Newmarket Era, 15 Feb 1929, p. 5

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SB ONT FRIDAY FEB 15th or Toronto DR J BOYD In McoMoo Toronto o of MM mem- or Hi J former I MoorcticWB Ear Jtrml Hospital London England TiW DR J Laboratory Coroner of County of York Office a in or by appointment MAIN by Tra Our Local News Tcieihone and the Town with Mr Uncock I upon Reeve Little nd Clerk togctlu Engineer Hydro Electric Commission to on day laftt week regarding the voUhkc of electric power Town enuring much to the consumers On being assured that the eoi plaint were Justified assured the deputation that I the 1st of March the Hydro would I stall at Newmarket substation 1b known as boosters by which power will be Increased A iKLl Man Makes MI torus Reproducing Ancient for Museums John Thorp London Some of bis work Is pre In museums and more temporary Jobs have been In the law courts In helping understand complicated questions connected with accident ancient and street of his In de- in the London J BARTHOLOMEW iho Forum Toronto Over Pattersons Drug Store Newmarket by Ph DR J HACKETT Dentist 0ve Bank Newmarket appointment tot VANOER fjraduate University of Toronto Attain Years Experience In oil branches of Dentistry On for attention given lo Childrens Work over Lyons Candy Store Phone Evening app A Teacher of Piano Singing Violin Dealer in New and Uaed Pianos Pianos Rented Pianos Tun KENNETH STIVER Block Newmarket Oat MATHEWS Solicitor Etc Successor lo the Late H deceased Office Block Main Street Newmarket Phone Jack Cox Arm Broken Falling feel through a trap door into the basement at Hie ra dial Wednesday evening Jack youngest son of Co agent had his arm broken near the shoulder This if second time within the year that Jack lias been laid up with broken fw broken bis left wrist Evening Standard tho work la guarded with secrecy would reveal curious public what many or tho l London A the next years will look like For the of Works have been completed models of the new gallery the Elgin marbles and of the OF of Magic In BRIEF ABOVE I thrown on the mystery of strange system of triage practiced In Afrc by Mr Is Eight of the wellknown explorer Paraguay Doth Countries Kodak ndmcDlpuei I of tho Mr I The following brief facta regarding Bolivia and Paraguay may be or Benin to rsdeis wrltei Henry Kit- too much for the JuJu Norton In the New York the lime who retaliated by without the Gran Chaco j white which bad hung round neck In South a Its 1 about Ilea It nearly a million people of whom are native In When the cassock t tho a gallery offered to the National hop which lory by Sir Joaeph Similarly a a of a remainder with a Email minority Paraguay Is almost surrounded by and tho boundary Is by from the Inority whin and Braid the being I In dispute with Bolivia capital the point i the northern boundary of Parana from the proper the part of the country 1 1 the east of the Parana between the the Pa- a which In day but which del hand Include the Hospital teres before Ion was begun Abbey for Montagu reminders of old Etlale of Geo Smilh- iFour sons and four daughters benefit by the will of George thony nnlli farmer of Quci w left late of Mrs Mrs Mary Bain Mrs Hopper Geo A and Smith each receive Joseph and Carrie May Benton the residue of The estate consists of Equity farm township of East inbury farm equip ment and personal effects OiHce Hours- P Evenings by appointments Private Funds to loan on first Berry J Berry who for the past seven months has been assistant the Department of Agriculture with Mr Rogers and lately with Mr McPbail left the first of the week to assume new duties in To Mr Berrv has accepted the of Private Secretary to Mi Russell president of A Watchmaker Ave Newmarket door West of Post Office DR DALES Surgery and Confinement Main Street Newmarket Coroner for York County XRAY PHYSICAL THERAPY Hours lo a m to pm Phone aulomdbilc Co and will also manage Mr Russells fan While we are sorry to lose M Wonfen did more for Canada than Berry from our midst we an lighted to hear of the wonderful position he has secured and wish him every success in bis new last Sunday on by Church Splendid la the problem of Lot duct by and Lloyd hut by Mr Kelh illne t the a to dm Sunday vi fan from se and The ppr anthem by rkshop has a d to be pullei IX has the mc bet of ated tableau of a beautiful ore bewitching than their husband lied replica of Guy can Museum at Oxford the Information that used to burn not only who by contained a full- lantern irlously estimated white chalky substance which id on banks of the stream This custom of smearing body with ft chalky solution has come to the present day and em- ployed by the descendant or the Ju man Not only bo but the same Is worn whenever be akinf part in ceremonies Tho rerognlupa the and ra and to him tood In part outside at one the i a to a little In the wall an the It raF- be hat has humor r f o keep the outslAe hi is that hcrhp he seized volon The Joy of Accomplishment To save money may require that you make some sacrifice but if a stated sum is placed in a Savings Bank account at regular intervals your money with the interest it earns soon grows and you experience the joy of accom plishment There is a Savings hank Depart ment at every branch of this Bank IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA P HEWSON Mo CAUSE OF WEEPING Crying from Joy and Sorrow Not finch a Contradictory Paradox The puxiling paradox of crying from Joy and crying from sorrow not so contradictory because the are due to mixed emotions This is the conclusion of Dr Frederick H j South Lund of University and Dr total area Pike Danville State HoBpltal more of reported American Psychological to number of forts In the Ollmpo the oldest having be pled by Paraguayan troop The present Paraguay olio lumbering and for The quebracho forests are the source of an Important tanning ma terial These have built numerous roads and several lines of railway from the interior of east ern pari of the to the banks of the Parana river West of the forests and the ranches are the military on posts based upon diminutive torts means of which Paraguay her claims against any the original districting of the coun try the Gran Chaco is an Integra part of Paraguayan that and that she has followed up legal title by the occupation and tl development of the Bolivia like INSECTS STRENGTH Earwig Draws Times Ita Own Weight Investigation have been made to ascertain the strength of insects By means of a toy coach and truck one student the pulling power of a bee it very ably performed the tasks that he aligned it and drew both the empty coach and the truck The truck was gradually loaded with plasticine until a weight of one hun dred and slxtysli grains had been added The total weight of coach truck and load was hundred and one grains Since the weight of the- The Automat B 8ILENT CLEAN SIMPLE CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL All Objections to Coal and Dirt are Removed Our best recommendation is the service record of actual inslolations- This is he true test of qualify We pleased to give the names of many satisfied users OIL RIGHT BURNERS Operated by the Canada Metal Company Ltd- 35 AVE TORONTO t Obligation Please Send Me Particulars of the Oil- Right Burner Hand Tailored Suits Overcoats Imported British Woollens Made up in the latest style to fit the form and satisfy the desire for good clothes of our many cus tomers 6 F WILLIS Mens Tailor Newmarket DODDS KIDNEY PILLS I he is wellknown former the and an A offering repair on the following Tuesday in Radial Time new coach service ion between to The coaches loo a are said to ride loi IT-dlUf- the time between investigation patients reported that nor sorrow dejection 1 cases where emotions occurs when a depressing situation gains a redeeming feature or when tension and unpleasant sensations are replaced by circumstances like Paraguay part of she com wealth chiefly from her mines her chief ex port being tin of which her mine furnish nearly half the world While the Bolivia counts astride the Andes nearly twothirdi of her territory lies In the plain to the body during country tically prohibits the shipment of transportation cultural products to the cities with the psycho- the inveattga From North To Station for Toronto leave North Toronto a local Italian had escape from death came through the smash with min injuries was able to extricate from the wreckage unaided scrambled to shore little the worse his thrilling experience The car almost totally wrecked of the United State ays that police records in show that ar rests for intoxication from in to In 1927 The fourth annual report of the league which has for Its announced restoration of temperance declares that the figures have organization to the conclusion that the Volstead Act has failed ut terly to do what It was Intended to romote temperance and sobriety Tables of total compiled In the drunkenness beginning auspices of the Pelptng Dun Education and the local la ions Attendance at these claa during working hours being arranged with labor schools on the premises an hour a day granted to ever for attendance Factories with fewer workmen are to cooperate with Institutions sending to these larger places for Records of Where and when Masonry originat ed unknown but Scotland claims economically they classic Question access to the markets of Europe and the Eastern United States The Pa cific insisted that the mineral wealth of the country most im portant and that must necessar ily be shipped through Pacific ports military hardly 150 disputed area Th December a igaged in The The Bolivians re body fired and when strength 1 weight with the without difficulty and sixtyfive Introduced him Stanley Baldwin do you w with o lead a hand glass known as discovered In the eh I magnifying been noticed but L probably i as an aid to vision i of Appl is hereby given that Sydney Session thereof i Alice Lena Hai and desertion Dated at Toronto this day January AD 1929 FRANK CALLAGHAN Queen St East Toronto Solicitor for the Applicant This Complete Radio Outfit 207QQ And Its A Genuine Battehless THE famous Rogers Model FourTwenty supplied with this outfit is the standard model irrtne Rogers line It has been tried tested perfected and is backed by the Rogers record of four years of proven performance in thousands of homes all over Canada The artisticallydesigned Walnut Table Speaker matches the Receiver perfectly and is equipped with the latest type Magnetic Cone designed especially for use with this model Together they resemble a Consoletype radio but our price is from to less than you would have to pay for even the lowestpriced Rogers Console- Due to the remarkable development of chain broadcasting radio has become a year round source of entertainment and education You are certain to get a oon get this complete year to id now Free Demonstration Easy Terms SMITHS HARDWARE Newmarket HOLBORNS HARDWARE Sutton MILLERS NO NARCOTICS PLEASANT AS SUGAR Phone GREENS FINK JUALITV WALL PAPERS LSRQE8T AND BEST ALL PROiil 10o TO PER ROCL VarUty of uid SO hi Mowli Tint HamuDlla Ops WINDOW SHADE PAPER FOR BUNDS AND You Any With or Htflflas BERT GREEN and Paper Hanger ARK IT SQUARE ARCHIVES OP ONTARIO TORONTO

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