fcFiil8 The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Feb 1951 r ss By Isabel SUNSET DAYS Marian Martin Who has not watched with joy approaching awe a glorious sunset There may be a golden lake sur rounded by a purple strand there may be towers and pinnacles of gold a preview of the Celestial City or there be a vast garden of flowers find yourself holding your breath as the glory fades and nature drops her grey or violet star studded curtain between us and the vision I always think that old age is like those sunsets if a beautiful life illumines the frail forms and a thousand memories look out from fading eyes I suppose bs- my lived to a ripe old age and because that in our home we were taught that res pect for age was a cardinal I have loved old peo ple To do anything for them is a joy so I am always delighted when we go over to York County Home Our Institute trav elled over there on Friday and we received a very wel come from Mr and Mrs Arnold and then we wen in the chapel among those whom the sunset glow has touched After being introduced by Mr Arnold we put on a shrt pro gram Solo The Stranger of Galilee by Mrs Fletcher read ing Aunt Jerushas Will by Mrs Penrose solo A Bird in Ifand Mrs Then J we a and arc tut help your to normal action See too real at feel the rooming Kidney KB today US r 7a a I- had community singing old favorites which residents asked for Then by Mrs Fletch er a reading Tale of a Mouse by Mrs Williams and by re quest Tommy Atkins sung by your scribe Mrs A Penrose our president acted as chairman and Mrs A Ridley as accompanist After the National Anthem Mr Arnold thanked us and invited us to re turn Mrs Penrose and Sirs distributed fruit candy and magazines which were received with pleasure Mrs Arnold and Chum the and friendly old Spaniel escorted us through the rest of the home We were particularly struck with the warm sunny sitting rooms and hospital Ev eryone seemed glad to see us and have a little chat We had little Alberta Ridley and Diane and Linda Fletcher with us and they made a place for themselves at once We were touched to see Alber ta go and put her wee hand in that of a white haired lady whom we found was blind What we wondered was what lovely in stinct told the child to do to this woman what she had learn ed to do with her own blind grandmother Then there was the comic touch that always seems to creep in One of the women gave Alberta a candy and her mother and I caught a glimpse of Chum trying sociab ly to share lick about with her There was a Miss Howiett who did some lovely and embroidery Every thing was spotless and cheerful the only drawback we were told was the cold dining rooms and I think we will all admit its no fun to eat in a chilly place I liked the attitude of the resi dents toward Mr and Mrs Arn old they turned to them as to sympathetic and understanding friends It is nice from what I hear that York County Home is thought of just at Christ mas and put into the limbo of forgotten things for another year know that Newmarket Institute goes regularly and I trust that we and many others may do the same Kettleby A Hears Of Life The Womens Association of the United church met at the home of Mrs S- J Tuesday evening Feb with the president Mrs cock presiding assisted in the worship period by Mrs D Ray Mrs Burns and Mrs Mrs told of a change in the rates of the Blue Cross Anyone wishing more informa tion on the change of policy should see her soon Many thank you cards were read in a great deal of sickness in the congregation It was decided to again save waste paper and rags for salvage and its not too soon to begin Russia wrote home and told of the way the Russian Women and children were forced to do hard labor They work in the mines like men with soldiers standing over them and ore treated little better than dogs In deep Russia the houses consist two rooms one the living quarters the other with a large oven so that ten to people can sleep on top of it men women and children all together They have no stoves Their cooking pots are shoved into these ovens with a long fork Their food is mainly potatoes dried mushrooms and herring The pot is placed the middle of the floor at meal time and AUXILIARY READIES CLOTHES FOR NORTH The Evening Auxiliary of St Pauls Anglican church New market met at the home of Mrs Bert on Monday Feb about present Mrs the president called the meeting to order Plans were for the will ho the reckon which was held in Parol hall on Sunday Feb IJ i of the following the confirmation will he held at St vice Over were present Monday Feb General e was Mrs As it a Dorcas meeting the of the auxiliary spirit the of the even ing vfifkm4 clothing for the Indian nod children in the northwest minion fields vpre serv ed by J Mrs It J Toronto of the meet- it on Many lovely handkerchiefs were 1 everyone djgs in with a huge SPRING FLATTERY Nonstop special Youll wear Just look at this dress this everywhere With So FEW pattern parts NO deep scalloped collar and those seams And fashion galore halfpanels its flattering slender- see Die new standaway pockets Skirt Is slim but easy neckline yokes Pattern comes in sizes Pattern comes in sizes Size Size takes takes yards 39inch yards 35inch fabric Send TWENTYFIVE CENTS Send TWENTYFIVE CENTS in coins stamps cannot be in coins stamps cannot be accepted for this pattern Print accepted for this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS plainly SIZE NAME STYLE NUMBER STYLE NUMBER Send your order to The New- Send your order to The New market Em and Express Pattern market Era and Express Pattern Newmarket Ontario Newmarket Ontario received for the bazaar Next month aprons are in order This will be an afternoon meeting at the home of Mrs J Mas inn Mrs A sang a solo and Mrs Schmidt had the topic She told an authentic story of two boys from Germany who es caped from Communistheld ter ritory into the British zone This was accomplished crossing in the dead of night through the waist deep muck of a swamp Once they are a mile over the line the Russians cant touch them These boys are now in Canada and were from a Christian family longhandled spoon When fin ished they shake off the spoon and stick it in their boot till the next meal In the towns they have barbed wire all around the factories and soldiers stationed there to search everyone coming out Stealing is common The boy in the concentration camp worked three years in coal mines in Siberia In each shift there were about prisoners and Russians half of these women The women work side by side with the prisoners and are treated just about the same The Russians say if you cant Refrigerators Electric Ranges sons of a welt to do farmer work you may as well be dead It was expected that out of every ten to would die every day and whether they did or not the food rations were cut down accordingly The prisoners were clothed in castoff Russian cloth ing They got a change of a torn shirt three They had wooden soled shoes and quilted pants One day three German prison ers were asked to make coffin for the daughter of a Russian officer It was so much better than anything the Russians had When the army was approaching their home they turned their stock loose and loaded what they could on a team and wagon hoping to escape into the British or American zone but they were captured about 25 miles from Berlin The father and oldest boy were in the army The boy spent five years in a Russian concentration camp During the war the 15yearold boy worked long hours from am to pm and would home to find his brothers and sisters crying from hunger He would go out seen before they almost forgot again in search of food and if a their grief in admiration of the roasted potato turned up in the casket No minister was allowed Commercial Refrigerators Home Freezers Air Conditioners NEW RANGES to supply your kitchen need GREAT NEW CABINETS in models from to cubic ft Sec all the reasons why refrigerators and ranges cannot be beaten w debris of a bombed home he felt very thankful In order to obtain fuel it was or her country that necessary to go to a bush miles why she died A man stepped out at the grave side and said She had worked was away and cut it They had so little clothing newspapers were Mrs Schmidt said In a relig ious sense the word peace signi- Tt i i PAROCHIAL GUILD MARCH TEA The Parochial Guild of St X Pauls Anglican church Newmar ket met at the home of Mrs Roy on Tuesday Feb the president Mrs John Dales was in the chair A St Patricks tea and bake sale will be held in the parish m hall on Friday March No tails other than the setting of the I date were completed at this meeting An Easter food parcel will be sent to the English family This family has been receiving parcels i from the Guild at regular inter vals over the past three years Following the business session a short devotional period was led by the president Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess and a social halfhour was enjoyed by the members The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs James Lloyd Main St on Tuesday Feb pm HOPEFULS Mothers Tolerance Saved Grace Grace a high school teenager she began really living life in was having a secret affair with stead of writing about it in her a man considerably older than diary She felt a part of the herself world she enjoyed conversa- She had never been a popular was never boring in the girl among the boys her own adult world Even though she age Her dates had only been understand she in groups of young people and was favorably impressed with the boys that might have in- the matters that adults felt were her were always paired significant off with the most popular girls Under the circumstances it is In any event the dates she had not difficult to understand why seemed too juvenile and boring Grace fell for the line of one company so she preferred spend- silvertongued young man of her evenings at home with twice her age This man hod her parents and their friends called at the house on a business Graces parents had stopped matter and Grace had been very urging her to join the young much impressed Her diary took vCars old on Friday Feb lew air this was the very M Wright five years old on Friday Feb a KSTS wrapped around their feet every blessing that relates help keep warm either to the soul or the body The German soldiers in deep The peace of God quiets our I hearts amidst the evils of life CLUB Birthday wishes are extended this week to Joanne Finder Sharon ten people and had accepted her into Ion a new their adult social life This young man Cry for her to invite to pleased Grace very much and the next adult entertainment Then the man in question made a point of meeting Grace at school Grace was too excited know exactly what she was doing but she did get in his car An interesting program was within a block of her Peace will reign in society and between nations when the peace that Jesus gives reigns in the hearts of individuals first then communities then nations Five great enemies to peace live with us avarice ambition envy an ger and pride If we could ban ish these we would enjoy an in- fallible perpetual peace 1 i Mrs expressed her DEEP FREEZERS MILK COOLERS Woods MAKING MACHINES ELECTRICAL GRINDERS FAIRBANKS MORSE OIL BURNERS PEDLAR STABLE EQUIPMENT J A FELLOWS WATER PRESSURE SYSTEMS EASY WASHING MACHINES LOCOMOTIVE WASHERS THIS WEEKS SPECIAL IN USED APPLIANCES KELVIXATOR REFRIGERATORS perfect con dition ASTRAL REFRIGERATOR i months old BEACH RANGE excellent HOT POINT RANGE burner like new I HOT POINT RANGE burner reconditioned RECONDITIONED RANGES ICE BOXES ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS SMALL DOWN PAYMENT EASY TERMS CUBS ENTERTAIN MOTHERS AUXILIARY OP T I presented by the cubs at the Feb ruary meeting of the Scout- home and she did promise to do the same next day The next Guide Mothers auxiliary would have to bo the last in the scout hall with present weeks until the travel- the meeting was chaired by Mrs returned so Grace gave a Sinclair halfpromise to have a date the At present there are over j wxt too boys in the two cub packs in It wasnt easy to talk to her Newmarket One pack meets on mother about the date when she Tuesday with Charles and had neglected to mention thou- son Lome as leaders and the secret meetings but it seemed other meets on Friday evening the girls mother would be hap- with Bert and Bill Arm- to have the traveller for HAL Color and infrared photo graphy shows special possibilities for surveys of forest resources After all is said and done hoiv does it taste in the counts strong as the leaders Twelve cubs from the two packs were selected to provide the program on Monday evening under the direction of Mr Wass and Bill Armstrong The cubs formed a circle and gave their grand howl to get the program underway in an appro- fashion This was lowed by dress inspection and the playing of several cub games The boys thoroughly enjoyed themselves as did the onlookers Mrs was ap pointed sowing and purchasing convener and Mrs Harold Tile I was appointed captain of the boys groups Al present the auxiliary has no pianist Any mother of a cub scout guide or brownie who would volunteer her services in this capacity is requested to contact the presi dent Mrs Sinclair or the sec retary Mrs Armstrong Plans were completed for the annual father and son banquet which will he held for the scouts cubs and their dads on Feb Mrs George Stuart social con vener is In charge of the pre paring and serving of the meal The meeting closed with the serving of light refreshments then the couple could spend rest of the evening as they the liked On the afternoon in question Grace extended her mothers in vitation with considerable enthu siasm However the idea Wasnt so well received The traveller left town sooner than was ex pected and has only been a questionable subject of conversa tion since that time He was a married was the tolerant strategy that Graces mother used that saved Grace from trouble a snake in disguise Willi BINGO RAISES FOR HOSPITAL AID Although was cold outside on Wednesday night Feb the Newmarket Veterans Association staged a most successful bingo at the town hall The proceeds of the evening approximately went to the York County Hospi tal Womens Aid The town hall was filled to ca pacity Everyone entered into the game with enthusiasm and the veterans did everything pos sible to make the evening an enjoyable and pleasant one for which the Hospital Aid is ap preciative Attractive and useful prizes for the bingo were donated by professional and business men and others interested in the York County Hospital Aid The Aid wishes to thank the veterans and those donors for their help in this worthy cause as well as the large group which patronized the bin go In spite of the efforts of nil those present to win the jack pot no one was successful It will carry over to the next bingo of the Newmarket Veterans Assoc iation Lois Jean Black Zephyr years old on Saturday Feb 10 Aurora six years old on Saturday Feb 10 Sadler Holland Land j three years old on Saturday Feb Sharon Elizabeth Harrison Mount Albert two years old on Saturday Feb Doris Edith Newmarket nine years old on Sunday Feb 11 Jimmy Newmarket years old on Sunday Feb Johnny six years old on Sunday Feb II Judith Mary Ann New- market nine years old on Sun- day Feb Marie King Lake Wilcox eight years old on inula v Feb Dike Mount Albert 1 11 years old on Monday Feb Virginia It Newmarket eight years old on Monday Feb I Wayne Pickering Zephyr four years old on Monday Feb Vunant Newmarket four years old on Monday Feb Joyce Slimy Winona 13 years- old on Feb James six years old on Tuesday Feb Kay Keffer Newmarket years uu Wednesday Feb Hilly King Lake Wilcox seven years old on Wednesday Feb Chapman It Newmarket nine years old on Thursday Feb Hetty Henderson Lake Wilcox three years old on Thursday Feb Send in your name address age mid become a member of The Newmarket and Birthday club meeting closed with the theme song and prayer fm- Botsford St Phone Newmarket Four universities give courses in forestinanage- ment British Columbia New Brunswick Toronto and People in every walk of life are finding benefit In Planning and many of them have written to tell us how they feci about it Alt agree on one point in particular the for Personal Planning in these days of high living costs WHAT IS FlUtllKK The recreation committee of Colt is Co Aurora had another successful euchre last Friday evening There were tables Prizewinners were high Hetty second Mrs Hetty Young low Mrs Wall Davis mens high don Hurling second Good- head tow Adair prize Tho next euchre in the Col Us Leather auditorium will he on February The friends of the Aurora Gos pel Tabernacle showered bridetobe of February at the home of Mrs Loveless with shower Many lovely gifts were received after which a de licious lunch was served wilt like our of booklet in a ia- nyle and Personal Planning allows you how to live within your Income and enjoy Tall order Not as rail as you think Personal Planning faces fact One that you have to live within your income Two that you must have a budgetplan that works for you nut you for it that a budgetpi jo to must be your planned for your needs by you It fit your individual circumstances And Personal Planning goes one big step further It shows you how to enjoy life within your income by helping you to plan and build on what you have You can only lc happy today if youre not worried about tomorrow Pick up your copy of Personal Planning today Its yours for the asking at any branch of the of M Theres no obligation except to yourself Bank of Montreal Branch DOUGLAS BROWN Manager Aurora Branch ALBERT W08KIHO WITH CANADIANS ft WAfcl Mtl V A A M i f m i 1 1