Co tea St 8 am no except Sal and Holl WW f or Suit oa alley m and 811 S id To renin m and What a Test Nine Competing Radios in one Room O competitive and leading makes side by side All hooked up to the same aerial Same ground connection Same room All in good working order All new models And then they were tuned twitch one after the other a dozen spectators Careful record was made of the performance Each was given a turn of the dial to record stations brought in their volume and clarity that group one Radiotliat brought in stations with an unbelievably greater volume and clarity than any of the others that one Radio was the Rogers When the others were barely audible with their full volume turned on the 1930Roger of a multiple e station before could be cut down came in clearly The laboratory test is more severe test It deals only with cold comp asks not that allowances be made tot time and the place affect all alike Just a few hours test but one radio satisfaction to you The Rogers is offered that you will expect much of it you will not be disappointed The 1930 Rogers allnew in construction but backed by a record of five years proven performance and with the only guaranteed AC tubes comes to you with the highest rating earned by any receiving set ROGERSMAJESTIC CORPORATION LIMITED Montreal TORONTO Winnipeg word and you with the hope the promise that Smiths Hardware Newmarket You Must Have Sugar Sugar Is one of the much needed elements in a balanced diet chewing sweets supply sugar In a convenient way The flavor is an extra delight Then too you know you arent adding weight Sugar is a fuel that burns up needless fat the DAILY COACH SERVICES NEWMARKET TORONTO Single 100 Return 180 LEAVE NEWMARKET Eastern Standard Time 1130 pm dally ex cept Sunday and Holidays pm pm pm 1020 pm Saturday and Holidays only LEAVE TORONTO Eastern Standard Time 800 1130 am Saturday only 600 except and Holidays 700 800 Saturday Sunday and Holidays only 830 pm Coaoh connections at Toronto for Stouffvllle Montreal Hamilton St Catharines Niagara Falls Buna and Intermediate points connections at Buffalo for all Gray Coach Lines ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO