Newmarket Era and Express, 22 Mar 1951, p. 1

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a AURORA THE RURAL DISTRICTS OF NORTH YORK ERA YEAR EXPRESSHERALD 55TH YEAR NO NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY MARCH CIRCULATION AURORA OUTSIDE 111 TOTAL PAID 3272 Average three months ending September SINGLE COPES CENTS EACH Will Consider I ft Park Purchase A business meeting of the Aurora Board of Trade will be held April when the park pro posals will be discussed to president Ross Linton At the annual meeting of the board a proposal for a park east of the new high school site was held over until it could be discussed by members and a financial state ment of the board issued- The proposal brought in by Lome C Lee chairman of the town and country committee was for the purchase either of a or eightacre lot directly east of the high school for a price of or a tenacre lot further east for the price of 5000 He argued thai the need for a larger park was indicated by Auroras growth and that the board should ensure that facility now rather than wait until it was too late when all available sites were built over Another argument in favor of the park that the Aurora Horse needed more land for its annual event and would be interested in sharing the cost of its purchase in return for its each year A meeting of the Aurora cultural Society confirmed this when the society voted to pay onequarter of the cost up to j the same proposal advanc- ed by Mr Lee the boards J share Mr Lee pointed out that if the board and the society each paid for a Quarter of the cost the town i would be asked to pay the balance could get a sub- grant from the to assist its share The park would be owned by the town The Newmarket Memorial arena had a capacity house with standing room only last Friday night when the Newmarket Figure Skating club put on its first annual carnival Those who witnessed the talents of Newmarket skaters and their instructor Harold Hartley were impressed with the quality of the show Over took part in the carnival Guest figure skaters from Toronto also performed Terry gives a little direction to Eddie Allen in removing grease paint in the dressing room after their act is over See page Third Wave Of Thefts Breakins Hits King Youth The third crime wave of the past seven weeks struck King and district last Saturday night Provincial police said the pattern followed the same lines as two other series of robberies and breakins Houses were broken into when residents were away and numerous articles were stolen No care were damaged this time An offduty Toronto police of ficer arrested Alex 21 market Aurora High School Competing In Drama Festival Four high school plays were produced at Newmarket high school auditorium on Saturday night Newmarket Aurora and Earl Colleg iate from Toronto presented one- act plays as entries in a Colleg iate Drama Festival sponsored by the Robert Simpson Co The best three plays chosen from this and one other festiv al will compete in Toronto on April A plaque will be awarded for the best play in April cash awards will be given to the best actor actress and director One or more of the three winners could be among the four performances at the high school Saturday night Newmarket students perform ed Our Dream House Aurora with an all female cast presented A Room in the Tower Agin- continuation schools east spoke in French in the play Vive La A Marriage Pro posal the choice of Earl Collegiate players The adjudicator Saturday night was William Needles well known of Spa din a Ave last Sunday when he spotted a stolen car he was driving Twentythree charges have been laid against him many of them concerning thefts and breakins at farm homes and summer cottages in King township during the week end Provincial Constable Case Aurora said he has laid one charge of forgery seven of at tempted theft and six breaking of the entering charges At over the weekend radio and stage actor He said that the plays were well chosen and commented on some acting The choice of plays which will go to the Toronto will not be made however J until tin four from house was forced open and about worth of goods stolen Included were ah amateur communication radio set drafting instruments until the four from other schools have been performed PRAISES FUNCTION OF YC HOSPITAL The York County hospital Newmarket was praised at the conference called recently under Dr V Johnston of the general practice section of the Canadian Medical associa tion Dr I of he Toronto East General hos pital called attention Co this hos pital Dr cited the lo cal hospital as an example of the progressive small hospital It was an open hospital so far as general practitioners were concerned in treatment of their patients There was a systema tic exchange of information and a program of study among the doctors by the hospital valued at 10 an electric testing Instrument valued at two rifles a shotgun a telescope and a gold watch The loss was discovered by Mrs at pm She said she had left the house at seven oclock on Saturday At Bob farm house on the King and Vaughan town- line the catch lock of the back door was forced and the house showed considerable upheaval Mrs IlidddJ in goods were taken The house had been broken into in Febru ary At John Riddells Bobs fa ther on- the eight gal lons of gasoline were taken from the standing barrel The Pago Column HOPE TO PAY COSTS i t Newmarket Approves School Union The union of the school section In north Newmarket with the town was approved by the town council on Monday night A law is being drawn up for the appointment of art arbitrator on a three man board to sot a per centage of school costs- which north end residents will pay- The arbitrator Is expected to be named next Monday night Mayor Vale told council that the school inspector Kiliop had explained the union arrangements more fully to him since llu last council meeting He said that the finance was of the opinion that there should be union Under the present arrange- children from the south Si end of No have been at- schools in Newmarket J and their fees have been paid by their school board in the All the properly owners including farmers in the section in other words have been pay- V- fairness to the farm in the section who cannot acrid their children to Newmar ket that arrangement cant go on end it is to end on March said J He told council that north end parents would have to either pay Newmarket fees themselves build another school in their area or have their children take correspondent lessons He said that the school inspec tor advised that costs be spread over as large an area as possible and that school section union be arranged as soon as possible The cos of education will be spread over the entire area in north Newmarket instead of be ing carried by a few parents Last week council had been concerned about such an arbitra tion board setting a fixed figure as the north ends share of New market school costs after union The mayor explained that it would not be a fixed figure but a- percentage so that if New market school costs go up in the next five years the north ends share of costs will go up accord ingly r In the final analysis will bo at the mercy of the arbitra tion board said Councillor Van The percentage north end property owners will have to pay against Newmarket costs will be decided by the hoard made up of Mr Welly Stevens East townships representative and a representative from Newmarket A notice has been published this week by the school trustees of No that after March the school hoard will not be responsible for any nonresident fees paid for the children attend ing Newmarket schools from the section Robert secretary of the Newmarket public school board explained to council why it was necessary to build the new sixroom Prince school last year Although three rooms are not being used at the present they will soon bo filled up he told council During the war years the num ber of school children did not increase rapidly he said but following the war families start ed to increase in numbers A situation developed where more than children start school every September while gradua ting classes which represent the smaller numbers of the war years have only approximately 50 students The departtneent of education survey conducted few years ago showed that increases continue until where over children enter schools and only leave each year By the school children will number At present there are attending public schools he aict In Merchandise Stolen From Wells General Store King Thieves broke into Crawford Wells general store at King yes terday morning and stole an es timated 1000 worth of merchan dise It is the fourth time in several years that the store has been robbed Sometime after midnight Wed nesday morning the breakin was made it was not discovered un til morning No person heard the front door lock being broken in A padlock holding a steel bar across the storm door was broken and an attempt was made to cut the glass on the inner door The glass cutting was abandon ed and the lock was removed from the side of the main door A large quantity of mens cloth ing all the stock of cigarets clothes recently dry cleaned 15 from a change drawer and from an unlocked safe were stol en Constable Case of the Ontario Provincial Police at Aurora is investigating the theft An attempt was made to break into the same store in Febru ary by Alex who was arrested Sunday after several other breakins in King I Red Cross Completes Blitz Plans For Plans are near completion for the Red Cross blitz campaign for funds on Thursday March between and when every householder in Newmarket will be canvassed by Red cross workers The opening of the cam paign will he signalled by the blowing of factory whistles at pm At that signal a special corps of volunteers will start knocking on the doors in their neighborhood Each worker will be identi fied by Red Cross credentials and will give official receipts Red Cross officials in town believe that a short concen trated campaign will give better results than the usual threeweek drive Chairman of the campaign Is Alex Kay and president of the Newmarket branch is Mrs Geo Case No Milk Pickup As Dairy Workers Walk Out Milk cans were left standing- at district roadsides this morning as Toronto daily workers went on strike today Truckers were told by the dairies not to bring in the milk that there would be no one to unload or store it Some shippers earlier had been told to bring in milk strike or no strike that there would be workers to handle it but when the strike was called all workers walked off Because the milk was left on the roadside it became chilled and represented a total loss for most producers Some milk was separated some fed to pigs But for the milk producer the strike has so far meant serious loss There were expressions of award of 3 a week increase retroactive until March 1 The union asked that it be made ret roactive to October The union had previously call ed for a strike ballot when milk was frozen at the retail price of 20 cents a quart in Toronto by the government The government introduced a bill which gave new powers to the milk board provided for the appointment of a representative of the consumers Toronto May- hope that the strike would be i over today and that milk might I lui nd be shipped tonight but this at the best was only speculation The dairy workers went on J strike today en the issue of ret roactive pay The dairies agreed to pay the conciliation board DRAMA CLUB ENTERS ONEACT FESTIVAL The Newmarket Dramatic club will enter the first act of Ar senic and Old Lace in the fes tival of oneact plays to held at Hart House Toronto the week of April The invitation was extended to the club by the fes tival director James Dean Held under the sponsorship of the Central Ontario Drama league the festival of oneact plays is The value to a local club through entering such a festival is re ceived from the experience on stage in the comments of the adjudicator and in viewing the entries from other centres Adjudicator will be Esse Entries arc expected from the School for the Blind Onllia St Catherines Toronto and other clubs The threeact play Arsenic and Old directed by Dor othy Bowman will be presented at the Newmarket town hall on Friday and Saturday March 30 and The Newmarket entry in the drama festival is expected to be staged on April Eleven members of the cast ore in iiie first act The set is designed by Fred costumes are being ar ranged by members of the cast with the aid of Kitty Council Turns Down Move For Town Planning Board Zoning Bylaw Considered A motion for a town planning board in Newmarket was turned down at council meeting Monday night The motion which simply called for council to appoint a planning board was introduced by Councillor Chas VanZant and J Spillette Mr said that in pre- will soon be before council for investigation into the operations Soldier In Action With Princess Pats Keith Smith Aurora is ano ther district boy who is serving with the Princess Pats in Korea Private Smith 20 is in Company with the Pats and has been in the thick of action in the Korean hills His mother Mrs J A Smith Ave Aurora says that she had been receiving letters from her son regularly but only through the newspapers has she discover ed the- kind of action he has been in According to the news we read about his company Keith was that famous bayonet charge the Pats made recently up one of those hills his moth er told the Era and Express Tuesday- Pie Smiths father was in the first world war and also served 5 years in the second world war of making them more efficient The bill was passed on the dairies with the intention Keith enlisted on August 22 last summex trained at Petawawi and Calgary and sailed for and the new board went j Korea with the Pats on OPENS Eric Sanderson assumed the operation of the former Garage this week The garage will be known as Sanderson Mot ors Ltd having the district Dodge agency for cars and trucks seating the motion he had in mind particularly the new area which had been annexed recent ly by Newmarket taking the town out to Yongc St Over 200 acres were annexed Said Mr We must put some kind of limitations on that new area Planning for the towns growth is going to be difficult particularly when we start putting a limit of as a minimum for example of new houses being built in the area Mayor Vale said that the town would have to create a planning area before it could appoint a planning board Its a big thing to jump into he said It will mean another mill on the tax rate The mayor suggested that the town engineer be instructed to adoption and a zoning bylaw Mr asked How about this planning board I am of the opinion that we will be the planning board said the mayor The previous week council dis cussed a problem which also con cerned planning Land between Eagle St and the Heights subdivision and a large field west of it had been survey ed recently and council was con sidering having the land brought under a registered plan The mayor told council that the plan would not be approved by the department of planning and development unless council passed a bylaw making it a residential area The possibility of desirable types of industry locating on the vacant Eagle St property west into a meeting which lasted un til early this morning The re sult was a new increase in the consumers price of a half cent a quart and an attempt to bring dairies and union together on the retroactive wage The halfcent increase in the ber They arrived in Korea a few days before Christmas Smith has a sister Mrs Fred living in Newmar ket Sisters Mrs Young and a brother live in Aurora Before he listed Keith was employed with price of milk in Toronto has not j the Snow Welding Works- Auro- so far been duplicated in area Milk was still selling at its regular price this morning There was no immediate an of what the future would strike vote Toronto effect deliveries in this urea the drivers were ml ibis as usual EASTER SEAL DRIVE ENDS WITH TAG DAY The Easter Seal campaign for the Society for Crippled Children ends on Easter Sunday There are stilj many contributions to come in says chairman of the Lions club campaign committee Chas Boyd He urged that they be sent in before the cam paign closes To wind up the campaign there a tag day on urday Girls wishing to assist are asked to contact Mrs Fred Cass at the Veterans DugOut on Main St by 10 am on Sat- morning draw up a zoning bylaw for the of the subdivision brought a town A zoning bylaw could problem before council It a by- impose certain restrictions in cer tain areas so that the class of buildings erected would create residential or commercial areas After some discussion on the proposed building bylaw which COMING EVENTS Thursday Opportuni ty sale good used clothing while Inhle Market Square pm Sponsored by Newmarket Home and School association Tomorrow Good Fri day From Cross to Crown a Lenten cantata by SI Andrews Newmarket Special soloists Mur ray Huntley and Terry Donne Admission children Hob Pierce at the Sin clair church Toronto oil Good Friday pm and pth Saturday March at Aurora Legion hall at 15 games for cents In aid of Branch our lire in the community hall pm Admission to Sat Mar SO 31 The Newmarket Dramatic club presents Arsenic and Old luce town hull at pm seats Rush scats Bob Prison Chaplain will conduct services Apr Apr In the Newmarket Christian Baptist church clwt2 Tuesday April Dr eh airman medical York County hospital will address the meeting of Hospital Womens aid Newmarket Agricultural Board room pm Public cordially In vited to attend Wednesday April Bingo In Newmarket Town hall pm Jackpot Attendance prize Mr Toronto and Proceeds Newmarket Trumpet Miss Vera will be the I for the Morn service In Newmarket Christian Baptist church Sunday Sunday March Easter Sun day dinner Is being served at Country Acres For reservation phono Marlon Atkins New market Monday March Bridge and euchre at legion hall Aurora at P pm Coed prizes Refreshments Admission Tuesday March ST In Sharon hall pm Good prizes Refreshments Admission Sponsored by Federation of Agriculture Wednesday March The Mount Alliert Park Board a play She Married Well put on by club c2wll Monday April hi afternoon and Tuesday April Tho Cooking school sponsored by and with the aid of ho Womens Institute c2wlt Wednesday March Bingo at Holland Landing Community hall prizes Shared hewealth Jackpot Come and be the winner cards for cents Thursday Mar Co mm unity club progressive v Band Admission curds Friday Apr fl The drama Shes my Daisy will bo presen ted In Keswick Community centre by Keswick Dramatic club Friday April Spring tea and solo of homemade baking at Trin ity United church by the Evange line Auxiliary of the WMS Su pervised nursery Tea served from 3 pm Friday April Opening night Aurora Armouries dance modern old lime novelty 50 cents per son Thursday Stay Annual blos som tea under the auspices of Junior ladles Aid Christian nap- list church to Homo bilking aprons fancy work Saturday bingo In North Memorial hall Kes wick at pm under the aus pices of the Building Board Spe cial prizes cards Dance to Norm Burling and his at Memorial au ditorium every Friday night Ad mission and Dance to Norm Burling his every Saturday night In Community hall Ad mission Cafeteria lunch V J law was adopted by council making a residential area the town would lose control over the area as far as bringing in new industry the mayor told coun cil Councillor Bin ell said that he was not in favor of restricting Eagle St to a residential area The towns commercial section must grow somewhere and the only streets it can grow on are Eagle St and Davis Dr he said The question of a restriction bylaw for the Eagle St area was dropped until further infor mation could be found about the interests of prospective industry in the area Mill Rate Increase On First Estimate Calls For Budget Cut Newmarket is in for a heavy increase in its null rale for DeputyReeve J chairman of the finance committee on town council directed all committees to cut their estimates for the years budget As chairman of the finance committee I am not merely recommending am directing all committees to reduces their estimates he said Monday night The finance chairman told the New industry is not going to be council that his committee had one meeting last week The com mittee discovered that the mill rale would stand at an in crease of 20 mills over last year if the present estimates submitted by the various committees and school boards were adopted It just knocked the wind out of us said Mr So encouraged it it has to pay such a a Mr Spillette said in his report Apparently in some municipal procedures It is policy to get the services first and then worry about paying for them af terwards but we are not going to have at increase if we can possibly avoid it The school boards are having RAISE WATER RATE WEEK OF APRIL 16 New water rates for industry in Newmarket will enable the water works department to op erate with a smaller loss in the future A motion was passed in council to raise the rate for each Industry to sixth of a cent per cubic foot for the first cubic feet used and oho eighth of a cent per cubic foot when the consumption goes over that figure The bylaw which was intro duced by Reeve Arthur Evans also rules that new service in stallation charges will be brought up in proportion to present costs of material and labor Any new extension to the pre sent water main extensions will he paid for tinder local im provement plan The town and the property owner will share in the cost paying over a num ber of years Previously a new extension would have been charged to the whole town and costs were being borne by all the taxpayers weve got to get back to the stage where policy says that if we cant their budgets sent back for afford it we dont have it Mod- consideration he said services are nice but when Apart from debentures the these modern services get be- public and separate school est- the power of the taxpayer mates for are become a heavy burden lie told committee chairmen that in order to reduce the mill pared to 43655 last year making an increase of 1763 The high school area this year shows a rate down to CO it would budget estimate of over a reduction of from all last years an increase of budgets for the year The total increase In A high tux rate is a burden the school estimates to all taxpayers whether their represents approximately eight assessments are large or small mills v Veteran Rail Engineer Retires To Fish In Pottageville Creek HUNTER ASSESSOR The Newmarket council passed a resolution Monday night to appoint Hunter the assess or for a salary of 1200 with an additional fee of for each additional assessment after the assessment roll has been closed When Engineer Jacob Gould Maker Ave Toronto brought his train in from Hamilton to the Toronto terminal at Thursday he had ended a 40- year record with the Wearing a ho was greeted with kisses from his wife daughters granddaughters and grandson Ricky On hand to honor their confrere were re tiring engineers all totalling more than three centuries of service and millions of miles of travel experience Jovial Jake a spinner of tall yarns stepped down from his cab ready to do some long wanted travelling later to do some fishing in creek and a little gardening Mr Gould was raised at the son of Alexander Gould J- v starting his first railroading with the old Metropolitan line from to the Junction Yonge St Later he was a way watchman at near In less than a year he was fireman working out of West Toronto He became in and has been ing locomotives west of the city ever since Mr Gould has a daughter and son living In Toronto and a daughter at Gait A son enlisted as a navigator in was killed in the second war His brother Gould Byes at Snowball at Dave His sisters are Mrs Mrs Newmarket Mrs 2I Mrs Boyd Toronto

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