room all con- throughout trolly mediate New house Will finish to red- Apply Andrew hone Mom Newmarket for brick house In U4ttnd landing good well of Apply Mrs Arthur Holly Holland finding- roomed to lake acres garden sod good well hen House terms Write box or phono Sutton REAL ESTATE for nunc f BUILDING SITES Within the town limit see Vflllard Avenue Phone FARMS or our local real e broken For winterized cottage Wilcox Lake Kitchen living room electricity Phone down room miles tooth of Aurora fifth mile cost of highway on John FOR SALE Mfe aUd collage basement citable for furnace telephone newly dec orated partly furnished Full price At least down payment At Lake Wilcox Phone Richmond Hill 130r3L HOUSE WANTED to rent roomed In or around Newmarket by of four adults Phone to to room BUILDINGS FOR SALE real estate acres bank barn bungalow hydro flowing well at house also at barn town limits hard worn floors furnace and bath location building lots on Davis Drive Apply Miller St Newmarket or phone New- market NEWMARKET AREA ARE RE QUIRED IN NEWMARKET INM FOR CASH POS SESSION AT YOUR CONVENI ENCE IF YOU ARE CONSIDER ING OF YOUR HOME THEN CONTACT THIS OFFICE A REALTOR 1 STREET REAL ESTATE WANTED or li Fox furring building new Could for ury Easily moved Apply Fur Form Holland hi PASTURE to buy to acres land suitable for building and garden on good rood open year round within radius of miles of Newmarket Write Era and Express box HOUSE FOR RENT anted head cat- to itture Phone Mount Al- ESTATE FOR SALE For rent 7room house heavy wiling garden just north of near highway Phone Oliver 1 For rent- Frame house rooms miles town hydro water on ftp Newmarket FARM WANTED v WW to ARNOLD FARM Farm Opportunity acres choir- day loam on paved highway possibilities unlimited as room brick resi dence newly decorated new complete builtin bathrooms beautiful lawn Ideal borne guest home or any Urn of tourist business separate for help line furniture can ie barns garages Toronto miles truly on outstanding tractor land A typj of offered half cash Owner bark mortgage acres or more within miles of Toronto Must be on a good open road full details to evening Giles realtor St Toronto c3w0 Wanted to rent Farm Scotch family years farming in Canada to rent dairy farm or iJ acres Apply and Express box SCI APARTMENT FOR RENT For rent apartment heated hardwood floors Me Newmarket TBI ALltFItT acres ideal location Jo mile on county road milk school bus pae dally residence large driving shed separate log hydro Installed farm This fnrrn a Half Mlon One will hardwood acre farm on only 15 miles from Tor- completely brick resident rut mice attached gaiago large bank new house driving shed all roofs recently This Is truly on farm ffers a real for to Your acres choirs lay loam I floors hiproof bank barn hydro never failing arlan Well pasture good location road Always Toronto mlbw Tractor and full line of machinery livestock hay and grain cm be at reasonable Complete detailed list at my office Spring Liberal terms Exclusive listing Commuters Opportunity farm right on completely eMdence furnace builtin hardwood floors modern Kitchen hot and cold running wa fer hank barn roof fty wiring throughout This with all Beautiful ha- right to pavement well worth acre clay bush at rear brick resldenco decorated through garage driving milk- hiproof bank barn is lit clau owner occupied farm other pro and let your requirements When buying or wiling date contact lor rent Completely Auwn Liinroom and kitchen Kent Write and ROOMS FOR RENT lor Furnished kitchenette optional suit able for business person Newmarket lwl2 I in Landing Apply Mrs Arthur Holly Holland Landing Im rent furnished healed all conveniens es Adult Apply Queen St For rent FurnKhed rooms privileges or board Apply I St Newmarket For rent Unfurnished room lady preferred tor rent Fumlhed Ap ply Niagara St Newmarket ROOM AND BOARD and board for gentleman Frospecl St ROOMS WANTED warded rierorafed All No children In the home Phone or enquire Ave Newmarket APARTMENT WANTED to rent Young couple troorncil apartment wIf or small April 1st ihone Newmarket ARTICLES FOR SALE For salaMnsvyHnrrls power driven machine Just like new Apply Queen St W Newmar ket sale Venetian blinds alu minum or steel made for all styles windows Free estimates and Installations Phono apply Ontario or write PO box Newmarket For hotbed sash Phono Mount Albert For sale Dlnotto suite kitchen cupboard Phone Mount Al bert For sale 2 boys outfits grey tweed and blue tweed sizes and Girls spring outfit size red Phone Newmarket For sale white enamel extension childs steel cot Phone Mount For sale Electric meat grind er number of mink pens Lii Holland Landing 2w For tale Ladys black wool suit like new Phone Newmarket For sale electric rang range In good condi tion Phone or apply Andrew St Newma For Used washer new motor Reasonable Apply Park Ave lv2 For sale Medium oil space heat er sure heat new Phone Newmarket For sate Frost King Ice box good shape Frost King Ice box like new Moffat heavy duty range In cowl con dition only General Electric range com pletely reconditioned a Rood buy Moffat heavy duty range good working condi tion a real bargain at General Electric heavy duty rane with deep well cooker perfect condition and phone Newmarket For Nearly new ivory Oval with warming oven and hotwater front and reservoir modern kitchen ca binet with glass doors Apply Allen Stent ford co Farms St Newmarket We have several hundred rem nants of upholstering fabrics suit able for cushions shopping bags choir etc than half price Dyers Furniture Main St phone 1250 For sale Coal brooder stove Apply Mount Albert phone 2001 Mount Ann a in Save money at our slock reduc ing Appliances phone Newmarket For fountain seven stools long Ice cream cabinet with compressor deep freezer complete Will sell reasonable Tire Best Drug Store Newmarket phone For While enamel Wing- ham Classic Good con dition C in space heater small size used only short time Phone Newmarket For snle Ladys spring suit green like new size Apply after Marie Reynolds Church St or phone New market For sale Ice box holds lbs Kitchen table now in storage Ap ply Ontario St Newmarket lwl2 Far sate Youths blue grey tweed suit size new Gabar dine all weather coat good as now Very reasonable Phone Newmarket I Newmarket Sports and Cycle Timothy St phone For saleMaroon baby carriage in good condition Reasonable Baby bottle warmer included sale 2 used I Newmarket girls hoys completely over hauled In good condition Apply record speed a r t Sports and Cycle From to An- Shop Timothy St phone pliances phone 130 Newmarket For safe Empire Quebec heater and coal and wood black and white rervoir in back in fool condition Write PO box or phone Newmarket PRODUCE For saleFew cases of canned tomatoes Vivian Canning Fac tory phone Mount Albert tail- For Mile- Gabardine coat ored coat grey suit size Perfect condition Reasonable Phone Newmarket sale No 1 potatoes a bag Apply Car Glover 14 phone Mount For sale- Boys sidewalk bicycle like new Coaster brake chain for your Nov mar MERCHANDISE For sale space heater 3200 ft new Apply A Johnson Holland Landing For sate Hearing aid batteries Phone Popular makes Stewart Radio and Appliance J St phone Newmarket 25 and GO cycle pas flood radios at attractive washers repair parts and service price- Console or table models Stewart Radio and Applian- from Phone Newmarket market WANTED to buy or or new motor lwl2 For sale Baby carriage used fi itr months babys clothes from birth j to months Baby All in excellent eondition Phone Hill 130r3l wnKl SAM OF Ft Park Ave upper Tuesday March to m Mahogany parlor suite muJc studio Simmons dining j table china cabinet and chairs desk elect lie rangette and cutlery reasonable Wanted to buy Standing timber or logs pine or hemlock or soft wood Any kind Apply P ft Newmarket USED CARS FOR SALE for safe new battery Apply Sharon phono For refrigera tor and 11 Simplicity epHrje erib lawn roller wheel barrow lawn mower All in gornt condition Phone Newmar ket sale Ford panel good condition Phone For sale iMyinnuth Apply 32 St Aurora USED TRUCK FOR SALE For sale Bid Apply Timothy St Newmarket For sale el PHI Ford ton parr- excellent or STOCK SALE Mercury ton Will sell either PJione on 22 HELP RADIOS RANGES eombrnaiion and coal Floor mod Brand new White enamel Be Special I Floor model washer never had water In tube White 5130 I floor model ranc oven control timer Be WJ Special I Brand new Marconi radio and player walnut cabinet Wonderful lone really radio 5231 Special Atldlson radio combination player tone The best buy in town Special only new Boor model Ftdly I only Connor tub Brand Tub never wet 4year Kiiaranlee Special Beach jis ranges all Brand new per cent on any gas on the washors floor re- and from SS5 up Many of Iheso floor models and have never been wet SPILLETTES APPLIANCES Noxt to Main lb Man for deliveries Write PO box III Newmarket wanted for Must he and Phone I Help of rootinj work Afiply Ward and Allan Co Main St New market wanted First class anie with also one Apply phone lit Help wanted Woman for cafe work hours am to pm Phone Office Specialty Co Bid 3d Newmarket WORK suites chairs recovered For of at reosonablo rates call Ken Sargent St phono Newmarket covers draiwries spreads etc made to measure Your own materials Mrs Jones Newmarket Andrew St Work wanted farmer from Holland with small family desires employment in Tlmon 11 or phone Bradford Work wanted Contracting additions repairs paint- lug and decoratin Phone Point pm TRANSPORTATION to Avenue and dis trict dally except Saturday leav ing am returning pm Phone GO Newmarket lwl2 PERSONAL ANTIQUES Bought and sold Furniture Pictures etc Apply For Mile CCM and Main St phone Newmarket bicycles Racers balloons stand- Gain to lbs new pep Try famous weightbuilder Tonic Tab lets roductory get-ncquain- size only All druggists Avoid deficiency disorders like Anaemia Constipation Piles Nerves start taking NovaKelp today Your system needs Iodine NovaKelp can help supply this Use regularly observe bene fits to your health Three econ omical sizes- le nt nil druggists BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A NEW FOR YOUNG MEN percent of big corporation heads started in sales work No matter whether times are good or bad a good salesman can always find a job MacleanHunter 1 king Company are setting tip a new wiles training program for young men between and years of No previous business or sales necessary but appli cants must have high school edu cation be a selfstarter have and be willing to put in a full days work we are looking for will be given experienced training in basic sales work by one of our sales managers We want young men who are ambitious to get as successful applicants will he developed to take over field supervisory positions There is no set salary to hold you to regular earnings You will be paid an ex cellent commission plus a bonus arrangement enabling you to earn large earnings and according to your ability We want young men who are desirous of making a career of selling and who enjoy travelling Apply by letter giving full par ticulars of yourself to J Mc Dowell Manager Field Sales IS University Ave Toronto Fur sale Registered cow years old due to freshen year old horse sound good to work Phone Warren Craves Mount Albert For sale Hoist heifers to months Vaccinated flood cow duo In July Phone For sale Yearling heifer six week old pigs Apply McCdil Queensvlile clw2 LIVESTOCK WANTED pug m i 1 i i Wanted to buy Horses for mink Will call for with truck Good cash prices paid Frank Coleman phone Newmar ket or write PO box For sale M Ford Que bec cook stove give away prire Apply Mis It phone Newmarket to buy Old horses Dead horses and cows Wo pay for dead stock If fit to use Noti fy as soon possible after death Pollock Keswick Ont phone Queensvlile 2931 Wanted Horses for mink feed Highest prices paid Rex Smith phone 1912 collect tfl IMPLEMENTS FOR SAIP FAcrroitv TO VOIJ WW KAMI Lowest price in f anuria Beau tiful first quality completely luff ed no sheeting showing All col ors double or single New centre patterns in flowicd or solid designs Send plus Immediate moneyback guaranteed Order one you will order more ADDHKSS TOWN MR MOO Place Montreal Que For sale Major trac tor one way disc and seed box furrow plow and cultivator nil hydraulic Implements This outfit has been used only 2 Apply Philip Ring Sharon con tot Phono 102 Mount Albert MORTGAGES We have a client desiring first mortgage on bouse in New market being sold at Re liable party Heat- tor Main St or phone TUB PLOW A size for every tractor moisture in your land and prevent the rains from running off by breaking the hard pan form ed at the bottom of normal plow ing or discing In plowing with a PLOW the plow breaks through the hard pan by means of chisel furrows inches apart The surface mulch is left as a protective cover on top of the ground Moisture bypasses by means of chisel furrows through the into the sub soil to be stored See the revolutionary plow at the farm of Phone 9 POULTRY FOR SALE For sale Grey gander Phone 111 Mount Albert Packaged Evergreens Grow your own plants New technique For only cash with order we send you strong wellrooted oneyear cuttings of very best evergreen varieties for foundation planting pyramids and spreaders Printed instructions show how easy to grow in your garden until large enough to transplant Have fun Save big dollars In your own nursery Hur ry on tins 1 1ngle Nursery Com pany ctwll fc Climate Control Kvery home should have Cli mate Control cut down burning sun and drying winds by planting our Hound Head Norway maple trees Special while they last to foot whips each for S1m cosh with order Act Nursery Cnmp- Ont NOTICE On and after March the School Hoard of No East will not be for any nonresident fees paid for the children attending from this sec tion Jack Sidney tones Garfield Wright Trustees CA OF THANKS We wish extend our heartfelt tJianks and appreciation for the of kindness messages of sympathy and beautiful floral fering received from the many friends from IVuonto Mount Albert and church especially thanking Simpler for his comforting Mrs F Dean and family OF The family of the late Mrs A McNeill wish to express their sin cere thanks to relatives friends and neighbors for their kindness sympathy and floral tributes re ceived during the illness and death of our mother Olive and Norman J POULTRY WANTED All kinds of live poultry wanted Will nay above market price at vour door Phone Newmar ket CHICKS FOR SALE LOST Wirehaired terrier black and white eyes Answers to George area Phone Aurora evenings J A Dun can FOUND Wrist watch Owner rnny Identify by writ rug post of fice box Newmarket FOR SALE BABY CHICKS Started Day Old govenunent approved and locks COOP CHICK HATCHERY LLOYD rtwS LESSONS Loam to play the Hawaii gui tar Private lessons Apply Rots ford St Newmarket or phono Newmarket NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF SETII MIT CHELL LATE OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT ALBERT IN THE COUNTY OF YORK RETIRED FARMER DECEASED Creditors of the abovenamed deceased who died a the villa- of Mount Albert in the county of York on or before the day December are hereby no pursuant to The Trustee Act to send to the undersigned of their claim on or before the day of April after which assets of the Estate will be dis tributed bavin regard only to the claims of which the undersigned will then notice DATED at day of March AD John Mitchell Administrator by iris Solicitors Stiver Ontario cowl- McCaffreys Flowers FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed All Over he World TIMOTHY ST PHONE 573J NEWMARKET Flower Shop Member Florists Telegraph Delivery Association Flowers wired to all parts the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A SPECIALTY Main St Si Phone Roadhouse Rose FUNERAL DIRECTORS MAIN STREET NEW OF THANKS family of the late Mr wish the sincere to their relative neighbors and friends for their ex of sympathy the floral cards etc during recent bereavement and STRASLER SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE PHONES chicks here Ask for Your March should be Hill side bred for riM sturdy growth a rrui in the FARMERS Wide FARM ITEMS will he pleased in up if end or crippled faun animals and pay pi Ices service col led Newmarket or aruru YOUNf LTD be faun Iebpbnne Mount Albert PHk The me nil and and no certified Moil In York Stale oliW starlet Can ada Order soon Jim phone Sullen Attend One of These CHURCHES SUNDAY MARCH SEED FOR SALE I or known is As oats has not been pass ed by the Central Station In mono Mo hawk bo used on I he They me heavy on plot piodmed by us year out was has sale Loose hay Ion Kit Inyjit and lib con sab mixed bay Al falfa and No barley bushel No I Heaver SI bushel cleaned and tioaUil Phone CO I Levi and Sons I and villi ley All lant- Cen feed Mill phono JVJ wheel Phone Al beit Theaker and Son on faun ami ill models rpeilallliii In o vol ha til Jobs Phono Mile Team of anil harness Silo I milk- er Phone Queens A t I Work vetornn woks position cnrolnker or Two women will do now Apply Kxnrew Work with ficcommodAiloi Apply Era Express box 569 vale Used marhlmiy IX hi JH Oliver new mower John III- ft mower Phone Allow ehvPJ LIVESTOCK FOR SALE la purebred weeks old Phono Amorn For Mile part Jersey due to freshen last of March Apply A WIcMMcltl it It Pine Orch ard el wis lilt iohts and lis A ami rem- for the relief or and colds cents The Pest Pin lrusse sup pnrls hosiery for who suffer from veins ankle ami knee tiouhle belts Store phone Newmarket Street Services UK IS a Sundayschool tome unci a friend 11 am Meeting for Worship ami meet with us at season ALL Tuesday March 17 Helpers Taster ateetin lf we rise Christ in newness of life we can forth today with faith ami renewed For chunks Cow Ayrshire onrt Jersey Phone Jack Preston Quctnsvllle At 13 For sal Tarns wo rib sow litter due May Apply Zephyr IN Pink Tnblrts for the nose throat ftr dropplnn of mucous 11scharie sensallon tin lump In the and other disturbance These are the same reliable pink tablets thai have been for many years by sdults and children Willi remits Price The Heal Store phone Newmarket hash and frames 10 Pimm Point tfl Till SALVATION Queen St Newmarket I ami l WIT Sunday Services It a in Holiness service in school pm Evangelistic service Special Easter servicer will be by ami Mrs Albeit All Are Cordially Invited FREE A DAW friendly church with a full Gospel message 10 am- Sunday scheol Special Program am- Divine worship pm message Sunday March special services with Lift up your heads ye sorrowing ones ami be ye tad of heart for Calvary Day the saddest day and Day the gladdest day are just one day apart Hetleometl with the previous blood of Christ I am alive will come again am Intercessory prayer Chapel lATltK RAIN Sunday pm- Childrens service pm service At the home of Mr and Miller Ave Aurora Come ami the children 1 tablets for muscular artbrltto and sciatic pains Price Rest Drug Store phone Newmarket We repair nil makes of sowing machines New machines up Singer Center New market Main St phone 1075 Trinity United Church Rev H Cotton Minister NORMAN Organist Easter Services si II AM Floors and finished All floors renovated John Davidson phono Sutton PM MUSIC MORNING AND EVENING The minister will preach at am and pan THE GLORY OF THE EASTER MESSAGE INFANT BAPTISM OF Nursery Primary Junior Intermediate Sundayschool WE TOO SHALL LIVE PM YOUNG PEOPLES UNION MONDAY MARCH PM CONGREGATIONAL MEETING