Newmarket Era and Express, 15 Feb 1951, p. 6

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v Page Si v HOUSE Ml I ARTICLES Venetian Mind fllu lAmbf mmiM or made for ail style windows free jailmate and of land tain aim at nstaRatkrn Phone apply Timothy Ontario or write Sterne e Newmarket xx Apiece Three matching My rTrf New fi cquare and lhon Mini Newmarket A Iff rent In or sale healer like St of adult rid Newmarket Hamilton null Hi I J Air ot fc SO row Town m Avenue 5tBn run- wvv In Au rora jihfiiup w broker if IS p NEWMARKET AREA iwk MK in AT Jlfxx iin Now- lr ry winter navy black mam for flit Ontario must an At In height from years Physically fit ami of pacing a medical amlfiMton will to ex Apply The Ontario man- to lirl In a over rout of famfttM In No Investment your own a teaty Write lntfnetlatoly to The It fomttanv Mft St Street Montreal Que ALE Far 4t Two large Yorkshire ow due first week In March litters Apply 0 of Sutton phone Sut ton For Hale- 2 choke dark red dual Durham from ac herd Some choice young tows Yorkshire and hie of April Apply If filbney Holt For ae Berkshire hour months old Apply Sharon phone Queen for mink prices paid Rex Smith phono 1019 collect recovcrst For samples of material at reasonable rates call Ken Sargent florhnm St phone J- Klip made to measure Your own Phono Mrs Newmarket 1H Andrew St Wanted to buy Horses for mink Will tall for with truck omI prices paid Frank Coleman one Newmar ket or write PO box For alr dining Phone Work wanted Carpentry work or new Phone Newmarket In Phone tot j ftHf ffrfTJ ftrft ft- r I l ft I j7f 6IJ For Drill pre now mo- Mm I trill rat mm puller ear radio fVd MIX even- M eiJ fur jr In ltlo Apply J CARS FOR SALE owners Phone New 4- In Phone For Morris over payments Low Wanted to buy Old horses horses cows We pay for dead stock If fit to Noll a after death I IS Pollock Keswick phone 9 POULTRY FOR Ilk KH to we will have available Feb Art dayold Whit Farm and phone Why continue to buy records you can own a tape recorder capture your own treasured These models are suit able for schools churches and homes Prices are amazingly low call Newmarket for with no obliga tion to you Murray Agent for Tape and Supplies TENDERS Will bo received for supplying the Police Force with uniforms caps etc For full particulars and tender forms apply to the Town Office All tenders must be marked Tender and filed with the Town Clerk not later than oclock noon of Saturday February Lowest or any lender not accepted Chairman police Commit tee Town of Newmarket NOTICE To CREDITORS IN Chad wick in loving memory of a dear William who away Feb It Cairn and peaceful he Is steeping Sweetest follows paint We who him sadly miss him Out trust In Cod to meet again Lovingly remembered by Norma- Fountain In loving memory of our dear grandmother Eliza Fountain who passed away Feb So many Since you called away Things which you would have en Joyed Had been left Ho many things to share with you Just the way Thing that could bo so much nicer you were here today We cannot bring the days back Your hand we cannot touch Put has given us wonderful memories Of one we loved so much Sadly missed by Muriel and At heft Ml The fondly of Mr- wish espies to their appreciation thanks to j clothing to Stow- friends Mrs j rt I tear Radio Store or Warred and Mrs for their for the many acts or kindness extended to them In their In the loss of loving mother CARD OF THANKS The family of late Norman Dixon wish to thank their many friend for their arts of kindness In their recent Wife and family which lifting by the Homo and School sale will be held In Watch for further particulars later 4cAfc OF We wish to express our thank and appreciation for the kindness sympathy floral tributes from many friends apw Leather Co and to Rev If Cotton for bis comforting words In our recent In the of Frank Mr and Mrs John Vr York County Hospital YOUR 4 mm In loving memory of Ann who I on Feb ton roll by this one makes took Crandmn up to CARD OF THANK wish to thank ft Ritchie and John Thomas and all the staff and relative for card flowers also hot of fruit from the Womens Institute which was UI greatly appreciated during my Illness in York Mrs i Newmarket J by I a r lot limits tath- Miller Ml in B Pur 1 piece brown fi-ur- Apply acio from Aotofutrlc rifle dwdV barf UJC gl Wfcc- b4V paint wilflt W oNly drt tleMfrfi and TOM A- SONS and Dealers for titKH USED CARS FPl blue radio heater and family For Mile geese ami gander Phono POULTRY T I All of live hens and put lets Will pay up to W each and call at door Phone POULTRY For vile Two hot water capacity each In good condition Phone Queens- Vlllo Creditors of who on or about rtay of October are tetchy notifies pursuant to The Trustee Act to to the tinder- signed of their on or the day of March 1051 after which date the of the will ho distributed having regard only the claims of which the undersigned will then have no tice at Newmarket this day of February Frank and Milton be their Mathews Stiver Lyons A Vale Newmarket of her In that haven Surrounded by angels and eter nal lover remembered by son Carl ami Dorothy daughter and granibrhlldreii IJoitglas Pauline Joyce and Michael Treasured memories husband Herman Rah- who away Feb His memory Is as dear As In the hour he passed away fib loving wife Am Rose FUNERAL MAIN STREET McCaffreys Flowers OCCASION Alt Over the Wort TIMOTHY ST PHONE S73J NEWMARKET STRASLER SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS ANI AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONES Flower Shop Member Florist Delivery Association Flowers wired hi parts the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A SPECIALTY Mala St Ssirurlit Phone lef r truism tup tin- fv i 5iw iitt ati pj cm ft- moving w area will far ty list j5lvaoid frOpn ilio cover condition For sale J male Spaniel pup pies Chinp for satv Ap- 2w6 NOTICE to CREDITORS t fie- j Ih show condition Sire WllMC of I JSKXJ offer St Novitiate fft fife jAr nil In t otto e and ple J a PKKfKCrr Heater low mlle- ae a buy Tudor letter and defroster a car Deluxe blue radio heater and fair ear V0 Kidal sedan talon cheap J I MISCELLANEOUS TfTV I I HOUSE I J TRUCKS ton a-t- For Arriini ma I In by I ton panel heater do j tire con TUB ill For wilds and A prompt and for the of or chest cents Best Store IN TUB OF TUB KS- OF OF TOWNSHIP OF IN it OF KRCI of the abovenamed who at the of Kewick in the County of York no or the day or fanu hereby notified The Trustee Aet to to the of their on or the day 1051 niter which date of the will he dis tributed having repaid only to the of which the understated will then have notice DATED Newmarket this day of AtX Horace C SolHtors Mathews Stiver Lyons Vale Ontario Treasured memories of a dear father who departed this life Feb we will never forget His absence to us la a sorrow Hi we will Sadly missed by hit daughter and soninlaw fty- In of a father Thomas who away Feb 17 Two years haw and one Sine we so Was tnkon from our on With Aw Christ to Ilio flowers we place ohmi Ms wiiher and decay Rut of him who In peace fade away by wife end family Sf Pauls Anglican Church Street REV J A I- Hector J WILMS AC CO srNDAY IN am- Holy Communion am Holy Communion and Sermon Preacher The Rev Wilkinson ILA Church School pm Prayer Sermon midweek service every Thursday at pm A K r For It 10 Wwvufc t ttrfd AM I to if Mil 1 If IOJfMl f pit or market FORD In nod for wlltii Ruy or have ton Stake fair I fheap A Aiif 5 to by Mh Writ fcyJ I No Wl Mount Albert n 1K7 J t l WMI W rstkL Vrfi Apply For for Main MERCHANDISE Ale Hearing aid of by dealer TOM A Ltd and Monarch icHoiarhft la IN THROAT Th linn Tablets for the and throat for the dropping of discharge of the lump In the throat and other disturbance The are arne reliable pink that have been for many year by adult and with sikxI reiull price The Best lru For ante litisnes Hup- portsi for those who from and troutde Arch Refit Dim phone Newmarket J of a wlf and moher who away Lovingly by hus band and family NOTICE To CREDITORS memory of dear husband nd father IN OF lAMKSOMmd who W ROBINSON Ale aio available Ar wt ppulr oaken Stewart Toronto jf leavlruj to and Appllifflce leaving at noon HI phone 0 eftwS FuvctfroHKhlOK repair fumae Installed sheet work A It phono AM claims rigahHt the of tomes late of the Town of market In the County of York who tin or the 2nd day of lU5t are notified to semi particular of some to on he day of after which date the will with erd only to the claims whhb ibv then hove notice at Newmarket February Violet Roliluri Newmarket Ontario At morn all was still irav command And you away bolter without any farewell never said what a we hello Instead I rememlert by his wife and family Youth for Christ DIRECTOR KlSltV REV B WARREN Speaker MUSIC FROM PARK Saturday Feb pm Sharp Friends Meeting House Corner Church and Six Newmarket V to optional Or i li room ftitii market S and ftO Anthers repair parti and Radio and 4 till Main phono mtrket LOST rft yw fun adult only Apply IS ARTICLES WANTED Wauled to buy LVd sMdle and Hoe Mint be heap Apply Fia and Thurx- pro between and ho Newmarket nsh combination doors saih and tiny delivery Roches Point rneutmtnc for arthritic and Price Rett phone OF THANKS wish to express my frlemtx and relatives for their act of In rent In the of my mother Annus float Attend One of These CHURCHES SUNDAY FEBRUARY it v- J as tfv f J it room shopping wl only to W to buy crib and lpfayfen In Newmarket Found Anyone ran have the If he pay for ad Andrew phono In evening We repair nil makes of New up enter New- market inn Main HI phono IP- HILF 6 Apply room all and AHM ITEMS For ele Wheat ami hack- wheat chop Rulk fash dell- ton Feed MIR phone Aeeountftnl with experience thorough knowledge of aeiountlri ri a preparation of an w will to up bonus and ear allowame 7 or farm anlmah and required Apply to Per- tended and All floor renovated John phono Hand lotion J for Ufa pnk flower talcum and lotion- Phone or en quire Andrew HI- Newmarket e1w5 NOTICE CREDITORS IN F PFAVILLF A ft I KM APPLfrrtlN AM pet a I elalms nealrut the Teavllte A pj Jet on late of the town of Aurora In the Comity of who died on or the RHh day of irtAAr ItlBrt me hereby to wnd of wme the underpinned on or the day Af March Riftl after date the will to dls with regard only to the which the undersigned shall I hen have Hated at Newmarket I his diiy of February Violet Mae- It I A Newmarket Ontario OF THANKS wish to thank and friends for their kind and me also the Christian Rapt 1st ehurvh for eords the Institute lovely of and Mr for kind- newt Mrs Wilfred F A DAW Pastor Id lit SuntlayscluKd Clari It worship pm ST Rev Ho ml tea HI Minister Herman Fowler Rao Organist OF THANHS Mis J and sister wish to thank their many friends for their kind In the has of a nut friend Norman fc- I -AV- in evhinje for email baby from JM ft Vedtwdy Timothy or citable for home keeping nly central i- AHSiP Tax ffervlcen Main Strict phone MIL Or write or phone Head Street Toronto Ontario phone Km pi re pay eurrent For Immediate telephone or Toronto Town and Country Red Ave Montreal Have for lob Mend us de TO CONK NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN OF LATH OF TUB alls and TOVNMlll OF KINO IN TUB lined OF YORK FARM BR For WANTED OFFICE CLERK MAM or warm room Apply to MTesirirnre end lry ami viWrl thy hay baled Phone PI an tmry Mir hay Ion Clean Apply ltd for taF Phone to If lbs new pep Try Tablet for new healthy new v only All Far frill arid a heel Mount Theeker and A I he of MM No For Ml MUH haled A I Arndte Pine J J of with Wanlrd to buy oaU or ml main I A- Camp- hell It Newmarket phone Aurora of a llany WeL Frank William Chairman Creditor of the who at Town of In the County of on or about the day November are hereby no tified pursuant to Art in to the pnaif if their claim on or lief ore day of date the asset of the will he United reiffttd only in the of which under ilpned will then have notice at Newmarket I his tiny of January A AdrulnHfrntnr by III on A Vale Newmflfket Ontario SALE REGISTER Friday Auction rutle of farm Mock Implements head of and Hereford cows and vmiug and Th of Thomm son part of tot M eon North half mile will lie without reserve owner Is alvlnn up Kale sharp Term cash Percy clerk I auctioneer phone Feb l Aueilan sale of farm hoy itioltt Include 18 cow heifer heifer calve team of Farrnnll tractor new and other imple ment like new properly of Harry lot IK Fast fit I rented Kate at erylhltiK will old because farm Smith auctioneer NOTICE Tho annual meeting of the York County hospital will al the AgrlcuRure 10 street day evening February at Everyone welcome rtw7 Prayer services the homos am- Divine pm MF4STINU Street 1145 am- Sundayschool for Come and meet wiUi All us dear to truth the right of way In our live as we examine them RKV A am Sunday schwl It am service pm worship Pastor will speak at both All welcome BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor MRS J Organist worship pm Evening service Prayer vUo iiubbath school pin livlne OF Rev A Mr Jerry Black am Sundayschool am Devotional service pm Kvangellcol service Wednesday pm Prayer meet lug Friday meeting a pm Special music night talent ami male quartet lATTKR RAIN Undenominational Talented special speaker Come and hear what Clod all over the world today pm February at the home of Mr and Mm George Miller 107 Ave Aurora You afford to of these meeting S5P Trinity United AM Pm Rev H Cotton Minister NORMAN 1IUKRL6 AUCT YOUR PART IN GODS PUN It m Primary Junior and Intermediate Sundayschool YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH YOUNG PEOPLES UNION

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