Newmarket Era, 24 Aug 1928, p. 2

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sapphire Pop Bala Empire Typewriter In good condition Apply Captain Clarke Joseph St Telephone Iv Newmarket NEW ADVERTISEMENTS MR8 J E CANE Organist and Cholrlcadcr of St Andrews Presbyterian Cliuroh Teacher of PIANO OMAN AND 8INQINQ Pupils prepared for Toronto Con CARD OF W Andrews and family wish to this method of expressing their thanks to neighbors pnd friend who showed their kindness during the and death of his wife and also those who assisted the funeral arrangements OF THANKS Mr George Wood desires to express Ms sincere banks to the neighbors and friends for their valuable assistance during the long Illness of hi as wcli flowers which predated funeral to those send- where OF THANK i who sent their help and sympathy recent bereavement of and mother j FARMS WANTED We want York County Farms have buyers wailing If you Farm for Sale or Exchange in FARM AGENCY hoard v ho eliminated and balance of about for the fmirl July year which trade year In feitiiing from toon- of la president Both were held la cuilody they unable lo the required by tin ball I Drownings took a lolo of nine Uvea in over Urn weekend but perhaps the moid tragic of was the fate of Arnold and Charles J Hamilton and aged who were drowned ihe tragedy occurred bodies of the three boys who had left Mrs Groves left and- Mrs A Barber Douglas Mi by f which Is than per cent In exports chiefly it and newsprint July months ended July The T Eaton about Pros Harry hours before with i He has been as Hie at right angles This is felt to be the case In the County or York- and the Coun cil of the Township of King hog taken a step Jn the right direction The necessity of a direct road from New market to and also from Newmarket to has been felt for many In fact the Town of Newmarket has paid in years post between and to Improve the Town Line on the way to Schoin- If the proposed line from Arthur to Newmarket was built as a highway it would not be long before be extended to and Port Perry and it is ded badly The Council of rket should pass a resolution en dorsing the action of King Council the Dei and forward Highways at a highway would relieve Kingston highway which is overcrowded often ggeatlons AH tho mall recovered from the robbery at Parry Sound has been brought to Toronto Practically all lho rifled malt was registered Senders should report nonarrival of articles lo the- Toronto Office Two speolal trains left hero on Monday night for Winnipeg carrying over harvesters supply of elect will ho augmented by power on October when the trans mission line carrying power from the Ottawa river to Toronto is put in operation end It Is the thins electrically ever undertaken In any part of the world The coat the project Is said to bo In neighborhood of 12000000 to Is over miles in the FOR SALE Acres good grain and dairy farm close lo Newmarket Brick House large Barn running stream Would consider house In exchange Apply to fid their clerks others feel they Afford to turn away trade In their harvest time Similarly the merchants do not like tocloBe on civic holiday marks the cry peak of the tourist traffic hot III business would prefer to have their civic holiday on the same day as their city friends Where opinions and Interests differ all can- statesmanship to bring interests together and The same may Early Closing and A little 4yearold lad tried to gel a piece of Ice at the back of a truck backing out of a lane when a lb chunk fell on him and crushed out lite life Instantly Two more lives were snuffed out on Tuesday by drowning making a total of six since last Sunday after- Tlbert Samson who was shot In Ihi head by a constable while trying to escape arrest In an auto died in the hospital A favorable outlook Is predicted for the hog industry Two men wero sent to Kingston Penitentiary on Wednesday for four years Cramp the bookkeeper at the Harris for stealing and Cooper who attacked a policeman with a meat axe when resisting arrest the act of stealing from St a man with Klrby are spending Four of our young people drove last Saturday evening to sit Miss and returned home i Sunday night Mr and Mrs Wilton and son Jaw motored to On- rlo and are visiting with her inn er Mrs Mr and Mrs Charles Kfrby and visited in Severn Bridge and for a week returning home Sunday night Mrs John Graham of Albert was balling on old friends In Town on Wednesday For a of her years past she Is remarkably smart Miss Marjorie Taylor and Miss Morjorle were in a party of four young people spent two weeks at Honey Harbor very Mr and Watt and son spending two weeks vacation her parents Mr and Mrs P J An the FARM FOR SALE cultivated clay and loam well fenced and watered good or- chard good BlockClad House Good Bank Barn Straw Barn and Implement House etc Apply J GRANT Selling our high grade Fruit Flowering Shrubs Shade Trees Hardy Roses Hedges etc Liberal commis sion in full cash every week Outfit furnished Start now D SMITH SONS LTD Winona Ont VIOLIN LESSONS An expert teacher of the Violin will open a class in to fit pupils for Toronto Conservatory Examinations Second to to join the class MI DDL ETON Oakdene Crescent Toronto THE PARRY SOUND MAIL ROBBERY missing bandits with out success Bonds and portions mining certificates which had been picked up on the tracks where the men are supposed to have dropped off the train after holding up the Van were torn In half and are part of tin mail stolen from the train The of ficers have a ladys silver watch the tag still Intact which was on the man now under arrest They also have a diamond ring which found on him but he claims he bought It Winnipeg for she was walking observance lie automobile On overworked and he auto takes the idles to a new resort and the as holiday eady to make the da pretext of rest or possibly a Sunday program is Hie morals of the young Two months of this sort most counterbalances a the Sunday School can d tier of the year Go Sunday ind do follow Coll in the of ice has been worked lay program of the clothing until it no- NEW ORDER FO Mutt Bob Hair Pay SpMlal Tax Binding of Aug The Municipal Bureau of Public Safety has decreed that women under 30 years of age must bob hair or pay a de generacy tax order becomes effective Sept i It Is meant to discourage the old style of Mayor Ho Is determined to their feet within the or pay a periodical dates for the Exhibition are Friday Aug to Saturday Sept BRIGHT BITS FROM EXCHANGES We mean to succeed la the sage of the British That 1b tbe spirit Canada likes lo see and Wilton Wll Presumably the contest Suniiyside was intended to demon- rate that push is one of the great Canadian characteristics should have 1 a knocking Should be left severely alone Silk hats i nowadays as of the Saturdays Knights explain Alfred and of Chi Misses home and the relatives In Ihe country Cane is forming classes for tuition In piano and singing for the fall term on the first of September Announcement In another column of this issue and Mrs Prentice Hall and daughter also Mrs weekend when Miss Beatrice return from Miss Alice from Phil Pa and Marshall and from Toronto Mrs Johnston Court and had cancelled for Accused pleaded guilty to a charge kid by George Law who sold he chased the accused through Bond Lake at from What was all the hurry about Ihe Bench Mated that he was at collage on Lake and had go up In an airplane Toronto Ho had given Instructions to awaken hra at a certain time but awoke be found he was an hour overdue and as a result to keep his You are a very selfish person the Bench Imposing fine Knaw Family know your family are of the oldest families lo Canada who have borne a gopd repu tation said he Magistrate to Enoch Big Canoe an Indian who pleaded guilty to being drunk In a public Accused jald be got drunk on dande- dont believe you relorled his Worship He could not say where he got he drink A fine of and coals was Im posed and also a lecture from the Bench that he strive to uphold the reputation of his family Tom also paid and poets for a similar offence Using obscene language near a pub lic place coat Archie Duncan 5 and driving a car without a permit cost him an additional CLOSE FOR JOHNSON While Mr Johnson was grinding binder knife at the home of his Mr John on con of Scott on Thursday of last week the emery wheel broke and a portion of it struck Mr Johnson In the iblng his cose to pulp and he would have killed Frank Casey porter at tbe Com merclal Hotel Waterloo who was badly scalded by steam on Saturday morning died on Sunday afternoon The plane crash at would lo again remind us grimly that the ir not yet thoroughly conquered Lota Of people who think Ihey have the ability lo be a world champion munlty champion Imagination is a great gift modern bathing costumes being what they are there isnt much need for Further postponement by Ihe Fer guson Government of an old age pen sions scheme means that there will be no election next year Passing the buck between poli ticians helps rumrunners to pass the boundary North Bay police caught wouldbe bank bandits before the holdup Thats better than Torontos record Lubbock At Aurora on Aug Mr and Mrs Lubbock a so Miss Olive of Newmarket Harry Borden of Detroit both form erly of Aurora Dr Harper of ficiating At Newmarket Saturday Aug I81b i92S Mar Hunter beloved wife of better late than is literally golden In the latest transAtlantic flight Comments of Exchanges rial Explor Sun of 1 I added prosperity for they are Mating a r across North Canada 1 country will he William Brockelbank Bloominglon Deceased was an Smart of Newmarket J Wedlock Mrs Lincoln Ferguson and two small sons of narrow ly escaped serious Injury Saturday- night when the buggy which they were riding on Yonge was struck by an automobile One wheel of the buggy was smashed and their horse bolted and Ihrew all three oc cupants to the roadside Mrs Ferguson At Newmarket on Sunday Aug 19lh Alice beloved wife Of the late Michael In her year Warren A Mount Albert on Aug Fanny Lehman t wife of John Warren in Wood In Newmarket on Sunday Aug Hannah Wood beloved wife of George Wood in her year Richmond Hill on August aheth Ann form erly of Newmarket beloved wife of the laic Joseph A Swltzer Funeral Friday Aug at At Newmarket on Thurs day August Levi Woe Standard Time school Ontario tomorrow when and classes reassemble following the midsummer vacation- The school dollar raised by the go expenses ItOAetiMISE ROSE Funeral Directors It isnt what you do today that causes the blowout it usually something you have done weeks ago tinderinflation careless parking that pinches the tire walls hitting rough bumps on high Balloons deaden the jar But later Check up tire pressures every week We will do it for you Keep to the exact figures for the size of load of each tire Ease down when driving over deep ruts and sharp ridges Let us inspect your tires once a week At least twice a season let us take them off the rims and rook for inside injuries DNIN TO1 sew Bert Lloyd Asphalt Slab Elates are four in one strip requiring only one operation in handling and pacing You save to SO per cent in laying and have a roof of permanent charm and distinc tion Made in four fadeless colors Ct it Stock Carried Information and Service On Roofing rendered by Smiths Hardware Newmarket Harmon Mount Albert Longer Larger- More Luxurious masterpiecie Bodies by Fisher lendoni stride ha with mode of world To trie to appreciate lis superiority see the 1929 with new Masterpiece Bodies Fisher The worlds foremott builder of automobile bodies with the worlds foremost builder of fine ears lo produce the most beautiful eve shown And with what results new lines different from any heretofore known their grace and In passengers an ensemble bodies i of inreo beauty and providing plenty of thai has never been equalled New and deeper radiator lines new chromeplated and new wheel and fender design all combine lend Incomparable poise fleet- Beat and distinction The aehlei the Is and fashionable if the to the most cd- aula set to buyer of car look to the Leader BUICK T BLIZZARD Agent Newmarket

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