A UK ONT FRIDAY NOV line It has recognized that thoro he a nosmbilily that would linvo to aban don lino and with that possibility in view ho Commission rcceiilly purchased he bus lino paralleling Lake rout Mr Harvey could would ho more flexible and would represent a smaller investment If the cam Harvey said that would be little doubt hut that the consultant would report in favor of abandoning the line Reeve Fred A of Newmarket was in favor of having the street railway The Council has gone on in opposing Hie scheme advanced by Commission he said We want the and we are going do everything in power to persuade the not to dis continue the service Many of the ket industries depend on Iho radial lines for service also objected to the replacement of the with motor coaches on ground would be trouble wilili the service busses could give in winter Reeve Archibald Murray of Aurora I am calling a meeting right away The busses be all right but I bale to see go Our tannery and plow works are served by radial and I dont think anything else can replace but not Ibis own vitally Reeve Sutton I am sorry lo see thej cars go off Theres a question in my mind if the roads will be kept open in winter I donlt f the resorts along Ihe will he served either The trucks in my opinion i not handle lite freight as well as the cars But if they would run fewer cars inwinter and heat them better more people would ride on HAY BE ABANDONED I AURORA BETWEEN AND The public school scholars held their annual Bus Proposed day and meet last week Toronto Transportation Commission named school for In will in all abandon Metropoli- while Stanley won title of best Sutton substituting a bus service el0 Sinoe Commission look over Iho Metro- line Joe jr and Chief llie only two bravo heroes of the King Fir and ho A bo operated at cost if not at a profit to mor Commission A bus service ho pointed out an adequate service by means busses and Following a comparatively illness Wni cut down the losses on the lino by Todil 74 and a lifelong resident of Metropolitan radial Mayor MoDride passed away on Saturday evening at favor of doing so Toronto hospital He was admitted a week They will have lo bring the matter before suffering from blood poisoning and an Hoard of Control any action is tak- was performed was engaged said the Mayor We have 2000 building business and later as in that road and we must protect the merchant He was prominent in Ml investment and retain the franchise scrap- Orange circles and a member of If ping the electric line we would sub- Church He is survived by his widow one type service for another i two daughters Mrs Fred Button and a freight and passenger on the daughter residing at hi lino is decreasing Mr Harvey said and the line is not oven meeting its nary operating much less the debt charges in view of these conditions Mr IFBSaiiiriielevMe Blankets LARGE SIZE pair Ladies WOOL PULLOVERS REG 2 EACH For 225 WENS AUL WOOI SOCKS Reg PAIRS FOR Mr and Mrs Mark Hall had lea Mi Dikes on Sunday Mr and Mrs Aulov spent Sunday Mr Geo Williams Miss Hall spent the weekend with Mi is Belle of Mount Albert spent a few days last week with Miss Maude Dr will preach next Sabbath the Church here at the usual our 330 pm The church edifice will be lieated at this and each succeeding Everybody welcome UDQRA A bos social will be held i the Orange ni mime else replace Nov under the auspices of the Busses may be all right for passengers league A fine program will for freight The change will given consisting of dialogues pantomimes MRS AT Copied from the Journal lie services of last Sunday Nov in Ihe evangelistic campaign led by Mr and Mrs were exceptionally inspiring the of the address in llie afternoon Mrs hod on the platform a gathering of I fuI1 surrender and way be very small In the Jackson wherever called riir- there is an excellent opportunity inspiring sight has- seen ghtofway into a highway A questioned not readily answered is position to be made of the rightofway on pi vate property Some of it may be acquired by Such these parls Before Mrs gave one of her best addresses last Sunday afternoon and then Somebody once composed a song a very heartsearching one in the at the Engine but ever writes anv- evening on The Empty House At the close thing about the on the caboose until service there were over people at the theres a tailend collision altar either for the first tune or for consecra tion It was one of the remarkable gatherings the woods have of the whole campaign Mr and Mrs will be in Uxbridge this week only includ- fatally shot a member Sunday Let everybody come t this final Mattawa on Tuesday effort of this great series of meetings The Smart S Never before have we had such a Delightful Assortment of Practical and Useful Christmas Girts Every Gift Boxed WASHABLE GRIFFIN FABRIC GLOVES Alt SELECTION OF THE FLOWERS Handkerchiefs to match What make a Prettier Gift AH for mailing in a Hatty Box SCARFS Squares Streaming Lengths- Combinations of Soft Pastel Shades Exquisite Floral Designs Boxed FINEST FRENCH KID GLOVES- Plated Silk and Wool Hose Words Lavender Hose Words Silk Lingerie Hand Bags from New York Brass and Shell Frames- Youth Lives by Forgetting Age Wear A Corsets No Gift Too Small to Box Rowlands Hardware Shelf and Heavy Hardware MOHAWK AND BATTERY RADIOS We have a Complete Line of Storm Doors Weather Shoips in Rubber RADIO AND CAR BATTERIES CHARGED called for and delivered ELECTRICAL REPAIRS Night Phone York County Council Capt of dollar A C arrears in per the York Treasurer the T0O Council for llie relief after ll farewell unknown origin tl at their farm Alberta children thought the to purchase the land i the widening of Weston iie Township of Etobicokc a ived from tht Applications were ollowing for the position of count school inspector Mould W rhomas A S McKinley A Fidell P From the present indications this will be a light one be discussed will be that nth the city of far to remarks pas deputation Tf had Mr It Norman Man of the t the As- hod been active men lit the Coi tain pensions or Increases thereof to which they were entitled Pension Act Many of lit through he stated lucked the wiry Infor- oil Seeing Newmarket By C H Clark lATE TO SCHOOL England and with the United States he said was not due to the negligence federal authorities that some men who had returned from not physically fit were not in The PAINT STORE mother Mrs Mf Steph Old a weeks ago Right lead to Nov to the Cold Meat given by the ladies can Guild Dont think There good that ill anything get The supper will be followed a program contributed by Miss elocutionist Happy Hoboe Schomberg comprising duets sol Sorry to report the accident of J to rrloncio Pine Orchard The K Class are holding Annual Bazaar in the United at Pine Orchard Thursday Nov at pm Lots of nice things Christmas Gits will be on sale program will be given after lunch will be served I The Pine Orchard Community will hold their next meeting on day Nov at the home of PALACE THEATRE Monday and Tueiday Nov THE HAWKS NEST One of the boldest and most darin underworld dramas ever screened and Thursday Nov 282 UNDER THE BLACK EAGLE with Ralph Forbes Marcelline Newmarket Market Wheat W- Wheat guaranteed LIB Butter Eggs Live Stock Market CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY il ARCHIVES OF ONTAI TORONTO