V J Storm Tossed On Simcoe 4200 f SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH Two Newmarket men Howard Morton and J O Dales were storm tossed for over an hour on Lake Simcoe last night at the height of a furious wind storm They started off at the Jersey River Keswick and when the storm was over were a few miles from They had been fishing off Snake Island and Fox Island in an outboard They decided to cross the lake early in the evening to visit friends at a cottage Soon afterwards a violent wind came up suddenly and unable to turn back they plowed through waves which they said were nearly feet high The two fishermen had a 22 outboard motor on the back of the boat and carried a small hp motor in the boat for trol ling Halfway across the lake the large motor stopped and the boat was filled with nearly 10 Mrs Jean Ralston of left York County hospital Friday after xrays showed inches of water They were able that an operation on her hip in January had been successful she is able to walk again Mrs change motors and managed is believed to be the oldest person in Canada to have her hip pinned She entered hospital to reach shore at Cathay Bay January With a broken hip and Dr Ritchie Newmarket operated on her She was in hos pital for two weeks then and again last week for xrays Before leaving she told nurses that she was pleased to be going home but sorry to leave the hospital and all the nice nurses She is seen being assisted by the superintendent Miss Thomas left and nurse Mrs Mabel Bath Era and Express photo Of Wars Decoration Day J Pay Tribute To Dead Veterans of three wars marched in the parade which preceded the annual Decoration Day services at th Newmarket Cemetery Von Sunday Included in the parade were Boy Scouts and Cubs Girl Guides and Brownies- The Newmarket Citizens Band and the Newmarket Trumpet band provided the music In the van was the Canadian Corps Color party under the command of Major Teddy Baker of Toronto A fine impression was made by a group of 20 veterans who years ago were fighting one of the toughest campaigns in the history of the Empire They were the Empire Veterans of South Africa who came r o Toronto to partici pate in the parade I A detachment of the Machine faun Corps Veterans from Toron to also marched in the parade as well as the Newmarket Vet erans Association the Newmar ket branch of the Canadian Le gion and veterans from district associations Rev Henry Cotton conducted the services at the Veterans Plot in the cemetery He expressed confidence in the ability of the democracies to maintain peace In the world but he reminded the assembly of the need for constant vigilance against the vast network of communist cells I Mayor Joseph Vale spoke of how quickly veterans had re adjusted themselves to civilian life after years of hardship in the forces Page Col BOYS CAMP REGISTRATION Forms for Camp may be obtained at The Era and Express office Newmarket and at the Bank of Toronto New market Ken Peevers will re ceive the registration forms at Main St Donations for the camp may be sent to the manager of the Banjc of Toronto New market Mr Alex MacKay treas urer North York Boys Work Board MERCHANTS TO MEET near We landed on a rockstrewn beach and the boat was so full of water we couldnt even turn it over to dump it said Howard Morton I never thought we would make it plowing through those waves We were practi cally swamped several times On reaching shore they phoned to Newmarket and Don Cum- drove up to Cathay post office to bring them home After that ordeal Joe told me that from now on he is a brook trout fisherman but I think hell change his mind said Mr Morton There will be a general meet ing of all merchants who will have displays at the Trade Fair at the Arena on Tuesday June Passive GARDEN PARTY AT SHARON JUNE 23 TO AID HOSPITAL Proceeds from the second an nual garden party of the York 26 at pm All are asked I to please be there ERAEXPRESS FEATURE The Story Of Sharon The second installment of the Story of Sharon by Ethel appears on pane three of this weeks issue of the Bra and Express Almost two years in writing the Story of tells the full history of the tittle community from its early settlement by Quakers from the United States to the present Sharon has had a unique history which included the growth of a- religious sect The Children of Peace While no longer active a to their existence remains in the form of the Sharon Temple which is vow a mus eum of the York Pioneer and Historical Society This weeks installment tells of the conditions the early settlers faced and lists the names of those who first settled on the farms along the third concession iation will be donated to the York County Hospital Womens Aid The garden party will be held at the Sharon Temple grounds on Saturday June beginning at 2 oclock A full program has been ar ranged with sports and games in the afternoon The ladies will begin to serve supper at five oclock Following the supper hour there will be entertainment and later a dance will be held in Sharon Community Hall The evenings entertainment recruited by Mrs J Bowman consists of amateur talent drawn from various points throughout the county It promises to be a very interesting event This garden party is a part of the allout financial campaign being sponsored by the Hospital aid in its attempt to assist the local hospital through the pur chase of medical supplies surgical equipment 2Week Layoff After Holidays As Seasonal Slump Worsens The Davis Leather Co Ltd will remain shutdown for an additional two weeks after the normal vacation period in the first two weeks of July The announce ment was made to the employees this week This means that the plant will be closed for a month The management of the plant issued the following statement todays The Davis Leather Co Ltd has an nounced that the company will remain shutdown for a further two weeks following the normal vacation period This action has been made necessary by an unusually severe seasonal slump affecting the entire leather industry on the continent This action follows earlier shutdowns which have taken place in other firms in the industry The company has been faced with the possibility of a shutdown for the past month or so as the usual season al slump gradually worsened and has made every effort to locate parttime employment for its employees should a shutdown be necessary Timeoff was granted so that employees could do some jobhunting during working hours While no reference was made to the causes beyond the worsening of the usual seasonal slump it is believed that the application of controls in the United Stales where much of the Davis output is sold and Is a source for some of its raw hides and he tightening of credit restrictions in Canada have alt contributed to the sit uation Veteran leather makers in the United States are quot ed as saying there has been no precedent for such a drop in business at this time Seasonal slumps are usual and expected said one but we have never had anything like this The Davis employees take their holidays during the first two weeks of July when the majority of industry in Newmarket closes down PAPER REDUCED The editor regrets that be cause of mechanical diffi culties the size of the paper had to be reduced and much news has been left out in cluding a report of the picnic at Sharon Temple last Sat urday several sports stories and some country news as well as several regular feat ures The Common Round Golden Glow the Womens World and others Wherever practical this news wilt be included in next weeks issue 1951 Meetings a The Society of Friends in Can ada will hold its annual meetings at Pickering College starting Saturday until Wednesday June Friends from various parts of Canada and representatives from the United States will be arriv ing on Saturday when the meet ings will open at pm In the evening Elizabeth missionary of the United church of Canada on furlough from India will give an address Sunday evening George Wal ton will give the traditional Sun derland P Gardiner lecture on Friends Testimonies in Monday evening Archer Tongue will give an address Prepara tion for the Friends World Con ference Harold lefson will speak on Tuesday night Many Friends from the New market district will be attending the annual meetings Three groups are included in the meet- Meeting the Genesee Yearly Meeting and the Canada Yearly Meeting Conservative CAPACITY AUDIENCE SEES PERFORMANCE OF YOUNG DANCERS See page for pictures A dance recital before a capa city crowd in the town hall day night was a successful con clusion of the year for the New market Recreation Commis sion dancing classes Last night the show was repeated for ano ther full house which could not be accommodated Friday Mrs Betty Gordon has been instructing dancing for almost a year under the sponsorship of the Recreation Commission and girls from to years took part in the recital Gordon has been classes during the year one night a week she was assisted by Mrs Helen Simmons Mrs Downward was pianist Costume director was Mrs Ruby all of costumes were made by mothers of the girls Mrs Margaret Ingram acted as attendance recorder during the year At the show members of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Legion took charge of dressing and stag ing OPTIMIST DANCE The Newmarket Optimist Club is sponsoring a dance with Don and his Islanders at the Memorial Arena July Optimist President Jack Ham ilton announced yesterday that the dance band well known on airwaves had been booked for that date which falls on a Thursday There will be old time and modern dancing Proceeds will go towards the Optimists work with boys in Newmarket The club sponsors a number of hockey and baseball teams and leagues in Newmarket supplies equipment transporta tion and pays for arena rental for young Newmarket athletes Lions Program Starts July With Games Swimming Crafts Supervised playground tivities in the summer months ties will start this summer at There will be races and organ ized games including Softball the Lions Club park on Monday July It will be the seventh summer that the club has spon sored supervised recreation for school children at the park One of the best features of the program this summer will be swimming every at selmans Lake The Lions Club has arranged for bus transporta tion and lockers will be supplied at the lake Four attendants will teach and supervise swimming Miss Audrey Rowland assisted and I by Mrs Myrtle will be supervising the playground volleyball croquet and tennis every day The younger school children will enjoy slides teeters swings and the sand boxes provided at the park as well as special games Instructions in crafts will be given every Wednesday Every afternoon program will begin with storytime The supervisors Miss Rowland and Mrs Purcell ask school chil dren to mark the date July on their calendars and remember to register on the opening day July at pm CLERK RESIGNS Auroras town clerk Harold Clarke submitted his resignation to council last night to take ef fect on July Mr Clarke said that he had long wanted to enter a mechanical line and that the opportunity had now presented itself WRESTLER COMING Billy Watson noted wrestler will make personal ap pearances in Newmarket schools to give talks on road safety Hell be accompanied by Chief Byron Mr Watson makes these appearances as his contribution to safety education His appearance is sponsored by the Newmarket Home and School Association COMING EVENTS Friday June Strawberry supper sponsored by Laskay Wo mens Institute to pm at Institute hall Variety en tertainment Friday June At pm piano recital by pupils of Mae Patterson Newmarket high school auditorium 2w23 Friday June At pm Park exhibition soft- ball druggists vs Admission adults chil dren free Friday June Dance to Norm Burling and His Klngsmcn or- m June Supper served on the grounds from to oclock Bingo and other games June Strawberry festival by Ladies Aux iliary of Canadian Legion Branch pm to pm the home of Mrs Sanderson Andrew St Fish pond bingo euchre and bake table Adults chil dren Friday even ing June at oclock band openair concert midway tun and frolic Your lucky num ber admission ticket gives you a chance to win one of over valu able prizes Gigantic fireworks Christ Church Holland Landing will hold a bake sale and tea at community hall 20 pm Saturday Garden par Sharon Temple grounds spon sored by- North York Progressive Conservative Association pm Proceeds to York County Hospital Womens Aid Games sports sup per and entertainment Dancing In community hall Admission Ad ults dance extra chil dren Saturday June Dance to Norm Burling and His Ktngsmch at Wilcox Community hall to pm Saturday Juno 23 The Now market Horticultural Society pe ony show at Trinity United church Festival on the lawn of Mr E Lake Wilcox sponsored by Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox Ratepayers Association to It pm musical entertainment Adults children June Strawberry festival in Community hall under the auspices of Bethel church The Mount Albert Con cert Group will present the pro gram Sunday July l In Lake cox Community hall variety con cert till 10 pm followed by dance at 1202 a Norm- Burling and his Kinsmens Floor and door prizes- Sponsored by Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox Association Admission per person Wednesday July has been cancelled as flowers J Linns Club carnival At have passed their best Games entertainment lucky draw 1 Tuesday June At pm Park exhibition soft- ball Peoples Credit Jewelers la dies vs Hilt ladles two of the top teams of the Sun- j Ladles League Admission PA children Wednesday June Afternoon ten baking and apron sale under the auspices of Kettlehy at pm At the home of Mrs John Scott line south Admis sion 25c June All Saints Anglican church congregation are M Steckicy of was killed when a car ami a flight truck collided on the third concession of Whitchurch north of the town line on Monday He was a passenger in a car driven by Ross Toronto who had to be pried from the after the accident He was taken to York County Hos pital suffering head and injuries Two hitchhikers mond Van Mook and Murray Phillips both of Newmarket who were riding in the car were released from hospital after treat ment for shock and bruises The driver of the truck Paul Par mer suffered from shoulder injuries and abrasions He was taken to hospital by his father The two vehicles came to gether with an impact that virtually thenv Lou Swlnghammer OPR gave first aid on the scene of the accident Dr Hutchins of Aurora attended injured at the scene Cor oner Dr Williams pronounced Mr Steckley dead He and had been en route to Lake Wilcox for a swim for 5700 in prizes Dance In Mar ket hall Admission to grounds children free Wednesday July Johns annual garden party and draw on- Rectory grounds Ontario St New market Thursday July Meswr and his Islanders orchestra at dance sponsored by Optimist Club of Newmarket at Memorial arena Round and square dancing Proceeds for boys work Saturday Auk Plan to at- holding strawberry festival an j tend the annual Sports Day at the church lawn organ music will Community park At- be amplified during the supper j tractions for old and served from on Adults Wed Tours and Au 15 le and IS Visit the Sum mer show and Trade fair In children under years Wednesday June Straw Newmarket Memorial arena by the turn Society Show open to the public daily from pm till ins Admission W25 Every Saturday In North Memorial hall Kcs- Wednesday Annual j wick at pm under the garden party and draw at Our of the Building Board Lady of Grace church Aurora cards berry festival in Com munity skating rink sponsored by the Supper pm Ball game between married and single men Adults Children 5f