NEWMARKET FRIDAY OCT H AGENT MOUNT ALP Mount Albert meeting Monday will be in charge of the Convenors The topic be a ORDER OF SERVICE Divine service Rowland Lodge A K A M No Mount Al bert United Church Sunday Oct jensville United Church November 3rd Monday evening a hot meeting entertainment following Particulars regarding Hie Sunday will be given later Sermon Bro Rev Chaplain Hymn Through the Sharon service at the United eh on Sunday Oct at which Rev Black of Aurora will charge Evening service at Rev Partridge will have charge Will vegetables to decorate the church please bring them as early Sat urday afternoon as possible of spent the weekend Mr and Mrs J am visited Mr and Mrs M Meek ford on Sunday League will be held on Friday night of Churchill on will of the will be held id On decided On Wednesday Tynu the Presbyter spiritual uplift for all who The service in the United Church st Sunday morning was well about twentyfive children baptized League was well attended last Interesting- Mackenzie and Mr and ft Hill attended the wedding Mackenzie in Toronto last he many friends of Rosa ex tend heartiest congratulations Cody on Friday evening last when about twentyfive friends gathered to them farewell on the eve of their departure from The evening was spent in cards and music and at the close a beautiful silver basket was presented to Mr and Mrs Cody showing the esteem in which they are held by the people of We are indeed sorry to Mis3 Traviss of Newmarket spent Tuesday with Mrs Frank Kavanagh Miss Laura spent the Mr and Mrs Robert King of Toron to also Mr and Mrs Kitchener spent the Mr and Mrs Win Sheppard Mrs spent day at Orchard Beach with had their fir fall on Tuesday morning On Monday evening sonu buildings with Roy call Chief Aylward responded tunatelyi they soon had the fir control thuB saving the fine house which stood quite near buildings which were burned Miss Ruby Hayes and gentleman friend spent Sunday at home Mr and Mrs John Thompson Mr and Mrs Milton Thompson and grand- son of also Mr and Mrs in King of Jacksons Pt visited Keswick Church Anniversary Oct by the famous Ullage Quartette of 1 by Miss Pearl L Carte These of MP great demand and Do treat Program to start We to see the splen did attendance at the United Church Missionary TuankOffering service last Sunday evening and we ill appreciated Mrs Armstrongs address It inspire 1 to do more than ever for the mis- Next Sunday morning Mr Eldrldge Victoria College student of Toronto will preach as Mr Mann will the home of his boyhood The United day evening on account of the service in the Christian Church Sunday Oct will be when Rev a former On Monday evening Oct the annual Hot Fowl Supper will be given In the schoolroom followed by a program The regular monthly meeting of the will be on Friday Oct 11th in the schoolroom at pm Please note the change of time A Mothers Meeting be held next Monday afternoon at teh home or Mrs Wilder when White of Aurora will give an address A very cordial Invitation Is extended to all the ladies of the community Lunch will be served A very special meeting will be held next Tuesday evening in the school room of the Christian Church under the auspices of the WCTU when a speaker from the Prohibition Keswick Sutton West and Mrs Connell Dr Cooke has the fifteenth anniversary of relatives In Buffalo their wedding at their home Mr Frank Keswick on Saturday Oct attended Fall all guests Mrs which included many outoftown I Bruce the wedding feast a social time enjoyed led by Rev A J W around attend c were greatly many beautiful gifts party began to leave oclock and some guests stayed so that they could on Sunday morning Brown Hill I Miss Viola Saturday the I Miss Fern Taylor has returned to the city after spending a week with her mother Mr and Mrs Belfry and son of Toronto spent the weekend at the manse Mrs Belfry and Ralph jr re- turnedto the city with Rev A Bel fry who attended Presbytery meeting on Tuesday Carl a still tongue Is usually wise head we often choose to silent Wisdom Is the better of valor since ied in a of The Cedars Lake spent Thursday of last week with his cousin Mrs Sutton Council The Municipal Council of the Vil lage of Sutton was held on Friday Oct 1929 Members all present Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed Motions Moved by Mr seconded by Mr Morrison that the Reeve allowing accounts and that the seal- be- attached to this rt John labor Scott sharpening tools Scott work on fire press Herald printing David work on park ana material Keating roads J drawing sand for Council Council of the W Moo councilman Is rather visited friends In of Wilfred put i of i thwart Taylor on Sunday Mr and Mia Joseph of Perry also Mrs IM of Jo called on Mr and Mrs J last Friday Mler of Newmarket wag a Mr and Mis Ryans on Sunday Mr Clarence ley Taylor of Cedar Br day In city Mr Toronto MY Mr and and Ralph of were Mr on Sunday Lloyd Lee and Charles Taylor spent Sunday in Brechin Mr and Mrs John Nicholson family motored to Toronto on Sunday Our pastor Rev SLIlllewood will lake charge of services In Virgin United Church on Sunday I Mr- J Smiths We are pleased to report Mr J Is slightly Improved in health A very enjoyable time was spent on Saturday afternoon of last week when Alice Smith gave a shower in of a bridetobe Miss Gladys Flanagan of Toronto spent the weekend Mr and Mrs and Mrs A Burkholders Congratulations to our organist and for the lovely music we had last Sabbath under the leadership of Mtb White and Mrs Ardell Be not Wedding bells are ringing again We are possible will be out to this meeting Quite a number from here attended Bradford Fair Heartiest congratulations to Mr and Mrs Edward Aider upon the ar rival of another little daughter last Friday We are very sorrow to hear of the serious accident that befell Mr and Mrs John Bain and little Joan last end when they were motoring Gravenhurst A truck ran Into they were driving and Mr rlously Injured for some years A pleasant evening was be home or Mr and Mrs Leal on Tuesday last when a fe presented an opalescent Rev and the gift was not large our tlon of their efforts among They are going from our While that the health will ry We sincerely which he I Kay days in the city this week Church Sutton will be withdrawn ount of Anniversary services Sutton United Church have charge of the singing United Church next Sunday evening nights a week now Mr Harry Torrence Bakers Convention held In the Hotel last week Quite a guests assembled at St James church last Saturday for the LawrenceNoble wedding We wish the young couple long years of happiness togethe Miss Barkey of Toronto Is visiting will be conducted by Rev of on Sunday morning and evening On Hit lowing Monday evening the ladle ring for a hoi fowl i hi Maude will be Hope and party from Toronto serve the date II gathered the home of Mr and Mrs A Watson to bit litem farewell before they leave for new field of labor They were pre sented with a purse money and the following was read by Mis Oliver King year Mr and Mrs Schwalm It was with regret that we learned a time ago Hint circumstance find call Queensville The Womens Institute were entertained by the Sharon Institute on Wednesday last at the home of Mrs Ernest Wright About fifty ladtefl were present and spent enjoyable afternoon with I Dr R Hewitt feel in losing i good and with us wo feel I great service In I we who live here of your good work irk and others thai a good place his the hands We underatand that little Joan escaped uninjured Mr and Bain were taken to sincerely hope that they speedily make a complete re- continued dry weather make fall plowing almost an Impossibility Most the threshing and corn cutting the plowing when of the ministry ably fitted A number of the children in this locality have been The anxious parents have been infantile paralysis of the dread ported Mr Hugh settlers is on Is Mr Herman village merchants been busy making pastoral calls We wish him every success In labors Benjamin once said He who dines on vanity sups on con tempt The question arising In our minds Is Leverage usually ac companies a supper a clue at pelled through friends and of certain parts of the old 30th c Members nil last regular meeting were read ant Communications were has offered his damage claim for be if that Hip Clerk le the IUimernikfr Tl Reeve grant Corporation be William pay J I Hillfinl Plnrk No Mark list No pv k l There was a splendid attendance the re organization meeting of Hie Young Peoples Society of Inited Church on Tuesday evening After the election of officers and business a short time was spent In games fol lowed by refreshments Mr and MrsFrank were In the city on Tuesday wedding on Saturday a Music Turn I right John I More to Ihe rig Now a Utile bit to Ihe Too far I you so Back that right back a Utile more Turn ill John Thats Will you ever get it Gently now we can sit back in fort Leave it there John I knew if I told you how to do it youd get station Judge North Council The Council met at on hove date pursuant to adjournment The members all present Minutes or previous meeting read on motion adopted anted and read and and dealt with their Individual merits Resolutions No Howard Wood Ingot Iron Co pay is Herl pay Claude Willis 8M days super- Claude Willis putting the homes installed and in turning inflicting hi he was taken Note Please w Peters Corners Hut In losing you and your good family Mr we know that that is our lom now is shortly Borne II or communitys gain Me Schwalm we your of his community have gathered to show our appreciation of We ask you Ihen to this little Although ml a small token wo hope that It will some way to convey the friendly Signed on behalf of the members friends of Zlon Meononlte Church chosen words In his usual appropriate Tuesday While we speaker i Mr and Mrs Carson Pollock attend Markham 1alr on Friday and Satur day of last week Pollock Wat and Mrs Veda Pollock Sunday ami Elgin Hayes and Oeorge of Toronto spent the weekend parents Mr and Mrs Thos DEMONSTRATION Tractor Ploughing will be held Oct at on the farm of Mr John con 1 Scott FRANK THOMPSON Agent be the everyone departed different homes feeling It i evening well spent larence Crittenden Is sporting count of there being no school Miss and sited their grandparents Peters and Oben Bobble visited Mrs Thursday of last week Interesting address was glv- of Oliver Noble was united In John Harvey Lawrence son of the late Mr and Mrs William Lawrence of Ont Rev Ormlston Let vis rector of the church conducted th Cunningham played the wedding march and played during the feigning of the church on the arm of her father lc lovely in her gown of white georgette and taffeta trlm- Her veil tulte was held in place at the back Kilkenny Cats Zephyr lie service in the United Church be at next Sunday evening Win of has i visiting her daughter Mrs A strong for the past week 11 Shields and Mrs of into spent a couple of days last k wilh heir mother Mrs Walton Vs Murray having spent the past with parents Mr and Mrs Thursday night left she was here last Miss Daily Pickering from Kaplslaslng Mr Marshall who has been s with doing for Pickerings garage with a spray of orange blossoms and She carried a bouquet of Temple and wore the gift of the platinum pendant She was attend by her sister Miss Anne Noble Mrs Clarence Morrison wearing gowns of light rosewood crepe and madonna blue crepe respectively with felt hats to match Doth brides maid carried bouquets of Talisman roses The groom waa supported by his cousin Mr A Wood of Toronto the Ushers were Mr Clarence Morrison Mr Cross of To ronto After the wedding was held at the home of the brides parents Mrs Noble received in a gown of beige lace and carried a bouquet of Immediately after tho Jr and left motor trip through Eastern On will reside In Dr C TV Noble grandfather ngeif yrs Wan prcse ceremony After tho ceremony a reception dd at tho home of the bride Buffet luncheon was served I 2nd Fair was held hero as been for quite a It will surely Agricultural of yen den the hearts directors Mr Is selling off his im plements and stock as Ills health Is not y good Mr Is mov- farm on Nov 1st Mr Harrison is moving a house from Hesters farm and placing It front of form forget to hear Mr at Pumpkin Pie Social at the United Church on Friday evening Oct Moving Pictures and lecture Glimpses around the changing world at Our October meeting of Institute will Ihe mlly will be pleased Armstrong again I family spent last Sunday In Ladles 1 pall Health Hints Hotel for Sale possess C and children spent Monday with hot- hero Mr Walt Hirst Is tearing down Mb dt Albert ladles Talk on Health button Community Singing Tho weekend of President Hoover and Premier was dedicat ed to purpose which may change the current history DRINKING ISSUED Ontario Is developing a liquor drinkers according to tl for the Bale of permits has reached corresponding total for the twelve months of the previous fiscal year was The Increase in the number of Ib therefore The increase irlfit permits almost cent boost In resident permits Is Here is the comparison between the 12 months of llieprevlous fiscal year 31 of present fiscal year Past Yr Present Tourist probable that when the present month are added vIiik the tourist out Ion altogether It me out of every eight dear child the ta a by I amount be struck list of unpaid taxes and ml of in lieu thereof to the municipality and the corporation be attached here Carried moved seconded by as bounty for is caught killing sheep Carried I Inched ehroto Davidson that the as collector Township for 1923 as presented be accepted as satisfactory and of the corporation be attached Mr Nelson that Geo Hamilton re the sum of adjustment tax collection according to the aud Carried Mr that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to prepare a by law and post notices re change Road at Roches Point from Kays Corner to McKInnonB Corner and the seal of the Corporation be attach ed to this resolution Carried Mr Davidson moved seconded by Mr Cryderman the following amounts be paid and the seal of the Corporation be attached to this Rye garbage collection north end Rye garbage collector south end Jack Draper services Con- services as Con- of 2 bylaws calcium C goodB for Mapes goods for Dr Noble examination of Cecil sheep claim Carried A ByLaw was passed fixing tt different rates for the present year County rate 310 mills Township rate General School rate mills Road and Bridge rate 1 mills and the different school according to their respective Mr seconded by that adjourn to meet again on Oct Carried Fred VanNorman Clerk Baldwin morning Thise who heard the from the words Thy Kingdom were much pleased singing also Br to John Tohnplon wire fence J charily Total Council then again at I Special Meed 1 Hip Monitor Carried dei Ihe losing of Lai the Members all present Bilker The Reeve opened me Ihe proportion lb before Council card In the of Mr Reeve of Stiffen addressed and in of the road worn pie Adelaide J and V Other in fi vrr diverting rmd a guard to the a the Township After hearing wis moved hv seconded Councillnr Mall whereas several tin been the of the re Innp or diverting the I Black as to the Ifii sait rnad width and take front ape therefor he it herehv agree that the Reeve and n In lie and he nil of said road also Hi ale of cost propria I property sufficient to widen and an I in it bcalin be I inllMl this with a I of the proposition in detail he i- a the at the Carried No the rates for he Township for the was Hip final Councif then adjoun GORDON PHILLIPS for too great Nofliing Charges Reasonable Sales will be properly a Orders may be lef with ROM- Albeit- A WELCH AUCTIONEER GEORGE KEAYS Live Stock General Best approved motet- Albert-