Newmarket Era and Express, 12 Jul 1951, p. 4

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3 Published every Thursday at Main St Newmarket by the Newmarket Era and Express Limited Subscription for two years for one year in vance 50 cents a year extra in J the United States Single copies are 5 cents Authorized as Second Mail Post Office Depart- Ottawa Member of Class A Weeklies pt Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association arid the Audit Bureau of Circulations J From the Files of 50 JULY Among the delegates who leave Saturday for the summer school at Lake are Miss Jean Hunter Miss May Mrs Miss Marjory Stark Miss Bertha Miss Annie King Mr Lewis and Mr Big market last Saturday Any quantity of butter and eggs also green vegetables and flowers Ruling prices were eggs cents a butter cents a lb rhubarb and let- i the Church State We have been fortunate in obtaining the services of singers and musicians night July loth Johnsons Xv home in Arizona have travel across United Canada for gears ringing and playing which time they Worked in many They talent in Congregational singing solos duets and trios in playing several in including piano accordian violin and Ham- Vr organ wvwm pastor are pleased to extend a friendly welcome to and your friends to hear these outstanding fe- gi I H ft Dont the chance to show off some of your own fancy strokes this year Theres safe bathing for you and the whole family in Ontarios Lakeland ROUND TRIP BY BUS BEAVERTON JGKAVENIIUKST BURKS FALLS BALA i UN r if I KING GEORGE HOTa PHONE 300 J r I fi j I W J -i- V I l i j S- naDct it used to cott other telephone reach itce many people at could ten years ago and mors telephone are being installed every day ftM wi It MM Mff to teta yen cost or UP p W siv IS toil of luce 5 cents a bunch for 25 cents asparagus cents or for 25 cents Roses a doz peonies 1 a On June Harry Keith Johnston was baptized at the United church manse Schonv berg Four generations were present his mother Mrs sell Johnston Alton his grand- mother Mrs Roberts Cataract his great grandmother Mrs Tennyson Alton Rev Dr Caldwell conducted the i The Newmarket Horticulture society held its first flower show in the market building One hundred and twentyseven entries were exhibited Sir A won the silver cup donated by Mrs A J Davis for the best display of peonies- It has been found to vacate the premises now occupied by the York County hospital so the board of man has decided to sus pend active operations for a short time Miss Minnie Fegg Holland i- D S c h Kindergarten to Grade Jack Austin Bain Jo Anne Jane Best Paul ine Bishop Gordon Bone Brooke Broadbent Betty Burgess Lynn CIoss Ruth Paul Dill- man Donna Fines Clare Flax- man Paul Fry Sandy Carol Gardiner Peter Gordon 1 a a Drew Jean Morton Judy Mor ton Jenny David Rhodes Larry Sloss Mary Lou Angeline Watt Sandra Watt Willis Grade to Grade Allen Ronald Allen Shirley Myrna Nancy Bob Burgess Roy Cowal Carol Glenn Richard Graham Bobbie Creed Lawrence Curtis Ronald Stisan Haines Tommy Sandra Dyer Clifford Dale Linda Henry Philip Garry Hope Beverley Hughes Joan Janes Diane Johns Joyce Kyle Randy Anna Louise Diane McClymont Carol Moore Freda Sharon Brent Ran som Bonnie Saunders Sedore David Paul Rosemary Stuart Aubrey Thompson Wayne Tom- Wayne Warner Carol James Craig Wil lis Grade to Grade Richard Blackstock Barbara Carr Linda Clark Joan Antoinette Delzottt a r Fisher Fry Helen Gal Donald Glenn Ray Hol ly Jon Keeble Gladys Lane Landing left on Saturday for Ray Joan LeGreslev I a two months trip west She will visit Jasper Park Van couver and other places before returning to her duties as school nurse at Hamilton The annual Morton picnic was held at the home of Mr Morton on July 3 and attended by over Among those from a distance were Mr Nelson Morton Mr John Mor ton Mr and Mrs Seth Morton and Mr and Mrs Henry from New York state and Miss Thompson from Chicago Among the Newmarket boys home from the city for Domin ion Day were Oliver Lee Ben and Don Broughton and Jack Weir JULY Milt Walter Cain Larry Doyle and Cameron played lacrosse with Beaverton club at Barrie on Wednesday against Barrie The score was 51 for The grading at the east end of the North York fair grounds which the board was unable to complete last fail because of the frost is now about finished The high fences have been decorated by special artists from the city Mr Ed Jacksons Newmarket Joe won first money at the races at Listowel on Dominion Day A report has come from the neighborhood of Ballantrae in Whitchurch that grasshoppers are eating everything Three hundred and fifty men and teams are to start work next week on the railway from Bonds Lake to There was only a small mar ket last Saturday Eggs were firm at and cents and butter at and with choice at 17 cents Old pota toes to cents a bag During the heavy thunder storm that passed over this sec tion last Friday night the Met ropolitan car was struck by lightning No one was hurt but the car was two hours late Miss Emma Baker a for mer Queensvilte girl has re ceived the appointment of president of Mount Allison ladies college King plowmen have elected Jamieson president P vice president J secretary treasurer The old roller skating rink has been lorn down and most of the lumber sold and taken away There was over feet of lumber in the building Miss Kavanagh formerly of the Newmarket post office returned from the American Soo last Friday Susan Lockhart Wayne Martin John May Welch Gail Wil son Jimmy Woodcock Grade Z to Grade Patty Lee Atkins John Bliz zard Carr Jimmy Cook Effie Roy Dewar Gale Ennis Katy Flicker Patricia Susan Graham Ted Ion Jimmy Million Lynn neaux Donald Parks Peter Sis- ler Donna Smith Gail Grade 3 to Grade Graham Kenneth Mur ray Hunt Doris Huntley Barry Jones Bob Kerr Francis Lewis Earl Lothian Edna Helen Karl Anna Morton Floyd Morton Anne Peacock Marvin Petersen Larry Proctor George Bob Gary Saunders Mar- Sinclair Bradley Walker Helen Watt Lois Weir Donald Grade to Grade Allen Lloyd Baker Ju dith Bell Kenneth Bell Ronald Bray Patsy Brown Harvey Bur ling Patsy Cock Barbara Col lins Margaret Crowder Joan Curtis Richard Davidson John Galbraith Barbara Gibson Bet ty Graves Wilma Harden Wan da Hill Kay Mavis va Sandra Carolyn Marie Mitch- jell Olson Michael Pea cock David Puree Beverley Norman Smart Rob ert Taylor Evelyn Wadsworth Larry Weir Betty Helen Bill ST JOHNS I Roy Brown Donald Cook Grade laid Wilson Shirley Wayne Croutch Donald James Lake Alice LeGresley Tommy Arthur Beverly Don ald Robinson Marilyn Tait Law rence Tite Bobby Williamson Grade to Grade Jean Bonnie Bain Dale Bennington Diane Greig Jewel Holly Joan Lane to Grade Si Maureen West Donna Casey Rosalie Ross Sam Pat John Grade to Grade Colleen Cain Bill Cain A Curran Mary Mary Quinn Grade to Grade Donna Barber Norma Burling George Case George Davis Guy Shirley Ann Ruth Glenn Donald Green Bet ty Donald Harrison Donald Jackson Duncan Johns ton Geraldine Jar vis Jean Anne Lego Jim Moore Michael Murray Phillips John Headman Beth Robinson Rowland Bill Saunders Gloria Shropshire Lome Shropshire Donna Stick- wood Donald Sutton Watson Raymond VanMook Weddet Margaret Winter Marion Winter STUART SCOTT SCHOOL Grade to Grade Newmarket years old on Friday July Marion Gibson Newmarket years old on Saturday July Ward Newmarket old on Saturday July Donna Sains William Richard Sew- avid market years old on Sunday July Jean Kleanor New market 3 years old on Sunday July Karl It a verts hoe years years old on Monday July Margaret Ruth Wilkinson Sharon years old on Monday July Gordon Rae Miller Sharon 10 years old on Monday July Jack Hopkins Holt years old on Monday July Douglas Holt It years old on Monday July Bobby Burgess Newmarket years old on Monday July Newmarket years old on Wednesday July Keith Holt years on Wednesday July Linda Jean Smart years old on Wednesday July David Dion Aurora years old on Wednesday July Betty and Barbara Auroral years old on Wednes day July Joy Catharine North Vancouver BC years on Thursday July nS2 I Betty McDonald Barbara SJL Neil Raymond John Readme Stevens Nancy Walsh Jack West Grade to Grade Donald Curran Douglas Catherine Gibson Mary Patricia Ross ise Patricia Wilson Pauline West Grade to Grade Sandra Guy Terry Gorman Abbot Leslie Bailie Maureen Ballard iQuinn Jean Raymond Jimmie Larry Jilt Vale Matthew Walsh Jim Ward Mary Margaret West Rose Ann West Sheila Tudhope Sandra Ritchie Grade to Grade 2 Betsy Ann Brown Clifford Carol Ann Duncan Sheila Flanagan Peter Gold smith Hugh Paul Seneca Cather ine Ritchie Ronald No BAST FRANKLIN SCHOOL As a result of the June exam inations combined with the re cord of the years work the fol lowing promotions have been made Pupils names in order of merit Grade to Grade Margaret Norma Brown Hi Shirley Maker if Frederick Grade to Grade Marion Baker Larry Grade to Grade fia Joan Murphy to Grade Gary Grade to to linker- a Wilfred Roses Irene Kern I to Paul liuk- Chile to Grade Billy Harriet Jovce Murray Callaghan Patricia Cullen Jack Paul han David McCaffrey Leona Proulx Karen Taylor Anthony Tudhope Peter Vale Catherine West Grade to Grade Barry Buckler Shirley Craig Matthew Cullen Anne Daly Billy Daly Catherine Folkes cooper g Ron- aid Grade 1 Josef Allan Dianne Mere- weather Ian Park equal Best attendance record Norma Brown Principal Grant Ferguson No East The fourth Grade to Jim Barbara Taylor hon Grade to 9t Barbara Page Guy Pottage Bernard Taylor Grade to Leonard Mary Ring Smith Grade to Micks Smith Grade to Carol Eves Joanne hon Grade to Dale Pegg Ring Marion Smith hon Donald Walker Grade to Bobby Page Olive hon Johnny Smith Grade to Betty Teacher Miss Harri son No East Sharon To grade Audrey June Pinder Roy Mrs Irene Proctor del Don Lecuyer Christie Hall To grade Kathleen Smith Robert Vernon Evelyn To grade Elizabeth II Marian Wright H Peter H David Case Pat ricia Hall Allan Boyd Rich ard Rogers To grade Pauline Van Doris Scott To grade Geneive Bray Wilford Scott To grade Virginia Boyd Beth Stokes David To grade Catherine Boyd H Joe Scott POPLAR BANK SCHOOL Names arranged in alphabeti cal order Grade to Grade Terry Sythes Grade to Grade Shirley King Grade to Grade Billy Oliver Grade Cooper Grade to Grade Catherine Grade to Grade Jack Con stable Bobby Vernon Wilders Grade to Grade Jack Cooper Paris Jimmie La Robert Ballard Rita Sally John Collins Susan Dales Shirley Dennis Nancy Garrett Paul Huntley Betty Jaques Kenneth Lothian John Brian Peat Bobbie Primrose June Harry Thompson Gordon Watt George Willis Grade 2 to Grade Ruth Allen Jack Arnold Bruce Baker Donna Banks Willie Bom me Rodney Brown Harry Cable Dennis Cuppage Dunham Jill Gould Diane Bob Brian Marilyn Keats Marie COT Billy McComb Howard Morton Newton Dorothy Patsy Myron Taylor Thornton Sharon Peter Watt Weir Ron aid Williams Grade to Grade Vernon Randy Armour Ruth Atkinson Jimnio Bailie Joan Banks Colin Barbara Burgess Judy Cable Brute Lynda Ronald Dunham Garry Gould Carol Graham Larry Hill Larry Paul Perry Carol Pollock Judith Grade to Grade Ralph Larry Bone Harry Davis Diane Goring Gloria Hill John Hodge Robert Hunter John Leonard Dorothy Ann May David McConih Henry Morns Mount Rhodes Douglas Betty Moiva Stick- wood Muriel Thompson Wilson Catherine Young Grade to Grade Donald Bone Betty John Rodger Mount Ken neth Preston Linda Raymond Sheridan Carol Vernon Gordon Tom Wolfe Grzde to Grade Abbott Allan Shirley Baker John Gary Terry Gordon Burgess Judith Carter Sheila Collins Carol Dixon Alma Gil bert Marilyn Ruth Gordon Gould Donna Gould Donald Billy Hark ess OT Louis Hooking Rosemary Johns Bob- Teacher Edith- M Belfry ROYAL CONSERVATORY The following is a list of suc cessful candidates in examina tions held recently by The Royal Conservatory of Music of Tor onto in Newmarket The names fire arranged in order of merit PIANO Grade Marshall pass Gladys Edwards Beverly Morton Marie Edwards Grade Martha pass Phyllis Jean Ruth Lee Grade Pass Marvin Clark Donna Barber Eileen Broad equal Grade Pass Rusnell Grade Cake Billy Rae Agnes Mary Vale Keith Profit Mary Lou VanZant equal pass Robert Fines Harriet Swindell Grade First class honors Susan Douglas Jane Cook Jean Harmon Marilyn Perks equal Grade 2 First class honors Mary Lou Helen Lem on Jean ReveiU equal John Hodge Or line Diane Ratciiff Bryan Brit tain Diane Goring equal Donna Gail Ball Isabel In equal Barry Buckler Paul Grace Shier Elean or Jean equal Terry Bills tirade Alnii Jane Clark sou pass Ruin Fountain tirade Mrs W Marian Gihsoii Grille X I rule j Aim David Wink- MANY OF OUR SHAREHOLDERS ARE MEN BUT women outnumber men among regis- individual shareholders of Dominion Textiles common stock There are women and 2225 men and the women own more shares thon the men Over percent of these shareholders live in Canada They live in all provinces with Quebec Ontario British Columbia Manitoba and Scotia leading in that order None of these shareholders owns much as one per cent of the stock Dominion Textile Company limited I Of PRODUCTS The Limited has maintained dependable daily service between Montreal Toronto and Chicago for more than 50 years providing fast service Canadian Nationals smooth doublecrack roadbed with automatic block signals ail the way Complete comfort is yours in modern coaches sleepers new duplex roomette and luxurious cars wonderful meals in bright uptotheminute dining cars Its the reliable allweather way to travel between Montreal Cornwall Kingston Belleville Port Hope Osliawii Toronto Hamilton Loudon Detroit and Chicago Poal Toronto only for rations and information regarding your and travel nerds set write or phone four local CANADIAN NATtONtL Passenger Agent SfBVtHO All mm SALES SERVICE J J f F TO HAVE rf A NEW COMFORT TOO DEI AYS WITH NEW

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