a if PAGE ELEVEN THURSDAY THE TWENTYFIRST DAY OF JUNE NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYONE COUNCIL REPORT Night Long Favors Parking Meters On The fourteenth general meeting of the Aurora town council for the year was held in the municipal chambers on Monday night June There were present Mayor Bell Reeve Cook Reputyreeve Murray Councillors Fielding Gundy Jones and Also present were town clerk Harold Clark town clerk Ken Moses and town solici tor Lome Lee Visitors included Mr S Hoffman Mr Barker manager of P Fielding and company Mr Doug Fisher Mr Larry Rubins and Mr W Harvey Bell rep resenting the junior chamber of commerce Following the reading of corr espondence the earliest business on the agenda concerned an in crease in the mayors remuner ation for council attendance It had been proposed that besides his annual stipend of 250 the mayor should receive for all committee and special meetings he attended Council had agreed on this at an earlier meeting with councillor Jones opposing The town solicitor now pointed out that it was contrary to the Municipal Act that the mayor should receive remuneration by stipend and committee attend ance payments Either could be adopted but not both The matter was referred back to the personnel committee INSTALLATION OF METERS A prolonged discussion ensued over the presentation of the re port of the police committee Mayor Bell and Councillors Fielding and Jones on the sub ject of meters The mayor as chairman presented the report which was supported by a maj- Councillor Davies said that the narrow road north of Wel lington street would be a death trap if meters were installed there Councillor Gundy said that merchants were losing business through the absence of meters to which Councillor add ed that there were too many merchants anyway for a town of the size of Aurora Mayor Bell expressed strong support for the installation of meters as did Councillor Field ing The mayor pointed out that merchants had signed the petition for meters and they must take notice of such a strong petition Decide For Meters Councillor Gundy proposed a motion seconded by Councillor Fielding that the police report be adopted The motion was finally modified to read that the report be accepted in principle Neither motion being voted on the mayor suggested that the clauses of the report be consider ed seriatum When the report had been dis cussed clause by clause the mo tion adopting the report was car ried The mayor then requested that a recorded vote be taken himself abstaining since he did vote in favor of meters chain Councillor drew atten tion to a motion passed by coun cil on May The motion cal led for the holding over of the meters until such time as the parking site at the United church was in operation To discuss further the question of meters until the direction of that motion had been fulfilled would be ab solutely out of order maintained Councillor Councillor Gundy then moved and Councillor Pringle seconded that the motion referred to by Councillor Davies be rescinded On a protest by Councillor Davies that such a motion was out of order a direction from the town solicitor confirmed that what council had passed it had the power to rescind Battle Of Words The motion to rescind having been adopted a battle of words on the meter problem pro and con continued for such a length of time that council adjourned at midnight with the new bus iness agenda untouched Deputyreeve Murray while not opposed to meters repeated his former opinion that off- street parking was the immed iate problem He asserted that the police had not been backed up by council in regard to the parking regulations on Yonge street The deputyreeve asked how enforcement of meter regula tions could be carried out if they were unable to enforce the park ing regulations In existence Mr Murray maintained that the police could not do a good job unless they were backed up by council Councillor Jones In a vigorous address Council lor Victor Jones asked why the town should be burdened with extra cost Everyone was suf fering the effects of increasing costs said Councillor Jones yet here they were proposing to add further burdens to the recorded vote was as fol lows In favor of meters Reeve Cook Deputyreeve Murray and Councillors Fielding Gundy and Opposed to meters Councillors Davies and Jones A decision to instal meters was therefore approved five to three Other Business A building lot in the posses sion of a veteran on Harrison avenue said to be neglected and grown up with weeds was dis- cussed by council It was decid ed to take steps in regard to the lot if present holder did not pro pose to use it Further discussion took place on the Linton property proposed for sale the town solicitor indi cating the need for a survey on the matter of easement Council decided to request the solicitor to seek an agreement with Mr Linton in regard to the easement should the town at some future date decide on extensions at Ty ler and streets Mr briefly council on the work of civil defence He was receiving no remuneration himself for such and did not wish it He would like however if council could sec its way to pay the cost of gas for four volunteers from Aurora who were taking train ing in Toronto likewise without payment Council agreed to meet this re quest and at the same time ten dered a vote of thanks to Mr for the fine voluntary work he was doing in the matter of civil defence Charles Copland hydro mana ger and Jim town foreman appeared before coun cil with representations In con nection with town work next weeks Council Side lights we shall review the June council session with partic ular reference to the meter problem after we have had an opportunity of studying and re- people The town is not big porting on the full text of the re- enough to need meters Lets port of the police committee get on with the parking site Editor Aurora News Page FILM HIGHLY PRAISED Id Climb the Highest Mountain This outstanding movie star ring William and Su san Hayward will shortly be seen at the Royal theatre There is no doubt whatever that it will attract capacity houses during the period of its showing The popular manager of the Royal Clifford Griffiths has already received many enquiries about it When this reviewer saw it re cently at the theatre at Newmarket the house was packed Aurorlans will now Do able to see it at their own theatre It is an extraordinary picture full of unusual incidents main ly the outcome of the chief character a minister whose part is played with great versatility by William He is ably supported by that daz- We have been assured by a wellknown Aurora minister that the movie presents a true pic ture of a country ministers life in the horse and buggy days For this reason we are sure that large numbers of people who do not regularly go to the movies will want to see this picture In many ways it is a rugged panorama of life in a country parish in which more one thousand characters have played their parts to make the movie It Is both rugged and tender and there are many moving moments which are not easily forgotten This is a picture that one must really see in order to appreciate it It is utterly different from the common run of movies and the scenes are magnificent We advise our readers to sec this movie a s EDITORIALS By J G SINCLAIR WELCOME TO YOU We have said that there are too many organizations in our town Yet here we are welcoming a new one There are exceptional reasons why we do so The first of these reasons is that this new organiza tion the Junior Chamber of Commerce is an organiza tion of youth There is an age limit to its membership Around years of age members of the retire They could then perhaps seek sanctuary in the Board of Trade or some similar body which does not demand the use of too much energy We were deeply impressed by the scene at the Gray- stones last week when a great crowd of young men were gathered there to initiate this new movement of youth in Aurora It was a grand sight to see so many young men assembled for the purpose of making plans for giv ing service to their town If the enthusiasm that was shown at that meeting can be sustained the Aurora Junior Chamber of Commerce should be of great bene fit to our town Speaking quite frankly we were somewhat sceptical about the movement There are a number of organiza tions in Aurora some of them with highsounding names whose usefulness quite obviously belongs to the past They might just as well fold up In fact some of them have already folded up although their names survive as being still in existence It seems a pity that they dont issue Remembrance Cards How- long will it be before the Aurora Board of Trade folds up Or has it already folded up For all the vis ible evidence we see of its activities it is as dead as the dodo WHAT CAN THEY DO Our early scepticism was dispelled by the enthusiasm that pervaded the meeting at the Of course we are under no illusions on the score of dinner enthusiasms which so often fade away We know how ever most of the young men who have formed them selves into a junior chamber and have confidence that they are deeply in earnest What can they do They can do several things First among these are the studyclasses that are being formed which will enable members to discuss among them selves local problems and so become familiar with town government Discussion will give opportunities to learn the art of public speaking This art needs to be develop ed in Canada Having made themselves familiar with town questions and the techniques of local government members of the junior chamber can take an active part in promoting interest in elections The key to democratic govern ment is the vote It is a lamentable fact however that great numbers of people who have the vote do not exercise it We make otic suggestion If the members of the junior chamber will set themselves the task of rousing the voters of Aurora to get out and vote at the munici pal elections in November they will be undertaking a most vital job At the last elections only a little more than CO per cent of the voters turned out and that was a record municipal vote in Aurora Membership in the junior chamber is applicable to those from to years of age These are the glor ious ages of youth when idealism and energy are both at their best It is because of our faith in youth that we give a wholehearted welcome to this new organiz ation in Aurora the junior chamber You have our sincere good wishes boys May your fine intentions prosper We wish you well BAD AND DANGEROUS The federal parliament has been discussing postal rates for newspapers which are being increased In the course of the debate Mr M J Coldwell leader of the CCF expressed views on newspaper chains with which we are in strong accord The following is a quotation from Mr speech To my mind one great danger in our demo cratic countries is the control of newspapers and news services by a few small groups of individuals with mass circulation in the areas they serve That say is a danger to our institutions In June issue of Aurora News Page we had an editorial dealing with that very danger which has reached almost ultimate strength in the Old Country It is a bad and dangerous thing for any country to have its controlled by only a few men who may use such great power to the detriment of the best nat ional interests Variety of opinion is a healthy condition The very essence of democracy is its elasticity in of opin ion Its opposite is dictatorship Dictatorship allows of no variety of opinion That has recently been made clear in the suppression of La La was opposed to dictatorial policies in Argentine so this smaller Stalin had its voice silenced It has been the way of dictators in all countries to silence a free press When a free press is silenced there is no freedom of thought nor of expression The line of demarcation is not too clear between political and property control in newspapers The Canadian public should watch closely what is happening to its weekly newspapers when change of ownership overtakes them The new owners may conceal their identities but they cannot forever conceal their intentions iie Aurora United church junior choir was organized by Harris in to prepare young people for the senior choirs and to provide church music on al ternate Sunday nights Mr Har ris is organist and choirmaster at the United church The nine trophies shown on the above picture were won by the choir during the past year at the Canadian National Exhi bition the Guelph Tor onto Peterborough Peel county music festi val and Hamilton The choir experienced their greatest thrill when they had the honor of appearing as assis tant artists with Fernando Gcr- organist at the Vatican in the Eaton auditorium on Octo ber Many are the tributes that have been paid by distinguished judges to the work of Mr Har ris Speaking of the work of the United church junior choir Dr Slater organist and choir master of Lincoln cathedral England said This choir has a real feeling of worship Theres real devotion here and a touch of the heavenly and ethereal Simple and moving in its sin cerity Their whole work is sincere and worthy of its high purpose Gordon Thome English adju dicator at Toronto and Peterbor ough Kiwanis festivals said that ho knew of no English junior church choir comparable with the Aurora United church junior choir Of the junior choirs perform ances in Eaton auditorium at the recital given by Fernando Ger man the music critic of the Evening Telegram Edward had this to say The singing was of priceless ease and sweetness The words of their songs were gems of music in themselves Such artless per fection of tone pitch and enun ciation as the beautiful singing revealed is very rare mostly possible Of the same event Hugh Thompson of the Toronto Star wrote The young choristers pro vided a pleasing contrast as they sang with sweetest tone ex cellent shading and clear diction The unison singing was lovely and they imparted a childlike devotion to their work which was most engaging To have achieved so much in a few short years provides abun dant proof of the genius of tyd Harris who has brought fame not only to Aurora but to Canada in the musical world J WHAT THEY ARE SAYING A Note On Frank Rumors Of A Chain Store A Good Dinner Companion It is always nice to know that one has written some thing that gives pleasure to all and sundry It is nec essary unless one is to be no more than a timeser ver which heaven forbid from time to time to ex press opinions that one knows in advance will pro mote opposite sensations in the minds of some people Or to put the latter in terms used by a publisher we once knew stuff likely to raise a hornets nest about ones head Another way he had of putting it was this if you trample the toes of one you trample on the toes of a dozen of his friends So what we used to ask in mild amusement Just this he used to say HI lose a bit of job printing Moral here for young men Never be a news paper publisher if youre scared to print worthwhile opinion in case you lose a printing job Visitor from To get back to the subject of the first sentence in the fore going Frank Teasdale told us the following A lady living in read our writeup of him in Know Your Merchants A former customer at Mr Teas- dales store this lady has lived in for many years The account of her former mer chant pleased her so very much that she just dropped in again at Wellington St to place a large order with Frank by way of renewal of old merchandising acquaintanceship We thought the gesture of the visitor was a nice tribute to Frank and indirectly a pleasant verdict on our own writeup of this old- time Wellington St merchant whose wares have pleased his immediate community for more than 30 years Added to this Mr showed us a letter received by him in which the merits of the writeup of the subject in hand were approved Since we too have received commendatory comments on the Teasdale wordportrait we are glad it gave a lot of people feel ings of pleasure Surprising Reports There is talk around town that isnt giving people pleasure And that concerns the possibility of branch of a mammoth chain- store opening up at the south end of the town People are say ing that a prominent public man has sold some of his property abutting residential areas where it is stated the chainstore is to build If there is any truth in the re portsand too many people ap pear to know the story for it to be ignored certain essential considerations arise with them One of these is what steps if any the planning board will take in recommending council not to grant a building permit for the erection of business premises ad jacent to residential properties Should the reports prove to be true strong feelings are certain to be aroused among various sec tions of Aurora citizens for oral reasons We hope there will be no more chainstores in this town They are a menace to the individual storekeeper who on local support All our life wc have supported the individual merchant Over the years we have constantly written articles in defence of private enterprise We saw too much of the havoc of the chain- stores in the Old Country where great numbers of small stores were squeezed out of existence by these monster corporations from the United States England was at one time a country of small storekeepers It is not so any more- It was raided by the chainstore mag nates who had no interest other than profits The individual storekeeper has a personal pride in his business His custom is built up on personal integrity He is a local taxpayer interested in what happens in his town great corporations known as chainstores have no soul to save and no body to kick You just dont know who owns them Most definitely we want no more chainstores in Aurora We have an excellent variety of merchandising among our per sonallyowned stores whose owners ore known to everyone If the reports alluded to are true very powerful reactions are cer tain to make themselves felt Dinner Companion We had as a neighbor at the junior chamber dinner banker Brick Actually Mr was one of the origina tors of the junior chamber There were about half a dozen of them composed of Doug Fish er Frank Caruso Harry Smith of Toronto junior chamber and two of his friends and Mr These boys set the ball in motion They must have felt great pride in the scene at the dinner where so large a crowd of junior chamber members assembled We learned from presiding chairman Brad pre sident of the Toronto Junior Chamber of Commerce which has a membership of that in there are junior chamber members Throughout the world the membership totals Among the best things that were said by the guest speaker John G Sheppard of Hamilton past notional president Jr of was his declaration that Can adians ought to strive for a greater Canadian sentiment He emphasized also the need for Canadians taking a greater in terest in their own country We enjoyed Mr Sheppards speech In many ways he re minded us of Canadas doratlorgc John Fisher His address was vital and well de livered He was thoroughly versed in his subject and be sides that he was an enthusiast for the cause of junior chambers As we have remarked nothing outstanding can be done without enthusiasm Lions Club Wellknown druggist and Lion Hess was us on THEATRE AURORA Tonight Thursday Only June 21 JEAN SIMMONS Clouded Yellow Plus SANDS OF TIME and Cartoon Sat 2 Days June 22 WILLIAM ELLIOTT ADRIAN BOOTH Savage Horde PL IS TOM CONWAY THE GREAT ROBBERY Mon Tues Wed Thurs June 25 26 28 4 WONDERFUL DAYS YOUR TRIP WILL PROVE WORTHWHILE ii V ml i S T Ye J I I i J I i mm CALHOUN sua learifctUtlt AH OF J fa Doors Open MS Js Show at COM v- V