J vi- r ft Our r Animal Health I and Farm Needs Department We hope that l A I write the always hums of the writer mot be known to the WHEAT CONTRACTS The editor May I have the priv ilege of commenting briefly upon one feature in that recent guest editorial entitled Costly Lesson of the Wheat Deal which says some incisive things concerning the hazards of dealing with the unpredictable price of wheal The opening note runs thus Since the time of Joseph in Egypt no man has been able to forecast the wheat market years in advance Yet that is what the farmers of the AngloCanadian Wheat Agreement undertook to do The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday June rt YORK NORTH PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOC SECOND ANNUAL GARDEN PARTY SHARON TEMPLE GROUNDS W SHARON ONTARIO SATURDAY JUNE 23rd AT Supper served at pm SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS PRIZES GAMES DANCING Adults Children 35c Net proceeds to York County Hospital Womens Aid I Now that statement opens up a vast field of controversial thought which this rural reader has no desire to enter Yes sir the experts can have it On the other hand looking backward and also ahead I seem to see three curiously similar threads in the International Wheat Agree- the controversy concerning the I expires in The Gage Institute Chest Clinic operated by the National Sanitarium Association and spon sored by Gormley WI is providing free miniature chest Xrays to residents of and the surrounding district Here is an opportunity for all members of your household years and over children 612 if accompanied by an adult to obtain an Xray of their lungs Be sure to come to this mobile unit on Thursday June 28 in the afternoon between and pm It will be near the Gormley PO Please wear simple garments that are iree from metallic objects over the chest WV INSLEY lias received a limited quantity Athene from an old fall order We didnt I Mink wed them but here they are think wed get Navy and a beautiful shade of Blue Grey EXTRA PANTS AVAILABLE v VEAR STORE h unpredictable price of wheat I remember in the first place that when the wheat pools were operating in their first years and under their own 5year voluntary contract without any breath of subsidy or government interfer ence the argument hinged on a comparison between the poor price and the nonmembers price Apparently these controversial fires rage now along this same territory in relationship to the above AngloCanadian Wheat Agreement in the effort to estimate and interpret the dif ference between the Agreement price and the Chicago mar ket price So far as my reading guides me all signs point to a repeat performance of this whole wheat price controversy when Yet through all the smog and turmoil it seems to me that pro gress is being made from the viewpoint of the chap who does the work and grows the grain For my money the looks good to me but I think we are learning that while the principle of a price range minimum and maximum levels is fair to all concerned it should be subject to annual review to keep the range in alignment with econom ic trends and indices in this changing world Ajax OBITUARIES COMMUNITY CLUB and OPEN AIR RINK WEDNESDAY EVENING JUNE 27 Draw for a Mans or Ladys Outfit By Morrisons Mens Wear Newmarket fc Wrist Watch and Other Prizes BINGO GAMES AND REFRESHMENT BOOTHS Children under years free Admission to Dance and Carnival TW J if I i NOW IS THE TIME TO START A j PI n PAIDUP WINTER HEAT GREAT ADVANTAGES i w- r if Our coal Budget Plan is a lifesaver for Its easy and convenient to pay our way Works just a Christmas Club youre all paid up before winter- No red tape Terms are easy i With this plan household bud gets run more smoothly all year round Convenient out payments easy terms to suit you No worries Coal is delivered in plenty of lime youre all paid up before next winter 10 TIMOTHY STREET NEWMARKET PHONE 5 r fc sure was a clay for me when my Bank of Toronto manager showed me how I could use a Farm Improvement Loan to buy registered breed stock And this isnt my only prize specimen building up a herd that will soon mean money Is just one of many Canadian farmers investing Improvement Loans for increased Find out can benefit Mall NKWMARKET farm owner KESWICK Keswick Christian Conference opened its sessions on Wednes day evening June The in teresting speaker was Warling of the Ceylon and India General Missions- Special mu sic by a girls trio The Con ference continued with services at 10 am pm and on both Thursday ami Friday Two special guests from New York were Rev Robert Bruce Congregational Churches of New York State and David of New York field sec Other speakers were Rev Douglas Percy Tor onto literary of the Sudan Interior Missions Dr Bell of China Inland Missions J Delegates and others taking I part in the meetings were from Ring wood Toronto and other points The work of ordained ministers of the Christian church serving ill China India and Newfoundland was discussed at the business sessions Rev Bruce of New York conducted the Sunday morning service and stressed the need of closer union of the Canadian churches with their American churches and work Mrs Taylor and Mr Cecil gave much enjoyed solos Rev Douglas Percy of Toronto took the evening service Rev Scr- of Keswick church was busy making everyone welcome and assisting in the meetings The church had been redecora ted outside and in for the occa sion and the ladies of church served about meals in the two days and were much congra tulated for the abundance and goodness of everything The tables so beautifully set with dishes the generous gift of Dr Kingsley Johnston of Cleveland for this occasion The kindness if Mrs Johnston who came and gave her days was much appreciated It was a very worth while lime of Christian fellowship Miss Nora of ville spent Conference days with her sister Mrs was organist throughout the ses sions Other guests at home on Sunday were Mr and Mrs Joe Mr and Mrs Stafford Mr and Mrs Al len and Miss Lloyd all of ville Mr and Mrs Win are spending part of their holi days with friends in Toronto Mr and Mrs and Grant spent the weekend at Round Lake Mr and Mrs Walter Hurst were on a few days holiday to Niagara Falls last week Miss Myrtle Lloyd spent the weekend with her aunt Miss Lynn Marritt Mr Munro of Detroit was at home celebrating his birthday over the weekend Mrs Whipple is spending the month of June at her summer homo The family of Mr and Mrs Isaac Wnkion spent Sunday with them The former home of Mr and Mrs Archibald MacKinnon Is undergoing extensive repairs Miss of Church Street entertained two guests from Tor onto over the weekend Mr and Mrs George White and Miss Joyce Porter attended the marriage of Mrs Whites niece Margaret Jane Kerr to Mr John Shaw of at United church and al so the wedding dinner in Maple Villa Lodge Mr and Mrs Joel Hopkins and Mr Mrs Alex Hopkins spent the weekend in Niagara district Alfred McNeill Rev V Warren by Elsby conducted funeral ser vice for Alfred McNeill oh June at Straslers funeral home who died at his home in on June 3 He had been an invalid since September Mr McNeill was born in North GwilHmbury on July the son of the late- Mr and Mrs William McNeill He married Effie Mereweather who predeceased him March He was retired and had attended the United church Surviving is daughter Mrs Norman Still Olive Queens ville Interment in cemetery and pallbearers were A Grove K Burgess Lome Smith Lome Robinson Cull and West SHIPLEY ANN SPROULE Sec s nings who predeceased her Jan uary She attended St Mary Magdalene church She is survived by sons Ray mond Roy Jack and Wallace daughters Mrs Johnson Olive and Marion a brother George King nieces and nephews Mr and Mrs Fred Beith and Mr Ed Rockwell Pontine Mich as well as many grandchildren and cousins Funeral service was held at on May with Rev A MtCollom York Mills as sisted by Rev V Abbott in charge Interment was in Union cemetery Pallbear ers were James Rao Cyril Tan ner Harry Johnson Ed Rock well Geo Fleming arid Jot Wanted I tons of SCRAP MET A I OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY ATTENTION TRUCKERS HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR SCRAP STEEL CAST IRON AND METALS TRUCKS UNLOADED BY MAGNET This ad worth one dollar with a load of scrap S AN SON TOUNSLEY ST PHONE Corner Old Weston and St Clair Ave Toronto Mrs Harden Hilda Harden wife of William Harden died at Iter home Prospect St Newmarket on June after an illness of four years She vyas born in Toronto June 2S the daughter of Mr and Mrs John Lowe Tor onto and on January she married William Harden She was a member of Jeho vahs Witnesses and her chief interest was in assisting her hus band in his ministry as one of Jehovahs Witnesses Besides her husband she is survived by a son Donald and a daughter Lois Funeral service was held at the chapel of and Rose on Juno with Ralph die in charge Interment was in Newmarket cemetery Pallbear ers were Peter Win Harden Alfred Harden Ken Woodcock and Har old I r rfM J v xT Mrs f Greonsides died at the home of her soli Thomas A after a four months illness on June She was born at Aug the daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Richard Hill On September 27 1882 she married Frank who prede ceased her November Mrs attended the Anglican church She is survived by her son Thomas a brother J A Hill grandchildren Mrs Wesley dlo Mr Norman Mrs Kennedy and Mr Bell Funeral service was held at on June Rev V Abbott officiating Interment was in Aurora cemetery Pall bearers wore Sharp J Prosser R Walls and Walls and flower bearers were Evans Clark Pol- and W Sft M Mrs J E Jennings Emily Maud Jennings died at her home Galley Ave Tor onto on May after an illness of three months She was born in England on January the daughter of the Into Mr and Mrs John King On May j she married Joseph Edward Jen- MODERN MECHANIZED HELP ON THE FARM FRONT In the campaign for food mechanical equipment is playing an increasingly important part Machines enable fewer men on the farms to maintain and increase production As a result of the continuous research and experi mentation by the agricultural implement industry farmers today can get tractors combines and power machines that offer greater advantages in the saving of time and labor In times of manpower shortage modern equipment is especially essential in getting farm work done at the right time to produce best results For more than one hundred years has been a leader in developing machines that through service and efficiency contribute to the progress of Canadian agriculture Your local dealer will be glad to give you particulars of the latest models MASSEYH fV I v X X r LIMITED i I 9 it h- Era and KIECT OFFICERS The North York Tennis League held annual meeting last Fri day and the following officers were elected honorary presi dents Madeline Ronnie Mount Albert Keith Davis and Rob Yates Newmarket President Frank Aurora vice- presidents Dr John Dales Newmarket Mary Aurora and Keith Teetzol Rich mond Hill Harry Hill Richmond Hill ri J 7 are rea serve you i Hi NOTHING 10 UP tj J S52