Newmarket Era, 7 Dec 1928, p. 8

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Midmorning Pickmeup When eleven oclock comes you grow a little weary thats the time for and Drink to you PILES AND FISTULA Wo Detention from Business Speedy Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given that Lydi Alice of the City of in the County of York in the Provini Of Clothing Operator apply the Parliament of Canada from City of Detroit in the State of Mich one of the United of An erica Salesman on the grounds of adultery in desertion Dated a Toronto Province of On- day of November A J KEELER 1105 Temple Building Toronto Solicitor for Applicant notice or Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given thai Maude Par of the City of Toronto the Com of York in the Province of Ontario wife of Francis William Parker apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from her hus- band William Parker for the Applicant who ho lecture by Rev church on Friday evening were delighted The by the male- the solo by Grant Mayor the violin by Harry of Glcnvillo arid Alex Burrows tnd readings by Miss of While Rose were also muoh enjoyed sudden death of George Welsh one of own boys was a great shook lo The family lived in our midst nd George spent bis early school days before going to Aurora Dr Fred and Hairy Guthrie were two of the pall bearers at the funeral to Aurora oometery The Guild of St Alhans Church mot at the homo of Mrs Thursday of this with a splendid The Ladies Aid of the United Church are holding their annual bazaar in the basement beginning Saturday afternoon at oclock The ladies are working bard Come and them A Community old time dance under the au spices of the Branch of the Womens titute will bo held in the community hall on Dec A firstclass orches tra has been engaged Dp It Humbly of Los Angeles Cab was the guest Mrs John Dean The Dr formerly lived in but has resided for many years in the States Donald Archibald who has been living at Webb Sask for some years is with his par ents at King and culled on friends here Lome has bought from Mrs Fry Hie on the corner of and the occupied at present by Gain Mrs is on the sick list with a nurse attendance Arthur Hill recently made a trip to Kansas City Mo and brought his brother who is ill to Toronto hospital Miss has resumed her duties as teacher after a prolonged illness Mrs bad charge of the school during Miss s absence William who is ill is at tin home of her son Herman in Toronto Harold lias been appointed local agent for Hie Confederation Life Insurance Company re John Dean was the guest of Dr of Los Angeles at the King Hotel Toronto for a couple of days About twentyfive members of Black Lodge Woodbridge paid a friendly bo Union Lodge on Monday night Dr Kay and Mr John Hani carried number of poultry prizes at the Toronto SCHOMBERQ HOLLAND Exactly the spot where fourfold fatality over a month ago took place at mixup took place last week A big making the grade at a high 1 ate into ditch driver f ft crane summoned from Barrio was at tempting to pull out of the ditch when a Chevrolet coming up slopped suddenly A following closely after the Chevrolet drove the latter against the crane was in turn driven into the ditch piling up top of the Fortunately nobody hurl Don forget Christmas Concert lo be held at Holland Landing public school on Tuesday Deo Tho proceeds are to go towards pay ing for an organ Everybody come B Saunders received word last week of death of his sister Mrs Fanny M King at at Alberta and a former resident of in her year She was pre deceased by her husband the late King who at the time of his death was editor of Examiner Mrs King is survived by Henry BrlUlinger sold his fine red brick resi- on Main street to of Baker Hill lust week for LEMONVILLE Mrs Spenco a week in Toronto lb sister Mrs Kerr annual meeting of the Ladies Aid was held the parsonage on Wednesday afternoon A woodshed i8 being built at the of the church which will he a great convenience in the winter Reason Our public school was suspended on the day of the public speaking boniest at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto as the teacher Miss Thompson accompanied Jack Berkley who par ticiputed in the contest Lemonville is gelling on the map Over 75 of the young men and others of community assisted in the charivari tendered to Mr Mrs George Martin when they the recipients of a crisp bill about a month but they turned the tables so to speak on last week when they assembled number of over a hundred and presented them with a handsome clock The spent most happily which was a aftermatih of the charivari A Christmas tree and concert will be held school on Dec A good- pi gram is being prepared by local talent as the The happy merchant Never before in the history of the world it been pos sible for a merchant in good credit to do much business with bo little capital locked up in One important reason for the present prosperity is that In stead of having to bay a big stock at the beginning of Miss Annie Mill guest of Miss Morris over the weekend Mr and Mrs John entertained the Presbyterian choir at their home to fowl sup per on Saturday nigUl Music and games rounded out a most enjoyable evening Misses Mildred and Jeane Ferguson spent the weekend at Weston Mr and Mrs Blake Skinner visited Mr and Mrs Fred Skinner at Port Credit on Sunday Mr and Mrs Mitchell of Toronto spent tlie weekend with Mr and Mrs Jno The Ladies Bowling Club will hold their first card party on Friday Dec in the town hail Provision is being made for euchre and bridge The Ladies Bowling Club will also hold a dance in the town ball on New Years eve Fred Robinson a pupil of Mr won the oratorical conies for York County pupils in council chambers Toronto His subject was by Canadians Visitors and Tourists There were twelve competitors which makes Freds winning all the more creditable Fred is the son Rev Robinson Mr and Mrs Wallace Webb and M Mrs Harllev are spending a fev in Lackawanna Mr and Mrs A Stuckey were in Fergus last Sunday Mr and Mrs of Klcinhurg spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs J Leonard Mrs a Mrs and Mrs A Stewart Mrs J Kitchen and Mrs J- Botham were in Toronto attending Hie Wo mens Institute Convention Tlie death occurred last week of Miss Mary Davis our oldest resident in her year In her younger days she was a very fine musi- was a member of the United church and the sister of Mr Chas Davis A very pretty wedding was solemnized at high 10011 on Saturday Nov mil Mrs Hiram Potter Mary- Elvira was united in Austin of Tottenham The cere lend bv Rev A McCallun day- IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET Year ending 31st October LIABILITIES of the Bank in Circulation Deposits by the Public Deposits by Other Banks Letters of Credit Outstanding ASSETS Cash on Hand and in Banks in Central Gold Reserve on deposit with Minister Fund Notes of and Cheques on Other Government and Municipal Securities Other Bonds Debentures and Stocks Call Loans on Securities Commercial Loans and Advances Bank Premises Other Assets Liabilities of Customers under Letters of Credit 8 11812585189 110892545 28087075 3045436870 10182122 1843116118 114864350 AUDITORS REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS We report to the Shareholders of the Imperial 1 Sheet a Bank of Canada That the above and h the books and vouchers at Head Office and the certified from the Branch We have of the under our not In our opinion the Balance Sheet discloses the the books of the Bant The above Bala nee Sheet does not Include money which has been from time to time for the purpose of a Pension Fund thin the poweranf the Bank by the shareholders 20th A Shephebd CA of Peat Marwick A Cole CA if York Mills Death came with startling suddenness- to Mr Lawrence of Toronto in the early hours of Monday morning last at the age of years He had spent Sunday at being a guest at the Fred Terry farm and in company with his wife left for their home early in the evening They retired as usual but shortly after midnight Mr Lawrence awoke with a numbness in bis arms He aroused- his wife and requested her to rub them Then lie got out of bed but fell dead on the Door is quite well known around He was engaged at Hill the nurseries there but for the- posh v years has been with a nursery A i Mrs Sinclair lives at Believed to be the oldest lady in township Mrs Peter Baker a pioneer of York county celebrated her birthday on Wed nesday of last week- Though confined to her room through a severe cold Mrs Baker was able to see and converse with a number of intimate friends and was in addition the recipient of than one hundred letters and post cards all conveying the kindliest sentiments Mrs Baker was born in Whit church but has lived practically all her life in township and continues to take the livliest interest in all thai transpires in the neighborhood HOW WE SPEND OUR MONEY I believe that subject would look much bet ter if we were to add the word Lords after our especially when we remember the Lord Himself has said The gold and the silver are Mine And Paul would have us bear in mind his words to Timothy We brought nothing into this world Riches were here waiting and we were not here- d to use this world he to bay small stocks and re plenish them promptly by Keep your customers for miles around coming to you for whatever they need In to visit your l from you by Long Dis tance and they tell you will not be seriously bothered by competition Long Distance la making happy merchants In some towns Dont overlook it great possibilities banked with evergreens and mums The bride who was given in mar riage by her father looked charming in gown of ivory chiffon taffeta trimmed with moire ribbon and pearls Her veil of em broidered silk tulle was arranged in cap effect with bandeau of orange blossoms White silk hose and satin shoes completed her costume She carried a shower bouquet of Richmond roses and lily of the valley Little Miss Flor ence Cooper of Toronto made a dainty flower girl dressed in shell pink georgette with lace and ribbon trimmings and carried a of Ophelia roses The wedding musio was plaved Mrs M Hague and during the sign of the register Mrs A McCollum san Perfect Love Following the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served by a bevy of pret ty girls after which the happy couple left on an extended motor trip the bride travelling in a pencil blue gown with blue suede shoes blue broadcloth coat with moleskin trimmings and hat to match The bride was the recipient of many beautiful gifts among which was a handsome cheque from her father With the death of her brother Dr Alex Stewart which occurred on the 7th of her the funds left by the late Miss Alice Stewart of the income of which hoi been going to him pass to Womens Aux of the Church of England in Canada Mi Mr- f if mi estate of about An Allendale citizen paid and costs the police court for failure lo file Federal tax returns to not abusing it- of the last thing id Battery 1 only Console only Console table model only Day Fan Consoles Table Model only Console New only Console Table Model New All Guaranteed A Condition Phone 39 SMITHS HARDWARE of Divorce NOTICE he that R Laid man of he City of lit of York in the of ntario Parlia Ca if a bill of her 1 Irvine the Citv of the f of York IhirsS the of DATED a Tort the Onta th First of No AE Ton To Ontario So for a Applicant M stress refrigerator Yes fresh u and I rep iced it with should be abuse is out- bodies They should be- cared places which are sacred bo the Creator But have we considered very much the millions dollars that have been spent for stuff that has proven to be a detriment to health hard to believe that worth of candies 109000000 lbs could be con sumed annually by the people of Canada But reported No wonder have been called suckers It seems almost as hard to believe that worth of tobacco could be smoked and obeyed and worth of snuff used in one year by suoh a small population We think of the millions of dollars spent in drinks only intoxicating drinks but also what are called soft drinks which people would be better without and we recall question asked thousands of years ago Why spend ye money not your money but the Lords for that which is not bread Our Heavenly Father has given us splendid opportunities for investing His money in His service where profits are certain- He has promised every liberal giver a bountiful spir itual harvest Give and it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down and shaken together and running over Just think of How Maim Years Behind is Your Set Jdio has advanced TN the Battery less embodied the perfected latest reception Year round reception Clarity of distant stations Single dial control Cone Speak price that represents more From to provements that Radio beat giving tone quality Finely balanced selectivity Full 6tube power Economy of operation This wonderful instrument value than has ever been offered Hear a demonstrated and judge its talus for yourself AUTHORIZED DEALERS w For Battexyless Battery and the Full Line of Models J NESBITT Agent Newmarket OPEN TILL OCLOCK AND ON SATURDAY NIGHTS YOU YdUQWHTHtVfflRUJSMOSTAOYANgD TORONTO

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