Newmarket Era and Express, 12 Jul 1951, p. 1

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S3 Number of Copies Printed This Week v ft NEWMARKET AURORA RURAL DISTRICTS OF NORTH YORK YEAR YEAR NO vr NEWMARKET ONTARIO JULY SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS EACH y 13 Acres For Public Use On the recommendation of Whitchurch Township planning board the municipal council has approved the purchase of a parcel of land lot and rear of the 3rd concession to be used for public purposes This is the first sizeable proper ty ever purchased by the muni cipality for this purpose and marks a forward step In the de velopment of the township The land owned by Mr Har ry Guthrie is located at Van- opposite the new township municipal building and presum ably will be used as a public work for the present The pur chase price is fifty per cent of which will be paid in Dr vanNostrand and P Evans appeared before council representing the planning board and explained the proposal for the purchase Dr vanNostrand said that the Beard felt that the property was a sound investment for the township taking a long- term view of municipal planning He pointed out that the site could be useful should an addition be required on the school at a later date It was easily accessible to the municipal building for any Special events taking place there Reeve Ivan McLaughlin agreed that the property would be an asset in township hands Councillor suggest ed that the council might also consider the purchase of land immediately north of the Van- hall property However the planning board representa tives stated they believed this property not large enough being only three acres Whitchurch is owner at pres ent of 25 acres in the north side of the township which is carry- Meeting Don and his Islanders will be appearing at the New market Memorial Arena next Thursday evening for an Optimist Club Newmarket dance The band is a popular old time orchestra which is heard regularly by most Canadians across the country Don Messer Orchestra m At Optimist Dance Thurs To Boost Athletic Funds The Newmarket Optimist club dance at the Memorial Arena next Thursday night is expected to bring much needed funds to the club for boys work The Don band popular old time fend modern radio band in a wide circle of people is the attraction Optimists hope that it will draw people from a wide area Optimists have raised and spent A special meeting was held at Island Grove Lake Simcpe on Saturday night to organize a Ratepayers association The meeting held at the Community church was an attempt to bring about to the North Gwillimbury township by law which imposes property re strictions to residents at Island Grove Twentysix were present out of ratepayers It was repor ted that half of those attending- did not live in the immediate area The meeting was 35 I POPULAR AFFAIR ST JOHNS GARDEN PARTY NEXT WED The annual garden party sponsored by St Johns Church Newmarket will be held on the rectory grounds Ontario St on Wednesday July Supper is being served from to Newmarket Citizens band the gold medal winners at Wat erloo wilt be in attendance A grand draw in addition to game and booths promises to make this an enjoy able evening In event of un favorable weather the party will be held the following evening a large amount of money for boys activities in Newmarket Primarily they have sponsored hockey and baseball leagues and teams Expense run high for athletic equipment transporta tion for outoftown games and rent of artificial ice time in the arena Optimists have operated the arena the last two years to raise boys funds but extra income is needed badly The current projects of the the next COMMITTEE WORKS ON HIGHWAY SIGNS FOR NEWMARKET The Newmarket council- set up a committee Monday night to look into the cost of highway advertising signs Tor Newmar ket will report next meet ing about possible plans for dis play signs near the corners of out of order by Mrs Link Island Grove because people were voting on something which did hot concern them- On Tuesday night a special meeting of the township council was held at to discuss lake shore assessments Miss Lillian Holfcorn complained that council was asking her to tear down her fence on the lake shore road but was not asking other owners to do the same IL G is now assessing Snake Island and from now on residents will be in a part of North township The island had not been assessed by the township previously Said Mrs Link I am very pleased with new assessment People will feel much happier because it is an honest assess ment I was embarrassed myself because my own assessment was so low compared to others But people should also have equal rights to the waterfront she added As it is now one man can put up a and dock on the shore and some other replaces Doris is restricted from building j tor McLaren who resigned re- Its not fair she said I cenlly SPEAK AT Eight pupils from St Johns school will compete in the pub lic speaking contest for elemen tary school pupils held August 27 in the Coliseum Exhibition Park The pupils competing arc Shirley Kane Kenneth Cassa- Betty Daly Margaret Donna Jean Casey Rosalie Ross Bill and Mary Agnes An arbitration award has been given out determin ing the share of Newmarket public school costs which will be paid by taxpayers in part of school section No East The new union school section at the north end of Newmarket will pay percent of all town school costs for sending their children to town schools The school taxes they pay will vary every year according to costs To Expand Subdivision ASSISTANT CLERK Miss was appointed assistant town clerk for Newmarket by the council on Monday night Miss from the Whitchurch Gun Club New York and E feature of the pg Don orchestra the type Vac of it plays which is he- coming popular in both Two members of the Lake Wilcox Ratepayers were present at the meeting con cerning some lake front properly to be used a public beach for the residents of this summer resort who are not fortunate enough to have cottages immedi ately on the water front Council agreed that the dead end of the second concession running to the waters edge and being CO feet wide could be used Limiting this small beach to the township residents only was left in the hands of the rale- payers association During short discussions coun cillors expressed some doubt as to whether there would be an dance music is expected attract a large crowd from the district PROGRESSING Mr John Shier Newmarket is progressing favorably following an operation at York County hospital on Tuesday Turn Down Received Newmarket has had one offer for the purchase of the old town clerks office at the corner of Main St and St On Monday night the council turned down an offer of for the three storey section of the building The building has been advertised for sale by tender The offer of 13000 was made by a person who planned to open a fruit store there Council turn ed it down on the grounds that the offer was not large enough and that the type of business could cause congestion at the corner The property committee J Dales and Tom chairman are in charge of the sale of the building When the report was brought In Councillor Dales said The property committee Is not prepared to moke a unanim ous decision on the offer They left it up to council to decide The councils chief argument against the building being used for a fruit store that there is no rear entrance The side entrance to the ground floor of the three storey section opens onto a no parking area It had been hoped that the sale of the building would off set the cost of remodelling the town hall for a central munici pal building Some members of council said that it would be favorable to keep the back two storey sec tion of the building as town pro perty Others want to sell the whole building Prominent In Bradford Nwkt Dr BSinclair Dies PAVING COSTS LOW Town Engineer Bos- worth said that the cost of New markets paving program is well under the original debenture of on Monday night He told council that the cost of re surfacing several town streets when offset by provincial road subsidies will he 8000 under the debenture figure AT LINDSAY The minor baseball front has been quiet over the past week but Frank of the Optimists minor setup re ports hell lead his into Lindsay this Saturday to take part in a four team peewee tournament The Newmarket Optimist Club has chartered a bus for the trip Soap Derby Enterics are being for the Newmarket Legion ann ual soap box derby on Wed- are ac cepted by Mickey Smith phone Residents in the section Which includes the town development in the township north of Davis Dr found earlier in the year that they would not be able to pay the increased nonresident pupil fees nor would the school section pay the high cost of send ing children to Newmarket schools SS has its own school farther north on Second St Residents and the two school boards affected were all in favor of school union An arbitration board was set up consisting of three men Robert rep resenting the Newmarket public school board O district school inspector and Wel ly Stephens representing East Gwillimbury Members of Newmarket coun cil in previous discussions about the arbitration had expressed concern about a five year arbi tration award They had warn ed that if a fixed award had been set for five years and school costs had soared in that period the town would be carrying ex tra expenses The arbitrators announcement to council Monday night made it clear that the award is to be a percentage If school costs go up the share to be paid by the union section will also go up The levy on north end residents in will be paid in and the 152 levy will be paid in and so on WHITCHURCH TWP PASSES 1 SCHOOL SPENDING One of the largest groups of school debenture issues ever ap proved by the township has been passed by Whitchurch council Debentures total for two now public schools and one pub lic school addition The bylaws passed call for an expenditure of for a new school at SS No located on the Aurora road for an addition of one If the mayor had his way there would be more low rent al houses on Eagle St in the Heights subdivision As it is there is a possibility that j Newmarket will ten more A few weeks ago Mayor Jos- Vale told council that he thought that Newmarket could have ten more Central Mortgage and Housing units a number which would bring Ihe number of rental houses allowed in pro portion to population There are now 50 in the subdivision which were sponsored by a federal- provincial arrangement with the municipality A letter was read in council Monday night in answer to the application for ten more from the mayor and clerk The mayor had said in the application that Newmarket could make use of more such houses The return letter said that the application The new area is described as the east half of lot concession 1 the east half of lot conces sion I the west half of the south half of lot concession the west rods of lot concession and the west rods of the north half of lot concession 2 According to the description all of the north part of lot will remain as the old school section No The union is not expected to change the enrolment in New market public schools in the fall Most of the pupils in the area have been attending Newmarket is being sent to further author- schools as nonresident students Elizabeth Sleeps Out Featured At Red Barn Theatre Next Week With two of its eight summer comedies now behind it the Jacksons Point lied Barn Theatre opens Eliz abeth Sleeps Out next Monday evening for a weeks run Not many people have heard- of this play but Elizabeth Sleeps j MARKING RESTRICTIONS written Howard is one of those plays of which always catches the fancy of an audience The story concerns a family of maiden ladies in Murray Hill district of New York city of these ladies four in number are dedicated to remaining spin sters However the youngest one Amelia falls in love with a mysterious stranger she meets on the street When a nephew turns up he is introduced as a man from Grumbles funeral parlor and proceeds to upset the family routine by taking dear old aunt Elizabeth out in the meantime Amelias mysterious stranger turns up and all sorts of compli cations take place As Elizabeth Amelia Hall mother in Life With Father will appear again on the Red classroom and alteration to the School No 11 Barn stage Derek Ralston will and 500011 for a new school at be Smythe repeat Wilcox Lake located on the Green property No a newly formed school section Road Davis reported that oiling of township thoroughfares a role he did so successfully two seasons ago with the Canad ian Repertory Theatre in Ottawa Others in the cast under the direction of Silvio will ATTEND CAMP Eight boys members of the Church of the Sunday school Newmarket left on Mon day for camp They will spend a week at the hoys camp They are Paul Moore Keith Petersen Gilpin Rob Smith Richard Da vidson Reg Petersen Herb Walker and Jim Davidson Mr and Mrs John Winter Newmarket cut the cake at the recent celebration of their wedding anniversary Mr Win ter has worked for the Office Specialty Mfg Co for years The Winters have three children Ernest Winter Newmarket Mrs William Beer Toronto and Maurice Winter Newmarket This photo was taken by their grandson Beer gallons had been used on the concession and that the overall picture showed gal lons more oil being used this year than last Some weed spraying is also being done in Whitchurch Mr Davis explained that gallons of mixture were required to cover a fourmile stretch of roads Equipment from East township had been engaged to do the work area on Timothy St restricting park ing Parking restrictions are to be on the north side of are to be on the north side of the street from the west lane the market square to Church St between oclock and midnight Saturday night Council also made restrictions on St on the south side from Water St to the old Metropolitan railway rightofwav FEDERATION PICNIC The East Federa tion of Agriculture will hold its second annual picnic at Park near Churchill on Tuesday July There will be games contests and swimming and those attending will be taking basket lunches Most people will be leaving for the park at id am on July was proceeding He stated that be Paterson Daphne Gold- rick Phyllis MalcolmStewart Peter Joan Watts and Timothy For the rest of this week Charleys Aunt will continue to play as Bruce Raymond prances about the stage in the role of the phoney aunt COMING EVENTS A prominent medical man in Newmarket and formerly in Bradford Dr Burton Sinclair died suddenly at York County hospital on Tuesday last week Dr Sinclair was born in Stone wall Man educated at Stone wall high school and received his degree from the University of Manitoba in He received his MD degree at the University of Toronto in He Interned at the St Marys hospital Detroit and was then staff physician in the state at Howard until He practiced in Bradford for years and then after a year In United States opened his office in Newmarket specializ ing in eye work Surviving are his wife Grace whom he married August Mrs Sinclair came from Fall River Mass Also surviv ing are a son daugh ters Nancy 17 and sisters Lucy Sinclair Toronto and Mrs L Wilson Toronto The funeral service was hold at and Rose funeral parlors July Rev Fred conducted the service Interment was at Grand Valley cemetery Dr Sinclair was a member of Trinity United church Newmar ket who were on their honeymoon through parts of Ontario and USA paid her a visit Mrs is the second daughter of Mrs brother the late J Harry Small- wood who went out west to Ed monton when quite young Mr passed away about 29 years ago and this is the first family contact with the excep tion of correspondence Needless to say it was a great pleasure for Mrs to meet her bro thers daughter and husband They did not have the necessary time to visit all the family and expressed their regrets at not being able to do so July IS The W A of Holland Landing United church are holding an Ice cream social and home baking sale cm Ihe lawn at the home of Mis C Ice cream served from pm Rake sale stalls at pm and enjoy a social time with your neighbors Ice cream and cake c2vv27 Monday July Elisabeth RECEIVES SURPRISE VISIT Sloops out by Leslie Howard at the Red Theatre Jacksons Mrs Crowder was very at and each pleasantly surprised last Friday night Friday Two shows on when her niece and her husband Saturday and Tickets weekdays Saturdays children halfprice Phone Sutton 290 for reservations Tuesday July Public picnic sponsored by East Federation of Agriculture at Park Games races swim Bring basket lunch Cars leaving at am Thursday July Ids Inlanders CDC orchestra lit dance by Club of Newmarket at Memorial arena Round and square dancing Proceeds for hoys work Sunday July Toronto East Presbytery musical church service will ho held at United church tit pm Wednesday July Aurora Lions Club summer carnival street dance and entertainment Lucky draw prizes for Frozen Food cabi net bicycle and electric tea ket tle Tickets on draw from any Lions club member Kerp July ofen for Whit church Conservation Club picnic and tour to Angus Sunday July Chartered bus to Muskoka cruise Any one Interested phone Andrews Newmarket Newmarket Bund will be on the boat Thursday Aug Professional J wrestling at Newmarket Arena Time pm Saturday Auk Plan to at tend the annual Sports Day at Community park At tractions for old and young 1125 ami Thursday and l Newmarket Lions Club Monster Bingo Newmar ket Memorial Arena Proceeds for service work find Sat Aug and IK Visit the Sum mer show and Trade fair hi the Newmarket Memorial arena spon sored by the Newmarket Horticul tural Society Show open to the public daily from pm till clos ing Admission free Every Saturday bingo In North Memorial hall Kes wick at pm under the aus pices of the Building Board Spe cial prizes cards URGE EARLIER ELECTION A special meeting of ratepay ers will be held at Island Grove church Luke on Satur day July The purpose of the meeting is to urge an earlier election date for North township in order that sum mer residents are able to vote PASSES WITH HONORS Marian Gibson daughter of Mr and Mrs Roy Gibson was suc cessful in passing Grade sing ing with honors at the recent Royal Conservatory of Music ex aminations This fine showing of advanced work was splendid for a girl of 12 years Marian has had all her training from Mrs J Cane CARNIVAL POSTPONED The Oak Ridges Lions carnival the Oak Ridges school was postponed last night because of rain The carnival will be held Friday night July lllDG LAW The building inspector Ken neth Ross Mount Albert inspect or for East recom mended to the township building bylaw to al low to live In garages cm their properly until their residences have been completed The township has been declar ed a planning area now accord ing to council Under the plan ning act lots must be under a registered plan and approved by the planning board NOTICE TO CUBS All cubs wishing to go to camp are requested to meet at the Scout Hall Newmarket on Tuesday at 4f pi Brock A Ramsay son of Mr and Mrs K Ramsay Sharon recently graduated from the versity of Toronto in Mining Geology He has accepted po sition at in Northern Ontario Sutton Kinsmen Service Work To Be Aided By Theatre Night AT SPARROW LAKE Mr and Mrs J Dales and Mr and Mrs Donald Cummings spent last week holidaying at Torp Lodge Sparrow Lake Mus The Sutton Kinsmen who ore doing considerable community service work in the Sutton and Jacksons Point district will re ceive 100 percent of the proceeds from a Red Barn Theatre night Wednesday July HI The Kinsmen have set up a playground at Sutton and have donated worth of equipment for the Jacksons Point childrens near the Pavilliou The club has donated stand us boy learning to walk again Tlits summer he been sent to I a on Lake Huron Kinsmen also hud an eye vey in Sutton last year which detected bad eyesight among many children- and recommend ed corrective measures approved I grappling hooks and from Willow Bench The club is par for a seven year A g SHARON 1 to Cost the ft

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