Newmarket Era, 30 Nov 1928, p. 4

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JointBase Swollen joints RHEUMATIC OR OTHERWISE It to help liuolrcGsor get rid of -111- stiff Inlamtd Aiv was this series lliot a and would be compounded would creaky flwolleijitftiojfnlcd Joint with much i ever dirt Now this rightly after tested fln cose to suffer Swollen Uvlngy stiff Joints are usually by but the WK tight In through flesh and right to aid corr the at Its foj the Jqtnfc In okIe knee i iA and awywhci SHAWS BUSINEjJSSCHOOL twelve people for day nd homo eludy court apKUU Employment Depart definite uUunc forded bo Employer uj Writ for calender Office Bey end Street HYDRANGEA 8PIREA POT PRIMULA BEG0NIA8 for Every Occasion PWRlrWflBEEHrWUSES atrium St Newmarket W Pbom 135 North End Tin Shop FURNACES STOVES PLUMBING Eavetroughing Etc ORDERS EXECUTED PROMPTLY Prices Moderate EDGAR Rodboue Furniture Shop Corner of Main and Queen SU NEWMARKET Phone of Canada Her Advocate If would do about their country lhy toreafUc its and ting a Critic thai of other nations Herald Its Canada Is hit her the the light mid In the day of our youth reading Jr bed was ab solutely forbidden Account of the risk of from candles or paraffin over a book regarded as the most probable end to any attempt In the opinion our ciders They probably always fell asleep over their Detroit Free Press applica tion of the Canadian National Rail ways for permission to operate lines in Ontario the head that system asleep at the doing with respect to bus competition what In this coun try have been forced to do assimilate it When the bus finl freight truck insisted an entering railway field American railways de fended themselves by entering the au tomotive field The decision of Canadian National Railway to do likewise Is a tribute to the of their management which in Jess than decade has brought tion broken down and bankrupt railways to a high state of efficiency Neve Markett Open Acton Pree Press Another for Canadian wheat the excellence of which is by the fact that it has won the world championship at the International Grain and Hay Show limes in the lost base just been opened by a shipment- of bushels from Vancouver BC India This Is the first time wheat grown in Canada has been sent to country which is one of the prin cipal wheat growing countries of the Another shipment of bushel leaves Vancouver for Calcutta in December Royal Ontario from the museum authorities at Los by Dr of bones at extinct found bo wo years b in this swamp Id which pools of water containing c of asphalt by of extinct the famous tlgfrr it of and and wolvcit In iti fifty been tho Quantity of lb that tho animals to drink slipped and dwl pspfoilt pools I by an headed by United dlscorerlee a large number of beads partial of giant for too large for public CHRISTMAS PRESENTS In all the stores I went Into I no ticed great and expensive preparation has been made by the merchants in- se curing Christmas presents various kind and of good beauty and usefulness I see noreason one should purchase in Toronto the same class of Stand by your flag Newmarket RADIO WORLD AWAITS PROGRAM MONDAY NIGHT inaugural program of Tire Rubber Co has for Monday evening December MALE AND FEMALE HELP WANTED to PER WEEK Positions open in City and coun try towns Be an expert Earn while learning We guarantee teaching following trades HOUSE WIRING INDUSTRIAL GARAGE WORK BATTERY WELDING VUL CANIZING BRICKLAYING PLASTERING BARBER and HAIR DRESSING Employment service from coast to coast Big demand Write to day for FREE CATALOGUE to Dominion Trade Schools Limited now managing and operating Hemphill Trade Schools of Can ada and A both Dominion Government Chartered Compan- HEMPHILL TRADE SCHOOLS Head Office 163 KING ST TORONTO Eastern Branches London Montreal Hamilton Ottawa Notice Of Application fop Dlvoroo fee from Johi of the the County of Oxford City of Woodstock in ADELINE Girl Her Further variety is given the November nil present except Councillor Armstrong who wad owing THE GORGEOUS Bo Wiped Out by Hurricane Is that In the West Indies recently of flamingo I wiped out tho colony the flame bird which spread Indies and United States ago and It fears lining on Bahamas group could not survived the latest terrific blow declared a flamingo sanctuary by the British Government after of the United Great Britain became aroused at he wanton killing of the birds by the Elgin Forsyth their diet of flouy rice flsh and beef Whenever the flock stiltlike legs all the young not fly the blrde lay but rope broke the fly As t year It la easily Increase be slaughtered a bills and ordered paid Road maintenance Division No 3 No No No No ie 350 No No A moved seconded by J That Treasurer be to pay to Dr Un derbill and Veterans of IhoPedoral Riding of North York Of Kings portion of wreath moved seconded by thB to pay fol lowing amounts opposite their re spective names M Elton Arm strong A J P Jefferson moved seconded by J the bo Instructed to write to Mr Rose En of ho York Highway Commission with reference to lb culvert at lot concession in Village of opposite Redfern property and ask ihem to take Immediate action relievo the situation caused by water backing up and flooding Mr A moved seconded J Jefferson That the Reeve and tfeas bo to borrow a sum of money sufficiently to pay the be to IF A movedseconded by That the next meeting of Council be hold at Smiths Hotel December 1928 On motion Council adjourned to meet in accordance with the above resolution A small boy was sitting moodily the front porch of his home What makes you so friendly neighbor inquired Well replied the boy if I had to do over again I wouldnt eat sisters lipstick even for spite the SuperSix Bulletin I These are Bargain Days for the buyer You have the advantage HOW USE IT WHILE YOU We will pay these unusual prices VERN CANE Agent Newmarket Ont These prices which we believe cannot be equaled eke- where will be allowed on any one of the great Hudson- Essex cars that you may select HUDSON ESSEX Special Used Battery only only DeForest Console table model only Day Fan Consoles Table Model only Workrile Console New 1 only Console Table Model New All Guaranteed A Condition Phone SMITHS HARDWARE irney to Capetown South the section and protends a market in the stir future that promises to be Notice of Application for Notice is hereby given that Duncan Gerard of the City of to- in theounty of York in the Pro vince of Ontario Cleric will apply to theParliament of Canada at the session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from his wife Violet Gerard of tie City of Toronto in the County of York in the Province of Ontario on the ground of adultery and Dated at Toronto in the Province of Ontario this Twentieth day No vember NORMAN MATHEWS Newmarket Oat Solicitor for the THEYRE PILCHARDS NOW A Sardine By Any Other Name Woi re not particularly refusal of the Fede allow them the use heir pilchard pack and with of the byproducts lone of flsh meal and gal lons of olt It la claimed by pilchard packers that through more scientific methods they are producing a much States markets the office of John Kin and Intimate of Kb prominence of the Judge E A in He was just like his nephew John Judge said arid just all other hoys only with a little re life perhaps Me received re of spankings and irtay be sure and one day his time endangered other building the wholesale district caused a lo at The lass Is covered by insurance valuation of dogfish said to killing mosquitoes Insects Is being c of h oil should hi Where Are The harvest of wheat In Britain is estimated at 1201000 sman in York County Winter month to sell fruit equipped Nursery and supply with the best in quality and variety Sell hardy Canadiangrown Nursery Stock and you will be suc cessful Our agency Is valuable Established years NURSERY CO Toronto Ontario Outstanding Chevrolet of Chevrolet History a Six in the price range of the four J let Motor Company of Canada Lin The Outstanding Chevrolet of Sue in the price range of the four Chevrolet achievements have been new car field an entirely new and styles but it Is so of The Roadster 665 The Phaeton 663 Coach The Coupe 760 The Sedan 870 The Sport Cabriole 885 Convertible Lar 925 Light Delivery Chan 510 Ton Chasiii 695 On boulevards Fisher bodies are longer lower and roomier with adjustable drivers seat in all dosed models and reveal the detailed information delivery beginning HAMILTON Agents Newmarket PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA TORONTO

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