A BULLDOZING GRADING CELLAR EXCAVATIONS Aurora The Story Of Etc j MATHEWS STIVER Soliritoxi Mathews KC Stives BA Joseph NEWMARKET OFFICE Solicit for government approved fltonft of various ska crushed concrete gravel and pit run delivered or at bin nasi phone OfBeo fit and By ETHEL This is the fifth installment of a continuing Story of Sharon from its f minding to the present The stowj was after almost two years of research will we believe be a major contribution to knowledge of the vast The remaining installments will follow weekly Air Our readers write Letters to the editor are always welcome but the names of the writers must be known to the editor The Express j i- A M MILLS CONTRACTOR House and Farm Wiring DOUG BAIN Genera Repairs Oil Burners Space Heater All Electrical Household Appliances Phone Box Ontario St Newmarket RADIO SERVICE RADIO PARTS TUBES BATTERIES ETC Main St Barrister Solicitor MAIN ST VIOLET Conveyancing In St Newmarket DENTAL A STOUFFER 19 Raglan St fcpert Piano Tuner and Repairer Pianos Bought Sold and Rented Phone DR NOBLE DENTIST Over MUNICIPAL James J Wall PLUMBING HEATING CONTRACTOR Dealer for Water Pressure Systems Arcoflame Oil Burners Cement Septic Tanks Constructed OAK RIDGES Phone Kins 111 Phone Aurora 1 1 Dr VanderVoort DENTIST Main St Phone MEDICAL iJ BOYD Indian Road TORONTO Phone ME MBRVYN PEEVER and Surge Phone Consultation by Appointment Only At residence corner of Raglan and Sts CTAHS FUELS NEWMARKET Coal Coke Wood And Stoker Coal phone Orders taken for gravel sand and crushed stone and general hauling lW and Surgeon MARGARET Physician Office Prospect St by Appointment TELEPHONE Office Residence JOHN DALY Expert Watch and Clock Repair Street or Phone ALL WORK GUARANTEED A number of those who had migrated to Upper Canada were the young and the strong and frequently marriage between former neighbors had been sol emnized shortly after arrival The Friends had their own spe cial procedure in marriage dur ing which the contracting parties after proper announcement made their vows in public meet ing without aid of ordained min ister Each solemnly promised through Divine assistance to be unto her or him a loving and faithful husband or wife until it shall please the Lord to sep arate us These marriages were under the supervision of the parent meeting on Street- As only clergymen of the Church of England were per mitted to perform a marriage ceremony those of other religious persuasions had either to wait or if outside the prescribed limit of miles they had the privil ege of being married by a Jus tice of the Peace In there were only nine clergymen in Upper Canada and Rev Adam Elliot became the first travelling Missionary in the Home District The following is a copy of a civil marriage certificate issued to two of the earlier settlers of Sharon Whereas of East and are desirous of intermarrying with each other and there being no parson or minister of the Church of England living within miles of them or either of them they have applied to me for that purpose Now these are to certify that in pursuance of the powers granted by an Act of His Majestys reign Elisha one of His Majestys Justices of the Peace have caused the previous notice by the sta tute required to be given have this day married the said and together and they are become legally contracted to each other in marriage Whitchurch this day of October Though experienced in rough frontier life not many if any of these early Sharon settlers had previous definite knowledge of the rigors of a Canadian win ter of that time where frost was king and the snows lay heavy where through the silent tenscness of the magnificent soli tude was heard only the roar of the wind or the call of the wild Only here and there could be seen above the tree tops the thin smoke from a settlers cabin and the contact with human life was that of the red man as he wend ed his way down the ancient trail from Lake In the cathedral stillness mid the woods around Sharon where the new settlers watched the first spring they had entered into a peace and a deep solemn joy that only the finest souls may know Comrades throughout the winter had been those friendly acrobats the chickadees and those clownish conversation alists the blue jays As the snow melted and rivulets rippled in loosened joy the sap rose in the maple trees where high the wild geese piloted without compass their northern course From every direction wafted on every breeze they heard the voice of song The woodpecker drummed his courting tattoo and Angel of Spring the blue bird warbled his minor notes That bird of the twilight the whippoorwill once was com mon in the Sharon woods now its weird sobbing cry is heard only among the northern pines The robins came and sung cheerio song sparrows from here from there from every where flung their arpeggios in ecstatic abandon Across the low places redwings flashed and the pipe of the was heard In the evening over the sounds and silences like a benediction pure and serene rose the hymn of the hermit thrush The premiere showing of a northern spring to those men and women in the Sharon settlement was balm in Gilead Stinging winds changed to warm breezes and as if an artist early abroad had unrolled a canvas color thickly carpeted the woody plac es and beauty brooded every where Prom lingering patches of snow peeped and drifts of starry yield ed to clumps of white and pur ple trillium violets brazen in yellow bonnets their cousins shy in blue and white modesty waited wilh the wild lupin which had borrowed its lovely color The Editor I feel mat I must write to disagree with the June remarks of Mr J Sin clair the usually excellent com mentator in charge of your Aurora News Page in connection with chain stores In strongest terms Mr Sin clair urged a ban on establish ment of any more chain stores in the area As a consumer I must protest In almost every case the chain store gives the buyer a wider choice of fine quality products i r m I ClL announces new from an April sky Canopied ranks of waxy mayapple nod ded in time to an unseen baton In the marshes the Kings cups of gold illuminated the shadows Oh sacred flowers of faith and hope As sweetly now as then Ye bloom on many a birchen slope In many a pinedark glen And through dead leaves of hope shall spring Afresh the flowers of God Everywhere in the settlement life surged in abundant promise Beyond the serrated treeline topping those hills to the east they saw the sun rise rosy red they watched it linger in the west where the dark forest stood silhouetted against its shining splendor Joyously through the years they saw the clearings turn from the lush green of spring to the ripe gold of harvest as the seasons swung into order and ever the sinister line of trees receded The optimism of con quest added new strength to their sinews Roads replaced the unspeakable trails swamps were drained bridges spanned the streams cabins were abandoned for neat farm houses A balanc ed overall economy again nega tived the theory of the accidental for the arrival of these experien ced and intelligent people from the south land marked one more epoch in history it was the beginning of the agricultural period in Upper Canada From at lower prices particularly in the food line Consumers in any town or city anywhere apprec iate the chain stores because the principle of such stores is to save wherever possible and to pass such savings along to their cust omers Also Mr Sinclairs statement that chain stores are detrimental to local merchants is not correct For one thing the experience of other communities has been that chain stores attract more busi ness In many smaller centres particularly those close to large centres chain stores tend to keep local trade at home and also to attract shoppers from the sur rounding countryside who would otherwise do their buying in big cities or by mail order catalogue In Toronto often described as a collection of small towns it is the chain stores who have been largely responsible for building up the scores of prosperous shop ping districts- In many cases chain stores hove been the pion eers in these districts The contribution of the chain stores to the Canadian merchand ising field has been very import ant Most independent store keepers will agree that the chains have helped them by showing them how distribution costs can be reduced Most independent merchants will agree that a local storekeeper who takes the trouble to be efficient has nothing to fear from chain store compet ition In smaller centres where there is only one main business dis trict chain and independent stores prosper side by side in friendly competition It seems to me that the usual ly well reading Mr Sin clair is off the beam this time Yours truly Wm MofCit J 1 FOR BLICHTS and INSECTS PINE ORCHARD Mr and Mrs Norman and Mr and Mrs Thomp son Mr and Mrs Don Ash en joyed a 4day motor trip to North Bay Sudbury South Por cupine and Falls Mr and Mrs Ash stayed hearts of these settlers round with the formers brother Mr about Sharon a mighty To Deum swelled Frank Ash South Porcupine and called on friends at CM Organic Potato Dust ZinebDDT is a fungi cideinsecticide containing the new organic fungicide Its action is effective but gentle with leaf burning during hot weather Increases Yields and Profits Organic Potato Dust docs not damage foliage or retard growth Hence plants are more vigorous and give greater yields of larger and more marketable potatoes Field tests prove that Organic Potato Dust helps growers increase yields and profits OTHER ClL POTATO PESTICIDES DEECOP Dut formerly Contains DDT and fixed copper Controls blights and insects DEECOP Spray Contains DDT and fixed copper For blights and potato insects CiL 50 DDT Especially effective against leaf hoppers and other potato insect Buy from your deafer CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED Agricultural Chemicals Division TORONTO j MISCELLANEOUS Sinclair Examined Glasses Fitted tani M ui fey Appointment Park Ave Newmarket THE VARIETY OF DESIGNS In oof oft MOOT Is sac an almost any requirement to kind and cost We alio make to order of des cription find oar wo excellent and oar prompt and priced The going was rough and the puny strength of these men was pitted against crushing forces for by the unpitying law of the wil derness failure here meant star vation but by the same law in reverse little by little tree by tree the forest yielded to the settlers axe and a new sound the sound of determination rang through the air Cutting and chopping trees piling and burning logs that today would outvalue the best farm the clearing widened and stump- dotted though they were if a settler cleared ten acres in a year it was considered excellent with the arrival of spring he scattered the meagre supply of seed Each handful sown was sown in the faith that from that age less mystery of conception would come sustenance for his family and himself against the naked cold of another winter that through his efforts a home in peace and liberty would be the reward CM i CLINIC BLDG appointment only MAIN ST W I SON NEWMARKET Private only ACTO AND LIFE AM BRICK BLOCK CARPENTRY WORK TILE SETTING LAYOUT and ESTIMATES PHONE I66J4 J Brookes Main St Newmarket INVISIBLE MENDING AND ALTERATIONS Prompt and Courteous Service NEWMARKET Phone Newmarket the drive has acclaimed for can Us yours on Chieftain Step on tit Ko on to alt yon do In normal driving the drive hat the clutch pedal And ibis year fea tures Is an automatic transmission fluid drive thats the ofllYDRA- wonderful driving easel Drive Is optional equipment at on models only in the exclusive Pontine Chieftain is luxury motoring indeed lis performance and comfort can only be described as remarkable smooth easy and sure And in outward appearance this senior Pontine is highly individual a oar thats brilliantly styled in every detail Its price We say without hesitation that the Pontine Chieftain and Chieftain hundreds of dollars less than any comparable ear Examine it closely at your Pontine dealers A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE v v Ky K- 7 s V i 7M 2Door Schn lollar for Dollar foeit A Main St NEWMARKET Z life j Office and Showroom Main St Consult us regarding i INSULATION ASPHALT ROOFING SIDING BUILTUP ROOFS We BOND tor or 20 r FT Bulldozing and Terms Grading WfMghtman QUEEN ST W Phone I S22aSi SONS Real Estate 366 Bay St Toronto LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE RUSSELL GLIDE 2 Aurora Phone King North End Oak Ridges sJ He sure to investigate the Pontiae Fleetleadcr Big safe impressive theyre priced right down with the lowest of all Powered by the farfamed engine they deliver plenty of miles per gallon Yes Pontiae gives yon far more for less See your dealer If you want utmost value in the low- price field investigate the Pontiae Fieetleader Special and Fieetleader Deluxe VSiW A I r w A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE V In Deluxe you can Iho ai of transmission In your you can drive ail touch in nothing but brake and accelerator ISM There no And your car a well a In normal driving no gear ever tor IOWEKCLIUE converter J live Wear efficiency coil on is CANADA PROVED CANADA y