vou Of will with M ihai browns your In QUARTETTE without coal When the chill ing storm comes and Happi ness starts to freeze a shovel ful of coal will put folks in good again You will retain your good nature if you buy coal of us 0 LITTLE COUNTY OF Of Tax Cits fit I aide Corporation of the County hat the hat copies thereof the Our Unocal mi Phlox find In lJct noon Hint for This la a good for of annua on Joys the lute llie of family of I Our News A Local morning I besides fracturing School Picnic lllc St Johns 1 Bond Lake August In Amelia fifteen Patrick River John S Mrs J Simmons and MI Toronto The liy Park United In Newmarket Cemetery when on daughter of the lute Mr Crake it To- united In nun Jeff horn ion of Mr and Mm Icr of swlck The Rev Mtml- ticca i ted with gladioli and The bride by her brother Mi lovely a gown on of lai parried a show rosea Jilyt were mutch She carried Her bridesmaids Miss arty Crake and Miss Bessie Warren blue gcorgetti County Treasurer Adelaide Street East Toronto and that said list with of sale fa being published hi Ontario Gazelle under publica tion dates August and 1Mb and In default of payment of the taxes as shown in said list I at the times and places mentioned In the publication notice proceed to sell said lands to discharge the ar- together with the charges notice Is of pursuant Toronto Treasurers Office County of York Toronto July 30lh FARMER CHARGED WITH STEALING CATTLE Rejeated on I eon trimmed with to match and carrying The little girt Mi Adams niece of the bride Mr Albert Wei at Crake received r dressed black Jfr end Mi ravelling in a hen own with hat return they v St Toronto Crake left by points thq bride de i On the Tuesday aftc oclock Lloyd big Celebration Sunday Mr i be with Paul Mr big parade of Go accident took and Prospect hoy by Uie name of Jam Trclfofd of Glen mount Ave I wag injured by a car owned Moses Mulholland of Hood Toronto After receiving aid from one of the Town doctors Farmer Gored by On Sunday last Mr Stanley 1io lives a mile south of hard had a close call with lift the stall the bull jumped hack then made raid at him goring him with his lorns very severely before he could scape by climbing over the partition front At last account Mr Play- tun wiry Tract On the of July one of the of the Industrial Home got in he way of a transport truck which backing out of the driveway The Id man by the- name of table ilathews expects to he here sometime this fall Mrs Fred Evans spent Sunday with her brother Mr Mr and Mrs Glover and attended the Knights walk on On Wednesday the Knights family held their annual picnic and family reunion at the Keswick Reach Florence Gordon of Toronto tithe Gordon Mrs White and family alto Miss spent a few days visit ing her Mr Aug 13 rrespond- Sir lnr- of Oil Dr Foreign id a ached ilr lain and Cover on the ankln t of Ma night Foreign Heifer that although peoplei on list Go friend said the feel Fred Hamilton will hold their Wednesday All are Hamilton and Lapp and daughter spent Monday with Mrs Jacksons Point Lake County found the old a fractured For market Beauty Shoj Boy Honored John Grey County Ontari led thii Maxwell be- cattle from C St he graduated with a A degree Bachelor of Arts in and he was will the Friends Commi relief work in He spent IS t Harvard University net from which he graduated Bachelor of 1 In married to Mb is Mary search student t Harvard The following teaching law at Univ Alabama am He then school of Boy Leader- the hhlp o be inaugurated In Ontario will Hay be opened under the auspices or the man j Knight- of Columbus Bureau Training leaders in theproper his to use for the guidance of ritical but be is now volunteer lelsurellme 1 right vice is the aim of the camp This years throughout the Eastern part of Canada and the United States of Christian a great boon towards was held on development of suitable- The nearly and there a A IstSiCroj son or Heifer let J- Irt 2nd of protecting HI henceforth be rendered easier Wang undertook that there should no repetition of the Incident si hat the troops concerned have and effective steps taken the soldiers and others and in accordance with the ellaccepted principles of interna- lonal law stated that the Nationalist undertakes to make full material damage He proposed tarn Lamb 1st J 2nd J J H 2nd iV J 2nd 2nd J Trc- J Trebelco East Counci The of he Council was held in the Muhlciria Ball Sharon Saturday Aug lf were Min- of June meeting wore read the rale for the year bo milos That the lownnhip constable be paid four weeks wag es from July to Aug over That the Reeve his of tho following souiil Municipal All Other Downs Aged Ham 1st J H Ham 1st J H Ram Lamb 1st Lockie Aged Ewe 1st J Ewe 1st Janib 1st J the i Belief WJ Patterson re Sarah Mitchell Harvey Sheep- Fountain Salary if Robert re Sharon J Rogers exhibit grant GloverLewi That the Reeve is sue his order for the payment of the following road accounts Geo Foster and Orris Maries D and Albert Maries and G and Cole Weeds Duncan weeds weeds 300 John weeds 3975 Ingot Iron Co Ltd culverts 2352 Twenty Head chip i to Toronto Shee St Thomas Aug bounty and Ewe rovinclal police officers who are the disappearance of Best it steers valued at about Wet om two township fjrrnt est week believed tbey are j one of the most daring pieces ever committed In this Hugh Us- Irander ha6 already early Boa Wednesday morning twenty Sow were loaded into a Michigan Cen tra railroad car at billed Sow for arm Sunday he learned cattle had reached being held In slock Boa yards If of tie can be Sow tsbllshed arrests are likely to jot- within a Tew hours a ispicfon the man who shipped Ihe was a fictitious charaeer The police so far have been to u cate a man by the name given In this Bar district It was learned today that Connell man living in the locality was hired load and bed the cattle shipped last Sons The it Is believed were Rhode away from the farms of 2nd Charter and 2nd Charter 1st and 2nd Char H 1st Yorkshire of 1028 1st Poultry 1st M Connell id Ply Rocks 1st Joe Woodcock Cr nulling weeds Watson weeds Geo White weeds Frank Knights weeds White weeds drag Bert weeds Forest res Mark Secord weeds Beverley Sinclair Exp re Herald signs Wm Nelson Br Res Br Res Joe Br Res Allen Br Re Miles Br Res Br Res Br Res Geo Nelson Res Miller 2nd Crittenden PS- Stewart I Fred Grbon weeds C rep jBvron Walts weeds dr and 2nd Walts weeds H Z Geo King weeds res weeds Cook iron Mrs A G Leslie Page weeds Stanley Page weeds Boyd the evening of Aug and the others about Virginia Beach Mrs her mother from Australia spending a couple of weeks and Mack Campbell during a heavy rainstorm Motorists who were traveling on road leading to station lha reported passing two lots of One man was quite sure the driven- leghorn t Ben and P 1st and P 1st Aug Comfort about years residing near fatally injured at Wilton auto driven by Beard where he Tottenham and The Mens Doubles was won by J R and Dr Little of two of Ibe best known players In this part of country Miss Marjory Smith and Mr Arnold of New- 1 market carried off the Mixed Doubles Refreshments were served on verandah of the Bowlers Club House and presentation of the silver cups winners brought the tournament ay about six miles east of Aly- The car In which the aged r Iding and which was driven by J and fam ily of Toronto returned after a four weekt the Farm spent j short vacation with his brother Mr i W Evans client He suffered terrible Mr Charles Hawkins and daughter and had his head and chest Mr Fisher and friend all of To- crushed when pinned beneath the spent Saturday with Mr Pattage weeds Dr Boyd d Moore power weed Ben Howard Ties Fred Re- Andrews w r Walter Graves rep Res Barman AT LENNOX PICNIC E Smith I j Frank Mr Mrs Willis Cleveland spent a week with bis Iher at the Mr and Mrs S Penrose and amity of Toronlo spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Wm Horner 1 Several from this district attended Horse Show and Community I car escaped uninjured Authorities believe that the by glaring headlights drinking was going on Henry Draytor chairman of the But be preferred not give Ml that It Is necessary say Sir Henry is lhat the men were where this illegal drinkng was on They had no business to be We have no evidence I the providing of ft against them is when the 960 1200 1800 1500 1200 1590 270 1785 37 1200 Tail Fred Andrews c David weeds Wm Andrews weeds Waller weeds Andrews weeds Eves power Harry Smith weeds weed Gordon Cole weeds Lyman Person cement Phil B Harver Glover B Bovd B Wm T Huntley B Top weeds David weeds Gordon Green G 780 David Green John Miller G 325 Fred Jones G 325 Council adjourned to meet again Sept L80 the International Corpora- Mens Club I any and American firm en- Special despatch from Aborigines day the promotion of limited- jungle The treasury forbidding us Mr at ipanies for foreigners in France to throw gold nuggets at the Indians necessitated a familiarity with W had to seek out a happier camping nch Law he obtained by at- ground To obtain quest the at the Law School Redbag and a bank driver Mrs I spending a at the Badden Farm spent j Mi Lyons George Todd and are hpcndinL of Pa wo lat he already His I any In it and If Insults are published Mrs Crittenden Little I the whole field of the law On Friday due the mosquitoe force art landing in Willoughbys park time was lost- In arriving before the scene of battle It was not long be fore the the devilish fiends were prodding us and we found ourselves smacking them here there and every where We were getting quite up when two of the big chiefs arrived to save the day Strange to relate the be-Itching- cannibals having four of us instead of two upon whom to bold their vespers gave us little more trou ble The lent was pitched and Ihe won Saturday evening the first of the aborigines arrived The evening was spent Introducing ourselves to the neighborhood The moon was shin ning brightly when we decided to go to bed We were still on friendly when we fell asleep listening sub- McLaughlin ail of Ml- Carolina Sunday s the big place 645 on Saturday next plan be at Camp carry home the booty forget blankets eats and c irket- for tiujjy i bank of the Thelon let stated I died Curves instead of straight line thats the latest I by these 1929 just introduced At the left young Canada I personified by three youthful inhabitants of city of Oshawa marvels at massive new radiator In the centre is tha and roadster I ARCHIVES OF I TORONTO