jv -v- ii- t a Wesley United church choir provided special music at Victor ia Square United church Sab bathschool on Sun day June Levi Atkin son of United church was the guest speaker About 30 members and friends Queens I le News Mrs North spent last week with relatives in Waterloo Mr and Mrs A- Smith and Mr and Mrs attended the annual banquet of North York Teachers Association at the Roy- of the went on Simcoe Hotel Keswick on to Niagara Falls on Saturday June Both weather and water were very favorable They reported a wonderful trip Mr and Mrs George Irwin of visited Mr and Mrs John Irwin on Sunday Vandorf public school picnic will be held on Wednesday June it Preston Lake Everyone is Invited and your basket Mr and Mrs Powell to a family reunion on Sunday in honor of their nephew Wednesday night Mr and Mrs Roy of Toronto were guests of Mr- and Mrs Geo Pearson on Friday Miss Carol Johnston entertain ed a number of her little friends at her birthday party on Friday Mrs J Smith Mrs J Smith and Mrs Rex Smith at tended the trousseau tea for Miss Margaret on Satur day in Toronto Mr and Mrs Clark and Mr and Sirs Murray Stewart Webb Toronto were guests at the whose marriage to Miss Margaret Proctor wedding in Newmarket Smiths place July Falls takes park Everyone is cor dially invited to attend Trans portation will be provided for those who have no way of going Mr and Mrs visited Mr- and Mrs Geo Duncan and Mr and Mrs Gordon Duncan of Dundalk on Sunday Our junior ball team is doing very well and are well worthy of our support Our senior team suffered a loss on Monday night to Pine Orchard Better luck next time boys Decoration Day will be observ ed at cemetery on Sunday June This is the special day of the year set aside to honor those of our loved ones PINE ORCHARD Sincere sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs Jack in the passing of Mrs Sytemas mother oh June in Rotterdam Holland This community was well rep resented at the union meeting and picnic of York County Wom ens Institutes and York at Sharon Temple on Sat urday June The pupils of the school were hosts to the community on Wed nesday afternoon June A delightful program of group singing was under direction of the music director Mr Buckley A Danish folk dance by the juniors directed by Miss Helen Millard and a group of motion by grade one pupils were excellent Wells Dug and Tiled WEAVER Era U4 Express Mm Dont forget the community on Saturday Visitors with Mr and Mrs Arthur Starr and Grant and family last week were family attended the re- Milton and Mrs George unionat on Saturday of Manitoba Mr and Mrs J Cookson iir and Mrs Ross who have gone from our midst The annual Sports Day of the picnic at Lake schools of East Gwillimbury will Friday afternoon June j be held on Wednesday June 27 welcome at park beginning at Decoration service at the Margaret noon A of on Sunday afternoon June AAV fc sports similar to last year is be ing followed This will end up with a ball tournament The of the United church CLOSED During August Newmarket 24 Mr G will be j the guest speaker Mr and Mrs and attended the Miner- can have your of tread designs tread or the famous Goodyear I Only Marathon gives you for this Goodyear mileage bargain Stratford visited Monday with oSioux Mamtobi a few hngTaStrVvvbeVry festTvai j at Rogers Memorial their daughter Mrs SavSs renewed I t the Queensville arena on I church Toronto on June and Mr and fan Wednesday forget to attend- the j J minstrel show at Vandorf v- lied the past week with her J Hall Friday June oclock Mr and Mrs- Edgar Mr arid Mrs Charles Lindsay Mrs son Walter Pitts- jhurg Sunday tea guests of Mr nd Mrs John Fetch and Of TIRES IDS SALES SERVICE Phone ftiii Boh Mr and Mrs Edward West I and children visited j Sunday With Mr and Mrs J They Womens Quintette represented North Centre York at the York Pioneer Historical Society Mrs- We wish a speedy recovery for Mrs Robert Johnson who is a patient in York County hospital Miss Donna returned home from York County hospit al early in the wek following her recent adenoids operation Wilfred Newman left by plane Saturday night for a two weeks visit to Eng land Mr and Mrs- Fred Johnson and family of West Hill were visiting Mr Root Johnson for the weekend- from to pan your supper there the June Plan to get so youll be I Mr and Mrs Harold of Stouffvilte were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Ross at the park for the final ball of the schools At the Sunday morning ser vice in the United church several children were christened Marie Yvonne daughter of Mrs M Sills Sharon Gloria Jean and Ronald Fred Johnson children of Mr and Mrs Fred Johnson Stephen William Paul Son of Mr and Mrs J D and Charles son of Mr and Mrs Alex Dunning Misses Mr Peddle was the sneaker j at the Church of Christ on Sun- day June Mr C will be the speaker on Sunday June at am Mr and Mrs Harold Mr and Mrs Ross and Mr Harry Armitage were supper guests of Mr and Mrs Fred Leach Newmarket on Sunday Mr Edward of New market spent Sunday with his son Mr Harry and NOTICE DECORATION DAY will be held at PINE ORCHARD CEMETERY on Sunday June at ELMER STARR DOUG HOPE Marie Sills and Sharon were received into church mem- Mrs and on profession of faith valley How an Iron and Mr and Mrs Earl Buckle i AUTHORIZED I Congratulations to Mrs Albert land Bruce were received by omens Institutes of tor county Sharon on Sat- oldest present the York day June County Pioneers and Womens J I CLASSIFIEDS IN TURNING ARTICLES INTO CASH Institute picnic Sharon Saturday Mr and Mrs on ZEPHYR Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Welter of are spending a week Mr and spent the weekend with Mrs Wilfred and Mr and Mrs gunner family at iV Morton of Mr and Mrs Armstrong j Bradford were Saturday of transfer For entertainment at the MOUNT Captain Woodcock from the Strawberry Festival men will be playing a game of CUT COST BY 1 J BISCOS j HALT A MATERIALS ROCK WOOL Mor or round when yog With lint Rock Wool coufto it pro mote proof of fir latffl long at your ho no nor cost Add to your homos In a hour by bio wo and by In wall tidings your local of lnbt on ftoefa Wool yovr nowl MiSi Barbara Milne i at her heme here j United church picnic will be held on Tuesday July at well sermon on Sunday evening Smith on Sunday wish every success in welcome to our community his new work- Herbert who arc living in Mr Fred Wed- Mount pisgah The are a tenval Friday is spend- June The place for tnis fcw not been arranged as yet Mj but there will be further details next week and Rex Frost will announce it on that date Mount are holding a garden party at the church on July There will be an interesting program Please keep these two dates in mind The school picnic for No j will he at Woodland Park again this year on June Congratulations to Mr md Mrs Harvey who have been married years June We also extend congratulations to Mr- and Mrs on the Wednesday June Mis is the fonner Milieu Mr and Mrs Win Ash and hits against the single men Following this pictures will be shown A very successful bingo was held in the arena on June Unfortunately the weather was a little on the cool side Never theless a large crowd attended The executive certainly appreci ates the cooperation and support of the general public The pro ceeds of this bingo is being used to help finance our junior and senior mens teams Mrs Laws of Keswick spent the weekend with Mrs K Gates ELECTROLUX Cleaner and Air Purifier The worlds most imitated Cleaner Fred Palmer Sales anil Sendee Newmarket Phone Several from the community attended the picnic- sponsored by the United church at Niagara Falls last Saturday Mr and Mrs and spent Sunday at Utopia Mr and Mis Freeman Step- safe arrival of a baby Oliver wedding at United on Saturday j Mr and Mrs Norman and John Ash and I Mr George Stilt Sunday Stiles in w Follow- VIBRATED Blocks and plain Styles of Hock face Blocks PINE ORCHARD CEMENT BLOCK CO Mount Albert Ordinary guntypo oil burners enclose the flame in a pit where much of its beat wasted Firemans moneysaving Yoitex oil burner blankets every inch of heating surface with rich radiant heat Saves you up to on CONVERT YOUR OR SOU OR INSTALL A SELFFIRED UNIT Why pay for heat youre not getting Iron Voitox can be installed in your present furnace or in just a few hours and then watch fuel bills go down home comfort go up selffixed Vortex units are available too Exclusive Iron Fireman auto matic controls or week sure for survey R CEDAR ST NEWMARKET CfMINTS A COATINOS I i Mr brother of J Ash in a pita going Mr anI Mi log this they had a family at the home- Mis I with JO present Many on Mi Supplies a reunion l ft ftuttflnvilk- Hail Saturday GARDEN TOOLS RIGHT PRICES June J ft are sponsor iuu a free cheat Xray Hi Mr Mrs Jos ealltvl on Mrs I ffi I i I I V t E5 iiCH PAPERS TO M the district Mrs Harry Aurora had Monday Willi Mr al MrliV Hoy I I I la month j of ic he Mi iihjiU Mrs Murray oh June at hi Mr- Agar Mrs is l he with a miire I the kite A by a of nmsie by the Mount will he in lie I haven on 1L eewls to or liitlltoj repairs VA- Is in is Mrs Mr mid Mrs A J Mr anil Mrs Winch on ft your quarts per thousand SI hundred pints 170 per JOINT I LAWN ft complete with couplings All rubber will stand city pressure SCHOMDERG last Mis Ada Winters spending a few days with friends at Mrs of Willi her daihter Mrs Mrs has slaying Willi Mrs if Oil weekend with her at Mr and Mrs Davis in Wednesday lending the has grad uated as a nurse Mrs Toronto weekend tier sister Mrs their husbands Mr- and Mrs I Lister are proud parents of a girl A Masonic seivica the United church Key Hunter was the speaker A preSenliitiin and dance was held in the town hall on Mon day night for Mr and Mrs Carol Aitchison Mr and Mrs Grant of Gall spent the weekend with Mr parents Dr and Mrs Hants feg r 5 51 SATIN I or ror- like in terior finishes Conies you ready to use Clivers wall hues Wide choice of colors J SB05 Hand continuous Not continuous 95 Knapsack type made in Canada SI 105 ACMK keep the parts iislun up that oidside sur face with for and to apply or spray Wide choice of colors I covers I Rocket Power Mower LAWN PRUNING SNIPS Ions handled rubber grip tubular steel handle LAWN SPRINKLERS hand or automatic v- up Main St I Ti rfv A