NEW AUG 2ND JohnsManville FLEXSTONE Asbestos Shindies are the smartest roofing you can buy and the least expensive Beautiful absolutely Fireproof and good for a lifetime the way we lay them Hardware THE CHALLENGER has the right to at our Co far Show With its open challenge that excepts no car with its greater power greater beauty adult- capacity riding ease and economy- Essex establishes also an out standing leadership in proven VALUE Essex offers standard fine car equipment formerly identified only with costly cars available only at extra cost Essex price VERN E CANE Newmarket Smiths Hardware EVERYTHINQ IN BUILDERS NEEDS FARM TOOLS OF ALL KINDS OIL AND ELECTRIC ST0VE8 SCREEN AND WINDOWS PAINTS OILS AND VARNISHES LET US SHOW YOU WHAT WE HAVE SMITHS HARDWARE STHMA If You Want to bo to Country i Pleasure or Business UP BOYD8 LIVERY GREENS FINE WALL PAPERS LARGEST AND BEST SELECTIONS FOR ALL FROM TO PER ROLL of Qlaiod and it OMIiMlt WINDOW SHADE PAPER FOR BLINDS DUPLEX AND Wo Sell You Any with or Without BERT Painter and Paper Hanger MARKET SQUARE OF TORONTO