and family are visiting- cousin Mr Sanderson Mr an Mrs Henry of Toronto visiting I Jm relatives here Mr and Mrs H Crittenden of New- Mrs Smith and the market visited Mr and Mrs Geo Rah Smith accompanied by Mrs Jack on Sunday and son spent Thursday at Mrs Taylor and daughter of To Smiths j ronto Master Elgin a few Cedar Glen Russell Pollock 1 their nation Dr R L Hewitt large attendance from here lookj Mrs the United Sunday School picnic at returned after spending Grove and report an excellent at the home of spending Detroit has with Mr Smith farmers have started to attraction at the north Mr and Mrs Knights and lage for August ai and family Palmer Cottage If Hughes of o the Palmer September and Miss noon on Thursday Mr Johnston who the property led fine after his Cfeijt standby of the chili One of the brighten the of flowers from Mrs vices is the donation the home of Mr and they MI Held f their only daughter Dr George- Rupert Balfour A of Rev and Mis George of Tomato and Wedding wiit take sOftTBOLSTE The School held their annual picnic at Port Bolster on Wednesday July tended in spite of the weather good behaviour and favoured 1 was played the mer the Brotherhood and of the best picnics held Virginia Beach Lowell spent Sunday with V Wight Hoi- Mr and Mra J and Mr and Mr A Hamilton visited Mrs last week Sun- ended has returned me for the rest of the holidays Miss Dorothy Evans of Virginia spent Sunday with her aunt Mrs McDonald and Miss King came home ill from on Friday and has been to bed forget the Bale of homemade baking on Saturday morning August at Mr store under auspices of Ladles Aid of the United Church Sale opens at 10 oclock daylight saving time Mrs Harker of Hamilton spent a couple of days this week with her sister Mrs Belfry itnrls will I learn that to Nurse Kings on Friday night and under forget to make your plans ti Sutton Horse Show next week many motor cars are the notice of the pic- Monday at Island Grove Joslin of Hawkstone has been with her sister Mrs George day with his brotln The birds are at their busiest helping pick berries and picking Thursday returned hi berries c Saluda with i that planned to north Saturday were disappointed when it Mrs Geo visited Mrs Wtehi one day last week Wonder who caused the disturbance In this neighborhood on Saturday nighl at a late hour Quite a number from attended the C garden Newmarket and report it Mrs Moulds vlslled Alice a day last week Mrs Ben Johnson and family and spent a last week Tim mini afternoon and Mr Suml Mrs i OBrien of Toronto re ed to their homes after their va- n at Mrs Wesley Lyons and Mrs Coleman of Toronto I Fountain and Mrs H C Mr Ho Hamilton e were the guests of William Horner Mrs Dave i of Mr and Mrs Flo Ceiina Wight of and Haddt ads at the Be Orchard Beach Gardens and Guelph iter Mrs A rs It J Belle Allen returned to visit her mother Mrs Allen who Is summering at Point Mrs also Dr rs Stevens and Audrey attend ed the Decoration Service at Pine Or chard on Sunday d Mrs of Lei Holland Landing The Misses Turney are home for Mrs Barker of Toronlo is vliline village Miss Minnie is spending holidays home Miss Beaton has returned after few weeks with relatives at Sutton Mrs two daughter and law of are visiting them Walker and little family of Gilroys I Mrs of formers eekend with the wife and son Douglas re holidaying at Mr of and Mrs at are spending USA Belhaven The lost well as the farmers the finish ing of their having which was a dis appointment well as a loss The trucks on the good road keep up quite a commotion unloading ears which they truck from Sutton- and kept at it the fore part of the night often quite wakeful number of friends from y attended the funeral last late Sir ille especially a afternoon of children will be held on the at Orchard Beach Gardens be events In the even re will be a grand musical con the- Pictures presented by the and to finish up the day there a wonderful display of by Mr Ross Ross sacs collage Madame Berry Mr Fred liens and Mr Fred Gardner are guests of Mr and Mrs Harry Sorley Mr Mrs Earle Bales Allan and Clarence Bales are guests Mr O Bales cottage Villa Marie A Raiaar In aid of the Star Fresh Air Fund was held at Orchard Beach Gardens last Saturday afternoon by Oliver and Doris Mary Gib son and Mary Walker Evelyn and Phyllis was from California but failed to reach home hefoce lti father passed Many fields of fall wheat The cool damp weekend seem to lessen the number of guests the Beach Raspberries are a good crop except tonally sample having cherry trees also have a fairly good yield for which the busy wife is- grateful except for the pitting Mr and Mrs John Sovverby wick were calling on old friends week before returning to city for the month of August ste ECgraph from Toronto are to their cottage at Keswick an Is in first-class- condition for their Sir- Mrs King i trip Minnesota to be held this David Hilton and ipells Their efforts yielded for this good cause John SUton had his Pony Cart at the and charged Sc ride and Taction made quite a hit with SECOND ST EG th Bethel S Junior hoys have made their choice memorizing the Ten Commandment report on other classes later home has been kindly offered for the social evening when the contest will take place All the school Is a welcome There were present at the school laBt Sunday morning Sermon by the pastor on the Death of very interesting A trial was render ed visitors from the oily very ac ceptably Come again Glad to notice in last weeks Era remark from Silver now en being the Fulton Vandebu Mr cause for right spending a week his Mr and Mrs Harry Bell hay left for Vancouver On their way they going lo Carnduff and to visit relatives alio off at other point- Boys Boots Boys Boots sizes Pr Boots in back and brown Boys Khaki Pants and Shirts per Sufi Mens moeks 5125 Ladles Black Colton H03e 3 for Childrens Hose sand Pr for HARNESS Sets New Harness Straps Martingales etc DEALER IN Hides Wool Poultry and Junk Farm for Sale CASH BALANCE IN YEARS The Soldier Settlement Board of Canada offers sale by Public FIFTY ACRES of 150 Concessio of County of York the Purer laser of this property lust rely his own inspection and the per by an accepted cheque- for If tender It accepted sum will be credited to the purchase price of the land If tender Is not accepted the money will be returned to the will he opened at Toronto on August The highest or any tender not ne cessarily accepted If the land not sold the date above mentioned the Board will be prepared to re ceive offers to purchase until such time- as tt is finally disposed of for county of York Address tender along By your interest la Of Another lively game of ball played Tuesday night between Queens- and Second Street the latter The Canadian National Inhibition out victorious by a score of voice chorus will give four con- to I certs again this year Dated at Toronto Ontario day of May 1028 Ut- UNIAHIJ