Newmarket Era, 26 Oct 1928, p. 2

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Adlet Column Editor ftddillonsl cent re Ir If nUf4 Mir will Aero Form- miles to Port Per Good land bush cement good building litter carrier dings In barn Will exchange foi Louse in Newmarket or Aurora Boulevard Toronto For Hang with ton nl warring Good Baker Al so Childs Cot and large Rural Mail Apply Simoons Lydfa Street near Newmarket Piano Very Little Used Splendid condition- Cost Sell Cheap or exchange for Pullets Sow or Cow with Cash Rowland It Newmarket to Frame residence Ontario St Large garden plenty Box IOC Woman Wanted To do Laundry Work at home for family of Apply to Mrs Clement King J Newmarket Clean Horse Radish I any quantity Green Hi Street Newmarket Lime Sweeten the Soli Apply in the fall end avoid the rush of spring seeding Newmarket Co operative Co phone Apply to H Concession Whitchurch Kindling Wood For Sale Cheap- Wooden Pails Apply at Cane Factory Newmarket For Sale Good Barred Rock Breed ing Cockerels Box Aurora 2w35 For Sale Coal Heater good as new Apply to H Prospect Ave NEW ADVERTISEMENTS For Sale or Exchange Oliver No three- wheeled con two or three bottom plow A 1 shape Sell or Why oh why a laundry at ted for otter thin does laundry does on family wash A phone chat with with one of our squad of young ladies help you to a better understanding of what this modern laundry it doing and what our five dif ferent services cost And be sure to ask about the soft Phone Newmarket 252 AVE TORONTO Whats doing the hockey line Is Newmarket going to let our be players drift off to places ainly looks like the Specialty Works July every night of the Let us caution Ihe boys and girls about doing anything next Wed nesday night Wanton destruction of property wilt have to be paid for and remember the night patrol Is on With the of million dollars to be on and about Snake Island the Is very peel- rmslicwhen It talks of tearing up tin rails on the Lake radial line Better bide a wee It will be ten a week from Sunday since the Armistice was sign ed How time flies I Notwith standing the war debt they have been years of Increasing prosperity the people of Canada have great reason Day and Thanksgiving Day Last Saturday night both tides of Main Street down Town were lined with If the traffic continues he Council will soon require to pro hibit parking one side of the street at least so as not to interrupt the genera traffic In order to do thin and not injure the mercantile trade it will be necessary for the Council to provide more parking space con venient to the business houses Bet- Toronto papers say that some radi al changes are to be made in the Cqntrol Act at the next session Ontario Legislature At pres- the law Is that for the second for drunkenness a fine of shall be imposed or two months In Jail To suit the people who effort will be made to have the altered to a fine of or ten days in jail Of course the High School did fairly well at the Field Meet at Mnrkham this year though it was rather a disappointment that they came second in the competition for the Silver Cup the honor going to Aurora However New tied for the Senior Boy Champion and won the Junior Boy Champion The three senior champions Jack Stallard Newmarket McDonald Aurora and Miss C Goulding were presented with Silver Sets by Mr A J of Toronto TWO INSTANCES OF HUMBUG Dr J W Edwards the Cons e member for FrontenacAd another of those sleuths pretending to scent the Post Office Department revifes Globe a stale story about the post the slut flit hole truth icfly Edwards says that named Cooper tl among seven applicants was notified of his appointment to the postmaster ship of the village last year by tin Commission and that ov al the the it political gave the office to a local Dr Edwards Mr violating the vice men the aw which and v on Mr seeks to the all be said There is not a bint of thi fact that in 1920 the Conserva tive Government was in office Coop er was one of applicants for the same office and was rejected by the Civil Service Cornm a civilian named Why did Dr Edwards the selfpro el aimed his the Commons and th But he reserved his la mentations until a Liberal Govern ment was is office The case was ventilated is the House of Commons this year and Mr Ventot read the report of the post- office inspector who stated that Mr Cooper Town of Newmarket Notice of Court of Revision public Notice hereby given thai tbe Court of Revision of the Assess ment Roll for will be held at Council Chamber at it oclock In the forenoon of Tuesday the 30th day of October of which all persons Interested will take notice and govern themselves accordingly MATHEWS arable On ket Oct w noises n the cellar rifle blank she the cell nan do peared gba window and made other the strength of tills report the Post masterGeneral refused a certificate and tbe Civil Service named another man That is all there is to this ease of It is another instance of making lalht the Sun said of other attacks on Mr Venlot same Edwards who seems to be so solicitous of the rights of the Civil Service Commission and turned soldiers is the politician who the Deputy Minister of of them a disability The two affaire of Enterprise and Odessa postmaster ships show Dr Edwards is humbug and they illustrate also thi methods of the PostmasterGeneral assailants London Advertiser before noon luft Burton workmen on the halfmile Todmorden tout Ms balance and a distance of about feet sustained terrible Injuries from be succumbed In the ambulance being the Toronto hospital- He was an of the cleanup In the railway mall In cornice with drinking on the Toronto Montreal train Parking of automobiles on Yonge St both sides from Front St north no far as Heath St during certain periods of peat traffic will be by police on and after November Toronto teachers visited prim- schools fn London lost death was due to gunshot wounds which he received when he stepped directly Into a charge of shot aimed William Johnston formerly as tax collectors clerk the City Treasury until he was suspended in and ultimately when were traced Mm was sentenced on Monday lost one year definite and one year in determinate In Ontario months IBvOCF of electrical equipment and hardware were stealthily removed the warehouse on St Confederates in the or- covered up the shortages way that detection of the Jin of Toronto spent Monday with friends In Town Mr cud Mrs CMcKewon and Mi J KcKcwon of Toronto mo tored to Midland last- Sunday Mrs Hunter returned from Winnipeg where the his been visiting her brother Dr Taylor Mrs Moore was a visi tor at Fair also spent some time with friends there end in long delayed Eight men United States resident in have the right to exercise eir franchise in the approaching They will be permitted to at the various United States con- lates throughout Dominion A measure is being planned for consideration the next session of the Ontario Legislature that would oblige every motorist In the Province himself against public liability by means of insurance Constable William Wednesday on the slaughter the fatal Albert Samson The Ontario Department and Fisheries has altered its decision regarding the taking of has now declared an open March to April for all parts of the Province BRIGHT BITS FROM EXCHANGES One thing about the disappe all thai We hear more of the men who buy on a rising market than of those who hold the stock when the market falls The Kent man who tackled the two Comments of Exchanges The Tariff Advertiser There is not for this country in the of either party in President of the United States riff party to offer Canada a commercial deal But that as spurned by Canada in a Since then Canadian opinion has changed in the right di rection Eventually both countries will show common sense But Can ada should not squeal if she is hurt high the she hurt nth all ILidlil representatives should rive at a definite understanding with the United States Radio Commission in regard to the use of the ether The assumption of dominion In the air hovering tbe northern half of the continent by the Washington au thorities should be firmly challenged It is a claim that will not stand scru tiny but as long as Canada adopts a supine police and permits the U S Radio Commission to allocate to it- serf the great majority of exclusive wave lengths from Mexico to North Pole will be WANTED NOW Salesman in York County Fall and Winter month to sell fruit Trees Flowering Shrubs etc Good pay Exclusive territory Whole part time A Nursery We own and operate a modern well equipped Nursery and supply our cus tomers with the beet In quality and variety Sell hardy Nursery Stock and you will be Our agency is valuable tcrnoon making a visit at Maple parents Mr end Mrs A Goldsmith Ontario St- 1 Mr and Mr Bruce MacMHIan also Mr Ross attended the ManningArnold wedding in Toronto last Saturday Mm Nell Morton wag At Home to a number of her friends on Tues day afternoon It being the occasion of her birthday Miss Ruth having com pleted the nursing course and receiv ed her diploma has accepted a tion In General Hospital Toronto GRAIN FOB EXPORT OH PACIFIC COAST Vancouver Oct- The amount of grain In storage of port there being have been hipped already much No and No fine supply of No and No To no tough grain has been The are keeping a sharp e on the situation and restricted may be required shortly but apprehension of any serious con gestion Is felt are ships In port for approxi mately bushels and the next seven days that will lift bushels Mr C their daughter Nora home last Wed nesday and she spent the evening with her little daughter June Hill on the market on Friday Oct Mrs C Forester and Mrs R Math ews received with her The spacious rooms of the home were lovely with autumn blooms and amber lights The artistically decoi by Mrs W were Mrs J Harrison MJss Be trice Lyons Miss Margaret McDonal of Aurora Miss Florence Mathews of Toronto Mrs McDonald Oxley of Toronto and Mrs Robt of ba of study leading registered nurse These pupils will be on a four months probation which if acceptable to the hospital authorities they will be enrolled continuance of training This 1 far the largest single class to nurse training school in Upper New York state having been enrolled t provide additional nurses for nearly patients now in the institution The class was possible by the purchase of tial i i of girls the J CHILD OF FOUR and Gordon who live i the Fourth Line of Warwick ship and tbe Twelfth Sideroad thrt while she went to the barn to milk ding she found the childs clothes practically burned off and her whole body burned The baby also slightly but not seriously burned either had been play of matches or had go unknown just how tin WOMAN HAD STILL Walkerton Oct In Magistrate Walkers police court Mrs- Muriel Stanley of the concession ross Township appeared on a charge against the Inland Revenue Act and to six months in the county About three weeks ago provincial officers upon complaints against Mr and Mrs Charles Stanley of supply ing liquor to minors visited Stan ley farm and made an investigation They discovered a wellequipped still secreted in a small log hut in patch of swamp on the farm In the hut they found a barrel of vluch attempted Stanley himself but be made his es cape aided by his wife who set dogs upon the officers for which of fence she spent 20 days in jail The property being in Mrs Stanleys HUGE NEW ELEVATOR OPENED Port Arthur Oct The world largest single unit elevator Wit eat Poo Terminal No was opened this morning when A J President Of the Saskatchewan Wheat Producers Association in th of forty directors and the Saskatchewan wheat pools carload of grain was into tbe hoppers The officials then spent two inspecting the plant which hi a capacity of bushels and 9 in daring period of mora bay been from vice at all Bnmobee fa local and sized Bank not too with a friendly in At York County Hospital Oct- to Mr and Mrs Edward Alder of Keswick the gift of a daughter daughter of the late J A and Mrs of Newmarket and the late Col and Mrs Campbell of Ont to J Doffegnles of Sumatra Dutch West Indies and The Hague Holland On Saturday Oct 20th at St Johns Church Oak Ridges by the Rev P Soanes assisted by the Rev G S Claudia Frances daughter of Mr and Mrs- Francis A Legge to Cecil Reginald Davis son of and Mrs S Davis of Welland At Toronto on Oc by Rev Booth DD Amy Gertrude eldest daughter of HolmanAtkinton At the home Mr and Mrs Thomaa Smith by Rev P on Oct Evelyn daughter of Mr and Mrs Wm Atkinson of Van to Leonard Matthew younger son of Mr and Mrs Luye Aurora- HuUhinsonBahen In Oct by Elder at his residence Prospect Hutchinson of Stouff- to Mary of Mount Albert On Saturday Oct by Rev- J S Shortt Alexandria third daughter of and Mrs J to Lome son of Mr and Mrs James Pierce Schomberg Ontario On Oct by the Rev Powell Walker daughter of Mr Mrs J Toronto to Ches Ringwood On VillisMtller On Saturday Sept Mary Dorcas It daugh of Mr and Mr6 J A Miller to Dr Howard Willis Vancouver son of Mr W Willis of Newmarket Ont They ConneJI At the residence of daughter Mrs Rev W on Friday evening October 1928 Susannah Con widow of late Patrick Con Keswick in her year Funeral service at address or Sunday 21st Interment at Cemetery upon arrival by Funeral on Friday Bk from the above address t Cemetery At Newmarket Mary beloved Samuel Sommerville in hi Funeral service on Friday At Stouffville on Monday Oct John quhart in his year In get wick Ont Dear Doctor you God knew you were He knew you would in this world again God saw the road was getting The hills were hard to climb So he closed your weary eyelids Andvhlspered Peace be thine Ever remembered Lillian Millei Graham In loving memory of th late Dr Graham who parted this life Oct MABW8SE IMPERIAL BANK BRANCH WHEN YOU CONSIDER OIL HEATING these Unique Features of the OILRIGHT BURNER 1 No Pump or Pump Mechanism No Gravity or Gravity Mechanism- No Vacuum Tank or Loss of Vacuum- Oil Always Below Level of Machine 5 One moving part running at only revo lution per minute Our Salesman Let us arrange fop- a Demonstration Phone or Write Telephone OIL RIGHT BURNERS Operated by the Canada Metal Company Ltd 35 AVE- TORONTO said that pose in ther the high whether there was an on with them mployees seem to be able us who the ire determined who deposited Funeral Crash- diet stating that or I they could not at man all of Toronto lost their live The drivers of the two cars were W Carter Toronto and Lau rie of Agincourt Before the verdict was delivered however the Crown had laid an in against Carter the drive of the death car charging him will wilful negligence The summons I returnable in police court Oct In taking this the south shore of re he with two other lad been staying since inUng and fell Into 15 feet of water on Wednesday morning and was drown ed owing to the weight of hunting clothes preventing his swimming fire today in the Eagle hotel a loaf ing house for men in South St About others fled to the street or were carried to safety by firemen The fire f the the i after firemen said he had described the hotel as their underwear and settlement of the trouble to et in sight John Lander if the company has issued a to the effect that the not be taken back as a ml that any of the men applying MIGHT DO FOR THAT i old man called into which led to the bench those that led to the bos St like me then To Iht

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