The leading County Paper as well is the No paper sent out of North York unless paid in a Editor and Proprietor NEWMARKET 0 OCT This is Fire Prevention Week Have You Done Your Part White Empresses to Call at Honolulu north west of the pencil river Hie up The prairie sections ill INK rested sections all llirce provinces 11 irv which lie who ins mi centres llr The he 1 of llicCniiiK Ilie of I ess tliiin weeks he liikim tills con s receiving free t mining given sin HI receive about I week of raining for to- m villi free rail and ocean I CRASH KILLS BRIDE AND INJURES GROOM Injured and her husband seriously when the roadster in which they travelling to I ike Placid for clock iospltal from a the home of hi injuries ifld married oclock jester- followed a reception on their honeymoon Mr An rson driving her roadster Half later their crushed bodies wen motorists under tin that flings Us crest high in proud greeting or digni fied farewell Is gained for Canada Blue for speed on tie Starting December from Victoria and of Canada which has just re- after being equipped with fastest and moat- powerful engines on the Pacific will inaugurate the new service and will call at Honolulu six days later Glimpses of some of the features of the land Paradise of the Pacific are shown above with left the giant prow of the 21600 t t Canada Behind the flowerdecked maidens may be discerned tho stately outlines of Diamond Head famous in song and story At the right is the Aloha Tower the docks that spells a Hawaiian welcome to Passengers to the Orient by the new Canadian Pacific service will be given the opportunity of stay ing over for the next ship or of paying a visit during the twelve hours the Empresses remain in Honolulu Visitors to the Islands who plan to leave Jack Frost behind have many options for their return voyage Several lines have cooperated with the Canadian company and after a long lasy winter on the J of Beach travelers may to Vaa- ft j by the Canadian Australasian Royal Matt famous for Itlove Hawaiian dancers or may come back by a its swimmers wreaths of to Portland Seattle or San Francisco or to flowers Beach and lordly Diamond Head Los Angeles by the Los Angeles Steamship Company ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO