ft wi CLVB are extended Birthday this week to Eileen New- market seven yean old on Fri day Ann Newmarket old oh Friday March Williamson Newmarket years old on Friday March Ann New market four years old on Fri day Larry Holland Land ing six yean old on Saturday March Norman David Wallace Wood three yean old on Satur day March Beverly Ann Ruddock New market twoyean old on Satur day Mareh 24 Audrey May Ellis R Qtteensville eight yean old on Sunday March Carolyn Wright Newmarket live years old on Sunday March Bruce Eric Slarkey five years old on Sun day March Nancy Watson Aurora ten years old on Sunday March Allan Mitchell Roches Point ten years old on Sunday March 25 Joanne Burling Aurora ten years old on Monday March David Ross Arthur Newmarket four years old on Monday March Betty Duncan Newmarket old on Tuesday March Douglas Aurora seven years old on Wednesday March I Irene Dennis New market five yean old on Wed nesday March Earl Green nine years Helen King five yean old on Thurs day March George Harold Gould Aurora two yean old on Thurs day March Send in your name address and become a member of The Newmarket Era and Express Birthday club World By Caroline Ion Are we the women of this small but active com munity good citizens So often we think of citizenship in of exercising our franchise on election day of our eligibility for jury duty of patriotism to our country Citizenship involves such specific duties but it is much more than these it is a way of life True citizenship is democracy at work Where but in a democ racy do we have the human be ing considered as an individual with his personal rights liberties and responsibilities We are in clined to accept the privileges without much thought leaving the duties for someone else Thats like the little boy who told his teacher not to be fright ened When she asked him why she should be afraid he replied Dad said if I dont make better grades somebodys going to get a licking Citizenship is our responsibil ity Is it not enough that we discuss it in the classroom or from the platform Citizenship requires work and individual participation It must be the naUm us If arc interested in our community if we are willing to assume responsibilities in our home and outside if we are friendly these are the traits which our young will develop It has often been said that there is no cruelty like a childs But where did he learn all the nasty tricks of the barbed tongue the careless gesture Recently were In the Jack and Jill Shoppc on Main St when a pert young miss of about seven years of age came in Walking over to a rack of dresses she began examining them very care fully When approached by the clerk and asked if there was something she wanted she re plied Oh Im just looking thank you WMS HAS EASTER MEETING The of Kcttleby Unit ed church met in the church Tuesday evening March 20 with the president Mrs Hodg son in the chair This was the Easter thankoffering meeting and the theme of the worship service was Christs Legacy of Peace The is presenting its play Beauty from Ashes again on Friday evening April So any who missed it before take note of this date and plan to attend Quite a number of parcels came in for the Korea bale and additional clothing for this bale may be left at the hall within the next two weeks Mrs Ray Marshall played us on instrumental The Holy City and Rev Ray gave a short address on the Meaning of Eas ter Rev Ray said That as Christians we should be thinking Easter all year through He said one old country church he knew of sang Easter hymns sev eral times during the year- He said That Christs peace as that of any peace comes only after conflict and that it was the only true and lasting peace Mrs Hodgson closed the meet The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday March 29 Page WASHDAY SERVICES l-i- PHONE Newmarket Eight pounds each extra pound All flat pieces ironed Wearing apparel returned damp ready for ironing Shirts finished each extra Five pounds 20j5 each extra pound Everything washed and ironed including mens shirts Sixteen pounds each extra pound Shirts finished each extra REVITALIZED ClEAffiXG Our turnout REVITALIZED DRY CLEANING you she Even old clothe get a new ibcysa We Canadians are frequently with a hymn and benediction LADIES BE SUITED Your new for all spring doings So chic with that new collar deep skirt slim GAY Great wide double rovers Doublepointed cuffs A bit of ex tra flare to the skirt AH details and slightly flared IDEA make slightly exaggerated which means the skirt twice in coordinated the swankiest shirt of the colors have TWO outfits season An stepin style Pattern in sizes Pattern comes in sizes Size takes Size takes yds yds yd contrast This easytouse pattern gives This easytouse pattern gives perfect fit Complete illustrated perfect fit Complete Illustrated old on Thursday March 29 Chart shows you every step Sew Chart shows you every step Scml TWENTYFIVE CENTS Send TWENTYFIVE CENTS a roins cannot be in coins stamps cannot be accepted for this pattern Print accepted for this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER STYLE NUMBER Send your order to The New- Send your order to The New market Era and Express Pattern market Era and Express Pattern Dcpt Newmarket Ontario Newmarket Ontario TO STUDY PROCEDURE At a recent meeting of the Womens Aid of York County hospital it was decided that at each of the next three general meeting parliamentary proce dure will be studied for ton min utes Mrs M will lead this study project GETTING UP finds J alee by and tow may fete blame When kidneys seder soyr sleep suffers To help your normal J Pills help the id f swoons and soda in your Stem Then uneasiness you con enjoy restful unbroken sleep and swale and reads for work Off Get today ST PAULS CHURCH Last Sunday being Easter Day there were special services at St Pauls Anglican New market which was beautifully decorated with spring flowers and potted plants Easter lilies and hydrangeas The boys choir wore their new cassocks and surplices for the first time the gift of Mr and Mrs F The cassocks were made by of England but the surplices were made by Mrs Leslie Barber and Mrs Harold Evans The Rector has appoin ted Mrs Harbor as Choir Mo ther for the Boys Choir The new floor covering was used for the first time on Good Friday at the ThreeHour ser vice It is tile red with dark sing of Canon last month at Prince Rupert BC at the age of Canon was former master of the Nor thern Cross the Anglican mis sion boat operating on the Pacif ic coast but he retired some years ago to take charge of an Anglican church at Rushbrook Heights a community named in his honor For years Canon carried on his mis sionary work on the Northern Cross and when on furlough came East and gave many splen did missionary talks to branches Newmarket WA will remember his visits to their branch and recall how we were able to send direct help from our branch to the mission boat Ca non brother the late Mr and his family lived here Our 2 green battleship linoleum There was a special childrens MY mis service at 3 pm Easter Day when during the service the Len ten selfdenial boxes were re ceived The Afternoon Branch of the are meeting this afternoon for Dorcas work and tomorrow evening the Boys club will meet at We are sorry to record the pas- Mrs Harry Hill Victoria Ave Newmarket and Mrs Barney of Prince Rupert MEET The annual meeting of the will be held at the home of Mrs Ernest Morton Queens Lane on Tuesday April at pm Bring your reports Citizenship involves all that is pure and fine in the world Its qualities include a desire for truth and airplay moderation independence a willingness to accept the views of others to think a problem through to an accurate conclusion to accept new ideas and methods to use opportunities and liberties wise ly Translated into the everyday living which faces you and me as women in a small community it means that the foundations of citizenship rest with us For In the home is the starting spot for teaching an understanding of democracy So often we say Oh Im just a housewife We fail to realize the important contributions which women in their homes make to the nations strength The same principles of fair play which we practice in our homes apply between nations at the lev el of world government Here is where children first learn how to live well and what is even more important to live well with others No one inherits an understand ing of citizenship but must learn it If patterns of behaviour were inherited we might expect the nurses daughter to be born with a knowledge nursing to be able to apply the correct splint in an emergency case never having received any first aid training This is not so What children do inherit is the better environment which build for them One of our most important tasks as parents is to give our children faith in themselves Do we constantly nag them and be little their efforts How can help them to find security with in themselves Their minds are the seed beds ready for the sow ing Are we good gardeners Do we choose the seed with care tend it lovingly giving it the necessary elements for satisfac tory growth This is citizenship at work We all know how children and selfconscious people Is that not a true accusation If we were less selfconscious and less selfcritical we would be able to accomplish so much more We are afraid of what others will say We are afraid to attempt something new an office in our organization public speak ing convening a committee What a waste of human effort there is in every community be cause we do not trust our abili ties The actress Helen Hayes tells of the night she had a particu larly difficult role in an opening play She was so nervous that sho could hardly apply her make up Finally she confided in her daughter Mary who was with her Mary and her mother were very close Miss Hayes said Mary this isnt firstnight ner vousness I have to do a silly dance and Im afraid that Ill fall in the middle of it With the candor of youth Mary replied So youll fall So the worst will happen So youll pick yourself up and start all over again Helen Hayes tells us that she found how prophetic the words were when two years later Mary so gifted and lovable died of polio Continued next week Check them tost for SOLD EVERYWHERE BUCKLEYS NEWMARKET DAIRY E P WILLIAMSON PROP Prospect St Newmarket Phone 252 l- AND DRY CLEANERS OSSINGTON AVE PHONE JWSSLvw Need a plasterer to cover small break or wide chink PAGES wilt find him- Quick See The Famous i-X- Afternoon Teas make friendly entertainment News r ViV I Thems no finer dye told any in fMc It will do to Hick to beautify your borne bring w and color to year o to to Your department and If store sells Timet go in and ask to see shade card with nearly delight ful colors Spring Summer Autumn Winter any time is time the All fabric dye for all Can homes at IF YOU to name youll he in to for Tins llto your and will come in handy For ihe its linn- to jilan your irinn and During National Sw and Save I to all orr tin are fcattiriuK many rial viia thai will lie of in1i to yon New pattern th tow all the In- sewing will he of the new spring styles ditail lim kir fliealh fiiihoiieltcs unfitted that are pulled in with a sleeve cut in one with the or no sleeves at all The intplir desixus of this season not only time hut jjivo new a to reveal their without too much distracting detail a Fabrics for are lovelier and more varied than ever Infore yet more practical and easier to work Many have special and flnUhea as cottons with sullil iridescent weave extra liner ami woolen turnih washable silks and create materials such as dresses with matching coals or dress Jacket costumes are very popular this youll find many lovely fabric combinations which you may to make A pretty printed silk in newest tints of lilac mauve and pink for the dress worn with a widefklrted coat of navy stiff ftilk or faille taffeta is Ideal for any occasions such as spring wed dings which you may have on your lilt of approaching social engage ment The coat will partner many other in your beau tifully and youll wear the printed silk frock far Into the summer Cotton lends Itself nicely to the dressplus jacket theme Wear a cool striped cotton dress at home or for local shopping and if you to come downtown slip on its companion of plain green rust or some surh darker shade and youll look neatly for town Alio In fabric for spring and summer are plain and striped denim and with seer sucker stripe for After noon dresses will be shown In linen tissue gingham and silk shan tung While evening fashions will i I I I at I fe w i up ill w I I fuvor luce embroidery crisp organdie and Ion sheer Theres wealth of tempting mate rluls for homo sewers this spring so ho sure to make a trip to fabric department of your store dur ing National Sew and Save Week and look them over Youre sure to find exactly what you want for your spring sewing among those fabrics for 511 A sumpte of what can be done with this pretty prints Is the fresh and feminine frock illustrated above Styled with brief cap sleeves cut In one with the bodice this dress has a deep Vurckllne which Is so flatter if you like to make your face appear thinner and your neck longer and a soft how of selffabric For a leaflet giving you the pattern number for this attractive gown along with other advance styles and helpful sew Information on BIAS FINISHES BY HAM AND MACHINE limply send a stamped selfaddressed en velope to this paper Ask for Leaflet rftvyr From top to bottom the famous International Harvester refrigerators are tailored to womens needs Ettrjlhiugjoute hoped for oh A choice of ten beautiful Door Handle Color- to much your kitchen Full Width Chill Trays Crlspcrs space adding Opener Chrome Finished or Stainless Steel Shelves Add Resisting Porcelain Enamel Interior and many other feminceced are to be found only In the new Refrigerators now on disnlay SIX exciting models io choose from ALL NEW and YEARS AHEADI More than century of Intornallonol manu facturing skill has gone Into making of amazing Rofrlgerators available now In Canada for the first time See the outstanding new KITCHENSIZE TABLE TOP INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER FREEZER Now you can choice of three new I It Freer- featuring surj7 subrerofrceitag on sit inner surfaces MoIssurefrce nets anil man other NOW Sm the HARVESTER RsWgsiotsrs and today at Davis Dr W Newmarket Your International Harvester Refrigeration Dealer Art i