OUT A BOYD I Medicine of Toronto Licentiate of the i r of and mem- moratory a- EDWARDS the Coral I Vol late phone 31 Our Local News North School Fair pupwi BARTHOLOMEW Dan OR J appoint- evenlne for phone and Violin pianos to pianos Tuned rented MATHEWS touted Successor to tne ess Office a ml of By 1 made each of Ada Dike Sophia A Fire Protection Very shortly it keep the furnace Leon Connell I Hoyden Nerval Jobust Celt Handling Handling Lamb Garfield i Milton Billy paper and another collects months in the this week has been set apart by the Week Let everybody get busy clean the furnace pipes and chimneys tidy up generally and save the necessity of calling out the firemen in bitterly cold weather No doubt the Fire Inspec tor will be around short tb rough Telephone Mutagen Meet On the night of Octobt Western Telephone the firit a all by appointments C West Office held a members were present including a number of offi cials The chair was occupied by Mr D Cameron District Plant Superin tendent The speakers included Messrs P Harris H Martin J Camp bell and J Ball all of Toronto DR DALES Surgery and Main Street Newmarket Coroner County XRAY PHYSICAL THERAPY to l phone MRS J CANE Organ and Srn pie which Bruce Cockerel Barred Rock Stephens Johnstone i Jack McNeill Net Barred Rock Blanche Murrell J Arthur Mnrrell Billies Stephens Johnstone John Johnstone Pullet te White Leghorn SHAWS Gentlemen merit for Quality and Fine Tailoring F WILLIS Mens Tailor Newmarket and a lot Dressed Ducks Apples Crab Apples Pears Cauliflower Cabbage Saturday Vegetable f fruit and local Pumpkin 10loc each Vegetable Marrow Tomatoes 2535OOc Corn dot Melons each Onions small basket Citrons each To the Public Hoyden Conne Morley Turnip 2 Jack McNeill Arthur Murrell Clarence Mildred Hose Ralph Pollard I Franc Doyle Kenn Fairbarn d Fairbarn Jean Lockie Salpglo or Doyle Kln Percy Link Gladioli 1 Elean or Doyle I a Hirst Edit 4 Gertr Mathews Living R Hirst Doyle Gert King Gert Huntley Clifford ThompsO Gertrude Mathews Apple Northern Spy Jimmie Smallwood Hirst Alice Link Sinclair Iph Pollard KIDNEY PILLS Any Fall Variety I Hirst Harold Wnldon i Edwin Gertrude Mathews 1 Irene Barker Doyle Jlminte of Live Stock 1 Ixniisc Itichnrdson Sinclair Harold Adele Miimford fl Enid lIckcrell Mildred 1 Florence Graham 3 Lillian Edna Mildred Rose 3 Edith Lewis Lillian Sedore Mildred Clara Sedore Election of Woody Smallwood Harold Nop Third Claat Writing 3 Carson Eileen Dorothy Curtis rimer Drawing Apple and I Blaine Alfred Roy Edna Brown Curtis Cliff Thompson Percy Link Second Claw Drawing Map York Ross Edwards Beatrice 3 Ivan Crydertuan I Evelyn Arnold Melvin Doyle ourth Clew Drawing Flower Vase Alice Link Bessie Brown Edith Lewis Gladys Flo eft Ho Ed Boyd Windmill Mo del Aeroplane Mb a Rack Graham Muffin 1 Helen Hamilton Francis Doyle 3 Phyllis Folkeard Clara Sedore Vein Verna Walsh Tea Biscuits 1 Eleanor Doyle Helen Hamilton Vera Sedore Hayes Eileen Lepard Beatrice Hayes Light Cake Wain Cloth 1 Clara Sedor Marjory Hayes Table Cover Elsie Wblttaker Mildred Rose Stuffer Hirst I Mildred Croutch Louise Richardson 1 Riohirdsoi Gertrude Mathews GarneOa Saul No 2nd No 3rd No No No No Stock Judging Conted 1st S No 2nd S No 3rd S S No 8 No Donald Jack Rose Drill 1st S S No 2nd S S No Itll No S No Special Norval Johnston Specie 1 Garfield Kay pupil Eaton Trophy Book Red gold and And did her father out No behind me Dont buanycQr driven Chevrolet ITS all very well to listen to So- and oa opinion of car values but after oil the person whose opinion counts most is YOURSELF Its all very well to sit back and wonder how Chevrolet can produce a really Six put a highcompression valve-in- engine in it employ Fisher Body genius to create and build a series of mag nificent bodies for it equip it in the most detailed and uptotheminute fashion and sell it at the price of a four The unmatched resources of General h Motors backing up Chevrolets own tre mendous facilities explain all that of course But how much more satisfying to test it all out for yourself behind the wheel of the new Chevrolet Six That is why we urge you no matter how many nice things you have heard Or read about Chevrolet to DRIVE CHEVROLET before you buy any car In giving this invitation our aim is to intro duce you to Chevrolet not to sell you a car If you dont sell yourself a Chevrolet nobody else is going to do it Please dont feel you are obligating yourself in any way Its a pleasure for us to place a Chevrolet Six at your disposal Atk about the GMAC Deferred Payment PHIL HAMILTON Agent Newmarket SHEET STEEL CEILINGS taKo to clean Sheet Steel Oiling GET THE FACTS AND SAVE I YOUR MONEY seeWur LOCAL CARPENTER Phone fill UAL1TY WALL PAPERS AMD T FOB FROM TO Variety of fllaied an SO tit On WINDOW PAPER FOR BLINDS DUPLEX We Ball You PP M BERT Palnlerfuwl Papw ioam