jert Keswick and Sutton ft Mount Albeit weed inspectors and SCHOOL The and Schools will after the bum holidays on Tuesday Sent following teachers comprise Die el Continuation School Mr Brandon Principal Miss Th It Johnston Assistant Public SchooliMlss Eva Principal Miss Nellie Summi and Miss Thompson Wong mil with friend and Elsie Steep Sharon Keswick son or la tlic death of A Howard Sutton West Services In III at a lev Dr United Church next in and I p m with of Aurora In charge rioonsv wedding Out A lawn Mil wedding of unusual Iia awing vi look Place last Geo on Sunday Mrs Hurt and Messrs rt of Toronto spent Mr and Mrs Gordon Sunday In Miss Anile and friend spent Sunday the former foot of road last week one of moat and highly- esteemed Deceased was born in tho city on 2nd and won educated in Weliesley School and Street Collegiate lie started Mb career with Howard and CO- wholesale wine and spirit merchants I Street and continued that concern until the advent of and much charm Iwk place io last y Mr I on home yatuilay Aug when at oclock the the solemnized of Eleanor Dudley visiled Mr Missionary Society of the only child of Mrs Albert Henry Chi- Wilson on Chun hold a Missionary Service Mr Herbert Watson second at oclock p Miss a fc011 Mrs Thomas Moorby l General M of conducted by io A under a natural arch formed by stately lawn trees Miss Winnie Mr and Mrs Peters and for over the Mtlon this our attendance mni M also tho piano and Mr Willoughby with Mr Carman violin ployed the bridal chorus from Lansing motored grin Mr Cecil Prosser cousin of the groom beginning of the sang Promise Me and Mine Alone Mrs 1 downtown circles for nearly four nt decades Since retiring frcfa very Indifferent spending Mr Mqrrispn a no day la I hut I visit friends Mr and Mrs IwIrfUl Que onlha hla Madden of Aurora was the I on Sunday night lust Next will take the Of tils We hope there will be more commercial Travelers church from now on of ho old Toronto Lacrosse Club and during the war period was presi dent of the Home Advisory Board of the Battalion He was a member of Ashlar Lodge A and AM Toronto Lodge of Perfection Knights Templar and of Temple Shrine also of the Albany and Ontario Jockey An Anglican In religion the Church of the Redeemer Sept 13th instead Avenue Thompson of Thursday the day by Ida widow two his position the Maraholl will address lids Hihtera Helen and Mrs hack to Sutton ves meeting Do forget the one son Lewis r a and daughter for which granddaughter Frances Armstrong The de a lifelong resident t in his 70lh year A descendant of John Hart Phi bride given marriage by her uncle f J Mr was a charming iclure Hart was hi rV V- her penod gown of white satin and m0 ilu jn frills of net edged satin ribbon lh the uneven Position a me uneven Her veil of to councilor and y within J in Hamiiion net was in bonnet effect and vekr it in ploceby dusters of orange blossoms t trouble gearing the gift of he groom a hand- Surviving in King Inst Sin spent Sunday is spending will at- the Thursday monthly Me Mr and Mrs Dr Steve a in Toronto last week spent Monday of this week a Miss of Toron guest of Mrs Morrison for Is the Mr Lionel who been expects to return to work so that Mr given A good Mr and Shannon- were visitors at the home ther Mrs Harrison th and J Howard The funeral took place residence Madison Ave Saturday lo St James his Belhaven The funeral service wan A very heavy ruin last week set the A Armstrong of the corisideral anil Mr Grant farineri villi thtir Ji by i were weekend In town together Mr Mr Herb progress on and- Mr Frank left fj are for the West last week joy of those who I Miss Marlon Cook of lience tried by isiting her aunt Mrs Dan Orchard Beach Another magnificent weekend enjoyed The holiday makers are and lily of the valley Miss Dorothy cousin of the very pretty in ft period gown of taffeta a of crystal beads orchid satin shoe arid stockings with pink arm bouquet of ee roses and sweet yeas and Miss Strik er Chicago lovely in her period frock of peach taffeta crystal necklace matching satin shoes and carrying mauve sweet peas with Ju bilee roses acted as bridesmaids The groom was attended by his broth Moorby and his cousin Mr Graham Forrester Afttr the ceremony a reception was held old at home and Toronto and three daughter nil Hart Iii1iih Toronto and George of lnV I j Tennnee and Mi- survive His wife died x apo J The funeral will be held from the Friday afternoon al the Hart Cemetery named after Ins i I United Church Hart as the land donor MOUNT PLEASANT The Crossing Ihe Bar and the had their has be Miss wonder where the Bel- lc Toronto ha of Miss Mil dred Cupples which of Mr Sidney of New York ists home is at the his father in townj The man with Miss MariCn Stouffer o as liquor spent a week with Miss Jean Spang residents of Lake Sin Ed Spenceley left Monday to as- the means of getting I building operation Mrs John We that pie tim Mrs Win nd Mrs Steeper ac companied with friends from Mark- ham took a motor trip to New Report a delightful trip Mr M assistant manager of the Dominion Hank of St Thomas formerly on the local staff here old tiifti It he needed j where I a thought of be together ration for he Barker of ell and held wonderful I in which dece signified by the of beautiful floral as Laura and Kathleei isiting their aunt Mrs Hope items is the hi and Howard Peg ook for a full ho I a a I gave an in in rvey of the miss of the rid of most the by ciiliUed Pass diss Hole It of id will rendered Ira who service In the of the speaker suggested by the lions extended PETERS The is the chief altroctit I and Hie real Mrs inmidnighf blue fB with necklace Mrs in black with corsage and Mrs E in honey beige crepe received with bridal A delicious luncheon was served in the din ing room artistically decorated with flags roses and garden flowers to about traffic was five guests j Mr and Mrs left on a motor to Mrs Belfry and the Eastern cities The bride travelled in a home of the cape effect frock of brown crepe r week to spend dots snakeskin shoes the kitsch tills I coat beige fox fur close fitting model English felt hat in rose dier of cottagers homes there I On their return they will reside at at the Union Ontario morning Tile ridal couple received many handsome r of useful among Ihem being some ver Religion of the Open handsome cheques Heartiest i Hi he soon be finished The Exhibition seems to induce the country lo the and than to fake the children wilh yc The iMkin I for school again as opens on Tuesday Phillips and spent mother Mrs Henry Glover d Mrs Henry Moulds Mr BosuDrtb Alice and Velma Mr McMillan of Draft Sunday Sorry lb hear of Mr Early tune on Saturday While on his wav lo struck by another motor car His was badly wrecked and Mr Cecil uj Mr Stephens were both badly hurl Wilfrid and Miss Vera Sia- day uncle Mr Grab H Hamilton is spending her a number of young men together and gave Mr Abbs anil bride a one nighl last week Better 11m Keswick Sutton West Middle School Exams oclock p m Give him a ing the Chun Mount Pleasant the home ted to of Mr The la the home Friday a Donald David Dr L Hewitt DENTIST Over Mt Albert Hardware Evenings by Appointment Holt Irs W Mr ami Mrs of Jackson Mieh the Inhibition a Osier i cut at Beech it Sat be is Collins wedding asphalt Will I at aiii on Hamilton K Mr- Hamilton I Knights home feeling tod after the Zephyr Mr and Mrs A also Mr Ross of Windsor wen Ho Marguerite Graves of guest of tier friend Ev lew days last week Miss of New at Mr Mr and Mrs the A In Hai Mrs Brooks of Mai of her faniilton on Mr pent Thursday with try re at the fori right and daughter of Mrs ockfe Wilfred few days with nineyearold hoy of I SENTENCE SERMONS It will you To vilU Haze McDonald Isabel A Kathleen Woodstock the criticisms of your twice before you money before FOR SALE JOHN WARREN iarlng for school Si From the premises the under signed lot coo East about July one Oxford Ram land one Yearling Ewe Please notify West will dispose of a rpian- Walter of furniture at two phone Mount A clock J Auctioneer Sale Register Mr Bert be tbe Wanted Fresh Cows COLOR YOUNG AND PRODUCERS E J SULLIVAN brother we re In one of pigs on the riblv bit J150 hoy older la and time to Ladle Blacl Cotton Hose to H My dear remarked Jones who I Sets New Harness TnewonderTof Natoe is marvellous I read a took li Wo Poultry He how insignificant is man Hugh said his wife woman I doesnt have to wade through thl WATCHES Wo are Sole Agents for the PRECISION WATCHES In White Green or Yellow Gold Pocket or Wrist Styles DOZENS OF DIFFERENT CASES TO CHOOSE FROM N JEWELER AND OPTICIAN A Word to the WiseSave Your Eyes ins3- Phone for DIAMOND Perfect Flawless FIT A QWES size only being In value-