Newmarket Era, 15 Feb 1929, p. 6

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Albert Mount Albert nuts of folio Long glove Bells S Mom held the Mieaionarj- Kffte of the A Maybcllt and Lulu Miss lie a OMha for by Miss I a reading by Dr Hewitt enjoyed Slides on China and a talk on them from closed with Urn wired be on dark days There Is no great depth of snow In this vicinity but sufficient lo move wood and ice The ice is of a good depth and apparently of good quality SHARON annual vestry of St James Church will be held on Monday Fob instead of Fob The mooting will bo hold in tho A good out lo League last week at Iho homo of Miss Evelyn Wcddol This week the League will he at homo of Miss Norma Shaw on Friday night At of regular program there will be a Valentino Box member is to bring ono or moro valentines is9 Dorothy Ramsay of Toronto and Mr Ramsay of Oshawa spent tho wcekond at homo and Mrs Alan Shaw and family spent Sunday in Ml- Albert with Mr and Mrs Herb Hall Miss Edna of Oak Ridges spent lay night with Miss Joico Collins MisB Marion Grose and Miss Louise Collin pent the weekend at their homes Those who stay at home arc missing some good sermons at the United Church on Sunday evenings Time Sunday school at 10 We would like to see more at both Fletcher of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Frank Tate Mrs Fletcher re turned lo the city with him on Sunday night Mrs Thos Collins spent Monday in Toronto The mon are all busy these days getting the and ice home while the sleighing lasts The regular meeting of the Ladies Aid will held he home of Mrs Graham Weddel or Thursday Feb afternoon and evening is extended to everyone frosty weather mid J in the rtirfi rink Skating at the every Wet day and Saturday evenings The moving picture show in O Hall on Saturday evening The neighbors and a few friends of Mrs Margaret Gn number took possession of on Saturday evening Feb the occasion of her el birthday Mrs Gral is fine find she heartily the gathering Telegrams were from St Paul and Toronto the evening Mrs grandniece and her r We certainly are having nice weather the It was splendid to soo such a good couplo out last Sunday and we hope that now attendance at last Sun he sickness is about over wo shall continue l0 have pood crowds at both services Rev J A weekend with sermons aro a ways helpful and SmU ftl Kwwi k i5Jl SLLfe Floored Counter Club have iadypresiderit- The Valentine Social held in the basement of the United Church was a great success number were present and the games wore much enjoyed Wm Hall has sold his farm and rumor has other real estate deal almost Hall is moving to Aurora We are sorry lo KESWICK Mrs also It the more in the in the and 1900 lose the family from the comm Euchre seems to be all the rage just now Mrs A has returned to her home in Tottenham after spending a few days her sister Mrs Mrs Scott is having quite a time with her teeth- Miss Marie spent the weekend with her parents here Mr Ray left for Ottawa on Saturday spend a few weeks Mr Kves has purchased a line new oar Mr Ken Hayes arrived home from the north country on Tuesday night Mr Wm is out and around again He attended a sale on Tuesday Everyone try and come to League on Sunday night because they are choosing up sides Copper Contest which will continue until Easter Some of our people attended the party at Mr John Grants on Monday night Dont forget the rink Came fathers and keep young with the boys and girls Sorry to learn that Mrs Harvey Shaw is ir bed again with sickness Mr of Newmarket spent Tuesday with bis sister Mrs- J Last Friday Mr J Smiths oldest boy Rex being blinded by getting fresh lime in his eyes while out with his People should remember that lime is ve when is gets near the eyes The annual meeting of the Public Library held last week when the following officers elected President Mrs J Aylward Mrs Geo Pearson Librarian Wm Scott Board- Mrs Jacob Smith Mrs J K Mrs A- Cody Mrs Roane Mrs and Miss Martin Mrs J attended the Hunters Banquet in the King Edward Hotel last week Eugene and Mr Frank Milne at ended the boxing in Toronto last week Little Miss Ruby Strasler with her aunt Mrs King visited in Aurora on Tuesday Miss Laura is spending a few days her home here There will be another Carnival at He on Wednesday the Prizes for dies and gents and boys and girls See bills for particulars Newmarket Band will also he present and a big time is anticipated in in the fun- The Womens Institute will hold their Feb on Wednesday Feb at the home of Mrs Allen Cody A special being provided and each member has the privilege of bringing a guest- in his place surely a splendid example to It Mr Mann is expected to preach next Sunday morning and in the evening Mr Gordon Pressor who is bo well known to us will pulpit in the evening Sunday and the coming Sunday a special collection will bo taken for Welsh Miners If not at hand your contribution to Mr A or Mr shower is to he held at the Manse some lime in March for tho summer bazaar The announcement is mado early so that the ladies can get their work ready The Womans Missionary Society will hold meeting in connection with the World Day of Prayer on Friday Feb in the Unit ed room when the ladies of the Chris tian church will unite The meeting begins at oclock Every woman of the community is invited to attend- The ladies of the of the United Church are asked to at for important business Please on time The Mission Hand will not meet Friday the The W T U will hold their reguk meeting next Tuesday evening the in connection with the usual weekly prayer meeting at oclock We hope to have a speaker for the evening The members of the W T U are asked to meet at lo d business annual Mens Banquet at the United Church will be held on Thursday Feb 28th when Mr- H of Toronto will give ddress The P S will hold a Social or Friday evening Feb tonight Mr Raymond entertained his Sun day school and a few other friends last Monday night that day being his birthday The Womens Institute held a special meet on Tuesday afternoon in the Community Hall Business of importanci reorganize On Wednesday morning of last wee community was shocked to hear of the sudden passing away of Mrs A short service was conducted at tho home on Friday at noon by her pastor A Belfry The funeral then went to the church where five sons and one daughter were present Clarence and Norman of Detroit Roy and Lloyd of To ronto Earl of Virginia and Mrs Lance of Lorn- Mrs Frank is spending a couple of weeks in Toronto with friends Miss Ruby was also in the city for the week- id family of guests of Mr and Mrs Shropshire Mr gasoline buzzsaw pretty good He should get a lot to do Redwing ROCHES POINT ther aeroplane passed over here on Sun- dav and very low several Mr of who pending three months with relatives at Guar- is visiting friends here before returning to the west There was a good attendance of ladies at the euchre held at Mr Hamiltons for the Club on Wednesday afternoon of last week- Mrs Howard Willoughby won first prize Tea was served followed by a business meting The Misses Nora and Atlie Boyd were home SUTTON the to the city on Thursday of last week Mr and Mrs Kay remaining in the city on business Mrs Harold of the Base Lmo spent Thursday of last week with Mrs M Hamilton A very pleasant afternoon was spent by the lies of the United Church on Thursday of last week when the supply secretary of the S had a quilting bee in the Sunday school hall An offering was taken to purchase ma terial for making articles Tor a missionary bale Miss Lillian wenii to the city on Friday to attend the Mendelssohn choir concert Massev Hall Mr Tom Sheppard of Toronto was visiting friends for the weekend Mr Leon Smith spent the weekend with his mother in Newmarket Miss M returned on Thursday of last week from visiting with her sister in the city Mr Earl Timmins of Toronto has been spent Sunday their home here Mot enjoyed them both on land and lake was visiting Mr and Miss Foster of Torontospent of ttas Miss Pollock of was visit ing relations in Keswick last weekend Mr Jack Draper now of Newmarket visited bis brother Frank one day last week Miss Ada Blizzard has returned home after visiting friends in Keswick last week Mr Walter Hirst of Toronto visited at the home of Mr and Mrs Wm Davidson a couple of days this week ss Myrtle Taylor spent the weekend wi Freeman Pollock Thos Mann visited with her sister M Stiles for a few days last week Mrs W A- left on Sunday lo spend over Sunday at Mr P Coles 8HILOH I j l the rest of the her sister went days ago Eva again and Mrs home after a weeks Miss visit friends pie of Miss Morton the weekend her grandmother Mrs Wm- Miss Williamson spent the weekend in ewmarket and her mother Mrs J T YanNorman spent the weekend in To- also Mr ilrs Frank Eastman is around and out doors again after being confined to the bouse for a pie of weeks with a cold Irs Wm spent a day in Newmarket this week MOUNT PLEASANT The of his vicinity seem to be very busy The men cutting and hauling wood while the women are quilting and rugging The beautiful weather makes some peopl feel like work Sorry to report the sick are not Mr and Mr King pent the weekend in Toronto Mrs has returned home from ler visit at Toronto and Aurora Beginning with Monday of this week we are fewer cars on the T T line and yet very good winter service The two midday are off The oclock car remains here till before leaving The Missionary Day of Prayer is being ob- here on Fridav afternoon Feb at 3 clock in St James Hall All the ladies of the Rage are invited to be present- eturngd to Toronto in have returned visit Vila their sons left Keswick on Saturday and for a A few of the young people motored lo Sun to skate on Saturday night The P L are invited to- Yicloria Corners on Thursday evening of this week to a Valentine party Miss Mvrlle Lee spent Fridav afternt Mrs C Tiffin Mr and Mrs Wm Taylor and his brother from Detroit also Mr Leslie Taylor spent Sun- day in Derryville Mr Hammond of Brechin who was formerly Miss Annie visited with Miss Helen in the drug store here spent the weekend at Webster on Mr J Silvers Mr and Mrs Bert Taylor and son Keithl Sutton Lodge gave a social evening spent Thursday evening at Mr their friends oil Monday night in their lodge The L 0 No 571 will hold their annual rooms Supper on Wednesday Feb anl The young people of Elm Grove are- Mr Fred visiting at Mr Hail- The propmn consists Moving Pictures conducted by Mr Crockery also local talent Supper will be served from five until VIRGINIA BEACH Mrs of Jacksons Point passed aw a neighbors home last Tuesday and play entitled A Little Clod hopper in Community oh dav evening 1st and ladies with boxes free BLOOM1NQTON BETHEL tak- McDonald of Toronto who ing Mr- Sellars work for a few Sundays gave discourse last Sunday on Faith At tendance good The interest in the Sabbath school was very noticeable and the solo well Mrs Rev A J Mann of Keswick is expect ed to speak to the of this appointment at the home of Miss Winnie on Wednesday Feb at The Ladies Aid will meet the same place later in the af ternoon two Sundays in February have been lovely weather and good roads It is hoped the balance of the month continues reasonable very fast Mr and Mrs Jas Peters visited Mr and Mrs Williamson on Tuesday of last week Mrs- Stephens visited Mrs Stephens on Thursday of last week Mr and Mrs of ML Albert visited Mr and Mrs John Hamilton one day last week Mr Frank Wight spent the weekend at his Sorry to report that Mrs Leslie Stephens is confined to bed with the quinsy Hope for a speedy recovery Quite a number of exstudents of the Newmarket High School from this vicinity at tended the At Rome in the school last Friday Those who attended the Oyster Supper at Leslie Stephens last Friday night enjoyed themselves very much The Mount Pleasant Church Choir held at Mrs Millers last Friday HOPE ITEMS The young people of are pulling their play entitled The Little Clod Hopper Sharon Hall on Feb under the auspices of Hope Ladies Aid Everybody come A good crowd at church on Sunday listened to a very interesting sermon Knox along every Sunday and bring your friends The Ladies Aid was well attended at the home of Mrs last Thursday afternoon Most of the officers were reelected for Glad to see Mr Max out again after being shut In so long to- report that Mr Glen Micks is still on the sick list Hope he will be around soon Mrs- Jos has returned home from York County Hospital after undergoing an lion for appendicitis She is doing nicely The sympathy of the community goes out lo and Mrs in the loss of baby Miss Florence Mount has returned io tho after enjoying a vacation three weeks Mrs Mark Hall spent a couple of days in Ml Albert last week Mrs hike is spending a few days city visiting da She was rushed to the aid of hen seized with an attack of acute was a former resident of where husband died years ago Her daughter Pearl of Welland expired two s ago The funeral cortege proceeded a Sutton to church where Revs Belfry conducted the service- She was a very highly respected and dearly loved by all who knew her The were laid to rest in Brock Town- hip Cemetery where she awaits her re gard Floral tributes were received from the Sutton L the United Church La- Aid of Sutton and many other flowers from friends and relatives The deepest heartfelt sympathy of the community is extended to the family in the loss of a loving mother Men find much employment in hauling wood her recent ice while others fish Jf Toronto Mrs Geo Arnold has been visiting relatives Mr Arthur and friends in Sutton for a few days and Mrs ONeill entertained a f of their friends at a proggessive euchre party Wednesday night of last week Those present port a very enjoyable evening The were Ladys first- Mrs Harry Watson Consolation Mr Willard Arnold Dorothy Evans of Toronto spent the weekend with her parents A large crowd attended the party at M Watsons Friday evening where all engaged cards and dancing Mr A Shanks and son Gavin also two other ends from Toronto were calling on friends at the Beach on Monday Mr Wni- spent a few days in ton lately Mrs Fred Kay of Sunderland has been visit sister Mrs Laviolette lately Mr and Mrs spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Corner at We are pleased lo have Mr- Ivison Green wood in Ibis burg again A concert and pie social will be given in the schoolhouse on Friday Feb Program will consist of home talent in addition Miss Peters of who will favor us with various readings and solos Talent is also being obtained from some Sutton young Everybody come and enjoy the program Pre coeds for the United Church The Presbyterian W MS have invited the United W S for prayer service on Friday doctoraflernoon Mrs L Crosby is treating the Hall Board on Friday to an oyster supper Mr Lloyd Profit is suffering with an attack of tonsililis Mr and Mrs Milt Arnold had tea at Mr and Irs Humans last Sunday evening The Congregational Meeting will be held the United Church on Friday evening Feb- 2nd The M S will provide tea Miss of Toronto spent at home Mr spent a couple of weeks Toronto on jury Quite a number from here are taking the Short Course at Domestic Science The miny friends of Mrs Hill will be lad to hear she is able to be home again after satisfactory substitute for coal for the contest cap tains pre fling- busy Mr and Mrs Howard were visiting ir Newmarket last Sunday We understand that Mr Leslie Cain has pur chased the properly of the or the Success to his venture a Miss Clement is visiting Mrs for a few days By the death Mrs Young of village her Mrs- Irwin of place receives her china tea set ton of coal in the Hospital Mrs Connor is visiting her daughter at Bal- Walter Hill of Toronto spent Sunday at home 1 STARVATION PERIOD FOR CHICKS Experimental work carried on at thePoultry vision Experimental Farm Ottawa to de termine the amount of time that should elapse between the completion of the hatch and the giving of first feed has shown some interest ing results The results obtained to dale would seem to indicate thai chicks may be fed as early as twentyfour hours after hatching- with no harmful results either upon weight gains or mortality It is just possible however that a happy medium in the neighbourhood of from thirtysix to forty eight hours after hatching These seem to indicate that the that chicks will go as as one hund red hours or more before receiving their first feed is to be looked upon more as a fortunate lance which permits of shipping over great distances rather than the best method of husbandry LENT BEGAN FEBRUARY The forty days of the Lenten period began Ash Wednesday The day is so named be cause of ancient religious ceremony designed to remind the penitent that you are ashes lo dust thou return This ceremony the particular custom still retained in Catholic Church and the day is observed as a occassional be inn as it does period of and repentance There was one ash Wednesday custom pe- to England and which suiued up lo the reign of King with the title the Kin the place usual watchman and ved the lion id sole official or took night all to call of the Pauls experience ARCHIVES OP ONTARIO TORONTO

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