will- he three games on the system for which Rood are pi fend Including the Davis Cup Splendid congregation morning Tin- pastor Iossoiik on id Ids brother I tlit pro sheep killed by It worth Minutes ret Council we Whole Mr I id and adopted Alice Chamber Machine Shop t Cox High School Hoard Newmarket High School UPPER SCHOOL RESULTS he following Is the standing of School by the Depart ilrd class It fl C Jean to reply that the Council will not be responsible for her care From Medical Health Officer letter requesting a delegate to the Assoc of Canada Deputy Lyons Inquired as be notified in case needed during the night Seeing Newmarket Girls Judging Competition Clark Newmarket I tho nds of J Invisibility and its wonderful fct a little study and will not go further back thantthe back If they can which lias not yet How Invisibility ginning If It could God was Is and will be visible to the allseeing of tl listed in the of Invisibility Please take special notice that opposite animals or stopping to pick lis car a going hack to tick was suddenly lie glare of an appro 01ilile and he saw that need that f raced 1 iir inn J the road side lea led Mrs the Clerk to It J Con jo the of the free use week and to S Herbert a mice flat were Cook i and a lively was thought properly used le I L Auth C C Che MIDDLE SCHOOL EXAMS The following is Hie sumdin v ho successfi the Middle School or Junior riculation and The York County Girls Judging Competition held Aug at Hall Newmarket was very tearful Fortyfive took pa and there was keen the tr they a to pay expenses debt urch and paying off the enabling Churches to be did free of debt Anyone arguing the question superior to woman had safety first and i tin to Newmarket Kirk who said tha only the tire marks t This should be pointer to cars at night see articles ly- of MA Ceo occurred on Sum rs George Wood i borne with of the Propel be made lal I be secured a Sanitary a report of which will In Acting Ma Hint Mayor Dane The stop sign at the corner of nod Prospect streets came In much discussion The Council bad place to de of the placed there and bicycle wing to the steep The sign was ml re and will be two ladies in a m topped at the corner sign triable to start up again he garden of Mr Hugh Councillor Bos worth thought that if he Maid sign and the one on the cor of Gotham and Prospect were re and placed on Prospect Ave be beneficial to the a safeguard to nil Tin Timothy street will hi along with the first men further Second and Third are indicated Class A an Hist AulhC Auth Boyd Eng Anc Hist Ill Florence Inlan der Lit Hist HI Auth III Mabel Davidson Br Hist I Anc Hist Auth Lat Comp Auth II Grant Hist III Grace Evans II Lit Br Hist If Ill Physics I Lat Evans Alg Comp II Ft I Fr I France- Lat I Helen Evans Anc Hist I I Lat I Fr I n Margaret Hist Ill Aig Lat Fr Auth II Ill Lat Ill Lat I II Fr Ill Gertrude Grose Lit Ill Br Hist in Alg Auth II Fr II El sie Lit Ill Br Hist Alg Geom Audrey Mann Lit G Physics Kathleen Murray Spanish Auth II Spanish Edith Parry Hist Auth Comp ni Delia Lit II Br Hist Alg I I Physics II I Grace Robinson Ano Hist I Lat Comp II Fr Ruth C Lat Lit Br Hist Physics HI Lat her and Ada after the other things that Lal Ill Aulh Fr Violet French Ill Ethel French Lit C Physics III Reynolds Goodwin Emer son Grant Hist Edith Haines Lit in Mildred Hal Ill John Harvey Hist III Alg ni Fr Lome Ill val Kay Hist Physics Lloyd Kydd Anc Hist Ill Aulh Stella Lit Ill Br Hist Physics Edna Loundes Anc Hist Lat Auth Ill Lat Auth II Bruce Geom Eva Marshall Lat Jessie Marshall Anc Hist Alg Kenneth Morton Lit Physics Lat Pearson George Hist Auth Fr- Auth C Verne Comp Leola Pollock Br Hist Auth Lat II Ft Kathleen Fr Mary