Newmarket Era, 15 Feb 1929, p. 8

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ON FEU 1ST SEEDS THE FINEST IK THE IAND CANADAS RELIABLE SEED HOUSE FOR YEARS Ntr RENN1E CO LIMITED TORONTO HOUSE FOR SALE On Kim St Newmarket frame room All convenience cement driveway Good Severs connected Apply to little of JMipllocUon for Dlrorcc Notice la hereby given that Mrjori Bradford of City Dated at Toronto In the County of York In the Province of Ontario tile 81sl lay of 12 f of Application I Will i ply to the Parliament of Canada at the present Bill of Junes Fleming Baxter of the City of Toronto on the grounds of adultery and desertion City lie Temple Building Toronto 2 Out tor for the or next then of for a Dill of from lis s Myrtle of the said of Toronto n the County York Province Ontario on of add I ten end desertion Dated at this Eighteenth day of Decern MUKRAY Bank St Sol f the Applicant and Ernest Proctor of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr Mra Gordon tho in city Mr Bert Sutton spent a couple of week Ritas Ella spent the weekend in Toronto Tho Aid of United Grurch mot ad lie Jiomo of Mrs Harold Murray an Wednes day of last weak Miss May who has her at Business in Toronto tho weekend tinder the parental roof The Aid of Christian Church en tertained their husbands and families to an oy ster at homo of Mr and Mr J Cutting has purchased a house on the town lino from Mr Ross Black and intends move it and remodel it for ft residence on his farm Mrs- M Fox is staying with her Mrs Alice West of Toronto who suffered a fracture of hip time ago and is doing as well as expected towards recovery NOBLETON Gordon Floyd has secured a position Pathological Laboratory at the Sick Childrens Hospital Toronto He studied Pathology at the Diversity in England- The dance in the town hull on evening under the auspices of the Womens Institute s well attended and greatly enjoyed Miss Viola White of New Scotland spent a few days Witt her friend Mrs Miss Dorothy Fry recovered from a ser ious attack of pneumonia Miss Elsie Butler of Toronto spent the week end with her parents Mr and Mrs Lea Train and son Bruce of Toronto spent Sunday with friends here The euchre club had a good last Sat urday night Many of our citizens are familiar with the beautiful rustic scenery around the gravel hill on the concession In fact it has been a popular place for small picnic parties years long before the advent of motor cars But time is fast changing all this Before the winter is over the beautiful bush known as the properly will be nothing more than a piece of waste land At the present time it is alive with men and teams engaged in cutting hauling skidding and sawing wood or iumber- Idear weather conditions is advancing the work fast and when all of any value is finally re moved Che brush will be burned and the y thus changed in a manner that will bring grets to lovers of that old spot Thirty men are engaged in the work by Mr Chapman who bought the bush A large dining room and kitchen of a temporary nature are erected here the men get their meals from a com petent cook By the end of February it is ex pected that he timber will be all down and much of it shipped out Provincial directors of First Co Packers of Ontario were hosts on Tuesday to fifty representative farmers Simcoe and ad jacent counties at a dinner at the American Barrio when the proposition la establish a packing plant in Barrio was explained In de tail Thcfprojeot was given unanimous and over a of agreements between the company and the farmers were executed the latter pledging stock subscription and their entire output of hogs for ten years BELIE Work at the Lake Ice Co plant was started a couple of weeks ago hut was abandon ed The ice was of good quality but not thick enough being only ten inches It is now inches and with the frosty weather the work is going ahead rapidly As there are a number The field from the ice froze over again making DAD FIRE AT DURHAM Durham Feb From some unknown cause Hunters seed elevator burned to the ground his afternoon Smoke first noticed issuing from the lop floor and so dense did it become that nothing could be done to check the fire In an hour and a half the large frame structure was in ruins It was Hie largest hulling seedcleaning plan in this section of he province and four carloads of seed mainly clover were being- shipped weekly Expensive new machinery bad been installed only lust year ami the total loss is roughly estimated at 80000- stock and The elevator was located across the tracks front the Canadian National Railways station The insurance will cover only a small part of the loss Theres Health and Strength in Arrowroots In the atort or m for Biscuits the Province of Ontario Married dan Wife of James Grayson Of the said City of Toronto one of Counsel will apply to Parliament of Canada at the next St thereof for a Bill of Divorce fro her husband the said James Grays v saumkiso UDORA Too late for last week Florence Wells and Mrs Bain were in Virginia this week The P held a skating party at Sunder land rink last Friday night and had a very time Measles are going the rounds here and flu retreating The annual Sunday meeting was held the church on Jan when the following officers were elected Superintendent Chris Tiffin Secretary Harold Peers Treasurer O Webster Missionary Mrs Tiffin Temperance W Webster The Adult Bible Class met at the home s last Thursday afternoon and elected the following officers after which Ihe hostess served lunch President Mrs Tiffin Miss Florence Wells Teacher Mrs Arthur Bolter AsstTeaoher Mrs Tiffin Ml adults are invited to attend the class which meets in the church at pm The starting an autograph quilt VANDORF clash i The public school pupils have had several holidays owing to the illness of Miss the teacher Mrs S P of Bethesda visited Mrs Richardson on the anniversary of Mrs Richardsons birthday Mr and Mrs Wm A McDonald attended the funeral their nephew the of Oak Ridges on Wednesday TWO LITTLE GIRLS DROWNED Port Credit Feb 10 Two litttle children were drowned here this morning when they broke through the thin ice covering the pond the pit or the Port Credit two were cousins and years old and visiting their grandfather They had gone for a walk and the bodies were recovered in feet of water The pond is on private property but has been used freely by skaters and as a short cut in the winter In he summer it mccca for swimmers Ice had been taken from the pond Saturday and a new thin layer of ice had been formed this was covered by a light coat of snow According to Chief no warning signs bad been posted lor the guidance of those ha bitually using the pond nor bad any other pre cautions been taken NIAGARA POWER EXPANSION Ontario Power Com pany will spend more than three million dollars improving and enlarging its electrical system in the communities which it serves ac cording to the budget approved for this vear will spend in building transmission lines in building and enlarging substations Buffalo Niagara Eastern Power Corporation of which Niagara I Ontario Power Company is a unit will spend in new construction during Of this amount work on distribution lines is by far the largest item with a total of Other improve ments and expansions in this electric system which supplies Niagara power service to cen tral and western New York include lor the building of transmission lines for he building of new substations and enlarging capacity of present stations for work on generating plants and 562000 lor miscellaneous improvements and expansion It was also announced that as possible materials and supplies for this construction would be purchased in the territory served thus affording a market for local manufacturers Wilson Y Star WATCHERS THRILLED AT DARING FLIER Feb 7 The body of Corporal J G Ault aged who died on Wednesday at Gamp Borden as a result of injuries received in an aeroplane crash the day previous was placed on board a train this afternoon following a military funeral Last Tuesday Ault flew over with a companion machine So daring were the avi ators in looping the loop that pedestrians stood still on the streets gazing skywards for several minutes Ault made a landing on Kempenfelt bay and is said to have experienced engine trouble After a short slay however he took off for Camp Barden A few minutes after his engine stalled feet in the- air and into a tail spin The machine crashed just opposite No aerodrome Ault was terribly consciousness badly wrecked He leaves a of age- Interment will he Cornwall on Saturday You wouldnt give it up for a dollar a day yet a lifeintereft is only you want cheer turn to the Night Hawks I the Happiness Hour your body and nerves call for rest soothing comfort listen to the swelling melody of some mighty organ gaiety and young folks mix in your home theres a dozen of the worlds best dance orchestras to choose from mood or interest life holds snap the switch let the world of entertainment in Complete with J NESBITT Agents in Newmarket OPEN EVENINGS FOR DEMONSTRATIONS WHEN YOU BUY A YOU OWN THE MOST ADVANCED i The Supreme Court of Canada ha done nothing to thinly the imporfan Issues with respect to poser anil navi gallon submitted Jo it by the federal and the provincial authorities It the majority of questions were t abstract to make possible precise even intelligible answers Yet the questions were framed by some of t Canada and pa of Ju of the Don pro Allot Ere to Absent If You to go to the Country en Pleasure or CAU UP Would You BuilcLA House A Roofr 1 You wont start to build a house unless you know you can finish it The Bell Telephone Company tries to be equally sensible The company does not need all its of new capital now but will spread its issue over years to come But it does need the assurance that when equipment is started now for fu ture telephones money can be obtained to finish the job

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