NEWMARKET NO V Our Local News Mr Everett Scott has Just about completed the contract of painting the exterior of the Post Office build ing and has made a satisfactory lob North End Tin Shop FURNACES STOVES PLUMBING Eavetroughing Etc PROMPTLY EDGAR KmAmim Furnituro She Cm of Main wo St NEWMARKET Town of Newmarket Under and of the power of sale contained in a certain Mort gage which will be produced at the lime of sale there will be offered for tale by Public Auction at the Kin George Hotel in the Town of New market in the County of York on the day November at the hour of eleven oclock in Ite forenoon the following property away at Newmarket following a long illness Deceased lived for more Ulan forty years before his death at He had reached his year He was predeceased by his wife Elizabeth eight years ago and leaves two brothers Charles of Nashville and William of Mount Euchre Dance and Supper ted Church will Nov regular meeting Local Hunters Three hunting parties have left Newmarket for deerhunt ing grounds The following left on Sunday night Messrs Lyman Rose Alfred Hart J Patterson Fred Gibson Norman Rogers Dick Traviss Allan Barthol omew and Dr Bartholomew following members of Hunt Club left here or Monday night Hon E J Davis Aubrey Davis E J Davis Jr Webb and J They Joined by other members of the Club from elsewhere Another party left on Friday night Christian Church The Ladies Aid or the Christian Church will hold their annual Bazaar day November 15th All kinds of Fancy Work Aprons HomeMade Candy and HomeMade Baking will Hall Wednesday Mothers Meeting There will he a meeting for mo thers in the Temperance Hall on Tuesday November at 230 Bring your thimbles for sewing Mission Circle meets Saturday at pro Address by Mrs Gates returned missionary from A good chance to buy LAKE SIMCOE LINE THANKSGIVING DAY MONDAY NOVEMBER NORTHBOUND Leave TORONTO for NEWMARKET and intermediate points AM 740 1055 AM 1235 PM 150 PM 355 PM PM PM PM PM 1030 PM 1205 AM Ben at Palace read Ben will enjoy the Wednesday and Thursday nights get it and the impression Is beneficial Under auspices of Friends Church Length- crowd- Proctor of Trinity very interesting meeting was on Monday night under the su pervision of the Christian Steward- convenor Miss Ferguson Mr Rowland and Miss Yates gave fine papers on the topic Mr Jack rendered a coronet solo with Miss Shirley Patterson accom panist and Miss Bums a lovely vocal number all of which was greatly appreciated On account of Thanksgiving Day next Monday the Young People will gather on Tuesday evening with the Missionary Convenor In charge Let Have the Local News The main aim of the weekly paper as the name implies Is to news of it own district It may other alms such as to give the chants a chance to tell of their in Its columns or to try to Influence public opinion through its editorials but first or all It must give the news Some of this news is not easily ob tained and no editor can cover It all Euchre of was well attended Fountain and a gentleman from carried off the prizes for euchre there being tables Lunch was served at the close Hospital Thanksgiving The annual Thanksgiving can vass In aid of the Hospital will be held on Nov i4 15 Have your Quarter ready Anyone having fruit for the Hospital who cannot take them please phone Mrs W H Eves Armistice Service On Nov being Armistice Sun day the Great War Veterans will to Pauls Chhurch New el where a special service will be rendered in accordance with the Rev A J Pats tone rendered a splendid solo in fine voice during last Sunday evenings service Confirmation Classes have begun On Wednesday evenings at In struction la given which is very in teresting and to which all who wish attend will be welcome Talent Sale The C are holding a Tal ent Sale of cakes pies pressed meati and plum puddings for your Thanks Christian Church 100 Sermon subject Things a Christian Dare Not Forget Bible School at pm Evening service at 7 pm Sermon A Soldier SOUTHBOUND Leave NEWMARKET AM AM 850 AM 1005 AM 1235 PM SO PM 330 PM P 630 pm PM 805 PM PM Leave SUTTON Leave TORONTO for SUTTON and Intermediate points AM PM 906 AM PM PM The Dally Local Service between Toronto and Richmond Hill will operate as usual TORONTO TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION 605 AM AM 1240 PM I took place in the Cemetery Mr Taylor Trinity United Church made vacant by the resignation of Mr Hamilton of is made Sundays as long Sunday School Conference at Aurora A number of Sunday School teach ers and leaders of teenage boys and girls from Trinity United Church a conference in Aurora last Saturday under the auspices of the interesting reports Mr irlbed by in Registered Mortgage for the Town of Newmarket re is a large brick clad house property suitable for a dwelling and is situate con- Coupe Wrecked by Touring Car light coupe west along Eagle 10 oclock last Sunday night a touring car swung around St and struck the According to Peter Dlllman Newmarket who drove the a parked automobile ights of the coupe Both cars were seriously but the occupants were only accident was Investigated by Sergt B Kirk of the County who states reckless driving in Invitation The Veterans of Newmarket invite all widows or parents or of kin of fallen or deceased sol era as their guests at the Armistice Banquet on Nov Names should forwarded as soon as possible to phone Can Nat Tress Office Newmarket Hockev Clnh Heeling The Annual Meeting of the New market Club which was to have been held last Tueada- was postponed until next Tuesda even ing Nov 12tb In the Fire Hall at This is an important meeting as there will be the election of offi cers for the year Musical and Literary Club Another fine concert under the aus pices of the Newmarket Musical and BELHAVEN Next Tuesday Newmarket Hospital kindly meeting Empty last meeting that we who were recently Any articles of clothing Mr John Thompsons stoi chickens and other fowl being prepared by the farmers es for market this week Lake visited on Sunday from No the her death peak again The family have the sympathy of the In their loneliness Dont forget to hear Rev Strang le Anniversary In the United Church Zephyr always a great for twenty- ant labored faithfully as l of aur Sunday School He a widow two brothers William loh Robert of Detroit and Chris Long the I of of Wilbur Turner confined to her bed We hop she will soon be up again Mr and Mrs A White and Wand Beaverton called on Mr and Rynard last Sunday afternoon Miss Annie Chambers of visited with friends In this vicinity Sunday Mrs John left on Saturday evening for for a couple of weeks hunting We wish the Peffer- law Hunt Club the best of success Miss Dorothy visited her i Miss Annie on Toronto Sunday Palmer were visiting at the home The Gordon Eckardt Co or Bell Ringers and entertainers will appear at the Community Hall Zephyr on Saturday evening Nov to pre sent their varied program of songs stories dancing and instrumental numbers playing the original peal of Hand Bells Imported by T Eckbardt over thirty years ago Car man Gay and her Gypsy Band will furnish music for dancing after the performance Dance 1b free to D ODDS ins Mr of Whitby and Mr Now Ferguson of also other Speakers gave very Interesting talks Who Fredrlc Manning delighted the we all our God Hi hearts and hands and vol wondrous things hath done Whom this world rejoices from our mothers arms with vocal solos Clara Jettery Dawson playing the accompaniment was bad but the pi The Salvation Army Sunday November 10 11 Holiness Meeting pm Company Meeting pm Salvation Meeting The special speaker for The funeral of the who has mad her only son Mr J home on Monday conducted the Aim of love I have had years experience In he Auctioneer and Real Estate Busi ness Wide experience in selling Pure 1 still unity Is The sympathy of the to Mrs P Samuel passed year Interment took place Burial Tuesday Oct to Prospect and Look West Office Phone Residence