of rtWM 330800 8 J BOYD In of of ll ir and room Ko El Te Our Loral New Cargo Worth Transported At Top Speed PENALTY Here and T Hie ranged the full time and service AN HOUR FOR DELAY V ivrmront IN DESTINATION 1 1 J to I the Hoy the re I of of In Ik train of seven cars hour the train behind a b M ill carried la tho At the of lUln- hie will be a special New service and of general Pastor Intel and Social Mow May Every Truly Educate J WESLEY laboratory of County of Hours a in- p DR CECIL GILBERT BARTHOLOMEW Pudding Tofonlo Store Newmarket DR T J- Over imperial Hank evening by appointment for phono Topic Ruth Pern Nelson True and Pake Standards Success Matt Josh It Topic Mrs Parry Leader Doris Bong Goals for Our Society Gal Topic Clara In charge the Missionary Senior Endeavor September the Golden Rule Work How May Every On Cowieson Service of Science to I Life T8 Mi and Mrs A How Missionary Interest J Our Knowledge Acta This vtduftlk point every possible across the continent lie minimum of delay and of secrecy with movements of i deli pay any penally ring trains I before changing year i Halifax county Jut silk cloth of con moth I be a native of China but It been domesticated in many countries and not found In a wild state It If a yellow moth only one and onehalf ipclics across extended wings This domesticated silk worm feed on the leaves of Hie white and other species of the mulberry tree and also of the orange a closely related plant Id age Indians between Arkansas Rivers Attempts which ha domesticate of mo Ml- beast alike Several barrels a day dog fish oil are being used In manufacture of the preparation announced his from active Captain James Troup veteran at years of continuous coastal Missionary Committee VANDER University of tears Practical Experience In 111 branches of Dentistry for Painless Extraction given to Work Lyons Candy Store Evening appointments J CANE of SL Presbyterian Church Teacher of ORGAN AND Pupils prepared for COD- Music examinations A New mark at of Piano Singing and Violin Dealer in New and Used Pianos Rented Pianos Tuned HANDLING OF ORCHARD FRUITS Much time is given In the care of it hards to pruning cultivating fer tilising and In order to good crop of fruit but Is grown the harvesting it supervised as closely result that the fru is proportionately lessened in value of the short maturity and possible loss from wind or other causes the picking is rushed as rapidly as possible It is at time that the should be the alert and constantly be with tli pickers to see that due care is give handling of the fruit so tin it possible bruising will The operation of picking ail chard fruits should be done rapidly By Betty Barclay to preparation for oaqultos black ct black flies and other ln- years Han Colin has relinquished position njuiager of the British coast steamship service Canadian Pacific Railway has been taken by Captain Men he in British late the fact sometimes actually cheap Price la only relative and we should remember this when we are marketing If we dont we are likely to fly off on a tangent and come home without some of the thfngB we need bringing In place foods that we are formerly assistant heart of the Canadian Bungalow Camp flood i heavy weight 65 I quality the substantial you can Co Limited Bradford Ontario Bradford Roofing Stock Carried on Brantford Roofing Smiths Hardware Harmon Dike Furnished and Service by Newmarket Mount Albert Empire The ingenious lay out of the Is the handiwork Stanley Thompson international It known golf architect who de- Banff present eating loo freely us take oranges and the present to prove our point This fruit today at a price that many en look upon as rather high Pacific Railway having recently enlarged Milk at Washington the Canadian GREENS FINE QUALITY WALL PAPERS LARGEST AND BEST SELECTIONS FOR ALL PURPOSES FROM 10c TO PER ROLL Variety of Glazed Papery and In Oatmeals Tints Crepe WINDOW SHADE PAPER FOR BLINDS DUPLEX QREEN Wo Sell Any Paper With or Without Hanging BERT QREEN Painter and Paper Hanger MARKET SQUARE NEWMARKET S Watchmaker ark Ave Newmarket On door West of Post Office DR L W DALES Coroner for York County XRAY PHYSICAL THERAPY 10 am to pm Phone Spring Suitings A New Shipment of British Suitings in the latest and colorings Just arrived early inspection Invited F WILLIS Mens Tailor ly reluming home at program was a varied one in foot races and baseball games were featured Many of the enjoyed the swimming while the little lots possessed themselves of all the new playground attrac tions recently installed by the It was generally remarked that he consideration and courtesy of the commissions officials at Ibe Park was most gratifying and the enjoyed their the full by no me ipictin supper Snorts result were as follows Girls under 5 Peppiatt Gould Betty Gould girls to Walsh Mary Osborne girls to Walsh girls lo threelegged race Catherine McCaffrey Walsh Forhan boat Walsh Boys to J J boys to Gold smith McCaffrey 12 to 14 A boys io and overall Cain A Peppialt Gould Doyle Obstacle H Cain A Boys Bool Race Joe J Peppiatt J Duncan J Baseball match won by team cap tained by John McCaffrey The fealure of the came a onehanded stop of a bat liner by Mc Caffrey who made a perfect to the plate cleverly the run lhat would have tied the Tim you such victim of wanderlust Weary Walker From lookin round a place lo park my car packing Beleelion of quality fru dozen and things enter Station in tne high price that may prevail at I ville Sj tfme I To a great extent We should forget done by think more of The enough on foods mating too need of foods t will be heavily lhat I Most i an acid not heavily reen vegetable See to ft therefore that expensive carbohydrates and proteins In less quality and with the money saved you can pur- more liberally of the desirable foods even though they may selling at a little eluded in his exhibits a le the The ladies served tea during and Stouffville band the ehili to the and others for the society and Couneill of Weston said tit as the finest he had this year iked r ex HE FOLLOWED THE DIRECTIONS nth t See to It that you eat heavily of egetables and fresh fruits ail kinds Drink milk If you like It Drink lemonade when thirsty and help to re duce the acidity of your body for It may seem lemons like oranges have a decided alkaline ef fect when taken into the system- Drink plenty pure cold water Eat salads fruit-cups- light desserts Steep Exercise Do these things and you need not worry about the high price of some special fruit or You will save enough on other things to con tinue your use of tha food that Im proves your health If you dont save mora than enough by the elimination of doctors bill worry overmuch the shanty His skin it looked as if it had been varnished His fingers clung together when he attempted to open his hands and films him as he threw back his head and opened his mouth in epicurean ecs tasy Household Words explains his happy condition Goodness law exclaimed the old footl us trying ter Id like to use Take and you will know ONE of the most spectacular achieve ments in automotive history is the manner in which todayV Bigger and Better Chevrolet is increasing its margin of leadership as the worlds of autompjbUes Come take a ride I Learn the reasons why people prefer Chevrolet Enow Chevrolet performance Wherever hills are steepest the fame of the Chevrolet motor is greatest because it is built on the valveinhead principle provides all the power advan tages of overhead direct firing Chevrolets delightful smoothness is by the of alloy pistons and by the accurate balancing of reciprocating parts Chevrolet flashes out and away when you open the throttle because it offers the advantages of light pistons large valves and car buretor equipped with an acceleration well Come take a ride today the dime to invest In give Expensive was calling cheap If they counteract thought about that the body and bring re- But think Ill buy the only relative and women soda and let the this when they shop the missions ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO PHIL HAMILTON Agent Newmarket PRODUCT OF GBNRRAL MOTORS OF