Newmarket Era, 16 Nov 1928, p. 6

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warn mm mm ill mm Albert lie AGENT MAT INT Mount Albert The Veterans tills thanking the of I and vicinity for their SHARON wisot DAZAAIt The An ml operation Is MOVING the moving UlO on SI xcelcl a luring Ilod Roane arid Chaplin In A knitting quilt patterns etc much of which was done ma years ago Afternoon lunch w served The Junior Institute wc guests at this meeting also GUT it his late of po prohibition 1 the tax on bachelors Com pulsory wrapping bread Mr and Mrs Drown are spending a Good reports from so deer There was a splendid attendance at the lew days in with Mr and Mrs Clarence meat will soon be on the market and it may not Armistice service in the town hall lost Friday The on Branch of the Veterans of the Long ho too dear evening The President Mr Jack frost Federal Riding of North York desire to express Mrs A Word Milne visited with Mrs Collins A days of fine weather has been the chair while members of the Council sincere appreciation of the response and lust quite welcome The turnip crop lias mostly wore sealed on platform Local clergy- support given by the citizens to the sole of Marian Grose Fair Annie Mo- been harvested although in some places they men took part in the devotional part of pro- poppies on Saturday last The funds from are entirely devoted to the in distress Veterans are also and willing young ladies the Municipal Hall There will bettor profit than raising potatoes this year Miss Fern Horner bo a good supply pi useful and fancy articles Some claim are hard to raise but the school at Church Hill afternoon tea will be served from until dock which wandered off last May and come days campaign not forgetting I after which Hi- ixdies Aid will from the bush a neighboring form one Miss Lena Treloar one of teachers at Roche a Point ho served until 7 m or to which and half away in time lo dreBS at iZii lbs Birch Cliff School Toronto was home for the is welcome leach per lb were not much in the way weekend holidays also Mr Jim ZEPHYR Miss Dorothy Sloan spent ThanksgivingllolL- Tim really look place a few from here Toronto I lays her home in Churchill Miss Clara accompanied her cousin Mr Wesley Switzer of lorojito University is Mrs Lehman Sr Mr Willis Lehman Mr Miss Louise and friend Miss M Mc- from Port Sydney home for the holiday a home on account of his father illness Harmon Lehman and Gladys of spent of Toronto spent Ihc weekend at MrdW he teaching profession Mrs A Belfry returned home on Friday Sunday with Mr and Mrs Thos Myers Wins- Collins Master Milton on Con evening from spending he week in Toronto Mr and Mrs J Kearns and family also Miss and Mrs Sherman Storey spent the was treated to a birthday parly of boy friends Miss Pearl of Toronto was home Amy Myers of Toronto were at Mr Tilman in i i hi ill mill I spent Hie week end him 1 job gram The speaker of the evening from thesole arc en morning in the wife who look the basket of of Toronto gave an excellent address of who ore attended iy me i The ladies the United Church Sharon four turkeys to Newmarket last week and which was listened lo with great attention by The thanks of the Vete In lioldiiiK tin ir on Thursday realized for the same should think that fully given to the able and who is teaching at the whose work of selling contributed so materially was homo for the to successful results of the Poppy Day campaign not forgetting the ladies of Keswick I on Monday Day 1018 ai Milton was horn tile Thanksgiving Myers for the holiday weekend at Mr Storeys i i uu Miss Margaret Lopard of Grace Hospital vis- Boy 18 I i of party I Miss llena King of Toronto accompanied by Mrs J Palmer spent Thanks- ted at Mr Jean on Sunday Teachers interested are her friend Miss wcro at for- Day at J W League at the usual time on Friday night B ho Christmas entertainments imers home for lie weekend Miss Ruby is spending a week in I will have charge of the The funeral of the late Duncan Grant came Miss of he Base Line who is attend- onto her sister Toronto Briar Hill Cemetery last Sat- Normal in Toronto spent Sunday with Miss Mr and Mrs Alcorn and Miss Cora of Mrs- Murreil Sr of Toronto is at Iioy This is last of the sons of Mr and Windsor spent Sunday with their Aunt Julia Mrs Grant formerly of Sutton West being the Mrs Howard Morton of Weston is visit- sni Uncle Robert Mr Mrs Hart of Toronto also visited at Edith of Toronto siting This is the last of the sons of Mr and Zolla Mrs Grant formerly of Sutton West being Ihe Mrs Howard Morton of Weston A good urnout at Ladies Aid at ParTilth son to be taken by a stroke- Throe lug her sister Mrs last Thursday remain Mrs Joel King Mrs John Smith Mrsl Mr and Mrs Frank of Unionville A good crowd on Sunday night Edwin Phillips Sympathy to the widow and Ihe weekend with their son Mr ihe holiday hoar Rev of Next remaining family Boadway Mr Murray Marshall and son of Manilla were Sunday night Mr Porli nine will have charge of I wishing to motor some distance had a Mr and Mrs Mr Arthur Cook- Mr Jas Marshalls ho services most beautiful day on Sunday and from burn Miss Gladys all of Toronto and to hear the Rev Wm Mustard of number of cars on the highway many took ad- Miss Evelyn of public Bluffs at the United Church Anni- of the weather and returned on Mon- spent the weekend at Mr Sunday Nov- at eleven am and pm Special music by the day in Hie rain he will hold a progres- i Ml ST ii ami orning slated that the larger Mr Crawford of Oshaw genjf l Mr the events Mrs Millar who France when the Armistice Quite a number visited in the Thanksgiving Mr Ross Mackenzie at his home Mr Cecil Foster and little Jim at Fos ter J Mark family Nor- A Mrs Elmer and family at J W Dawson York family at who look the Armistice and Mr and Mrs Ed Taylor and Evelyn of M Aiiiiie at Bethel last Sabbath Cedar Brae spent Mr B The young people are putting on a play a Sunday visi- the Hall here on Nov titled The Adventures of Grandpa fittingly Mr Williamson and Mr Carl be sorry if you come- s a nurse both of Toronto and Mr Will of Port Mr Brain happened with Credit spent the weekend at Mr- P will lav him off work for a I Mr Millar and enjoyed the change Rev will be in his own pulpitnext of the at Presidents ill MisB Etta Gilroy returned home on Thursday riding on a wagon fhe horses started up g of last week from a weeks visit in To- throwing him off and injuring his right and Mrs fam KS3 weetlgo Sorry to hear of he illness of Mel WS gl the church Mr is for A call from Mrs Frank of Union- Hall spent the weekend at the formers Mr and Mrs Marshall Pickering but hope that h Percy is gradually improving after h long illness- Central has engaged 11 operators Miss Pearl Mis and Murray Huntley of our men have gone to the lum ber camps for the winter Ihe winter is visitinghis brother tnan- Mr Shaw and his father have ex changed houses The young people of this community are tting up a play and hope to give it by old friends always welcome for the true and the tried Edna P at differentplace of Toronto spent the holiday at his home McLean of Toronto spent the holiday law -Mr- Marshall here Mr of Toronto Mr and Mrs Earl Weddcl of Sharon and Mr- and Mrs Winch his broth- port good services laat Sunday It was said spent Thanksgiving Day at Mr Barton Wards by ope a certain lime What have we to be Mr and Mrs Duncan King and their grand- Miss Bertha Pickering of Peterboro spent for as if there were nothing If son Munroe King are on a motor trip see at home it were possible for us to count our many friends at and Mr haq the foundation of his surely there would be thankful- Mr rig tie formerly on the of i about ready for the carpenters Scotia here and now on the Mr Theater of Albert is busy on Saturday to spend houses for the Hydro Look further notice both He was lifelong adherent of he liberal Party Surviving are his wife four daughters Daisy Thirsk To- ft ISO I Eldrid The community extend their sincere thy to Mrs J Moore in the loss of another sister Mrs Richard reckon St days and formerly of Newmarket- Miss Kathleen Moore of Penelang and Mr M Mrs Sydney Thompson of Toronto jthe Bank of No staff at the holiday at Mr Will Osbornes On day morning however he received word of the uddm death of his brother Peter at Portage La Prairie and left immediately to his home at Miss Osborne ac- him- His many friends here ex- end sympathy ro The Ladies Aid of the United Church are Ambrose Greenwood and Mr and Mr- preparing lo hold a Bazaar and Supper on Nov I- Greenwood and lamily of Be and Mrs Lloyd Smitli mid their Thanks- in the Sunday Hall Keep this Sunday with Mr and Mrs Frank d the wood- 1 rank Mutton Lome and visited for sale suitable for gifts spent the both and useful ing vacation at her home in Pleasant Mrs Mack and family of also Mr Mr and and their sister Maud d Mrs of Toronto were visitors Greenwood spent the weekend with Mr and VACHEU We are sorry the weather is continually We hope for fine weather soon We hear the hunters are having had luck- Mae is home Tor a weeks She is looking well again after her ill VIRGINIA BEACH Peter Greenwood and sister Theresa onto spent the holiday under the parental pent over the weekend and holiday with their at Mr Thompson has Mr and Mrs Geo last Monday just returned from a long trip to the North Mrs Robinson and Kathleen were home for provinces also Texas and Kansas in the weekend the interests of the Co- Mrs A Oliver and family visited Mr- and Arthur ins on ThankseiyinK Day Mrs J Mr and Miss Fletcher Toronto Mrs Roy Tier of also re weekend visitors at Mr George an Mrs was called away to Stouff Tuesday on account of th officiating Mclnyre will conduct the service in Mrs Geo last Sunday Church next Sabbath at Mr and Mrs Geo- Station attended the fu The special services in progress are of Mrs J Warner at Uxbridge last Mon proving successful with increasing- attendance day afternoon and growing interest Dr will preach Miss Ethel was home for the week- ice on Friday evening this week end of Sutton Tins is the opportunity for the Pres Miss Winnie Station was home over the Monday evening the following offieeTs for holiday Anna Dow of Toronto the at the home of spent the holiday Mrs on to Mr and Mrs OriUia brother Mr at clock of Sharon Mt Pleasant weekend and the surrounding country to reestablish Mr and Mrs J Foster and family spent former church home which is now in Thanksgiving dinner at Mr Comers charge of and under the leadership off the Mr Foster spent last Monday afternoon on of St Andrews Church Newmarket ab Mr Geo a long lime lord of those servants Mrs Lake has on he sick list and with them Miss Lilly Evans spent the weekend in M E fiiests at the hoi Walt Draper Mr and Mrs Theater to to vteit brother for a couple of Mr CarrutherB of Stayner is at ftonie of his eon Dr a few days M Ough and family wei home of C- Davidson fcoiiinys nd Mrs Will to Thanksgiving family Mr and Mrs motored toOrillia over the weekend Some of those who spent hall- Mrs Frank and farnil spent Sunday with their relatives of ii elected KESWICK On Sunday evening Nov Carson Ma leer of the Ontario Union of Endeavor visited the Christian Endeavor service at the Keswick church- He gave a splendid inspirational talk 1 told of the coming Convention at Other workers were with him Wonder what Ford ca road near corner A W Ego Lome Secj Ivan Mann- Chaplain Stephenson Treasuer Wm- Murrell Fin Frank Pierce L J D Marshal A few from here attended the in Pefferlaw Hall Wednesday eveni Mr Shearer and bride who have married recently They received many useful gifts We all extend lo them our heartiest congratulations and good wishes- Mr Mr- Crews the Bros Rey nolds Prank Les and Theo also Mr Ward and Mr F Clark of Toronto at the We all wish Mr Howard Malt great vine in his new business having opened a SHILOH BALDWIN Wedding bells ring on Wednesday for Mur ray Comer another tired of single blessedness and launching out on the matrimony- Good luck old hay 1 Our hunters gone to try their luck- Mr and Mrs Frank Murphy of Toronto spent the holiday with Mrs Murphys mother Many visitors in Baldwin Mrs Wm Crittenden is visiting at and calling on old friends Mr and Mrs Bert Owen and Miss Audrey motored to and spent a few days with relatives Mr and Mrs Thos Comer attended the fu neral of Mrs Comers uncle Duncan Grant on Saturday Several of the new Fords are tow- Mr and Mrs Bernard Huntley and the child- in P from near Sutton West spent Thanksgiving Mr and Mrs Boh Neil and- spent with Mr and Mrs at Monday with his parents returning home on Monday even- 1 Mr and Mrs P Flag of Sunderland call Wedding bells are ringing- loud accompanied by the sister nurse Jean S- as ha nrtSrk visited Mr and The League Box Social and Concert which Toronto all standing the trip of a few is to be held in the Udora Hall on Friday of hundred miles fine this week has been postponed until Friday J Quite a number of the hunters have returned Nov The program consisting nt dia- and all report game quite plentiful this were at their pantomines readings musical Mr Sam Parks was successful in get- and Mrs Jas Abraham ere etc is being prepared by the Young People good sized bear as well as a deer ha been visiting Keep the date open It on Young Peoplels Society e Mrs- Frank Lyons and fam ily Delia and Mabel Hadden spent a good sized bear as well as a deer cottage on Sunday The Sutton Young Peoplels Society Mock Jns Snoddon and Miss Dor- held their election on Tuesday Nov ted at Mr John Wilsons The results were as follows Government Charles Prime Minist Leslie Burrows Attorney General at Mr E Mr and Mrs and Miss Taylor spent Uie weekend with friends Mr and M Sunday Our Pastor Newell BA Gladys Newell Mr Thomas Taylor and the holiday Sunday visitors M Barton Minister of Education Ben Minister of ln Ham- Minister of Highways 0 Minister of Health Minister of Mines at their in I Messrs Bill Taylor and Howard Miss Etta Stokes Messrs BUI and Frank Stokes Mrs Gordon Mrs Allan ee Misses and Moore Mass Hewitt Tiie and Mrs K Warren and son Sunday with Mr and Mrs John Mr Rod Caldwell Minister of Games and Fisheries Lake Minister without Portfolio Miss Belle Sellers Minister without Portfolio Mrs Leslie Burrows Mr Bill Sellers PETERS Baldwin Mr and Mrs Thomas Morrison and Mr and Mr Roy Morrison of spent Sunday evening at Mr A large number attended on Friday The mealing was in charge- of Mr Harrison Finis f Toronto Nov Attempting to and Mrs Peters Mis aura also Mr Karl n court Road Toronto waa struck by an auto holiday in Portland Ore and lather At Bermuda narrated the husband places of interest- hirBd one of the glassbottomed from Mr Albert Wilson who has been in the West which we could see the brilliantly colored fish for some time is visiting friends in this on bottom of the ocean The continued wet weather has made it dili gently corrected his wife for farmers to finish up the fall work Not a bit of it Really its the truth Mabel Miss Audrey Mr Frank Opposition Johnson Crjjderman Leader of Opposition Robert Thompson Mr Harry Horner Miss Marj Mr Allister Mr Frank Dr H Miss Muriel Mr Kav MiBS Pearl Ward Mrs Dr Miss Lillian Park Miss Stiles The parliament will meet in about two weeks time If you want to hear something funny well as instructive do not these meetings- Some of the bills discussion are I lax on gasoline old age pensions ing day with Mr and Mrs Wesley Lyons and family Mr and Mrs Harris Wight of Ravenslioe al so Mr and Mrs John Lyons of Toronto spent Hie holiday with Mr and Mrs Wm Horner latter returning to Toronto with her daughter for a week Mr- and Mrs Richard spent Thanksgiving with relatives in Mrs Caldwell and family of Toronto spent last week with her sister Mrs A Willas A farmer near Brockville has been com mitted for on a charge of false registration of cattle Farmers in and Sturgeon Falls have suffered loss of a dollars by reason of flood conditions this year it is esti mated by MPP Ed and James Chatham adrnan this afternoon signed papers waiving their rights to remain in the county jail for days before entering KingstontPenitentiary to commence their year during time they will ten lashes eat two men walked into Phelps Drag Store and at the point of a gun robbed the druggist approximately 300 in cheques and When at the polioe headquarters po lice found the cosh on and the cheques on Sleadman

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